"Edoras", Gandalf announced as the horses stopped before the city. "And the golden hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, king of Rohan". Luin peered around Legolas' shoulder to admire the city. It was a plain place compared to Gondor. Lots of wooden houses built on a steep hill, where at the top was the only stone building. The fort and castle of Theoden. Luin had been to Rohan before but that was many generations ago. One of Theoden's grandfathers ruled then and he wasn't a terribly charming fellow. Luin hoped that this Theoden would be different.
"Saruman's hold over king Theoden is now very strong", Gandalf muttered darkly. He let out a shout as he kicked his horse into a gallop. Luin gripped Legolas' shoulders as they followed.
"Be careful what you say", the white wizard called back to them. "Do not look for welcome here". It didn't seem like they would well liked within those walls. Luin huffed. He just really wanted a bath.
They rode through the walls surrounding the city without much difficulty. The people of Rohan stepped back and stared at them grimly. Their faces pale and dirty. Barely any smoke rose from the chimneys. Luin could feel the weight of their gazes like chains. Feelings of self consciousness rose within him like a tidal wave and he buried his head into Legolas shoulder. He didn't want to be seen like this. Disgraced and filthy. He felt small and his skin itchy with dirt. He wished for his long hair to cover him like a curtain. The long black strands always providing that feeling of being able to hide. But that safety curtain was gone and he now felt naked without it. Instead, the pulled up the hood of his cloak. The green material was black with dirt but Luin didn't care.
"You'd find more cheer in a graveyard", Gimli grunted behind them. Luin silently agreed with him. At lest in a graveyard they'd be less people.
They dismounted at the steps of the fort. Legolas turned and held out a hand to him, eyes gentle. Luin took it and squeezed it nervously. "It will be okay", the blonde murmured.
"I don't feel very good", Luin whispered pleadingly back. His free hand came up subconsciously to his birds nest of hair. Fingers twitching at the touch of short strands. He grasped the hood instead and tugged it lower.
Legolas felt another surge of anger at Luin's broken face. He reached out and cupped his dirty cheek. "I'll get you a bath and help you clean up soon Melethril", he promised, annoyance at being unable to do more making him frown. He wanted to go back in time and kill the orcs that did this. But he couldn't. All he could do was be there for Luin.
Luin bit his lip and nodded. His hand never leaving Legolas' as they turned and followed the others up the steps. Gandalf had pulled on a dark grey robe and was leaning on his staff as he walked. He was obviously up to something. A small group of guards met them at the doors. "I cannot allow you before Theoden king so armed, Gandalf Greyhame", the head guard announced. He was dressed in armour and had one hand resting on the pommel of his sword in warning. "By order of Grima Wormtongue".
Gandalf sighed and nodded at them. Obediently, Aragorn unbuckled his sword belt and handed it over. Legolas and Gimli following his example. Luin was still unarmed. Legolas having been carrying his weapons. The elf glanced at Luin as he unbuckled the two jewelled swords. Luin sighed but inclined his head in permission. The elf handed them to a guard along with his bow. "What about the staff?" The guard asked, gesturing to Luin's staff that was strapped to Legolas' back.
"I need this", Luin objected. He let go of Legolas' hand to grab the familiar wood. "I was injured recently".
"Use your friend for support", the guard snorted. He grabbed the wood and Luin let go, not wanting to cause a scene.
"And your staff?" The guard captain prompted. Gandalf blinked and looked at his staff in mock surprise. Luin felt a amused smile on his lips.
"Oh", Gandalf chuckled. "You would not part an old man from his walking stick". He leaned on it more heavily and smiled slightly at the guards. Obviously they believed him more than they did Luin, as the head guard huffed and turned to lead them inside. Legolas held out and arm with a smile and Gandalf took it. Looking as if the elf was letting an old man lean on him for support. Luin giggled under his breath as he gripped Legolas' other hand.
