Chapter 24
Hello there readers! I would like to thank you all with an early update. I've gotten so many reads, votes, and comments from you guys. Thank you all so so much for sticking with my story. Happy reading!
•Ciel's POV•
"Where is she?!" I paced the room, worried and agitated.
"Where is who, my lord?" Sebastian asked.
"(Y/N)! She never came back yesterday, or the day before that..."
"I suppose she just got busy."
"I hope so. Although I'm still worried about her."
"Don't you have a fiancé to be more concerned with? She's arriving back home in less than two days."
"I'm aware, Sebastian."
"Just a reminder. As far as Lady Elizabeth knows, you two are still betrothed."
"I know that! But I can't marry her. Not when I love someone else."
He snickers. "And where is that someone else?"
I glare at the demon. "I'm not sure. Do you know where their headquarters is?"
"Unfortunately yes. Why may I ask?"
"Send a letter. Invite (Y/N) over and add that's it's urgent."
"Yes, my lord."
•Alois' POV•
"Claude! Get in here!" I shout through my closed study door.
"Yes your highness?" My butler asks, entering the room.
"Who was that man that picked (Y/N) up yesterday?"
"Ah. William T. Spears is his name. Reaper to be exact. I assume he came to retrieve Miss (Y/N)."
"Well I know. He seemed angry with her, I hope he didn't do anything..."
"I'm sure she is fine, your highness."
"But what if that reaper did something to her? Like a punishment?"
"I'm not sure that would happen-"
I cut him off, "I don't care what you think. Write a letter to wherever (Y/N) is. Say she's needed at the Trancy manor as soon as possible."
"Yes, your highness."
•Aaannndddd Your POV•
Nikki and I returned to headquarters, just to pass out immediately in our warm beds. Our night was exhausting after being out until seven in the morning.
"I'm glad I got to see you again,
( Y/N)." Ciel smiled softly.
"I'm glad too." I chuckle and snuggle against my love. Everything was so peaceful and nice. For once.
Suddenly, Elizabeth and Alois burst into the room.
"Ciel~! How-" She stopped, "Who's that?! Are you cheating on me??" Tears fell from her eyes.
Alois stared at me, frowning. "I-I'm sorry for interrupting...I'll just go." He wiped his icy cold eyes.
Lizzie was screaming at Ciel. He let go of me and got up with her.
"Lizzie! I promise it's not what it looks like!" Ciel pleaded.
I felt terrible. My heart dropped as I walked to the door.
"Where are you going, (Y/N)?" Alois and Ciel asked, "You haven't chosen yet."
"I can't choose! I love you both...I think." I mumble and look at them. Before I could walk out the door, it slammed shut.
"You can never leave. Not until you pick." The two boys spoke in sync.
Then, Ciel walked to me. "If you pick me, my fiancé will be heartbroken. How will that feel to you? Taking away someone else's love? And what about Alois? He really has fallen for you."
Alois followed. "What if you pick me? Ciel will be the one heartbroken. He's never trusted anyone so much before. Then he will be forced to marry Lizzie, someone he doesn't love in a romantic way. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
"Stop!" I screamed, covering my ears, "Shut up! Leave me alone!" There was a shaking sensation. I heard my name being called repeatedly. "NO!"
~End of dream~
"(Y/N)! Wake up!!" Nikki shook my shoulders violently.
"AH!!" I jump up while still shivering.
"Are you okay??" She asked, hugging me.
"Y-Yea, I'm fine." I groan and sigh.
"You were screaming a lot. What happened?"
"Nothing, nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I shake my head, "Why did you wake me up?"
Nikki patted my back and got up, returning with two open envelopes.
"These came under the door, addressed to you." She showed me the envelopes. I turn them over and frown.
"Trancy and Phantomhive estate. What did the letters say?"
Nikki took a deep breath. "Um...(Y/N)? We have a problem."
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