Chapter 39
Ciel and I finished our shower rather quickly. We washed each others hair, which was enjoyable in all honesty, before stepping out.
Immediately, I gripped a towel and wrapped it around myself due to the cold air clashing with my bare skin.
"Damn, it's cold." I whine.
Suddenly, Ciel wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I felt his body heat radiate onto mine, resulting in immediate warmth.
"Better?" He asks sweetly, kissing my shoulder lovingly.
I suppress a grin and nod. "Thank you. But how are you so warm..?"
The bluenette chuckled. "I'm a demon. There's a lot I can do."
I blink twice before making an 'Oh!' face. "I nearly forgot. What other kind of things can you do?"
He shrugs. "Just ask me to do something."
"Uh...dry me? I'm cold and unable to think of something at the moment." I shrug.
Before I knew it, Ciel ran around me at a fast speed; the wind hitting my body. Sooner than expected, I was dried off completely.
"Done! I can do your hair as well, if you'd like." He smirked proudly.
I remain shocked. "Th-That wasn't even thirty seconds!"
"Why so surprised? You have abilities of your own." The bluenette pointed out.
"Yeah...but...just--never mind." I sigh in defeat. "What would you do with my hair?"
(Okay, so I know a lot of you readers have different hair lengths. So read under which best fits. )
Long hair:
Ciel ran his fingers through my long (H/C) hair. "I think I'll put it up in a bun."
"You know how to do that?" I ask, rather surprised.
He sighs. "Unfortunately. Elizabeth forced me into hair styling at one point in time. It didn't help that Nina, my tailor, was there as well."
I snicker to myself while he begins to comb my hair.
Once he was done brushing it, the bluenette put my hair up in a bun using a tie and braids. I smile in the mirror while waiting.
Short hair:
"So, since your hair is shorter, I was considering putting pink roses through it like a crown. Unless you would prefer to wear the hat." Ciel said while playing with my strands.
"Whatever you think will work, mister barber." I tease with a chuckle.
"Hold your tongue." The younger demon huffed; making roses appear on the desk.
"How do you even know some of these things? I wasn't aware that it was common among males to have the ability to style hair." I asked, looking at our reflections in the mirror.
"Long, and annoying story. Just know that Elizabeth had something to do with it." The bluenette muttered. I stifle a snicker and watch him place the flowers in my (H/C) hair.
Once done:
"Voila!" Ciel grinned at his work.
A wider grin spreads across my face as I observe it. "It looks lovely, thank you so much, Ciel."
Turning around, I kiss his cheek lightly. A blush dusted across the bluenettes face immediately after.
"Awe, Ciely, you're blushing!" I tease.
"I am not!" He counters with a harsh tone.
"Your face says otherwise."
"You know what-"
"Young master, lady (Y/N)! The guests will be arriving within the hour! I have preparations ready, but you two must be down here!" Sebastian called from down the stairs and up to us.
Smirking, I poke Ciel's lips. "Shhh, just help me get the dress on."
Sighing, the younger demon nods. "Alright, alright."
Grabbing up the clothing, I start to pull the dress down over my head.
"Wait," He removes the dress quickly from me with a smug look. "you need the corset."
"What?!" My eyes widen. "That will not happen!"
"You must wear it, it's what'll help the dress fit better."
"Fit better?! It won't make my organs fit better!"
"Glad you'll feel my pain as well. Now bend over the side of the bed." He picks up the corset.
"Oh, new position~?" I purr teasingly.
Ciel's face goes red quickly. "N-Not in that way!"
"You lie, Phantomhive." Snickering, I grip the side of the bed. "Just..get it over with..."
"Revenge is sweet." He smirked wickedly, placing it around my waist before pulling the strings.
"Ngh..!" I grunt in discomfort as Ciel tugs them tighter.
"Is something the matter?" The younger demon taunts. He forces the corset tighter around me before I could respond.
"Sh-Shut up, you cheeky bastard excuse of a--AH!" I was cut off by a sudden pain shooting through my abdomen.
"Say it again?" He taunts me. I shoot him a death glare with clenched teeth. "If you don't stop now, I'll tighten this around your throat."
Ciel's eyes widened as he tied the strings of the corset. "Alright, alright!"
Standing up straight, I stretch and sigh in relief. "Thank you for listening."
"Well, you did threaten me."
"Oops?" I giggle innocently. "Now get the dress."
Obeying, Ciel gets the dress and helps pull it down past my head and onto me. I put my arms through the holes after.
"Alright, is my hair okay?" I ask hopefully.
"Yes, it looks great. And so do you." The bluenette pulls me close and pecks my lips.
"Thank you, love." I blush lightly with a giggle.
"My turn to get ready?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Oh! Yes, of course!" Grinning, I race to the closet and throw out a white button up shirt, ocean blue coat, and black dress pants.
The clothing all manages to land on Ciel's face in the process once I turned around.
"You have a little something on your face, Ciel."
He huffed while picking the pants up from off his head. "I am well aware, thank you, (Y/N)."
"It was not intended!" I add quickly.
"Of course," The bluenette rolled his eyes in the process of handing me the white shirt. "Just shut up and help me."
"Yes, my lord." I chuckle and hold up the article of clothing. Ciel slips his arms through the holes, then turns around so I can button it together.
He puts the pants on by himself, although I assisted in putting his socks and black shoes on.
"Are you ready, my lady?" The younger demons asked with an extended arm. I nod happily and link arms with my lover.
For a reason I'll soon discover later, there was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. The ball wouldn't be what any of us expected.
I'm sorry this is late...again. But, I swear I'll get better at updating for you all! Get prepared for a ton of drama in the chapters to come. I'm apologizing now for the fact that there won't be as many happy moments. I'll make it up to you all later!
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