Two big black SUV's pulled up outside of the fair grounds at 2:45 PM. Enzo hoped out of the drivers seat of one while Mason, the other. "Alright listen up!" Mason called, as everyone gathered around the entrance. Phillipa and Lin got out last and leaned against the passengers side to hear what their grandson had to say. All morning he and Enzo had mapped out the most efficient plan for optimal fun and safety. "There is one entrance," Mason started, motioning to the opening behind him, "and four exits around the fair grounds. If for any reason we get separated during an emergency, we exit and meet at the ice cream stand down the street. Not the cars! I repeat, not the cars! Next," he said, backing up to allow Enzo to go.
"Everyone has a prepaid, thank you mom and dad," he paused, serving his hand to Pippa and Lin who waved at the family, "spending card. You only get one card. Everyone has 100 dollars on said card. If you blow through that card, my guess is that no one is going to give you theirs. I don't see how you could blow through that here, but none the less," he shrugged. "And lastly, you got wristbands in the car. Everyone has a color, please be with your color it's the only way we can ensure safety. The only way you can leave your color is if you go to your parent or—,"
"This feels redundant are we done?" Claudia grumbled, twisting on her bright pink wrist band. Enzo covered his daughters eyes then flipped off his sister, forcing Pippa to step in.
"Okay, okay, we're done," she called, unraveling herself from Lin. "Kids be free. Dad and I will be at the picnic tables with waters. Please check in regularly," Pippa dismissed. The family broke off towards their favorite rides and attractions to start their family outing time.
With the purple group, Lizzie, Lesley, and Feather walked up to a water shooting game that caught the child's eye from the start. "You excited about the wedding?" Lesley asked. Lizzie shrugged, while leaning against the pole that separated the two booths.
"I am, but it seems excessive," she sighed. "We have been together for over 10 years. I don't see the reason behind spending a bunch of money on this. We are trying to buy a house, save money, and I don't know...this is all a lot," she honestly answered. Lesley wished she could have a wedding be her stressor.
"Well, then why are you doing it? Does Mase know how you feel?" She asked. Lesley is unphased by doing what others do or want. Lizzie on the other hand... wasn't as inapt to that.
"I— I don't know. I don't want him to feel like we can't do this because of me. He talks about that day a lot. And I don't want to take that away from him," she replied. She hated being a bulldozer in the relationship. But, Mason made little to no decisions except on this. A wedding was the only thing he asked for. She couldn't take that; not after everything they have been through.
"This is why I'm bad at relationships. Compromise has always been my down fall. But let's hope I learn for this one. I cannot go back to the stri—," Lizzie's eyebrows shot up, pointing to the little girl between them.
"You better not," she smirked. Lesley bit her lip, remembering who she was with.
"The job I so desperately hate," she rephrased. Lizzie chuckled, shaking her head as hug buzzer went off and the defeated child sulked away from the seat. The adults looked down to little girl who was walking away with her head down.
"Feather, wait up. What's wrong?" Lizzie called, catching the kid and gently pulling back to them. Lesley took the small stuffed animal that Feather had won and caught up to them.
"You wouldn't get it," she mumbled.
Across the grounds at the rollercoasters, Claudia, AnneMarie, Nova, and Allie stood in line waiting for the Dooms Drop. The eldest of the four, scrolled through her phone distracted while her sisters and niece chatted. Every now and again she had looked up to pretend she was listening, but soon that came to an end. She was stuck in the rabbit hole of adoption and surrogacy. "What am I going to say when the baby notices they don't look like me or Noah?" She asked, causing the collective to halt mid conversation.
"What?" AnneMarie asked. Claudia shrugged while Nova stepped up.
"Relax, Al. I don't look like my mom, and they all take after their dad more than Nona. It happens. Your baby might be a little more Hispanic, and Noah is so...it's fine," she tried. Allie folded her arms with a slight pout.
"I hope so. I mean, I could always say we used a Nona for a donor egg and surrogate, because I literally can't produce them," she obliged. AnneMarie bobbed her finger approvingly.
"That's big brain. Also, like if they don't ever ask, it's fine too. Like they might not actually care. We are all going to be hella normal and chill about it so, they might never actually ask," she tacked on as the line moved a few feet. Allie dropped the subject, not wanting to stress over it. She was at the fair to have a fun day not worry about her child's possible identity crisis.
Before the girls were three huge groups. Two families and one friend group. The friend group in particular stood right in front of them. Noticing this, AnneMarie scooted her way in between the two groups. "Pst," she called to Claudia. The twins locked eyes, then AnneMarie bobbed her head towards a Hispanic girl standing between a guy and another girl. She knew her sister usually went for white girls, but what's the harm in switch it up.
"No," she mouthed, shaking her head as AnneMarie continued to back up with a smirk. Before they knew it, she had bumped into the girl forcing Claudia to go into savior mode.
"Sorry," AnneMarie apologized, before Claudia grabbed her arm and moved her to the back. The girl flashed an awkward smile as her friends stared the twin down.