The hall was gloomy and dark. Pillars lined the floor and the walls seemed to be decorated in beautiful twisting carvings which did nothing to help the atmpshoere. It was mostly empty, a few guards and servants lingering like stone statues on the edged, the large room seeming cold from lack of light. They all watched them with the same blank stares of the citizens outside. Like they had lost hope. Theoden was a hunched grey figure on his throne. A black shadow of a man crouched next to him was glaring at them distastefully. Gandalf let go of Legolas' arm and strode forwards. His old man act now a abandoned.
"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late", Gandalf boomed. The clang of the doors locking behind them echoed loudly over stone. "Theoden king".
"Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow?" Theoden's voice was a trembling frail thing. As soon as he had finished speaking, he turned to Grima.
"A just question my liege", Grima nodded. He rose up and glared at them. Ugly face pulling a soft expression. "Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear". The stepped down front he throne and stalked towards them. Behind them, guards edged closer. "Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest", he spat the last work.
"Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth", Gandalf commanded sharply. "I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm". Luin sniggered under his hood.
"His staff", Grima stepped back as Gandalf raised it. "I told you to take the wizard's staff". He skunk back and armed men rushed forwards. Aragorn and Legolas readied themselves to leap at them but Luin held out and arm. He reached into his tattered robes and pulled out his black fan. The enchantments on it had kept it free of dirt and ruin throughout his capture. He flicked it open with a snap of his wrist and smiled widely.
A wind billowed around the hall, conjured up out of seemingly nowhere. Luin's grin took a sharp edge as he felt his Qi tap into his spiritual roots. Fire and air. He flicked his fan and the wind gushed around them. All the men attacking were thrown back. Their bodies picked up out of the air and sent tumbling across the hall, backs colliding heavily with the walls. Enemies removed, Luin snapped the fan shut. "That felt good", he sighed happily. He'd been itching to use it ever since Galadriel had first given it to him. Legolas grinned next to him as he leaned over and dipped a kiss to Luin's cheek.
"Couldn't you have left one for me?" Gimli muttered in disappointment. Luin laughed.
Gandalf was stepping forwards, staff outstretched. "Theoden, son of Thengal", he spoke loudly. "Too long have you sat in the shadows".
"There's always the worm", Luin gestured to where Grima was trying to scuttle away.
Gimli let out a cheerful yell and surged forwards. He planted a foot heavily on the man's chest. "I would stay still if I were you", he warned.
"Harken to me!" Gandalf was commanding. Theoden watching beadily with pale eyes as the wizard drew closer. "I release you from this spell". Gandalf held out a hand and closed his eyes. The heavy charge of his magic settling in the air. Luin could feel it. The magical signature familiar.
Theoden began to laugh mockingly. A harsh cackle echoing around them. "You have no power here, Gandalf the grey". His voice was not his own. Saruman's words layered underneath it.
Gandalf raised his head and threw off his grey robe. The white of his clothes seeming to shine with a hidden light that caused Theoden to cry out, laughter cut off. "I will draw you Saruman as poison is drawn from a wound". Theoden gasped as a force threw him back against the throne.
"If I go", Saruman snarled from his lips. "Theoden dies".
Gandalf thrust his staff forwards and the magic swelled. "You did not kill me, you did not kill Luin. And you shall not kill him".
"Rohan is mine".
"Begone!" Theoden screamed and collapsed boneless in his chair. Gandalf straightened, breathing deeply from the effort. The king groaned and a woman ran forwards to catch him as he keeled forwards. Luin watched as youth seemed to fall over Theoden like a summer rain. He transformed from what was a man of a hundred, to a man of forty. His hair became more golden blonde and his frame gained muscle. His clear eyes gained sight and colour.
"I know your face", he whispered. "Eowyn". The woman laughed tearfully. Gandalf stepped forwards and he looked up. "Gandalf".
"Breath the free air again my friend", Gandalf smiled.
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