"Todoroki-san wants to go to karaoke today. You should go with him. " Kana advised. "It's more safe that way. "
"I'll go if you come with us!" Lawless said, purring as Kana petted him while he was in his hedgehog form.
"I can't. I'm going to make dinner."
"Aw! But I want Kana-chan with me! Angel-chan only cares about singing and he's not fun at all! "
"But I'm not fun either. " Kana reasoned.
"Oi, kuzunezumi. Don't force her if she doesn't want to go. " Licht called from across the room.
Lawless huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine! But I'm staying here! "
"No, you won't. You go accompany Todoroki-san for tonight. " Then Kana turned to Licht. "I'll make some melon buns if you take him with you."
"I'm going. " Licht said.
"W-What?! " Lawless blurted when a hand chucked him inside a cage.
"Let's go, shit rat. " Licht said, going out of the door with a helpless Lawless, flailing his small limbs in plea.
"Waa!!! Kana-chan, noooo!!! " Kana giggled, waving goodbye at the two and telling them to take care.
"You won't believe this, Kana-chan!" Lawless said, grabbing both of her shoulders.
"I just saw Nii-san earlier! "
Kana tilted her head. "Is it your oldest brother? Because you have a lot of nii-san and you have only one nee-san."
"It's Big Brother Sloth! And he has an Eve! But man, his Eve is so plain and boring! Angel-chan is a lot cooler! " He bragged.
"Todoroki-san is cool. " She parroted.
"Yeah! The Best Lil'Angel-chan in the whole world! "
"The best Angel-chan. " Kana said, slowly grabbing a book at the shelves.
"The only little angel to descend the EARTH! In Japanese, kakkoii!! So cool!"
"Todoroki-san is so kakkoii. " She began to open the first page.
" Angel-chan's the best! The BEST OF THE BE--WAIT! You're just repeating my words! " He whined, pouting childishly at her. "I'm supposed to ridicule Angel-chan yet you're doing the same to me! I'm hurt, Kana-chan! What are you gonna do about it? "
"Todoroki-san hurts you all the time." Lawless rolled his eyes ironically at her words.
"You know Kana-chan, you should really start calling Lich-tan using his first name! Todoroki-san this. Todoroki-san that! It's so stuffy! "
"Should I call him Lich-tan too? " She asked innocently.
Lawless grinned. "Of course! Come on, Kana-chan! Let's got to Angel-chan's room and ridicule him! I wanna see his reaction! "
"I heard you over there, shit rat! " Licht yelled from across the room. This has been happening lately.
But Lawless was not giving up so this is why Kana ended up wearing a white dress and a pair of white wings with a halo on her head.
"Lich-tan, Lawless told me to call you that. Also, would you like some melon soda? "
Licht blushed a deep shade of red while Lawless burst out laughing, clutching his stomach.
"Angel-chan's blushing! That's hilarious! "
"Shut up! Die, kuzunezumi! Shine! (Die!) Shine! (Die!) Shine! (Die!) "Licht started kicking Lawless nonstop with his boots while Kana stared at the scene with a smile.
Just as Kana smiled, Licht was about to kick his servamp on the face but his boot halted in mid-air.
"Eh? Why'd you stop, Lich-tan? " Lawless asked, confusion in his face since there was no way that his Eve would stop just because he was begging.
The pianist was hardcore that way.
Licht looked frustrated, one foot still raised in a kicking position, hands on the pockets of his hoodie but he seemed petrified in his position.
"Lich-tan? " Kana asked, eyes wide in surprise.
"You know what, Kana-chan. Lich-tan sounds really weird coming from you. You should just call Angel-chan his first name, Licht. "
"Okay, Lawless. " The two then turned to the Eve of Greed.
"I...can't move.. What did you do, shit rat..!" He managed to say.
"Huh?! " Lawless pointed to himself. "I didn't do anything! "
Kana went over to the two, brows furrowing in confusion as her hand slowly reached out to touch Licht.
When she managed to touch his shoulder, he slumped forward, a little shaky as he tried to steady himself back to his feet.
"What the hell was that? "
"Angel-chan can move again! "Lawless squealed, grinning from side to side. His eyes brightened as he finally realized what's happening.
"Do that again, Kana-chan! " He said.
Kana looked confused. "Do what? "
"Make him stop moving! I think you're developing your ability! It's about time! I thought you'll never be able to have something to protect yourself!"
"You never told me about that. " She said.
"Because you never asked me. Don't worry though! I'll still protect you like always! "
Kana pouted, staring at him as Lawless bounced happily from his place. Kana then tilted her head, a peculiar feeling brewing inside her.
"Stop..? " She whispered, and surely enough, Lawless stopped bouncing, feet hovering in mid-air as if his own body was frozen in that place.
"W-Wha...?! What is this?! "
Licht smirked at him. "Hold still, shit rat. I'm going to purify you. "
"Huh?! Angel-chan don't!! "
The pianist was about to kick him but Kana held his arm.
"N-No. Umm... How do I undo this?" She asked until an idea popped in her head. She approached Lawless, touching his shoulder, the servamp fell to the floor just as she did that.
"It worked. "
"It hurts. " Lawless groaned before jumping back to his feet.
"Now that I can move again, let's discuss about Kana-chan's amazing ability! " He cheered, holding her hands giddily.
Licht swatted his hands away.
"Don't touch her, kuzunezumi! "
"Geez, Lich-tan! Kana-chan's my subclass! It's not like I'm going to hurt her! "
"Tch. I don't trust a demon. "
"Hmph! " Lawless huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. When he turned to Kana, his expression immediately shifted into something cheerful.
"Now, Kana-chan... About your ability.."
Kana had a lot of fun learning about her newfound ability. Lawless informed her that subclasses tend to develop their abilities overtime but Kana was just a late bloomer.
Though she honestly think that this was a miracle because it's been years since she became a subclass.
Kana was quite happy with her ability because whenever Licht and Lawless would argue, she would say the magic words and then they would end up stopping any violent movements intended towards the other.
Krantz nearly cried in joy due to this while Gil let out a relieved sigh because they honestly thought that nothing could ever stop the Greed pair from fighting.
It was such a hassle but thanks to Kana, all is well.
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