The dining room hustled and bustled during a normal family dinner for the Miranda-Soo clan. Food was passed, conversations were had, normal family activities. "Front door, opened," the alarm system alerted. No one really payed attention to it, since most of them grew up with it and was so used to it.
"Allie, come on! Dinner is ready!" Enzo called from the dining area. At a moments notice, Allie hit the corner with no attention or any real acknowledgement, until Noah stepped from behind her off to her left shoulder. Lin was the first to stop eating, which turned into a domino effect of stares. Allie swallowed her fear and plastered a smile on her face.
"Family, this is Noah. Noah this is my family," she introduced. Noah waved as Feather, the twins and Nova gave him a warm smile before going back to their dinner. The older members not so much. Lesley could see that Allie was crumbling a darted up from her seat.
"Guys, let's be nice and welcome Noah," she said meeting them at the archway. "Hi, I'm Allies older sister, Lesley. That's my daughter, Nova," she said with an out stretched hand. Noah, graciously took it as Allie shot her sister grateful eyes. "Come sit," she said. Allie grabbed the corner chair and slid it next ti her normal seat.
"Hi, I'm Lizzie, this my fiancé Mason, he's her brother," she introduced, making way for Enzo to follow suit. Once the siblings and nieces were taken care of only the heads of the family were left.
"Mommy, daddy, please say something," Allie quietly begged. Noah grabbed her hand under the table grant mutual grounding for the both of them.
"You have a lovely home," Noah complimented. Phillipa sipped her water, only throwing glances his way.
"Thank you," she shortly replied. Noah slightly hung his head, not sure what to say or do. The table sat quietly, not wanting even breath a morsel of air in fear of snapping Lin or Pippa into a rage.
After a few minutes of quiet, Pippa turned to Noah."so what is it that you do Noah? Are you a senior at Allie's school?" She asked, clearly seeing his dog tags. Noah looked to Allie for permission to which she silently obliged.
"I'm in the military ma'am. I am training to be a lawyer in the army," he replied. Pippa popped an eyebrow.
"And how old are you?" She asked. Allie bit the inside of her cheek near raw, praying that the knife in her fathers hand wouldn't find a way to connect with her boyfriend's chest.
"I just turned 20 in September," he shyly replied. You could feel the air thicken as the older brothers started to turn a new, deadly leaf. They watched with baited breath from Pippa to give them the signal of release.
"Are you aware that she not yet 18? And be very careful how you answer," she warned. Noah's heart rate started to pick up. He felt like he was back in boot camp, except his drill sergeant had nothing on Pippa.
"Yes, but—," he quickly stated. "We started dating with in was 19 and she had just turned 17. And we haven't done anything. I wanted or relationship ti be as lawful as possible. I love her and I respect her," he said. Pippa and Lin shared a look for a moment, eyes going back and forth watching them communicate. An eyebrow pop, released the tension between them, pulled Mason and Enzo at ease.
"Allie, can I speak to you in the office?" Pippa "asked". Allie dropped Noah's hand but gave him a shoulder tap of encouragement, before following her mother out of the room.
Behind closed doors, Pippa leaned against the desk with her arms folded. "Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend. Especially an older one?" Pippa gently asked. Her demeanor did a 180 as soon as he stepped through the office threshold. Allie shut the door and sat in one of te office chairs.
"I wanted to, but I was scared no one would believe me if I said we didn't do anything. I didn't want him to get in trouble and with my birthday being tomorrow, I figured it would be okay," she pleaded. "Mommy, I love him. It's been a year since we started dating." Pippa could see the desperation in her daughters eyes. It was obvious, this wasn't some school house crush or a fad. She saw genuine love in her eyes. A love that hadn't been tainted by the bounds of sex or even list.
"Fine. Fine. I'll get to know him. If he turns out to be a fine young man then you have nothing to worry about," Pippa agreed. Allie pulled her mother into a deep hug. Pippa decided to hold her back and take a deep breathe. She wasn't even going to bring up with she and Joi talked about. Not yet.
Later that night, Lin and Pippa sat in bed as the hours wound down to go to sleep. "What'd you think of Noah?" Lin asked, taking off his glasses and setting his phone on the charger. Pippa shrugged.
"Seems nice, and he comes from a good family." She got quiet. Lin looked over to see her eyes searching the wall before them.
"You alright—,"
"What do you think about adoption?" Pippa blurted. Lin's eyes sat wide for a second as he truly processed her question.
"We'll in a few hours, she ages out of the system so..." he trailed off. Pippa stitched her eyebrows together before waving him off.
"Not her, well yes her, but I mean this baby. If I have the opportunity to birth this badly alive and healthy I think we should give it up... to Allie," she said. Lin looked at her slightly crazy, but also understanding.
"Babe, where is this coming from? She's only 18. She hasn't even graduated yet," He asked. Pippa smoothed the sheets over her bump.
"I had a talk with Joi and she brought it to my attention that Allie isn't able to carry a baby even though all she wants is to be a mom. And with this military man in her life, I think this baby would be right with her," Pippa answered. "We are to old to raise another child—,"
"Have you talked to her about this?" Lin asked. With every passing day he could see the toll this pregnancy was taking on his wife. He never meant to hurt her, but it was clear that his intent wasn't a reality. They were basking in the glow of a new baby, they were tired. Exhausted really. And with a full house again, he had started to wish she got an abortion.
