Lucy's Second Mishap with a Potion
Lucy's Second Mishap with a Potion
Backstory: I forgot the episode, but there was a small, one episode arc, where Lucy finds this magic lotion formula from 10 years ago that's supposed to make your skin smoother or whatever. But it's so strong that it makes her invisible, and eventually begins to make her existence fade as well, so everyone forgot her. However, Natsu remembers her, then everyone else does, and she is saved.
This time, Lucy finds another potion from a book in the library, and decides to have a bit of fun. INSPIRED BY SOMETHING ON FFN. Not totally my original idea, but I'm going to change it up :)
I own nothing, blah blah blah. Enjoy Lucy's Second Mishap with a Potion, featuring love potions on unsuspecting members of Fairy Tail!
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Lucy knew something good was going to come from taking a no-magic-needed-type job.
And no, it wasn't the fact that Natsu wasn't there to blow up half a town and her chances of paying rent that month.
Yes, it was fate, getting her hands on that book. It just could've happened a lot less painfully.
"Ouch!" Lucy groaned, stumbling backwards and rubbing her head. She felt the happenings of a bump under her blonde tresses and felt her eyes water up. What the hell just fell on her?
Lucy looked around. Right, she was in a dusty, packed-to-the-brim library. So obviously, it was a book.
It was Levy's home library, actually. She had posted a job notice on the board that morning, asking for someone to dust it, since it was already in tip-top organization. Lucy had tried to do the job for free, like a good friend would, but Levy insisted (but ended up dropping the reward after major persistence, and instead offered her a book of her choosing).
So here Lucy was, duster in hand, surrounded by the ever-so-comforting pungent smells of bleachy disinfectant wipes and surface cleaners, glaring at the inanimate object at her feet. The book was collecting a bit of dust at the edges, and it's black leather cover was faded. Encrypted in thin gold were the words Recipes for Disaster: A Wizard's Guide to Potion Pranks.
Lucy's interest was sparked by the title, and also how old it looked. For a prank book, it certainly wasn't the newest read Levy had on her sky-high shelves. Lucy sighed, knowing a book like this would cause major trouble if put in the wrong hands, so she placed it back on the shelf and continued to dust.
It was another two hours of long, grueling work, and Lucy was seriously down for a lemonade. Then became the choice- what book should she take?
Currently, she was immersed in a new, 400-page novel that had recently come out by her favorite author. Considering the fact she didn't get much time to read anyways, she needed something more interesting.
And by interesting, Lucy thought as she walked back over to that same shelf. She thumbed over the big black book and hauled it into the crook of her arm. I mean a good ol' fashioned prank book.
She put the cleaning supplies back under Levy's sink, made her way out of the girls' dormitory, and headed towards her apartment on Strawberry Street. Lucy entered the cozy, thankfully vacant living room and tossed the heavy book on the coffee table. Already twitching with excitement, wondering what kinds of pranks she could pull, Lucy flipped to the first page.
In neat cursive writing, Lucy read over the instructions. Don't get any potions into your eyes, this spell can undo any damage, blah blah blah. Lucy rolled her eyes and flipped aimlessly through the eggshell paper.
"Oh?" Lucy grinned as her eyes fell on a potion on page two-hundred-and-eleven. "What's this?"
The potion seemed to be a love potion, or rather, a confessing one. It made the taker of the potion perform an act of love on who they loved. Basically, it was a way for Lucy to find out who liked who. Perfect.
Lucy looked at the ingredients, silently cheered because she knew she had everything, and hauled her butt and the book into the kitchen to begin cooking... a recipe for disaster. She preferred to look at it as 'a learning opportunity,' but the admin's calling BS on that one.
Lucy took out the ingredients she needed. Red sugar, coconut shavings, blue eggs, edible glitter, octopus milk, extra-sweet chocolate chips, and a super special secret ingredient.
What is it, you may ask? Yeah, like she would tell you.
It said to stir the ingredients over low heat until it seemed to be in a liquid form. Lucy simmered it on her stovetop and continued to stir with her rubber spatula until it had a creamy texture. Satisfied, Lucy poured the yellow, sparkling mixture into some vials she had found in the back of her cupboards and rinsed out the pot. Just to be safe, Lucy read over the instructions.
With a tiny sip of this potion so yellow, will one perform an act of love, either brash or mellow. (Admin sucks at poetry- sorry darlings)
A rather disconcerting grin fell upon her face as she tucked the prank book under her couch, soon to be used again, took the tiny vials in her hand, and rushed off to her guild.
