☆Chapter - 25☆
I was so exhausted.
I was laying in my bed daydreaming.
I can't believe Cassie and Gael are dating now..
I admit. Before Gregory I had a small crush on Gael but now I'm dating Gregory.
I miss the pizzaplex. That reminds me.. I remember when I was sleeping It was a message.
ll'eh llik ouy oot fi ouy t'nod nur.
Or something like that.
What was it about though..
Maybe in a different language.
I got up and got paper.
Then I had a dream.. I couldn't find Gegory. But when I opened a door something was there but I don't remember.
Maybe the words are backwards?
He'll kill you too if you don't run. I said slowly while writing it down.
The fuck does that mean?
Probably nothing.
I'm probably overthinking it.
I wonder if they'll ever fix the pizzaplex plex?
I went on my computer and searched up the pizzplex.
Hmm. It's still messed up.
What's this? Secrets in behind the pizzaplex?
I clicked on it and there was a article.
I sighed and read it some of it.
Kids disappearing inside pizzaplex.
Blood found in one of the play structures at the daycare...
Killer found.... I was hesitant to read the next part.
William Afton. I gulped and continued reading.
William Afton son and wife left him leaving him with 3 other kids.
Elizabeth. Evan. And micheal.
The last kid remains unidentified..
William afton wanted to train his kids to become killers and micheal killed his brother Evan.
Three people died today at 12:20 am. Could it be William or his kids?
It remains unknown where he and his kids are today.
I hurriedly shut my computer off and got up.
No way in hell is Gregory William aftons child.
It's probably a different person but same last name.
I checked the time. It was 2 am.
I'm started to get freaked out.
Even if they were related Gregory would never kill. Right?
But three people died today... ok calm down.
He's not a killer.
I'm pretty stupid for almost believing it. I said and chuckled to myself nervously.
I should sleep. I have to go to therapy tomorrow but luckily today is Saturday.
I went to my bed and fell asleep.
• • • • •
Oh my fucking goodness if this lazy as bitch doesn't open the door!
I groaned and got up and went to the door.
I opened the door and saw Gael and the group.
Fucking finally I thought you died. Gael said.
I was sleeping asshole. I said.
We're going to the movie theaters to see a scary movie wanna come? Gael asked.
I looked at Gregory and panicked.
Ok y/n. Calm down its not real.
Yup! Totally definitely! I see you tomorrow! I mean today! But when I'm ready! I'll do that! Right now! I said and rushed inside and got ready.
When I finished I went outside.
I got a car today so we're bout to get lit! Gael said.
I wish I had a car. Cassie said.
Why get a car when you can ride-
Don't finish that sentence. Noah said.
Cassie shook her head.
We I call shotgun! I said not wanting to sit by Gregory.
Nu uh bestie. I love you but I wanna be with my girlfriend. Gael said.
I rolled my eyes and Cassie gave me a apologetic look.
Willow and Zoey didn't come. I guess they were busy.
It was Gregory me and noah in the back.
Noah.. wanna switch seats? I whispered to him. Guessing Gregory heard because he gave me a confused look.
Why? He asked.
Because.. I want to sit by a window. I said making up a excuse.
You can switch with me! Gregory said smiling.
I sighed.
Thanks Greg! I said the switched with him.
Are we ready bitches and sweetheart.
I rolled my eyes once again.
Yup now drive. Noah said.
I don't know. You better not crash. Gregory said.
I was born ready. Cassie said.
Then your probably going to die ready if we crash. Gregory said.
I hit him on the head.
Ow! Your so mean! Gregory said.
Noah whispered something and rolled his eyes.
What was that? Gregory asked Noah.
I said your childish. Noah said.
Oh I'll show you childish! Gregory said about to do something to Noah but Gael suddenly stopped the car making Gregory fall.
Yall better shut the fuck up while I'm driving! Gael said before continuing driving.
Gregory opened his mouth to say something but then closed it.
Afton... William.. Gregory afton... three bodies... I thought to myself.
Are you ok n/n? Gregory asked me.
What did you do after the party yesterday? I asked him ignoring his question.
I know it was stupid to ask right now but I need to know.
I was walking home why? Gregory asked.
At what time? I asked him.
12:00. He said.
My heart dropped when he said that.
We're here! Gael said.
I rushed out of the car.
You ok y/n? Cassie asked walking over to me putting her hand on my shoulder.
Yeah. I said.
Gregory started walking over to me.
Let's get inside now guys! I said and speed walked inside the theater.
Everyone seemed confused but ignored it.
What snacks do you guys want? Gael asked us.
I don't want any. I said.
Ok then, I'll get you chips and skittles. He said.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
Thanks. Cassie said.
No problem. Gael said.
I stopped smiling when I realized he was talking to Cassie.
Gregory and noah paid for their own snacks and drink.
Also two bags of popcorn. Gael said.
We then decided to watch scream 4 and went to go sit Down.
Noah by Gregory I'm on the other side of Gregory then Gael by me and Cassie at the end of Gael.
Here y/n. Gael said trying to give me m&ms.
No thanks. I said.
Gael sighed and shoved it in my mouth.
I started choking but then swallowed.
Nice going Gael. Gregory said and rolled his eyes before letting me get some of his drink.
Shit. She wouldn't eat it. Gael said.
So? Gregory said.
Gael ignored Gregory and shared his candy with Cassie.
Noah was eating popcorn and watched the movie.
I couldn't focus at all...
Why would a 15 year old with a good life be a murderer...
I got cut off my thoughts by Gregory placing his hand on my thigh.
Harmless.. right? I said in my mind while blushing.
I looked at Gregory and saw him eating popcorn while watching the movie.
I got cut off Again by screaming for Gael and the movie.
OOH SHIT! That scared the shit out of me. Gael said.
It wasn't even all that. Besides what do you expect? It's scream. Noah said.
Creepy. Cassie said talking about Noah because he didn't scream or flinch.
Agreed. Gael said.
You guys are just babys. Noah said.
Gregory rolled his eyes and threw popcorn at Noah.
Stop talking I'm enjoying this wonderful movie. But not so wonderful as y/n. Gregory said.
Cliché. Noah said and threw popcorn back at Gregory.
Throw some more popcorn and see what happens gael said.
Cassie laughed.
Well shit. Here comes the jealousy again. I whispered to myself.
|wordcount| 1230 words.
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