"Not yet. I want to feel out Noah a bit more. I want to be sure that this will be a smart move for both this child and them," Pippa said. Lin nodded. That's all he could do. He didn't want to admit he was wrong, but he was. And his regrets we're catching up with him.
Across the hallway bridge, Nova laid soundly asleep but Lesley wasn't afforded the same luxury. She sat up in her bed scrolling through old photos and videos of her daughter. It was often, that she thought about the times when she was a good mother. She started out so well. Take her daughters second birthday for instance.
16 year old, Lesley happily bounced her 24 month old baby on her hip down the stairs. "Mom! Did you get the cake and party favors?" She asked, pecking her baby's cheek just to hear her laugh. Pippa nodded, with a package of cups and plates in her arms.
"Yes ma'am, it's all outside. I have the cake in the fridge and the drinks are in the cooler," Pippa replied. Lesley placed her daughter in the play pen with the twins and grabbed the rest of the party equipment off of the counter.
A gasp left the teenagers lips to see the Pinterest Perfect white bubble party theme come to life in her backyard. She spent weeks in study hall planning this party and to see everything up close had her stunned. "Mommy, this is everything," she smiled, setting the rest of cups and plates on the table and taking out her phone to get a picture.
"Oh my gosh!" DeVore squeaked, coming outside with the rest of their friend group holding gift bags in one hand and their specific tasks in the other.
"I know right! Madison, tell your mom she's getting a major tip!" Lesley grinned, shoving her phone back in her pocket.
"You're literally the perfect mom!" Olivia gushed. Pippa glanced to her daughter with a small smile. While she and Lin paid for the party, it was all Lesley. The idea, the planning, everything. And Pippa was proud of her for it.
"Okay can you watch her really fast while I finish getting ready?" She asked. The girls agreed and set their things down before dashing back into the house to see their "niece".
That day was the perfect example of Lesley's peak parenting. Everything is perfect as long as it was on mommy and daddy's dime. She had to do better for her daughter and her baby.
On the living room couch, Allie and Noah laid head to head on the L shaped couch, watching a random Marvel Movie. For obvious reasons, Noah wasn't allowed to sleep in Allie's room, but because of the cameras, Pippa allowed them to have a sleepover, before he had to head to his temporary apartment. "You're parents are really cool," Noah smiled. Allie shook her head in disbelief.
"Babe, you almost died today! You realize that right? My brothers were waiting for the command from my mother to take you out back and shoot you. We got lucky," Allie chuckled. Noah rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile.
"No way. Moms love me," he charmed. Allie couldn't resist the temptation to lean in and plant a short kiss on his lips. "Oh that reminds me," he said sitting up and grabbing his phone. Allie watch in anticipation, scared of what he had planned. "Tomorrow, after your soccer practice," he smirked, pulling up a safari page. "I'm taking you to get a birthday massage and spa day with your mom and sisters," he shared. Allie gasped. That alone convinced her she had picked the right one.
"I love you more and more each day," she beamed, pecking his lips one more time before scrolling through the package he had ordered for them. Noah watched his girlfriend scroll through his phone with pride. He enjoyed spoiling Allie and it didn't hurt that he had another surprise for her to really finish off her birthday right.
"Shut up," Claudia whispered.
"Shh. She's gonna wake up!" AnneMarie whispered. Shuffling was heard through out the entire living room. But, because she knew how big birthdays were in her family she choose to "stay asleep" in order to not ruin the suprime for her family.
"She will now! Shut up," Enzo whispered. Lesley snickered as Nova came around the couch with a glass of water. Lizzie and Mason stood in front of the tv and counted down on their fingers. As they got to one, Nova threw the water on her aunt.
"Happy Birthday!" They all screamed at once. Allie and Noah jumped up from their "sleep" in shock. Allie wiped her eyes and pulled her hair into a bun. The family stared to sing happy birthday as Pippa and Lin came from the kitchen with a lit cake. "Happy birthday dear, Allie! Happy birthday to you!" The finished. Cheers were heard all around as Pippa held the cake out to her middle child.
I wish that Noah and I can have a family one day.
She blew out the candles and got a nose full of icing from her boyfriend. "Eww! Love," Claudia gagged as the two pecked lips.
"Okay, okay! Get up, get dressed! We have things to do today!" Pippa corralled, taking the cake to the kitchen and transferring it to the display stand. The family poured out of the living room leaving Pippa alone with Noah and Allie. "Happy birthday, baby girl. Noah, are you hanging around while she's at practice?" Pippa asked.
"Nah," the military man sighed. "I will have to check in with my superiors, but I'll be back later. Oh, Mrs. Soo, will you be around after her practice?" He asked, getting up and folding the comforter he used.
"Oh, uhh, yes," she answered, leaning against the bar chair behind the couch. "Why?" She asked while pulling her cardigan closed.
"For Allie's birthday, I got her and you and her sisters a spa day. Will you be available to join them?" He asked. Pippa raised her eyebrows with a small smirk to her middle child.
"Isn't he perfect?" Allie swooned. Pippa waved her daughter off and turned back to Noah.
"I will definitely be available," she agreed, before heading up the stairs to finish getting ready for the day. Noah turned back to his girlfriend, confidently.
"See! Mom's love me,"
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
Noah is the best?? And another surprise??? Lesley's gonna be a better mom?? Pippa wants to give her daughter a what???? Will she take it??? Comment.Like.Follow💕 ily💘
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