It only took a few minutes to get there, what with her excitement and latent athletic ability. Panting slightly, Lucy opened the doors and found a seat in the back corner, scanning the area for her victi- er, friends.
Lucy took in the basic scene of Fairy Tail- a bespectacled Levy with her nose tucked into a novel, Erza eating strawberry cake and reading "Gifted Swordsmanship for Wizards", and the Raijinshū fawning over Laxus.
At the bar, Elfman having a lively discussion with Mira, Gajeel and Gray about manliness (the latter two didn't seem all too pleased about being in it, however), and Lisanna and Natsu were chatting at a booth near the bar.
The only thing not normal with this situation- and oh heavens, Lucy wasn't complaining- but Gray and Natsu were not caught up in their typical daily squabble. Instead, they almost seemed distanced, but Lucy didn't pay attention to it. It was a blessing, not having the threat of fire and ice attacks coming at her.
"Hmmm... Who to test it on first?" Lucy tapped her chin, undoing the vial. Her eyes landed on Juvia, who was so entranced with Gray's jawline or something that she wouldn't notice if Lucy slipped some potion into her water. Plus, Lucy wanted to check and see if it worked. Lucy knew Juvia loved Gray, so if she did something, Lucy could confirm the potion works.
Lucy picked herself up and slid into the bench seat across from the spacey water mage, dropping three teardrop-sized portions of the potion into her water. The water took action and the yellow solution dissolved almost instantly.
"Hey, Juvia!" Lucy greeted with a friendly smile.
"He- love rival," Juvia's face darkened to a shade of coals as she glared Lucy down. She sweatdropped and looked away.
"How's it going?" Lucy struck up a conversation, ever-so-subtly looking at the water, as if to say, are you thirsty?
"Good. Juvia has recently found two new members of the Gray-sama Fan Club. One more and we'll have enough to go to the Fan Club convention next month!" Juvia explained animatedly. Lucy prayed for Gray's safety silently in her mind, because jeez, this girl was off her rocker.
Juvia raised her water glass to her lips and took a sip without batting an eyelash. "How are you? Are you planning on joining the Gray-sama Fan Club? Because as president, Juvia won't allow you."
"I'm fine, thanks," Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Fan club president? What a surprise. Note sarcasm. "And no, I'm not planning on jo-"
Suddenly Juvia stood up and marched towards the direction of the bar. Excited, Lucy watched and wondered just what would happen.
"Gray-sama?" Juvia asked in a singsong voice. "Do you want to go on a date with Juvia tomorrow night?"
Lucy clenched her fists in excitement. Success! She couldn't wait to see what other kinds of true love acts would be performed today!
"No thanks..." Gray looked at his hands. "I thought I told you, I'm not interested in your type."
"What type is Gray-sama interested in? Love-rival's type, I bet?" Juvia berated, putting her hand on her hips as she fought back angry, frustrated tears.
"Nowhere near any of her's either..." Gray whispered to himself solemnly.
"Hmm?" Juvia inquired, leaning in. When Gray didn't respond, Juvia huffed and marched out the guild.
Trying to fight back a grin, Lucy maneuvered over to Levy's table, where she was sitting by herself. Lucy's mind gears were whirring, trying to think of an inconspicuous way to feed Levy the potion.
Right as Lucy sat down, Levy greeted her. "Hiya, Lu-chan!" Levy chirped. "By the way, thanks so much for organizing my library."
"Hey, Levy-chan! Oh, it was no problem at all! Guess what?"
"What is it?" Levy inquired.
"I found this weird spell on a job I had done a few days ago, and it was to make yourself able to multiply your magic power. But," And Lucy giggled a bit at this. "I was too afraid to do it myself. Could you try it for me?"
"Sure! I'd love to help!" Levy held out her hand. Lucy out the vial carefully in her outstretched palm and smiled oh-so innocently. Levy unscrewed the cap and brought it to her lips just as Lucy remembered something.
"By the way, you should only have a teeny bit-"
But it was too late- Levy had chugged half the vial. Lucy was feeling three things- 1) annoyance, because she now didn't have much left, 2) fear, because what was going to happen since Levy took in so much, and 3) excitement, because well, what was going to happen since Levy took in so much?
"How does it feel?" Lucy asked timidly, trying to make her voice sound less shaky.
"This is cool! I feel some sort of overwhelming confidence surging inside me! I-"
Almost completely mirroring Juvia, Levy stood up almost robotically and also made her way over to the bar, but instead of going to Gray, she was now tapping Gajeel on the shoulder.