"I am so sorry about her. She's really clumsy," Claudia played along. The girl shrugged, a cool and charming smile followed suit.
"It's okay. It happens." The two stared at one another basically confirming telepathically what the other was asking.
"I'm Claudia, by the way," she smiled. A flicker in her eyes, forced the girl to step towards her from between her friends.
"Soy Maia. ¿Habla español?" She smirked. Claudia was impressed and a little turned on. Thank you, Papa. Claudia thought.
"Si. ¿Habla inglés?" She replied. A smirk came to Maia's lips hearing Claudia's Puerto Rican accent.
"Yeah," she chuckled. "You live around here? I've never seen you before." Claudia shook her head, glancing to her family behind her.
"No. We are from Upstate New York actually. My dads friend just owns a beach house down here, so we are visiting for a few weeks. We got here two days ago," she shared, kicking herself for talking so much. Maia glanced back to her friends, who collectively nodded.
"Well, Upstate, my friends and I are throwing a party tomorrow night at this lake house not to far. You should come," Maia offered. Claudia felt her cheeks go warm at the invitation.
"Umm, I uhh, actually I need— I have to bring my sisters and niece. You know, new place, can't really go anywhere alone," she said motioning to the trio behind her. Maia nodded with folded arms.
"Yeah okay, bring them. The more the merrier." The line started to move up, but the two kept their eyes on one another while others around them got aquatinted. Claudia hadn't felt that way since Marco. Her chest was warm. And her stomach was light. Could this be a new fling? It felt like it.
At the picnic tables, Phillipa did her best to keep her stomach conceal under her oversized shirt and high waisted shorts. She was still waiting for a call back from the lawyer and didn't need media photos out just yet. "What did Joey say when you called the office?" Lin asked, setting his phone down on the napkin in front of him. Pippa shrugged and leaned onto his shoulder. She was starting get bothered by the heat.
"Not much. He said that the process should be fairly simple," she started, tossing her finger out towards the portable fan. "We will go in to the office in a few weeks to start the paperwork for this to legally become an adoption. Then, when the baby is born we should be able to sign the rights over, either at or before the hospital, so Allie and Noah can go on the birth certificate." Lin took a deep breath. He was trying to come to grips with not raising this baby. He thought back to the hospital and how Pippa wouldn't back down. She didn't want another baby. She apologized for her tone, but made sure he knew she wasn't kidding. A baby was not in their future.
"So this is real? We won't get another shot at being parents," he mumbled to himself. Phillips slid her sunglasses over her eyes and shook her head.
"We don't need another shot at being parents. We need to do better with the ones we have. We have amazing kids, who can do amazing things if we invested in them. Our shot at raising kids isn't over. And... before you know it that opportunity is gone," she reminisced as a soft breeze cradled her cheek. In her own way, Pippa could feel Stevie reminder of her that she was present. "I have lost one daughter to our neglect. I refuse to sit through another one of their funerals because we tried too late," Phillipa finalized. She didn't want to talk about life growing inside of her anymore. She was not its mother. She was the surrogate. The grandmother doing a good deed for deserving person.
Time flew for some and crept for others. Before the family knew it, they were meeting back up to pile into the SUV's. "Daddy, what's for dinner? I'm starving," Feather whined as if she hadn't house a box of popcorn, a turkey leg, a slushie, a hot dog, and a bag of Skittles. Lesley and Lizzie shared a look of disbelief.
"Where was she putting it all?" Lizzie asked, sliding on her seatbelt to get comfortable. Lesley shrugged while doing the same.
"Oh I give her til we get home before she throws up," Lesley grimaced, remembering the first fair trip she took Nova to. She was 3 and ate more than ever before. Then, in the middle of the night she threw up more that she ever had previously. She wanted to stop it, but the family learned quickly not to come between Feather and her food.
At the house, Phillipa laid on the couch of the sunroom absentmindedly running her hands along her stomach when Nova came to join her. "Nona," she called with a small voice. The house was in a lull waiting for anyone to make a decision about dinner. Nova dropped to the couch and pulled her hood over her head.
"What's up, Novie?" She asked, glancing away from the ocean view for a second. Nova took a pause and released a deep sigh.
"The twins are going to a party tonight at the beach," she answered. Pippa shrugged. She wasn't worried about a beach party. She and Lin knew the police so if the girls got in trouble, they'd know about it.
"What's the problem?" Pippa stretched.
"Well I was gonna stay with mommy and watch a movie. She's been feeling better and wanted to hang out. But...," Nova trailed off. Phillipa turned on her side and slid her shirt up over her bump. She was starting to get warm.
"But what? What does mommy say?" Pippa asked. She normally would give a parental answer to her granddaughter, but with Lesley back in her role, Phillipa was here only the supportive grandmother.
"She wants me to go. She says I worry about her too much. Which I mean, why shouldn't I? She's pregnant with my baby brother or sister. There was a time when I didn't know when she was coming home or if I was getting a meal. And now she's going to be a better mom. And I— well I—,"
"You don't want to miss it?" Phillipa interjected. Nova nodded. The moment went silent between them. Neither party wanting to talk over the other. Neither party saying anything at all. That was until Pippa watched Nova take a brave breath.
