Chapter 38
The bathroom door slowly opens and Kirstie walks out quietly holding the test in her hand.
Avi and Adam jump up immediately. Tim raises up slowly, eyeing his girlfriend.
She looks up at him with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry." She says with a shaky voice. "It's positive."
Tim let's go of the breath he was holding and glances down at the test. A sudden wave of relief washes over him.
He looks back into Kirstie's eyes. Her eyes searching his face for some kind of a sign of how he was feeling.
"You're pregnant?" Tim says in a soft voice, a smile starting to form on his lips.
She smiles but nods nervously.
"You're pregnant." Tim says with a grin as he grabs her into his arms.
All the worry and dread gone, replaced by happiness and excitement.
Adam slips his arm around his boyfriend as they watch the emotional couple.
Kirstie sobs as she holds tightly to Tim.
"I'm going to be a daddy." Tim cries as he buries his face into her neck.
Adam and Avi were both wiping tears by now.
"Congratulations, you two." Adam sniffs as he rubs his friend on the back.
Tim raises up, giving Kirstie a quick passionate kiss. Each was tasting the other's salty tears.
Avi quickly pulls Kirstie into a hug as Tim tries to wipe his tears as he turns to Adam.
"I'm going to be a daddy, Adam." Tim says, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah, that's what I hear." Adam laughs as he pulls his emotional friend into a hug.
"I need a beer." Tim chuckles as Adam releases him from the hug.
"I'll get you one." Adam says going to the kitchen.
"I was so scared of how you were going to react." Kirstie says taking Tim by the hands.
"To tell you the truth, I really didn't know how I felt about it until I looked down at the test." Tim says, gently squeezing her hands. "When I saw the plus sign, a feeling of excitement came over me."
"This calls for a toast." Adam says, coming from the kitchen with three beers and a glass of milk.
Kirstie giggles as she takes the glass of milk.
"Uh, to baby Foust. May he or she be as beautiful as it's mother's heart and as hard-headed as it's daddy." Adam laughs.
"You're going to the doctor today, right? Do I need to be there?" Tim asks as he slips on his uniform shirt.
"Yes and no. I'm just going for an actual test to really confirm it." Kirstie says as she sits on the bed watching her boyfriend get dressed.
"I mean, I can leave long enough for that." Tim says, sitting down beside her to slip on his boots.
"No, that's fine. There will be other times that you will want to be there. Like to listen to the heartbeat for the first time or when we find out what we're having. And you don't need to be having to leave work so much." Kirstie says as she fixes his collar.
"I guess you're right but I don't want you going alone." Tim says.
"I'm not, Avi's going." Kirstie says.
"As a matter of fact, any time you leave this apartment, I want Avi with you. Understand?" Tim says taking her by the hand. "I don't trust that b*tch at all."
"He already said that he would come over here during the time you and Adam are at work. Cause he gets bored at the house by himself." Kirstie says.
"That's good. I'd feel a lot better knowing he was here." Tim says as he grabs his phone, wallet, keys and glasses. "Gotta go."
"Love you." Kirstie smiles.
"I love you." Tim replies as he leans down to kiss her softly.
"I'll call you later with the results." Kirstie yawns.
"You better." Tim smiles. "Go back to sleep."
Tim was busy ordering supplies on line when the buzzer to the door sounds. He glances up to see the beautiful smile of his girlfriend.
Avi walks in behind her and heads straight for the garage. Which, he knew, was for employees only.
"Aviiii." Tim calls.
Avi stops and looks around and Tim shakes his head.
"But Tiiimmmm." Avi pouts and stomps his foot like a child. "I want to see Adam."
"Employees only. You know that." Tim says. "Just peck on the glass."
Kirstie leans across the counter and gives Tim a kiss before laying a stack of papers down on the counter.
"What's all this?" Tim says glancing down at them.
"This." She says pointing to one stack. "Is the payoff for loan number one. This one, is for loan number two."
Tim looks up at her in disbelief.
"And this one, is saying that the jeep is all yours." She smiles.
"Are you serious?" Tim smiles as he looks over the papers.
"Yep. And this one confirms that you're going to be a daddy." She grins widely.
Tim jumps up from the stool he was on and ran around the counter grabbing Kirstie into a hug, picking her up from the floor.
She laughs as she wraps her short legs around him.
"Uh, are we missing something?" Rob speaks up from the doorway. A very pregnant Kelsey standing beside him smiling. "And what is Avi doing in the garage?"
Tim sits Kirstie back down on her feet and looks to the garage. Sure enough, Avi had slipped inside while Tim was distracted.
Tim walks over and opens the door to the garage.
"AVI! Get out of there! What are you trying to do? Get me fired?" Tim scolds him.
"I told you that you were going to get into trouble." Adam laughs, taking Avi by the hand and leading him out of the garage.
"Now, Tim." Rob says, trying to act like a stern boss. "Care to explain the little make-out session?"
"Uh." Tim nervously glances at Kirstie.
"This is the reason." Kirstie smiles as she hands the doctor's statement to Rob.
Rob straightens his glasses as he and Kelsey read the paper.
Kelsey's jaw drops as she looks up at the couple.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!??" Kelsey squeals as she grabs Kirstie into a hug.
Rob hits Tim on the arm.
"What did I tell you about keeping a wrapper on it."
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