Experimentally twisting her wrist, Haldor winced with pain with every miniscule movement. She sighed in disappointment, disliking the constant discomfort and inconvenient state of weakness. Furthermore, she disliked people witnessing said weakness; especially since the person she seemed to be spending a consistent amount of time with was the rather aggravating, younger prince.
"Try again." Said prince ordered. She rolled her eyes, thankful to not be directly facing him.
"While I do appreciate your help, my Prince, could we not just go to the healers, for a splint of some sort?" Hal suggested. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.
"Any incompetent fool can create a splint. It takes but a solid surface and some cloth. No, you don't need a splint, you need quick and efficient healing. I said, try again."
Apparently no one ever told him no, which, Hal had discovered through her years, only created brats.
She decided not to argue and try again, pushing herself this time. Her wrist did more than before, making hushed popping sounds. A pain shot up her thumb, but she simply grunted, continuing further. She stopped after she experimentally clenched her fist, resulting in more pain.
"Well, Lady Haldor, I believe you have a broken wrist."
She could just, smack him.
"I believe that too, Prince Loki." She wanted to go to the healers, the people who trained in medicine and healing. That's what they were there for. She looked pitifully down at her wrist, noticing it was now swelling along her thumb. In addition to the bruising that was already there, her wrist looked pretty nasty.
"Yea, that looks disgusting." Loki stated, as if reading her mind.
It had been two days since she'd fallen, likely being the first person to break a wrist from opening a door. She wasn't quite sure what healing method the prince was messing around with, but whatever it was required her to stay away from the professionals and not ask questions.
They hadn't talked much, the Prince making it very clear small talk was nothing he liked to waste his time with. But not talking made Hal nervous, and she talked when she was nervous. Even as a patient, her previous doctors had spoken to her, asking how she was in general, and of course they never wanted the real answer, they wanted her to lie and tell them she was "doing great."
"Can I ask what you're waiting for, Prince Loki?"
"I beg your pardon?" He replied, disliking the foreign feeling of being questioned.
"You have magic, do you not? You have said so yourself and I have heard so from the chambers of the maids that it is a practice that was passed down to you from your mother, the Queen Frigga."
"Perhaps, Slave, you should stay out of business that does not concern you. My magic is working in its own way, one I do not expect you to understand. Be patient, good things come to those who wait."
She resisted from rolling her eyes again. Her working for someone was one thing, but having them speak to her as though she was dumber than dirt would never cease to irk her endlessly. A knock sounded out from his bedroom doors.
"Enter." He commanded. Hal watched Asta walk in, opening the door with ease-the sight of another door in function made Hal huff in annoyance, her wrist throbbing as if trying to remind her of her utter stupidity-holding a tray of delicate sandwiches and fruits.
"Your lunch, Master." Asta said, almost hesitantly, as if she were afraid she was doing something wrong.
"Thank you, Pet. Place the tray at the end of my bed please." Prince Loki ordered, sounding almost proud to be getting exactly what he was asking for. Hal guessed her slight stubbornness to his 'staying silent' rule was starting to put him on edge.
Asta walked towards the edge of the Prince's bed, placing the tray down next to where Hal was sitting on the tall mattress. Hal attempted to smile at her, however Asta looked to nervous and confused to return the gesture. Hal couldn't blame her; she was in a Prince's room-not her prince's room-and she was sitting on his bed. Hal quickly got up, suddenly afraid of how it would look to Asta. Asta may have very well been the light of the kitchen, but she was also young, which meant she didn't know how to keep her mouth shut, and she certainly knew how to twist stories.
Hal suddenly wanted to leave, wanted to call Asta back before the door closed all the way, and clear up any discrepancies. As soon as she opened her mouth to start to do any of those, she was yanked back down onto the bed.
"Stop moving," he growled. "How am I ever supposed to get anything accomplished if you insist on squirming and squealing with every passing moment. Don't make me turn you to stone." It was probably a joke, but he just wasn't very funny. Hal huffed again. It was a quiet 12 minutes of Loki going back and forth between reading-what looked to be-spell books and twisting Hal's arm around before he himself started to pick up on Haldor's restless qualities. He started to mumble under his breath and he would continuously rake his hand through his now messy hair. It took her a minute to notice, but when she zoned back into what the Prince was doing, he was pacing back and forth.
"Prince Loki?" No answer from the Prince. He was turned away from her now, and she got up to approach him. She tiptoed until she was directly behind him, and as she called out to him again, this time it was accompanied by her reaching out to touch his shoulder.
He reacted to the touch as if it burned him, whirling around and catching her good wrist in his hand. "Don't touch me. It is below you." He practically purred it out.
"I-I'm Sorry, I was just-" Hal's apology was quickly cut off as Loki used his other hand to catch her throat, and squeeze.
"And don't talk back to me. Ought I teach you a lesson?" He began to squeeze harder, while walking her backwards into a wall. Hal could feel her air cutting off and her face turning red. Loki moved his knee in-between her legs and, ever so gently, began to bring up, and then back and forth onto her. Hal barely registered it, she barely registered anything other than the fact that she was about to pass out. She figured she must have been purple by now, and she knew for a fact that it wasn't an attractive look on her, so Loki was really touching her just to be disgusting. Just to show that he could. He let her good hand drop from his, and went to reach for her most private area. With all her energy, she tried to buck away. "Stop moving, slave. I might now know why my magic is failing to function at the moment, but I promise everything else works just fine." He paired the words with an equally sinister smirk.
"Fuck... you" Hal managed to get out, with what felt like the last of her efforts.
"Oh, you will." Loki chuckled, finally adding enough pressure to begin to knock her out. In a last ditch effort to save herself, Hal threw her good hand up and caught it onto the Prince's throat.
"We'll see." She breathed out, and it almost appeared to her that a charcoal wisp of smoke exited her mouth as she said the words. And then she saw the same smoke curling out of her fingers where they were latched on to the Prince's throat. Seemingly not noticing the smoke show, Loki's eyes darkened. As he opened his mouth to return one last snarky comment, nothing came out. No words, no sound. Confusion dashed across his face before his hands flew from Hal's throat to his own. His body convulsed and he looked to be choking, but it was silent. Suddenly, his legs stopped moving, as a light gray substance started to climb up his legs. Hal had regained her breath and composure, and as she stood and watched him she looked at his face and thought to herself that she was probably one of the only people in the universe to see the prince, Loki Odinson, completely and utterly terrified. The gray moved to his torso, and then solidified his neck and face.
Once he was stilled, Hal took notice to the charcoal smoke that filled the room, that was now slinking away and dissipating. She looked at him again. He was frozen in time, and she quickly realized that he'd been turned to stone.
She couldn't figure it out, couldn't wrap her head around it. She began to panic, worry about him being found. It took her 20 minutes before she finally gathered herself together. She thought to herself, maybe no one would be that upset. She'd pretty much done them all a favor.
Somehow, some way, Hal had magic. And she was pretty sure that she didn't want it. But there wasn't much to do about that now. Hal whisked around the Prince's room , trying her hardest to make it all look as normal as possible, without regards to the rooms newest decoration: a stone prince. She gathered her things and made sure to look presentable before making her way out of his room.
Recalling the prince's earlier words, she threw out the comment, "Who's turned who to stone now?", before exiting the room and leaving him behind.
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