|School|☆Chapter - 4☆
Shit! shit! shit! shit! I'm late! I scream frantically.
I make a quick sloppy looking sandwich and put it in a ziplock bag along with fruits, chips, and a lunchable.
I brush my teeth and get ready and grab my backpack and throw random shit in there along with my snacks and tamagotchi, Etch A Sketch, and phone.
Finally I get on the bus and as I was walking on the bus I see Gregory in the bus next to a boy who seemed to be saying rude things to Gregory.
Ahem. I say as I clear my throat.
Look everyone it's Gregory's girlfriend y/n coming to save him! The bully says.
Everyone starts laughing.
What are you even doing here loser the bully says to me.
I'm here to make out with you. I say rolling my eyes.
He blushes after I say this.
To go to school and defend my friend you idiot. Now, Shut the hell up and go kiss the floor. I say.
Everyone laughs again.
The bully rolls his eyes and goes to sit somewhere else.
Woah I didn't know you went to the same school as me! And what you said was awesome! Thanks for helping me! Gregory says smiling.
I know right I'm so cool. I say smiling before sitting next to Gregory.
Y/n.? Gregory asks.
Yeah? I reply.
How'd you get these cuts and bruises? He asks.
I look at him nervously.
Shit. I forgot to bring my jacket.. I say in my head.
M- my brother likes to play fight with me... I lie.
Oh.. ok... he says and I know he didn't believe the lie.
|time skip|
Y/n wake up. A voice called for me as I woke up.
Huh? I say.
We're at school. Gregory says.
I wake up with my head on Gregory's lap.
I blush and quickly and off.
O-ok. I say before we both get off the bus.
Okkk so I have math first what about you? I ask Gregory.
I also have math! Gregory says.
Yes! I finally have a friend to suffer with in math! I say grinning.
We head to math. fortunately Gregory's seat is next to me.
Not even 3 minutes in I start doodling on paper and playing my tamagotchi.
Gregory just draws dragons and weird but cool shit.
How the hell did you draw that? Your an artist! I tell Gregory.
Why thank you. Gregory says grinning.
Look what I drew! I show gregory my drawing which is him and me holding hands 👫 I was also extra and drew us as anime characters.
Awesome! I look so hot in that drawing. He says which makes me roll my eyes and smile.
Your so gay. I say chuckling.
For myself, yes. He says.
Time skip lunch time.
Nah I swear I just threw some random shit in there making this sloppy ass sandwich I don't even like mayo. I say talking to Gregory.
Well I got Chick-fil-A Gregory says bragging.
Awe man you better give me a goddamn fry. I say.
What do I get in exchange? He says.
My love. I say joking.
He blushes and rolls his eyes.
Ok ok how about.. I say before looking in my backpack.
An etch a sketch and pizza lunchable. I say.
Deal. He says before getting one fry and shoving it in my mouth.
Bitch what is this? I say.
A fry. He replies.
I wanted at least 3 fries. I say.
Well you did say "a fry" he says.
Besides I don't know where your crusty dusty musty sweaty ass hands been. I say.
Excuse me? He says offended.
I grab two fries out the bag and eat them while making eye contact with gregory.
Bitch did not just- Gregory says before I cut him off.
I did. Whatchu gon do about it? I say smirking.
Long story short a food fight started with everyone included.
TAKE THIS ASSHOLE! Gregory says throwing food at me.
EAT SHIT MOTHER FUCKER!! I scream back at him.
YOU OWE ME!! Gregory screams.
Oh yeah we're on top of the table by the way 😊
IT WAS AVERAGE! a random boy screamed at me.
SHUT UP! Me and Gregory both scream at the boy.
Gregory picks up his "metal tray" (Stfu I need to make it extra so yeah its metal and not foam or plastic) and accidently throws it at my head.
Y/N!! Was the last thing I heard before passing out.
(Wordcount 774)
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