I can't make up my damn mind
Tami: Laurie can't make up her damn mind, so we back again.
Harley: Thats fair
Laurie: Shut up I'm bored! And I don't have school today so shut up!
Iv: *Pulls out a nerf gun* I will shoot that fucking demon
Laurie: *Hiding behind Joel* Please kill the spider qnq
Harley: *Picks up the spider, holding it closer to L and Iv*
Iv and Laurie: N O -
Harley: No one messes with my love U^U
Iv: Restraining order is better, murder is bad.
Violet: *Nods her head*
Liam: I- Yeah, I'm not even going to argue with this.
Jared: PFFFF-
Michael: Oh MY- DUDE N O -
Jared: You have to admit, that was brilliantly executed.
Jeremy: ... All my friends are idiots. QnQ
Liam: I've been kidnapped too many times to be honest. It's basically part of my daily routine.
Toni: Yep.
Iv: No one fucking plans anything anymore.
Harley: It's called imporviseing.
Laurie: ._.
Liam: Don't hurt the tree!!
Jared: Fuck the tree.
Liam: N O - -
Bill: -w-
Laurie: Well Red Girl is Iv, cuz you wear red.
Iv: Who's Macbook Pro Boi?
Jeremy: *Shyly raises his hand* ...
Liam: Ohhhhhh, Because you said you would date your macbook pro drive in like juinor high.
Iv: Joel and Violet are obviously Prince and Princess.
Joel: Who's Shakespeare??
Laurie: Bill you clever bastard, It's Tami.
Tami: Harley is Tall Man, Laurie is Short Minion, cuz you wear yellow and the minions are yellow.
Laurie: That's just offensive.
Dipper: Why must you do me like that, Bill.
Bill: *Shrugs*
Mabel: I'm sweater.
Jared: I'm Bathbomb Boy, Michael is Headphones.
Toni: I'm red hair and I guess Liam is Dependency Issues
Liam: W h a -
Laurie: ICarly, man I miss you. QnQ
Iv: Honestly same qnq
Liam: I'm already in college.. does this mean I'm ungrounded?
Joel: I guess?
Toni: Liam was pregnant with Jax
Liam: Shush
Toni: You shush.
Mabel: To test this out, HARLEY B R E A T H -
Harley: I am breathing!
Tami: Then breath harder!!
Harley: I -
Laurie: sjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsj w h y -
Joel: UwU❤️
Harley: So 5'10?
Tami: holy shit you tall as fuck-
Iv: I mean, he's Harley-
Weenies: Harley Things
Jared: PFFFF-
Jeremy: Okay, that's fair I can see this happening.
Michael: I don't think Liam would be able to support anything heavier then a jug of milk.
Liam: That's a lie!
Toni: Than pick one of us up. UwU
Liam: ............ fuck
Jared: I'll speed this up *Jumps into Liam's arms-*
Liam: A H H -
Liam: *Wearing a cast, glaring at Jared*
Laurie: Moving on.
Laurie: Damn, that-
Harley: Bold of you to assume I don't already know how to cheat in tests
Iv: What don't you know how to do??
Harley: Drive -
Harley: This is why I'm not allowed to drive anymore.
Iv: .-.
Violet: Wow.
Laurie: T H E S U N I S A F U C K I N G S T A R - -
Joel: Um, well what have we learned?
Harley: It's nerf or nothing.
Michael: Jeremy would date a Macbook pro Hard drive.
Jared: Liam is week, *Picks up his arm that has a cast*
Liam: >^<
Laurie: That everyone here has problems
Everyone: That's fair
Laurie: Alright, until next time guys, bye!
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