Gravity Falls Part 2
"Is this awkward? Is this weird? Do you need to sit down?" Jace and Jacexx heard a female voice say. They both peeked out from behind the trees they were hiding behind. "No way..." Jacexz said. "They're Real?!" Jace whispered. Gnomes were surrounding their poor terrified brother Dauver. Apparently all the gnomes were girls and wanted the adorable Dauver as their king. As if that would ever happen at all! As the girl gnomes went in for Dauver, Jacexx jumped out and hit them off with the shovel he had brought with him. Jace grabbed Dauver and without a word, the three boys ran back to the shack. They all collapsed on the porch and relaxed.
An hour has passed since the gnome incident. The boys all just hoped that they all just imagined it all. They were sitting on the porch in silence. That's when they heard loud footsteps. Out of no where, a giant gnome emerged from the woods. "If you won't marry us, we will force you to!" The gnomes all said in unison. They grabbed Dauver and stomped off. Alarmed, Jacexx ran after them with a shovel. Jace looked around panicked and searched for a way to help.
Jacexx was hitting the giant gnome with a shovel. The gnomes kicked him into a tree. Angered, Jacexx jumped out of the tree and stabbed the giant gnome in the face with his shovel. The gnome roared and let go of Dauver. Both Dauver and Jacexx fell fast to the ground. That's when Jace drove up with the golf cart and caught his brothers. "YOu Guys Alright?!" Jace asked. The mega gnome roared. "Drive You Idiot, DRIVE!!" Jacexx screamed. The boys zoomed down the path at full speed, avoiding obstacles the best they can. Jace was driving and trying to calm his brother down at the same time. The mega gnome shot cannonballs of other regular gnomes at the cart. Jacexx was hitting them away with the shovel before they even touched the cart. Jacexx was laughing like a maniac and Jace screamed as a gnome attacked his face. Dauver grabbed the gnome and threw it out of the golf cart. Jace rubbed his eyes and put his eyes back on the path, only to scream. His brothers looked forward and Dauver immediately hid in his sweater and Jacexx smiled. Jace tried to hit the breaks but they wouldn't work. It was going to happen. They were going to go over the cliff. Jacexx urged his twin to speed up which surprisingly, he did. They flew through the air and right through the Gravity Falls sign. The mega gnome slipped off the cliff and fell somewhere deep into the forest. The boys headed back to the Secret Shack.
The boys all collapsed into their beds exhausted with all the excitement. After a moment of silence they all bursted out in laughter. "Remember When The Gnome Attacked Jace's Face?" Jacexx said. "Or When We Flew Off The Cliff?" Jace said. Dauver just smiled as they opened the book to learn the many secrets of the town.
"I will get you Loeaed kid- AH LET HO OF ME YOU STUPID GOAT" A small gnome said, only for Mr Goat to pick him up in his mouth and start chewing before trotting away.
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