The Horrors Of 12 A.M.
Dipper was reading his journal calmly on the couch in the living room, feeling the red velvet cover against his hands, when he heard Mabel scream from her and his room. Instinctively, the boy slammed his book closed and jumped up, running to the source of the startling noise.
Apon sprinting up the stairs to the attic, he noticed only a computer on Mabel's bed, opened up and showing a game with a glitching animatronic bear surrounded by a black background. Down the left side of the screen were three options: Play Game, Continue (night 1), and Quit.
Confused, the brunette clicked the last option, but the game just wouldn't quit. Next, Dipper clicked the second option, to which the game didn't respond. Finally, he clicked the first option.
On the screen, a newspaper ad popped up, detailing the job of night guard at a local pizzeria featuring animatronic characters.
The newspaper ad faded out, only to be replaced with the words: "Survive until 6 A.M." "Wait, whaddya' mea-AAAAA" But Dipper couldn't finish his question as he was sucked into the screen, bringing his red, velvet journal with him.
Dipper rubbed his backside as he plopped down painfully onto a black, worn down office chair. Though old and cruddy looking, the office was still in working condition.
A metal fan was buzzing lazily on the desk in the right-hand corner as an old television sat behind it, its screen off and dusty. On top of the television, a small, pink, blue-eyed cupcake watched the boy solemnly. Junk and dust bunnies were strewn about the room and desk, making it look like somebody decided to drop their old stuff here, like some sort of personal junkyard. But the cleanest things in the office were an old, black phone and two buttons on the left side of each of the two doors in the wall.
The buttons were the most modern things in the room. One was green and the other was white. The green one was mounted in the wall under the white one and was labeled:"Door", whilst the white one was labeled:"Light".
Dipper tested out the light button first. Apon turning it on, the button lit up and a light flickered on in the hallway. Though old, and needing a serious bulb change, the light seemed operational.
He turned it off and tried the door and was startled when a heavy, red, copper blast door dropped to the floor with a large THUD. He recovered and pressed the button again, just as the phone on the desk started to ring.
"Uh..Hello? Hello!?" "Hi," Dipper replied, glad to have someone to talk to in the dim office. "Oh, hi! Um, well, I thought I'd give you a call to get you settled in on your first night..." "Wait, first night?" "Yeah, you signed the flyer, you've gotta stay here for five nights, remember?" The guy on the phone replied. "Anyways, I've got to read this introduction from the company," he cleared his throat,"um, welcome to Freddy Fazbears Pizza, a magical place for children and grown ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life! Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Apon discovery that damage or death has occurred, a missing persons report will be filed within ninety days or until the floors have been properly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced, blah blah blah." Dipper just sat, stunned. That was not good. "Now, that might sound bad, I know," the guy on the phone continued,"but there's really nothing to worry about. Um, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No! If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for thirty years and I never got a bath, I would be a bit irritable at night too." Apon hearing this, the boy quickly turned on the camera system and was met with the sight of three anthropomorphic animals, a chicken, a rabbit, and a bear, most likely Freddy. The three animatronics stood side-by-side on a stage, the rabbit closest to the camera, Freddy in the middle, and then, furthest from the camera was the chicken.
"THESE THINGS MOVE?!" He thought, shaking. "So, just be aware, the characters do tend to wander a bit. They're left in some kind of free-roaming mode, something about their servos locking up if they're left off for too long. Y'know they used to be able to walk around during the day...then there was the Bite of 87. Yeah,It's amazing how the human body can live without the frontal lobe." Dipper cringed at this, his eyes still on the screen. "A-anyways, um, if the animatronics happen to see you after hours, they probably won't recognize you as a person. Th-they'll most likely recognize you as a metal endoskeleton without its costume on. Now, since that's against the rules at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to...forcefully stuff you into an animatronic suit. Now, that might not sound so bad, if the suits weren't full of wires and other animatronic devices, especially around the facial area. So, you can imagine how having your face stuffed in there could cause some injury...or death."Dipper's eyes widened. "Uh, yeah they don't tell you these things when you sign up. Well, um, I'll call back tomorrow. Check those cameras and close the doors only when absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, goodnight."
