Chapter 5
Draco's POV
I couldn't believe what Skeeter did, reporting awful rumors such as Hermione dating Harry, Harry lying about Voldemort's return, etc. But, to stoop this low. I mean she talked to my EX DEATH EATER father who is also a homophobic, to talk about Harry dating me an EX DEATH EATER. I absolutely hated having to be a death eater and serving Voldemort, but my father made me.
I sighed and I rested my head on top of Harry's head. He giggled and leaned back more into me. I smiled and tried to focus on the tv. A few minutes later Harry fell asleep on me. I smiled and attempted to stand up, lucky for me the fates were on my side. I carried him bridal style up the stairs and into his room, I laid him on top of his bed, put the blankets over on top of him, kissed him on his forehead, and was starting to walk to the door. Before I could reach the door I heard him whisper, "Can you stay with me?"
I smiled and nodded while walking over to his bed and slipping in the bed with him. I wrapped my arms around him and he snuggled back. He let out a content sigh and fell back asleep. I smiled and went off into dreamland.
Draco's dream
I was back at Malfoy Manor, it was as dark and creepy as it had been the last time I was there. It felt like it was freezing and I could see my breath in the dim lighting. I walked down the dim lit hallway I was in, then I heard voices, "Do you think he is ready my lord?" I recognized it as my father's voice.
"Yessssss I believe sssso." Voldemort hissed. I struggled to keep my breath steady, then I tried to focus back on the conversation. "You may go now, Lucius." Voldemort hissed at my father.
Then the scene changed, and I was at Hogwarts. I recognized it as the Astrometry Tower, it was just like the night when I was supposed to kill Dumbledore. I couldn't do it, so Uncle Sev did it so I didn't have to suffer with the guilt of the murder. I watched as uncle Sev said, "Avada Kedevra." Then as Dumbledore fell off the tower. I was sobbing, then I was jolted awake from the nightmare.
I looked over to Harry, and was looking worriedly at me as I caught my breath after the dream. I buried my head into his shoulder and sobbed. He rubbed my back and tried to soothe me. I eventually got it down to just occasional hiccups or sniffs. "Can you tell me what your dream was about?" Harry asked me.
I nodded my head and told him about it. When I reached the end he was hugging me. Then he kissed me, is was sweet and didn't last too long. I came in for another kiss, but this time more passionate. I licked his bottom lip asking for permission and he opened his mouth. I put my tongue in his mouth trying to memorize it. Then I heard a knock on the door before it opened. I looked up and saw a blushing Remus, "ummm was I interrupting something.....? Ummm lunch's ready." He nervously told us.
"N-no, you w-weren't interrupting s-something." Harry stuttered with his face fully red from blushing. I was blushing also myself from embarrassment. Somehow when Harry and I were kissing I had ended up on top of him. I was still blushing as I got off of Harry. Remus had already ran out of there as fast as he could've.
Remus's POV
I exited from Harry's room while blushing, I had caught them making out. I wasn't expecting that when I came into his room. Sirius came up to me a couple of seconds later and saw I was blushing near Harry's room. Sirius has a knowing smirk on his face. He checked me out looking me up and down and bit his lip. I walked closer to him and playfully hit his arm.
He smirked, put his hand on my back dipped me down, and kissed me. When he put me back up my face was even more red than before. He wrapped his arm around me and led me to the kitchen. Then he pulled out a chair near the table, I sat down and he pushed me in like a gentleman. I looked at him and asked, "Ok Siri what do you want?" Knowing he was wanting something.
"Oh nothing...." he replied going over to the plates that had the food on them and gabbing 2 of the 4 plates. Then he walked over to the table and put them on it.
"I know your wanting something you never act like this unless you're wanting something." I stated.
"Fine, I'm wanting to go out on a date sometime. With Harry and Draco here we don't have as much alone time, so I'm wanting to go out on a date with you." He finally confessed.
"Of coure I will Siri." I told him, as I stood up. I went up to him and embraced him. He gave me a quick peck on the lips, than sat down in his seat. He started eating and I sat down too. I started eating when Harry and Draco walked in still blushing from earlier, which they only got redder when they saw me.
"H-hi." Harry stuttered shyly. I smiled at him.
Then Siri told them, "The food is on plates on the counter."
"O-ok." Harry stuttered.
"Ok." Draco replied as they both walked over to the counter grabbing their plates. Then they sat down and dug into their food. After I finished eating I went into the living room and grabbed a book. I sat on the couch and started reading. 10 minutes later Siri walked in, shifted into his animangus, came over to me, and licked me. I fell on the floor the book spread open on the ground near me.
He continued to lick my face, while I was laughing. He shifted back into his normal human form and kissed me lovingly. I secretly grabbed my book and swatted him with it. "HEY!" He shouted and I giggled. You'd think that we weren't fully grown men with how we were acting. He got off of me, and went over to the couch. He sat down and turned on the tv. I sat on the couch next to him after I grabbed the book off the floor.
"You need to stop watching tv so much." I complained, "Read a book or two."
"Ugh, but watching tv is more fun." He complained half heartedly. I pretended to look shocked and hurt. He scooted over to me and embraced me. I sighed with content and snuggled into him and started to read.
Authors notes
Hi.....sorry I haven't updated in so long. I got distracted by fanfics, and then my lovely friends
introduced me to Hamilton and I got a little (a lot) obsessed with it. I have another account I share with my friends and we are going to write story together. Go check it out, it's called
I can't belive I wrote 1139 words, wow (awesome wow, sorry I couldn't help myself from doing that). Well, bye y'all have a good day/night.
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