Chapter 11
•Ciel's POV•
I was enveloped in darkness as my body lie on the cold floor.
'Damn her.' I thought while sitting up. I crawled around until my hands found the door. I opened it and went into the lighting of the hall.
Closing the door, I stood up. Okay, new plan.
"Since she doesn't have weaknesses, let's find (Y/N)'s secrets." I grinned wickedly. I know she has healing abilities. I wonder what else she can do.
"How can I test my theory's? I wonder if she's telepathic. Or can read minds..." I ran over all the possibilities of powers this girl could have. If her mother was an angel and father a reaper, then the possibilities are about endless.
"Well first things first (I'm the realist), I need a plan." I thought aloud and walked to the library.
•Your POV•
Ciel needs to work on his strategies. First, he was thinking out loud, so I heard most of his plan from behind the thin walls. Second, his first two attempts were utterly stupid.
'Now I know Ciel's abilities without his butler.' I thought while searching the library.
"The Invisible it. Alice in it twice. Ugh." I collapsed onto a nearby chair. This game is getting boring. Ciel better think of something good or I'm out of here.
Suddenly, a book fell off a shelf nearby.
I stared at it. Does he really think I'm that stupid? Fun fact, I can move things with the wave of a hand. But books don't randomly fall off shelves in a silent library.
Standing up, I walk over and put the book back in its place. I skipped out the doors and down the hall. The couch downstairs was calling my name.
Relaxing, I sighed. 'Ciel might not be as stupid as I take him for.' I heard footsteps and Ciel walked outside without a single word of acknowledgement.
He's probably setting me up.' I smirked and rolled over, 'Ciel might be a worthy opponent after all.'
Suddenly Finny burst into the once silent room, "Miss (Y/N)! Please help!"
I shot up and ran over to the shaking blonde.
"What happened?!" I followed him to the garden.
"I asked the young master to get the lawn clipper when the storage roof collapsed!"
"Well let's go!"
'Finny has super strength. Why can't he help? And where is Sebastian?' I was confused and too nervous to thing straight. Ciel's being crushed under a wooden roof, he's my main priority.
Turning a corner, I saw the front of his small body under a pile of planks.
"Ciel!" I shouted to him, "You ok??"
"H-Hurry up." He groaned.
"I can't lift the wood, it's to heavy." Finny explained while standing to the side.
"Alright, I'll get him out." I wrapped my hands around a plank.
"I can help!"
"No, I got it."
With one hand I lifted the first one, then the second. I took each plank with a single hand motion, throwing them across the garden. Thirty seconds later, I was able to reach Ciel's torso to lift him. I reached and picked the bluenette up bridal style.
"H-How?!" Finny gawked at me in amazement. I smiled and shrugged, turning my attention to the boy in my arms.
"You alright, Ciel?" I asked, my voice full of concern.
"Yes I'm fine." He grinned and wiggles out of my grasp, "So you have super-human strength. Interesting indeed."
I frowned and face-palmed. 'I was so worried that I didn't consider this to be a trap.'
"I'm smarter than you think, (Y/N). Although I'm afraid this game will have to end." He bowed to me and took my hand in his. We intwined our fingers together.
"Thanks for the fun Ciel. I will consider showing you my talents before I leave this afternoon." I spoke as we made our way back to the manor.
"Oh really? I would appreciate that." Ciel gave a small smile while we walked.
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