Five Days Later
Allie, Killy (above) and Marti sat in Allie's car outside of the Miranda-Soo residence at 2 AM, chilling. Music was humming, smoke was swarming, and the air was filled with laughter. "Yo, she for real grounded you for something that happened years ago?" Marti asked. Allie nodded and blew the smoke out from her hit.
"Yeah. And I'm technically still grounded for two more days, but she's sleep, so this is fine," Allie giggled. Killy rolled her eyes and glanced at the window with all the shadows in the window at the front of the house moving and jumping.
"What's up with that?" Killiandra asked. Allie looked back at the house and shrugged.
"Claudia and AnneMarie are back in the same room, so they are probably fighting...again," Allie nonchalantly explained. Martina and Killiandra shared a look of worry, before ultimately shrugging it off and going back to talking about nothing.
Inside, AnneMarie and Claudia were indeed going at it again. Claudia had just gotten her laptop back and AnneMarie wanted nothing more than to use it or smash it as their father had done hers. "No!" Claudia quietly yelled for the third time.
"Why not? I need to talk to my girls!" AnneMarie bothered. Claudia rolled her eyes and turned back to her pacing sister.
"You don't have girls! The twins left you as soon as Dani pounced on your ass," Claudia smirked. AnneMarie's nostrils flared as she plopped down on her bed across the room.
"They went to go find a teacher!" she lied, knowing good and well they dipped on her at the first sight of trouble. The twins were never really loyal to AnneMarie, they just wanted to be nice so that she wouldn't take their boyfriends.
"Don't kid yourself. Now, leave me alone! I'm trying to get some work done," Claudia gripped. A gust a wind picked up the Latina's hair as a stuffed animal hit the back of her head. "Really? You want me to come over there and break the other thumb?" Claudia threatened a little to loud.
"My room! Now!" Pippa's voice boomed over the intercom. The twins shared a short look of fear, before slowly walking across the overpass, that looked between the foyer and living room, to their parents room. Upon entering, the girls saw their mother with her head in her hands, sitting on the couch in front of the bed. "Girls, do you have any idea what time it is?" Pippa rhetorically asked. The girls silently stared at their mother, who clearly didn't feel well, and shook their heads. "It's late. Very late. Shut, the fuck, up. Go to bed," she demanded. Without a fuss, the girls ran back to their room and shut the door.
"Thanks a lot, asshat," AnnMarie blamed. Claudia hopped in her bed and rolled her eyes.
"Me? You're the one throwing shit like a child!" She fought back. Before they knew it the girls started bicker again and the intercom was back on.
"Girls! Seriously! Stop talking to each other! Turn the light out! Go to bed! If I have to come in there, so help me God!" Pippa threatened. The twins groaned and shut the lamps off before tossing and turning in their covers to piss the other off.
8 AM came quickly for the Miranda house. Thankfully, it was Saturday so the hustle and bustle was restricted to Allie, Nova, and Claudia who had early morning practices. "Bro, mom was so pissed last night. I don't know if she doesn't feel good or what, but she was not having it. She yelled at AnneMarie and I. And I'm pretty sure we weren't that loud," Claudia said as she grabbed her water bottle from the fridge.
"She's wildin. That's crazy. Maybe it's the flu or something," Allie guessed. She grabbed her keys and the three started to walk out of the house through the garage. Right as the stepped out of the house, a very noticeable dent was in Pippa's fender that they hadn't noticed before.
"What the hell? I bet dad hasn't seen this," Claudia said, as she turned on her flashlight to inspect more closely. Whatever Pippa hit or hit her literally punctured the bumper.
"If dad had seen it he probably wouldn't have been so giddy last night at dinner," Allie said in disgust as they left the garage and headed to Allies parked car out front.
"Who are you kidding? Yes, the fuck, he would've," Nova laughed as they all piled in the black Ford Focus.
"Claudia, are you practicing on the indoor turf, because Nova and I are at school," Allie asked, hitting the code to the garage door before it shut. Claudia pulled out the practice schedule to see she was at school which meant wet grass day.
"Nope. School," she replied as they all hopped in and head on the merry ways.
