"It's official!" You yell at Naruto.
"What is?" Asks Naruto.
"It's official that Naruto is as dense as a rock, maybe even denser." You smirk.
"Hey! Because I didn't know that Hinata likes me doesn't mean I'm dense." Says Naruto.
"Uh yeah it does! She has been turning red and fainting when she sees you!" You yell.
" that's why she's been fainting and turning red....." Mumbles Naruto.
"Well I gotta go, don't be afraid of asking Hinata out dimwit." You say as you walk away. When you were out of sight, Sasuke came up to Naruto.
"Hey dimwit, have you seen (y/n)?" Asks Sasuke.
"Yeah, and the funny thing is she called me a dimwit too." Says Naruto.
"Yeah whatever, where'd she go?" Asks Sasuke.
"I don't know, she just went somewhere after calling me dense and a dimwit." Says Naruto.
"While she's right." Says Sasuke as he leaves going into the opposite direction you went.
"Man, I can't ever get a break, can I?" Mumbles Naruto.
"Uh hi Naruto-Kun...." Says Hinata.
"Hey Hinata! (y/n) told me you liked me. Is that true?" Asks Naruto smiling. Hinata's face goes red.
"Nar-Naruto-Kun, I.....I don't like you, I-I-I love you." Says Hinata quietly. She starts to walk away until Naruto grabs her hands.
"Good." Says Naruto as he bring Hinata in for a kiss.
*Time Skip*
It's night time and you're walking home.
"It's such a lovely night tonight." You say walking through the lazy street of Konoha.
"(y/n)!" Yells a familiar voice.
"Hmmm?" You turn around to see a Sasuke running up to you. "Hey Sasuke."
"(y/n), I have something to tell you." Says Sasuke.
"Hmm? Are you going to tell me you love me?" You say. Sasuke thinks about what you said, which was unusual.
"Uh yeaaah." Says Sasuke getting closer to you.
"You're not Sasuke you impostor!" You yell trying to get away from this guy. Then he grabs you.
"How dumb of me." He sneers as this guy knocks you out.
"(y/n)!!!" Yells Sasuke as he knocks on your door. He finally gives up and unlocks it himself. "(y/n), you awake?" Sasuke looks in your room and realizes your not in your bed. He looks everywhere but the bathroom. "Well, it's better to get yelled at then knowing (y/n)'s not here." Sasuke opens the bathroom door and finds you in a towel.
"Oh hey Sasuke." Says the impostor you as 'you' give a wink.
"Oh sorry (y/n)." Says Sasuke as he was about to close the door, but 'you' grab his arm.
"It's okay Sasuke didn't you want to tell me something." As 'you' lean against his chest. Sasuke's face goes red.
"Uh, no I just wanted to check in on you." Says Sasuke as he pushes 'you' away and leaves.
"Ugh, Osamu, this kid won't fall for her." Say the impostor you as she talks to a microphone hidden behind her ear.
"Jun, he'll fall for her, he already has. He's just holding it in." Smirks Osamu as he looks at the tied up you.
"You'll never get away with whatever you're planning!" You yell.
"Gosh, she's hurting my ears, could you shut her mouth up?" Smirks Jun.
"Sure." Says Osamu as he approaches you with cloth. You bite his hand and trip him. "OW!!!" You try and crawl away. Then Osamu grabs your leg and pulls you back as you squirm around. "Stop moving you feisty girl." Osmau ties the cloth around your mouth. You mumble stuff squirming around.
"MHMM!!! HMMH!!!" You mumble aggressively.
"Oh shut up, make yourself comfortable. We're never going to let you go free now that you know about this place. Also, my plan is to get Sasuke to fall under Jun's feminine spell that will kill him. When they kiss, not by force, he will be poisoned. Mua ha ha ha ha. You wonder why I want to kill him? It's because Itachi killed my daughter. Now that Itachi is dead, I shall kill the last Uchiha instead." Smirks Osamu.
"He doesn't know I'm an Uchiha? More importantly, he wants to kill Sasuke. No, I can't let him." You thought in your head. You felt a tear go down your cheek.
"Oh, don't worry my dear. You can be my new daughter." Says Osamu as he strokes your face, then leaves you in a dark room.
"Er, I'll get out of here!" You thought in your head as you started to move around to feel your surroundings. "I just need to find.......a sharp object!" You find and sharp object and begin to cut the rope that's around your wrists. As soon as you cut the rope at your wrists you do the same to your ankles. Then you take the cloth off your mouth and break the door down.
"What the-" Before Osamu could say something you knock him out.
"Sasuke, I'm coming for you." You say as you depart from an abandoned building. "If I know where I am, then I should get back to the village by night tomorrow."
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