👑A Sister's Honor and Joy👑
From the shadows of the night above of him, Luffy looked at the sky as he thought back when he was a child back in Windmill Village.
Luffy: "Sis, sis, sis!" He said, then exclaimed out as Y/n nearly dropped her kill onto the ground before them.
Y/n: "Luffy, please, I'm busy here." She said while placing a huge alligator onto a tarp and took out her various blade packs to begin skinning and separating the meat from the carcass. "What's in your head little would be pirate king?" She asked while Luffy sat beside her while handing different blades when asked to.
Luffy: "How important is a crew to their captain?" He questioned while Y/n stopped carving the beast before them to look over at him.
Y/n: "Well, to my knowledge a crew to the captain can be many terms. Although, I chose to see it as a huge ship of friends or even family.When I become a pirate, I'll never let anyone harm my crew and if they do then I'll give those abusers back the pain they caused ten times worse." She said seriously before shaking her head to look down at Luffy and tipped his straw hat upwards to slightly ruffle his hair. "I know that your gonna do great things one day, Luffy." She said before smiling widely down at him.
Meanwhile at a Remote island where the Red-haired pirate crew rested on were celebrating the reveal of Luffy's first ever bounty and his new found crew alongside the Warlord Mihawk.
Shanks: "Oh, the princess is gonna be so proud of that bleeding anchor kid!" He exclaimed out while his crew cheered out with him.
Mihawk: "Do you think she knows already? Where is she at now?" He questioned while taking a sip of his mug of booze.
Shanks: He looked aside towards his friend/enemy/rival with a bloody coy smirk. "Knowing N/n, she's possibly out there somewhere on the sea or maybe visiting a certain snake of hers of Amazon Lily." He said while Mihawk glared at him warningly.
While farther out into the sea pass the Calm belt's waters showed the Oro Jackson docked on the shoreline of the Kuja pirates home island; Amazon Lily partying alongside the female warrior pirates while on the upper deck held a setup of silk and satin pillows underneath a lush tent fabric, a nearby table held a private feast worthy of the captain of the infamous ship within the isles waters.
Corazon: "Captain, captain I bring you news!" He shouted out before freezing up when a pair of deep blue eyes glared at him. "Excuse me, Emperor Boa but this should be shown to her." He said holding out a rolled piece of paper out as the Emperor snatched from his hand then closed the tent flaps in his face.
Boa Hancock scoffed deeply as looked over at a silk pillow pile where his lovely viper lied wearing a short kimono dress instead of her usual attire, but it was loose a tad since he was enamored with the lone woman whom held his attention right away from the moment they met at their first Warlord meeting where she had beaten him in combat without falling for his own devil fruit powers.
Boa: "My queen, are you alright?" He asked while the woman slowly sat up and fixed her kimono on her body before fixing her messed up h/l, h/c hair to look over towards him and tossing him, a pair of cream colored pants. "Cheeky woman, Lovely~" He teased her before pulling the pants over his undergarments and lied back down beside her to kiss her slowly on her hickey riddled shoulder blade.
Y/n: "Always unsatisfied aren't you, Hancock, and I'm more than willing for another wrestling with the King of Snakes." She said while looking at the paper in his hand. "May I?" She asked before Boa handed her the rolled paper as she unrolled it for her e/c eyes to widened drastically with a wide smile forming on her face. "Luffy, you did it.... Yes!!!!" She shouted out with pride before standing up to leave the tent and Boa following after her heels as she overlooked the railing at her crew and the Kuja pirates below cleaning up the aftermath of the feast. "Treasure Pirates, Kuja Pirates break out the best alcohol and food for tonight we celebrate harder than last night's victory against the weak pirate crews that dared challenge us to the sword!!!" She shouted out while everyone looked up at her as she held up the first bounty of Monkey D Luffy from her waters. "My little brother has be given his own foothold in the worse generation of salt water soaked sea dog Pirates, To the Strawhat Pirates!!!" She shouted out as those below cheered out alongside her while she hugged Boa which made him smirk down at her as she showed him, Luffy's first wanted poster. "Make me even more proud, Luffy. I'll be watching you and your crew on these waters." She said with a smirk on her face while laughing out loud.
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