Hal strained to pick out Liv's name from anything the prince was saying, hoping only for her friend to move up. The prince continued talking and finally approached the topic of interest. "And finally," he started, "to become my new maid, I choose the Lady..."
He paused, letting the anticipation fly throughout the room, before continuing,
Hal froze in her spot, listening to the gasps that erupted from the crowd. She held her breath, sure that Prince Thor hadn't been talking about her. She wracked her brain, trying to remember if maybe there was a Caldor, or a Baldor that worked as a maid; she also briefly considered the likelihood of her running away, and saying she was never there in the first place. She stopped herself before her thoughts went any further, this was a good thing. She took a deep breath, and turned around from her position, in which she was turned away from the royals. Guests shifted out of the way, making a path for her to walk, and as she passed she heard all of their whispers, every word they had to say and every doubt they were so quick to get out. Many of the maids watched her walk, trying to remember who exactly she was and when exactly she may have caught a prince's attention, getting her to where she was now. Maybe this wasn't a good thing. Though she had first despised everything about being on Asgard, she had soon come accustomed to the easy maid work, and she couldn't really picture herself in another situation where she was treated as nothing just to please whoever was her "master" at that moment in time. Of course, there was always the choice to turn down the Prince's requests of being a personal maid, but she knew in the end it would only end up in her being shamed by the maids and the royal family. There were so many things to think about, and frankly she was only provided with a path a few feet long to come to a decision; and with the end of that thought came the end of the path. She stood, on the ballroom floor with a pedestal a few stairs up looming ahead of her. She knew looking up would only bring her eyes the sight of all of the royals peering down at her, pressuring her all the more. Hal curtsied low, looking up at the royals a second before she arose from the curtsy. Prince Thor flashed a blinding white smile at her. She quickly took note that the smile wasn't malicious or insincere, it seemed to be a genuine smile. After seconds that honestly felt like minutes, she went up the stairs before her, eventually coming eye-level to those before her. She faltered only for a moment, but quickly returned to walking, breezing past the two princes, and bringing herself face-to-face with the Allfather.
"Haldor, do you accept the Recognition of my son, Prince Thor?" the King's voice echoed through the silent ball room. She gulped down her uncertainty.
"I accept, Your Majesty." With ease, she sounded confident in her decision, as if she had practiced countless times to her reflection in the kitchen sink water.
"Then you are hereby promoted, from a scullery maid, to Prince Thor's Personal." A PTP was the dream of many maids. Others had their eye set of being a PLP. She didn't want to be a Personal. She was a person, not an object. King Odin undid the red sash that was tied around her shoulder. He presented Hal with a silk, blue, sash: soft and cool in comparison to the worn cloth kitchen maid sash. She accepted the sash, attempting to show no hesitation. After taking the sash, she glided over and stood behind Prince Thor, signifying that he was her owner. Odin looked to Thor, questioning him with a look.
"She is all I desire, father." Thor's voice boomed like thunder. Odin nodded, and moved on to Loki.
"My youngest, Loki." Prince Loki stepped forward.
"Father, I acquire two maids this night. Astrid and Liv." As Liv's name rolled off his tongue, Hal was quick to snap her head to look at him in shock. If he noticed the action, he paid it no mind, and simply stared forward wearing a smirk on his face. His horned helmet cast a slight shadow on his face, giving him a dark appearance. Astrid was a small girl, barely of consensual age. She was adorned with simple features, blonde hair and doe brown eyes. She went by Asta in the kitchen, and was practically the baby of the kitchen, despite not being the youngest. Hal had known Asta to always find the positive in situations, and grace the halls with her innocent conversation and way of life. But as she shyly walked up the aisle now, silently tucking her long hair behind her ear, she didn't look anything like Cheery Asta. She looked timid, afraid to take a wrong step. Prince Loki had Asta spooked. Hal tore her eyes from Asta's shrinking form, and glued them to Liv. Liv held her head high, but she was wringing her hands. From the look on her face, she was surprised, nervous, excited, and anxious all at once. In all honesty, she looked as though she was going throw up. As Asta reached the pedestal, she bowed much like Hal had. Odin recited the same words to her, and Asta accepted the soft, green, silk sash. Asta scuttled behind Prince Loki, and Liv took Asta's place. Odin boomed, "Liv, do you accept the Recognition of my son, Prince Loki?" Liv audibly gulped, and took a deep breath.
"I accept." Her voice rang throughout the room, and King Odin sympathetically smiled.
"Then you are hereby promoted, from a scullery maid, to Prince Loki's Personal." She had become a PLP. She nodded in understanding and accepted the green sash, and carried it with her to her place behind Prince Loki. She muttered something to Asta, who hurriedly switched places with Liv, allowing Liv access to being right next to Hal.
"Well, that was scary." Liv whispered, as to not draw the attention of the Princes.
"Quite. I don't deserve this. You've worked for far longer than I, yet I'm standing here too." Hal mumbled back. Liv rolled her eyes.
"You've been through more, you deserve this break from scrubbing floors and-" Hal cut her off.
"No, Liv. I don't need a pity party. These positions should be obtained by those with more seniority!" Hal raised her voice a little, and Prince Thor glanced back with a look to silence her. She shifted back behind him, ending the conversation. Liv shot Hal a look that could've meant you're worth the world to me, or could've meant I will slowly murder you for thinking negatively. Either sounded like something she would say, and probably in the same sentence.
The ball continued, couples dancing on the center floor, looking as though they were floating with the music. The princes departed from the pedestal, Prince Loki ordering that Liv come with him. Prince Thor told Hal to stay where she was, and she simply bowed in response. Asta and Hal stood awkwardly next to each other. She took advantage of the silence by replaying the Recognition in her head. Judging by the puzzled look on Asta's face, Hal assumed she was doing the same.
"Was it anything like you expected?" A voice dragged Hal out of her thoughts. She realized it was Asta speaking, and it was her that she was addressing.
"This was never something I had thought about. I'm too new. I've no idea why I was even a candidate to be chosen." Hal confessed. Now it was her turn to laugh.
"Are you kidding? How about the fact that you're one of the most beautiful people in the palace!" she exclaimed. The fact that she seemed to really mean what she said, and the way that she had said it, almost as if she were jealous let Hal know that she didn't know of her own beauty.
"I- uh. Thank You." Hal stuttered. "But I still don't want to be here. You are 18 years old, and I am some years older, yet you have 10 years more experience than I. I have only been here four and a half months. Yet you and I are here, being Recognized at the same time." She nodded, understanding.
"Well, there is nothing we can do about it now, is there?" She was right, and Hal shrugged and bowed her head in shame.
"You're right. I guess all I can do know is-" As she was about to finish her thought, Prince Thor glided up to the pedestal on which they stood.
"Your Highness." Hal greeted and curtsied. He nodded, recognizing the action. "Come." His thunderous voice boomed. She nodded, making eye contact only for a second, then quickly breaking it, remembering direct eye contact to be considered disrespectful.
"Bye, Asta." Hal whispered.
"Bye, Hal." She whispered back.
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