Is this incest? (Dipper x Rev!Dipper)
(Warning: Incest? Maybe? I mean, Possibly?)
Dipper was writing in his Jornal about different Anomalies he's seen over the last month before Tyrone (What i call Rev!Dipper) storms upstairs
A little backstory, Tyrone, Reverse Mabel, and Will got here a few months ago, and has been living under the Pines familys roof since
Tyrone flops onto the bed with Dipper
"I hate my fucking sister, Shes a fucking bitch"
Dipper cringes
"Hey, i get it, but maybe you should cut down on the swears-"
"Maybe you should shut ya fuckin mouth, hows that sound?"
Dipper rolls his eyes
"Look, I dont mind you being here, But your an asshole sometimes, Ya know?"
Tyrone groans
"Fuck, i wouldve gone to the woods if i knew you were gonna take me on a guilt trip"
"Im not trying to Take you on a guilt trip, im just saying, you could try to be nicer"
Tyrone crosses his arms and sits up
"Look, Im not from here, Im not used to being all Goody-two-shoes, Okay?"
Dipper shuts his jornal
"I dont want you to be a Goody-two-shoes, I like you the way you are, Just Cut down on the swearing a bit, and try not to insult anyone so often"
Tyrone rasies an eyebrow
"You like me the way i am? Thought you hated my ass?"
"Of course not, I love you-"
Dipper slams a hand over his mouth
"You....Love me?"
Dipper blushes
"...Yeah, I do"
Tyrone smiles and kisses Dippers cheek
"Love you too Dip, Now-"
He hops out of bed
"Imma go annoy the shit outta my sister, see ya"
"O-oh! Bye Tyrone!"
"Bye Dip-Dip!!"
"Oh hey! Before you go!"
Tyrone turns around
Dipper rubs the back of his neck
"Is this incest?"
Tyrone shakes his head
"Nah, But your a narcassist consdering you fell in love with yourself"
Dipper nods
"Yeah, sounds about right, Alright, Bye Tyrone!"
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