Chapter 2: California
They had reached Piedmont by 7am. Ford had speed through the night to reach the kids. Shariff Blubs and Durlen Escorted them as far as the state line before the state police sent them back to Gravity Falls. When they got there Ford and Stan Jumped out leaving Wendy to park the Truck and Boat.
Inside the Hospital
Dipper had been asleep when he heard a commotion down the hall. "I'M HERE FOR MY GREAT NIECE AND NEPHEW!" Stan yelled at the Nurse who wouldn't let him inside. Ford rolled his eyes and calmed Stan down before explaining to the nurse. "I'm Ford Pines, this is my brother Stan. We were told our Family had an accident and to come quick."
A wave of realization came over the nurse as she heard the last name. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Please right this way." She said before leading them to the Twins. "If a Ginger Lumberjack looking girl comes in you bring her straight here! Got it?" Stan threatened the nurse. "Dipper are you alright?" Ford asked the 15 year old boy. "I'm fine Grunkle Ford, but I thought you and Grunkle Stan were on an Adventure?" Dipper asked. "We got back a few days ago Kiddo." Stan informed him.
"What's going on?" Mabel asked as she awoke to her brother and Grunkles talking about something. "Hi Mabel." Ford greeted with a smile. "You guys must be here too keep us company, until mom and dad get out of the hospital." Mabel reasoned. Dipper Smiled before adding. "They must have been hurt pretty badly since we can't go see them." "Kids your parents..." Ford Started. "Your parents didn't make it kids." Stan said.
Wendy found enough space for the Truck and trailer before parking and threatening to get in a fistfight with a cop. It's been 2 years since she had seen Dipper and Mabel. Now she was going to see them again hurt or worse. Her head rushed with thoughts as she walked up to the desk. "I'm here to see Dipper and Mabel Pines." She told the nurse. "Right this way ma'am." The Nurse said and showed her the way.
The Twins were hit by a swell of emotions as Wendy walked in. "Thank God you guys are ok!" She said before noticing the sad faces. "Wendy what are you doing here?" Dipper asked with tears in his eyes. "What do you mean man, my best friends are hurt. I came as soon as I heard!" She told him before ruffling his hair. "You still have my hat?" He asked. "Of course dude, you have mine?" She asked. "It's at the house." He told his Crush, who had temporarily distracted him from the grief. "Wendy will keep you kids company, me and Stan have to go take care of some things." Ford told the Twins. "We'll be back with some lunch too. Stan told them as they left.
After identifying the bodies of there Niece and her husband the Brothers took the 'Stan o War' to the Twins house. They then went and handled the legal paperwork to become the Twins Guardian, and get the bodies up to Gravity falls for burying. Before picking up a pizza and going back. "When you kids are clear to go we're going to Gravity Falls. We can clear out your house in the meantime." Ford told them. "Everything is going to be ok kids." Stan told the kids. "I hope so Gruncle Stan, because it doesn't feel ok." Mabel said. "I know you feel like the world is over, but I swear it gets better!" Wendy told her friend. "I know it will, You're already here!" Dipper said, "whoa kid you must be on some pretty strong meds!" Stan said making everyone laugh before they ate lunch.
After a few days the Twins were released from the hospital. The house had already been cleared and what needed packing was packed. The Grunkles had arranged for a moving company to move the things to the Shack. Now it was time to return to the Falls.
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