This is gonna be good, Lucy cheered. Good luck, Levy!
"Grr, go awa- oh it's you," Gajeel grunted. "What'cha need, shrimp?"
"You," Levy answered confidently, before pulling him into a long, flirty kiss. She pulled away just as quickly as she came, stating into the eyes of the surprised Iron Dragon Slayer.
"What was that for?" Gajeel managed to get out, scowling at Gray, who was hiding his snickers behind his hands.
Lucy swore she saw Levy wink. "Just giving you a taste of what's coming up," Levy said flirtatiously, before spinning on her heel and sashaying, yes, sashaying away out the guild. Dazed, Gajeel ran after her.
Do they leave after they complete their act of love or something? Lucy wondered as she surveyed the area for her next victim. She needed a boy this time, and her eyes landed on Laxus.
"Here Laxus. Liquid lightning," Lucy said sexily, purposely leaning over an exposing the lining of her pale pink bra as she slid the container to Laxus.
"You don't think I'm gonna fall for that, right?" Laxus rolled his eyes as he chortled condescendingly. Lucy pushed herself closer, trailing her arm up Laxus' bicep as she nudged the drink closer. Laxus' eyes met Lucy's chest and his mouth watered.
"Thirsty?" Lucy giggled as she handed it to him. Laxus nodded feverently as he gulped a small sip, leaving just the tiniest bit behind.
"Say, Lucy, why don't we head back over to my place, where it's quieter?" Laxus drawled, meaty hands reaching for her own.
"You know what, I'm good," Lucy declined immediately, bolting down the steps as quickly as possible. Laxus liking her? Probably because I just have big jugs, Lucy rolled her eyes to herself.
"One more person I could pull this on," Lucy muttered. "But who..."
She knew just who to choose when her eyes fell on that mop of unruly, tango pink hair.
Natsu, you ready to confess to your one and only? Lucy thought evilly, quickening her pace as she approached the booth. Lisanna must've left a moment or two ago, and Natsu was running out of spaghetti, so Lucy was gonna have go make this quick.
"Natsu!" Lucy greeted. "Hey! Drink this!"
Natsu grinned and shrugged. "Okay!" Lucy mentally face palmed at how dense he was. If if wasn't for his immense strength and will, he would've seriously been hopeless in life.
Natsu took the vial from her hand and chugged the last of the potion without a second glance. He handed it back to her with a confused smile. "That tasted funny, like sugary octop- Hey wait a second there, Lucy, I need to do something."
Lucy nodded meekly and tried to contain her bubbling excitement. Natsu did have a crush! She knew it! Oh, who could it be?
But as she watched him pass by Lisanna, Erza, and herself, for Mavis' sake, she became really confused. Who did Natsu like? The boy was way too dense to even understand romance, let alone carry the process out!
When her eyes landed on him nearby the bar, her eyes widened. Gajeel was now gone, and Mira had left to do a round of battening, and that only left...
Oh my.
Lucy's face flushed with an erotic yaoi scene as she watched Natsu and Gray talk. He wasn't kissing him passionately yet or seducing him, so what was he doing?
Lucy scooted closer to make out what he was talking about, and her eyes widened to the size of golf balls.
"-ever since you saved my life on Tenrou, and you mean everything in the world to me. I know it's weird, but I hope you feel the same-" Natsu was cut off by a squeeze of the hand.
"Yeah, I do," Gray mumbled, staring back. Their gazes were interlocked, and everything else seemed to slip away.
"Really? I'm so happy!" Natsu giggled, sitting at the stool next to him and holding his hand.
"Let's go to dinner tonight, okay?" Gray offered excitedly, but still in a guarded tone.
"Will there be tons of food?"
Gray glared at him and Natsu laughed. "Kidding! Sounds good! Can't wait."
Lucy watched dreamily as they shared an affectionate glance. She wondered how long it would've taken for them to confess without that potion of hers.
She patted herself on the back as she made her way back to her apartment. Yep, it was a job well done.
Now, to go research for her next potion...
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Two days late! #rebel
I hope you liked it... Not too pleased, but I'm trying! I want to work on a couple job one shots/ AU's before I update Blind!Gray, hope you don't mind!
Okay guys, one quick thing.
Gratsu lovers, if you're currently writing a fanfic on here or on another website, feel free to tell me about it in the comments! I want to give back to my readers, since you all support me so much :) Also, if you have a recommended fic you want me to read, tell me! I love anything from fluff to angst. (No major smut pls, but some is lovely)
peace love gratsu bye
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