In the middle of an okay sleep, Pippa sat up with the oddest, but strongest urge to pee. When she got up, she noticed that Lin wasn't in bed, but figured he was probably in his home studio as always. Not much thought went into the sight, and Pippa was on her way in no time.
Out of no where, the mother of 6 felt a pain in her right leg. It wasn't strong, but it was a burning sensation. "What the fuck?" Pippa mumbled. While finishing her business, Pippa had look of definite confusion. But, being the strong an independent woman that she was, Pippa continued to get ready while silently in pain.
"Babe!" A female voice called, coming up the back stairs. Pippa rose an eyebrow, but figured she was only hearing stuff. "Babe! I know you're up there!" The woman called once more, clearly on the other side of the door. He's cheating on me? Again? In my own house? Are you serious? I can't deal with this on top of the pain. Phillipa watched the handle turn as she sat on the couch in front of her bed in Lin's grey sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Hey, babe," the woman smirked staring Pippa in the face.
"Jasmine, what are doing here?" Pippa asked, relieved to see her best friend, and not some random woman. Jasmine hugged her best and took a seat next to her.
"Ooooh, Renée is going to flip that you forgot," Jasmine giggled. With a hundred and one things on her mind, Pippa couldn't even place what Jasmine was talking about.
"Uhh, let's see. I have painters coming by to repaint the bedroom downstairs. The girls have practice this morning. I have to take Allie to the doctors at 1..." Pippa trailed off, hoping Jasmine would fill in the rest.
"You really don't know, do you?" Jasmine asked. Phillipa shook her head. "Née invited us to breakfast at her house." A spark went off Pippa's in head, vaguely recalling the text exchanged over a week ago.
"Shit! What time is that?" Pippa rushed, getting up from her couch.
"Fifteen minutes ago. She sent me over here to get you." The actress groaned, feeling her hip catch fire again. Jasmine watched Pippa struggle to get to her closet and went after her. "Hey, are you okay?" Jasmine asked. Pippa nodded, but allowed Jasmine to help her grab leggings and a nice shirt.
"I don't know. I woke up this morning and my sciatic is on fire. I don't know what's going on," Pippa mumbled. Jasmine watched her best friend get dressed.
"Woah," Jasmine stopped, as Pippa pulled her shirt off.
"What?" Pippa asked, looking in the direction Jasmine was. Her stomach.
"When did you get that?" Jasmine asked, running her hand along Pippa's abdomen.
"Wha— no. I'm not—"
"Pippa look," Jasmine directed, turning Pippa to the full length mirror. The woman stared at Pippa's stomach. "I know you haven't hit the gym in a while, but come on. That is so much more than not eating right," she pointed out, running her hand over the small bump Pippa had acquired. "When was your last period?" Jasmine asked.
"I—" Pippa hyperventilated, shaking her head. "This can't be happening. I thought it was stress. I can't— Jasmine there's enough of them as it is," she shakily cried.
"Damnit," the actress whispered. She wasn't liking the sound of that. "Let me call Née,"
Allie stood in the kitchen, fresh from practice, staring at the clock on the microwave. 12:37 "Where is she?" The teen whispered, pacing back and forth. Silence coated the living space, before old tennis shoes clunked up the wooden steps.
"Allie-Cat! You ready?" The writing machine asked. Allie looked to her father weirdly.
"Ready for what? I have a doctors appointment at 1," Allie replied, leaning against the counter as her father grabbed his jacket.
"I know. You ready?" He asked, going for his keys.
"I thought mommy said she was taking me," Allie uncomfortably shifting from the counter. Lin shrugged and pulled out his phone, showing her the messages. "Fine," Allie said, handing the phone back and following her father out of the house.
"What are we going to the doctors for, anyways?" Lin asked, escorting his daughter to the garage. Allie silently rolled her eyes and got in the passengers seat.
"You would know if you were mom," she muttered, putting on her seat belt and folding her arms. Lin saw his daughter's disdain for his presence, but was only following direct orders. He couldn't go against his commanding officer.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
I know I know I know! It's been a year, but hey! I'm sorry!!!!!! Anyways, what's wrong with Allie?? Lin got what he wanted!! But will it stay?? Comment.Like.Follow💕 ily💘
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