"Lich-tan is having a piano concert in Japan! Aren't you happy, Kana-chan!? We're going back to your home country!"
Lawless was bouncing up and down, scooping Kana up and twirling her around with him.
"J-Japan? " She asked, shock written all over her face.
"Yes! And I can't wait! We're gonna go through all the local food there! It would be fun! "
"Really? "
"Really! "
Lawless was always so affectionate when it came to Kana. She didn't looked much like it but she died at the age of 16 so Lawless would always treat her like a little sister and even after all these years, he never stopped spoiling her.
Even though there was not much to spoil her with since Kana doesn't have a lot of things she likes aside from cooking.
But she did liked it whenever Lawless would buy her a new dress, preferably white because she was the picture of innocence.
Lawless wasn't really a fashion expert but the fact that almost anything suited Kana was the only thing that was keeping him from wasting all of his money that he got from his part-time jobs.
Kana was quite happy with the news, Lawless could see that and whenever Kana was happy, she would bake treats.
Licht, who was downright violent towards Lawless, was surprisingly gentle and caring when it came to Kana.
He also has no shame in asking her to make foods and drinks made out of melon. Lucky for him, Kana doesn't refuse any requests when it comes to food.
"Yes! Japan! " Lawless exclaimed once they were on the airport.
"Japan. " Kana repeated, a smile on her face.
Licht blushed, staring at her angel-like face.
"Gah! Angel-chan! Don't stare at my Kana-chan like that! " Lawless yelled, hugging Kana protectively with his arms but apparently, Licht took it the wrong way, already kicking the servamp's face using his lead.
It was only Kana's happy smile that stops the violent denpa male from maiming his Servamp.
The apartment that they stayed in for the meantime was spacious and enough to house four or five people.
Due to the long hours of flight, the rest of them were tired and it was a blessing for Kana since she didn't have to deal with Lawless and Licht arguing.
Kana couldn't help but yawn(cutely, the Greed pair thought).
"I'm going to sleep. Then I'll cook food later." She stated, dragging herself towards the first room.
"I'll go sleep with Kana-chan too! " Lawless yelled, following after her only to be stopped by his Eve.
"Like hell you will demon! You sleep on the floor! "
"But Angel-chan! Kana-chan's gonna need some body pillow to hug so--"
"Stupid Hyde! You're not corrupting her anymore! "
"Mm... Don't fight. " A tired Kana mumbled, loud enough for the two to hear.
It's a good thing that the two are fond of her so they called it a truce for now. But it doesn't stop Licht from glaring at Lawless while the servamp was grinning teasingly his way.
Later that night, the two awakened due to the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.
And surely enough, Kana was cooking.
"Curry, anyone? " She offered upon seeing the two.
"Kana-chan's cooking is the best! " Lawless said, already serving himself.
Licht scowled at him but before he could say anything, Kana outstretched a plate to him, already filled with food.
She was smiling.
Silently, he took the plate, throwing daggers at the Servamp.
Krantz entered the room along with Gil, they also fell victim to Kana's wonderful and delicious cooking.
The sweet smelling aroma was enough to make everyone eat contentedly in silence, focusing only on their food and savouring each bite as though it was their last.
Kana was always showered with praise due to this and it also allows her to escape the tedious job of washing the dishes because one or two of them would volunteer.
A few days after settling in, Lawless was on his part time job and since he can't accompany Kana on touring her home country, it took a lot of pleading from her part to be allowed to go out.
But really, Lawless was weak against her and easily defeated when she flashes him the puppy eyes.
It is not surprising that Licht, who was also a victim of Kana-chan's powerful weapon, made sure that she was allowed to explore outside as long as she comes back before curfew.
Kana has curfew, that isn't surprising anymore since Lawless was too protective of her. He thinks that despite of Kana's sad past, she could never actually bring herself to hurt anyone and is most likely vulnerable to thugs and deliquents around the area.
So Lawless gave her a phone, making communication easy for them.
As of now, Kana is wondering around in the park, wearing a white hoodie and black leggings. Her black sneakers provided protection from the concrete ground.
Kana made sure to bring an umbrella, carrying it casually while glancing at the shops around the shopping district.
Seeing a convenient store, she happily went inside, suddenly wanting ice cream due to the scorching hot weather.
Kana was thankful that she brought her umbrella, or else she would've turned to ash.
"Haa... Gen.. Dazzs..? "She read aloud, picking up the ice cream treat. A smile made its way to her face.
She remembered eating this particular treat when she was still with her bro--
"Come on, Tsubakyun! Haagen Dazzs is this way!" A loud voice boomed.
She turned, seeing a pink-haired guy talking to someone on a kimono.
She went back to the ice cream treat, browsing and taking the macha and milk flavor. She actually wanted more but those were the only matcha and milk flavor left. The others were either chocolate or vanilla.
Not that she dislike chocolate, but she read something online that people could die due to chocolate overdose. Which means too much chocolate is bad for the health.
Closing the cooling compartment, Kana discreetly moved away, carefully avoiding the two who were mostly going to buy some Haagen Dazzs too.
She paid at the counter, exiting immediately.
She noticed that the sun has set and it was already dark.
Huh. Did Kana really took that long inside the convenient store?
She shrugged, taking out the milk flavor and scooping a spoonful.
Kana smiled in delight, happy to have another taste of her childhood treat.
"Don't worry, Tsubakyun! Let's go eat sushi instead! "
"I can't believe that they don't have macha flavor anymore. "
"The cashier said that the last one was recently bought just a minute ago! "
Freezing in her tracks, she slowly glanced behind her, noticing the pink-haired man from earlier and a man wearing a kimono.
'Macha..? ' She thought. 'So I'm not the only one who loves green tea? '
Kana saw the one in the kimono was sulking, a dark and depressed aura surrounding him.
His pink-haired companion was trying to comfort him.
Staring at the scene, it's as if the universe was guiltripping her.
Looking at her half eaten milk flavored Haagen Dazzs and to the macha flavored one who was still fine, she sighed in defeat and walked carefully to the two.
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