"WAIT! GOODNIGHT?!" Dipper screamed as the phone hang up. He sighed and relaxed himself, rubbing his temples as he closed his eyes.
"It's okay...It's only until six can do this, Dipper." Apon opening his eyes though, he found that, the rabbit that was previously on the stage, had disappeared.
The boy flipped through the cameras, hoping that he would see the bunny in one of them. His silhouette however, wasn't on the screen. Dipper held his breath as he reached out for the door light. He pushed the button and, sure enough, a big, purple rabbit was in the hall, staring back at him.
He screamed as he punched the door button, letting the blast door fall in between the animatronic and himself. His forehead beading with sweat, The brunette looked back at the camera screen. He sighed as he saw the robotic animal was now in the party room and opened the heavy, metallic door. "This is gonna be a long night..." He panted.
Dipper shook as he sat in the desolate office. It hadn't even been two hours and the animatronics were already crowding at his doors.
"Six A.M.," He begged,"Six A.M., Six A.M." He chanted, keeping his eye on the clock on the monitor. He held the brim of his hat for dear life.
Then, he remembered something.
The twelve-year old pulled out his trusty journal, flipping through the old, brittle, yellowed pages. Taking out his black light, the boy began to read a page on haunted computer games.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria," he read,"To beat the game, you must stay and survive until 6 A.M. However, I have found an alternate way to beat the game. The animatronics will be fooled if you pretend to be a child of or under the age of thirteen." Dipper's eyes widened. He could trick the animatronics instead!
The boy opened the right door and peeked his head out. In the party room, the three robots were speaking to each other.
"Freddy," A shrill, female voice cooed,"we've tried everything! The night guard just won't cooperate!" "Maybe if we're patient then," "Bonnie! That's not gonna work!" The female voice interjected. "What if I keep runnin' to the door? The lad's bound to-" "Foxy," A deep voice boomed,"we've tried that, you're just going to tire yourself out. Besides, he's going to come back tomorrow. We can try then."
Dipper watched in awe as the animatronics strategized before he built up the courage to walk down the hall. As he entered the room, all of the robotic animals stopped their banter. Their eyes widened as they laid apon the twelve-year old.
"H-hi.." The brunette gulped. Freddy knelt down to the height of the boy and, looking genuinely concerned, he started,"What are you doing here after hours, young man?" "I-well..." "Do you think that he got locked up in here after hours?" The rabbit asked.
Though intimidating from a distance, the purple rabbit was surprisingly kind up close and, based on his voice, Dipper could tell he was insecure.
"I don't know, Bonnie," Freddy answered back to the rabbit, Bonnie. "Well, he can't stay here." The chicken said, in her high-pitched voice, fixing her "Let's Eat" bib. Dipper assumed that she was Chica, based on the rambling earlier.
She looked back up at the twelve-year old, concern showing plainly on her face.
"Lad, who are your parents? What're your parents' phone numbers?" The fox asked, holding a phone in his hand and preparing to punch in a phone number with his hook. His eyepatch flipped up as his hook hovered over the numbers.
Dipper stood there awkwardly.
"Foxy, I..I think he's afraid of you." Bonnie spoke. "No, it's fine.." Dipper replied hastily. The animatronics looked at each other and then back at the brunette, smiling.
"Why don't I make us some pizza!?" Chica broke the silence enthusiastically. Everyone nodded and, within seconds, the pizza was out on the table. "Dig in!" She said, picking up a fork and knife.
Dipper chuckled. That avian robot reminded him so much of his sister. From her outfit, to her personality, she could very well replace his sister and he wouldn't notice. After the crew finished the pizza, they danced and sang. Before they knew it, it was six A.M.
"I'm gonna miss you guys." Dipper said truthfully as the robots climbed back into their proper positions. A chime sounded as the boy started to fade away, the animatronics waving goodbye.
Then, the brunette found himself back on the fluffy, pink bed, next to his sister in his and her room. The computer sat in front of the both of them, open to a screen of the animals waving to them happily.
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