"Can I ask you something?" She started. Phillipa nodded and set her eyes to full attention on the teenager. "Why didn't you pull me out sooner? I mean, I was with you every weekend. You saw how we lived. Why did it take so long?" She sheepishly asked as her bravery started to wane. Pippa had to sit up for that question. A heavy sigh came with her heavy heart. She was going to do her best not to cry during this story, but her hormones and affections were likely to take over.
"We wanted to," she quietly began. "Your father was some 15 year old punk who beat and raped your mom while they were in a relationship. And when Lesley told me she was pregnant, she had hinted that she didn't to be. It was an unbearable feeling, but I clearly misread the situation and told her about my abortion that I had had almost 15 years prior to that conversation. She flipped. And from that moment on, I couldn't parent her through this," Pippa recalled. The clouds moved slowly over the sky as it started to paint its sunset, casting an orange pinky hue over the sunroom and women. "There was a riff in that moment that changed our dynamic almost immediately." She paused trying to suck her tears back in, only to fail miserably. "I was so afraid for so long that she would take you and disappear, that I was willing to do anything I could just to keep the peace," she sniffled. "Every time you came over and ate like you hadn't in days or took a real bath for the first time in a while, I wanted to rip you from that house. To send your mom upstate for neglect. To step in. Papa too. It killed me every weekend watching you go back. I cried to Papa for hours every Sunday when you went back home, because I never knew if that weekend was the last weekend I'd see you again. It was hard for all of us, watching you go. I failed my own daughter and I failed you, but I wasn't about to let the system fail you too. Not when we had the money and resources to change it. I had to change it," Pippa answered, now in full blown tears. Nova dropped her head for a second taking in the information.
"I hated my mom for a long time." She confessed. "I hated that she left me to go to the club. That she couldn't take care of me. And that she hated you. I dreamed every night that I would wake up and you'd pick me up on Friday night and tell me I never had to go back there. And then you didn't," she cried. Phillipa caught a glimpse of Nova's tear stained cheeks. "But, I always promised myself that I would be a good girl. I wouldn't make trouble. I'd keep my head down. And if I was good enough, you'd come get me. And then you didn't. Then I got older and I thought this is it for me. I was destined to live in that apartment with my less than useful mom and that if I died, maybe then you'd care. But I knew if I died my mom would go off the deep end, so I stayed. I hated her because she kept me. And I hated you because you let her. I did everything right and all I got was a drug addict, stripper mom and ptsd!" She sobbed. "Everyone else in the family got lucky, even Feather got a caring and thoughtful parent before I did! And I was the unlucky bastard child who got shafted from the very beginning. I played the role, I did my job. Why couldn't she? Why couldn't you? And now she's pregnant again and that baby get the world's best mom? It's not fair!" She finally yelled, releasing 14 years worth of anger on to Pippa, who silently took it, wiping her tears in the process.
"I will be the first to apologize to you, Novie. Because it's not fair. We didn't do what we should have sooner. That's our fault. You did nothing wrong. And yeah, sometimes our siblings get better than what we had. Enzo could tell you about that. And sometimes our grandparents are all but useful. You and Mason have that in common. And hell, sometimes our parents make the wrong choices. All of my kids can attest to that. I will never tell you not to feel how you feel. Everything you said is an absolute truth. The fact of the matter is, you, Nova, have endured a lot. You have had to push through so much. But you're on the other side, now. Don't let what was with your mom, taint what could be with your sibling. It isn't fair that your childhood was stolen, but don't dismiss your entire adolescence. You have a bright, young future ahead of you. And now that you are in my custody I want you to take full advantage of it," Phillips replied. Nova's eyes roamed her grandmothers face, looking for a crack of mistruth, but all she saw was guilt.
"Wait. My mom doesn't have custody of me anymore?" Nova asked. "I thought you had joint custody, like could go back to her one day." Phillips nodded her head side to side while wiping the last of her tears.
"Yes and..." she trailed off. "When you were born, because your mom was only 15 and was still planning on going to college and living her life, we agreed, me and her, to have joint custody of you. So that if she was at school and I needed to take you to the doctors or make medical decisions, whatever have you, I could because I was also your legal guardian. Then, some things went down when you were around 5, that I can't legally talk about until you're 18, so don't ask. We went back to family court and I was granted full custody of you until X, Y, and Z happened. Those things never happened and here we are ten years later," Phillipa explained. Nova quietly slid off the couch, her gaze never leaving the floor. "Nova," Pippa called watching her granddaughter shuffle out of the room.
"Thank you for telling me. I have to go now," she robotically replied. If Lesley was pissed at her mom, this was really going to set her off. But, Pippa couldn't lie anymore. The lies were eating her alive.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
That's number 3 baby! STREAK GOING STRONG! The fair was cool. PIPPAAA LESLEY IS GONNA ROCK YOUR SHIT. Poor Nova. Poor Feather. See ya soon babes!
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