Allie sat in the office of Meredith Grey, with her father outside waiting. "Allie, are you sure you don't want your father in here? What I have to say is very hard for someone your age to hear," Meredith asked. Allie glanced to her lap for a moment, before moving her hair to reveal her frank tattoo. Meredith took a good look before watching her patient and friend sit back.
"You see that?" Allie asked. "Those three birds around his name are the number of months it took for Frank to get me out. When I got taken away for those three months, I was sent to Frank's brother. At first he seemed nice, but one night after a few too many pills, he showed his true colors. He used anything in reach. I was five. From that day on, I knew that my chances of being a mom were slim. That went on every night for three months. One night, Frank came over unexpectedly. He got me out and personally drove me to the hospital. The doctor told Frank that I had an infection. I'm going to guess that it's back," She revealed. Meredith looked to her chart with a short sigh.
"It looks like it never left," Meredith replied. Allie's heart dropped. "It seemed like it travelled to your uterus and Fallopian tubes. I'm sorry Allie, but any pregnancy you may carry won't stick. Without a hysterectomy, your looking at a string of miscarriages," Meredith informed. Allie dropped her head and grabbed her bag. "Hey," Meredith stopped. Allie glanced back to the family friend. "It's gonna be okay."
Allie walked out of the office and shut the door to see her father stand up from the chair. They locked eyes for for seconds; Allie broke. Lin immediately pulled his child into his arms, feeling her tears soak through his t-shirt. "Whatever you're going through, I'm here, Mija. I love you," he whispered.
"Thank you, daddy," Allie mumbled. She was grateful that her father was there for with out even knowing why. It was that kind of blind love that brought her to them in the first place. The kind that kept her there.
Pippa sat on the edge of her tub, in the middle of an investigation with her sisters, still in pain. "What does it say?" The nervous mother asked. Jasmine looked at the test, picked it up, and shied it away from Pippa to show Renée. "What does it say?" Pippa asked once more with more anger and less nervous. She was trying to read her friends looks of concern, but knowing they were actresses, Pippa couldn't trust them. "Ugh, give it to me!" She snapped, leaning off the tub and snatching the test from Jasmines hands to read for herself.
"Guys!" Phillipa freaked. "I think Lin did this on purpose," she concluded, showing her friends the messages. Jasmine's hand went over her mouth, while Renée folded her arms. "What am I going to do?" Pippa cried. It was obvious that she couldn't get an abortion and risk Lin leaving her again, but she wasn't prepared to raise another child. She already had her kids. Most of them were grown. Starting over this late in the game, was petrifying. But what could she do?
Across town, Lesley walked up the stairs of her apartment. It was lonely now that her child was taken. She didn't see the purpose in going to work or paying her bills or keeping up with the minor responsibilities she did tend to. To her, it was useless.
The young mom, dug around her pocket for her keys as she climbed the last couple of stairs, before seeing an orange notice on her door. "Eviction?" Lesley gasped, ripping the paper off the door. When she looked down, a few trash bags sat at her feet with a few things sticking out. "Wait," she whispered, jamming the key into the lock. It wouldn't budge. "Are you fucking serious?" She screamed, grabbing her bags. Lesley tossed the key down the hall and carried her stuff down three flights of stairs.
On the curb of the rundown Bronx neighborhood, Leslie took a seat and pulled out her phone. "Hey, I need a favor."
"A favor? Why should I do you a favor?"
"Because I said so!"
"I don't need this—"
"Okay! I'm sorry! Just, come get me. I'll explain when you get here."
Annemarie laid on her pink comforter, staring at the messy bedroom floor. Her side was clean, because she was only a week into her grounding and had nothing better to do. Claudia on the other hand was in and out of the room so much so, that her things were everywhere.
The sight drove Annemarie insane. She knew after practice and hanging out, her twin would be tired and decided to clean the mess herself. She had no idea what came over her, but in a huff, the twin hopped off of her bed and started to clean. She threw the dirty clothes in the hamper, put all of her sisters books away. Then, took the dirty dishes and placed them in the hall to take downstairs. After that, she made her sisters bed. And she even plugged her sisters computer and AirPods in.
Twenty minutes later, the room was straightened and smelt fresh. Just in time for Claudia to come in throw her shoes next to her bed, grab her towel and clothes and lock herself in the bathroom. "Room looks great, Annemarie," the teen muttered. "Oh thanks," she replied, pushing in the desk chair and heading to the hall to grab her sisters dishes.
Annemarie came down the back staircase balancing two plates and three glasses on one hand while using her three good fingers on the other for stability. As soon as her feet hit the hardwood floor, Pippa glanced to her daughter to see the dishes and immediately started to fume. "Annemarie, how many times have I said no eating in your room? This is why! All these unnecessary dishes!" Pippa yelled, laying into her child. The teen took the backlash silently, and placed the dishes in the sink. "Do I need to add another week on to your grounding?" She threatened. Annemarie glanced to her mother with fear. She wanted nothing more than to rat on Claudia. But she knew that even if she did, the odds of her mother believing her were slim.
"No. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," she replied in a small voice before darting up the steps. Pippa shook her head and started in on the dishes she hadn't seen in weeks, by the smell of them.
Upstairs, Annemarie ran into her bedroom, shut the door and sat behind her bed, so that if her sister came out she wouldn't see her. Tears streamed down her face as her anxiety caught up to her. Why is she being so mean to me? I know I messed up, but does she hate me? I mean she must. I destroyed her favorite child's memorial. She probably wishes it was me in that grave, not Stevie. Is this what Claudia felt like? I— The teens head started to swirl. She knew she needed her medicine and immediately grabbed her prescription from her nightstand. Popping two in her mouth, and swallowing them dry was a routine for Annemarie, especially since her anxiety was getting worse.
After the fight, Annemarie wasn't the same. She was afraid all the time. She had migraines that lasted days. Loud noises and the idea of leaving the house choked her up. Not to mention the isolation she was receiving at home and school. No one wanted to be friends with "the schools hoe" and her family basically hated her. There was no where for her to go.
Claudia exited the bathroom to see the top of her twins head. With an eye roll, she sat to her bed and was able to see her sister, with her knees in her chest and head resting on them. The pill bottle in her hand rattled every time she rocked. "Why don't you take a few more, put us all out of our misery," Claudia spitefully said, not truly meaning it, but also not caring.
Annemarie shut her eyes tightly feeling another migraine come on as her sister slammed the door shut. Tears dropped down her leg, as she genuinely contemplated following in Stevie's footsteps. Maybe mom would love me then.
Two doors down, Allie laid on her bedroom floor with her other best friend, Joi Davis (pictured). She had gotten home from the doctors hours ago, and didn't want to be alone. "How are you? Did you tell Noah?" Joi asked, rolling on her side. Allie dropped her phone over her head and glanced to her bestie.
"I haven't told anyone yet. The group chat was first to know. I hope Killy and Marty come over tonight. I genuinely don't want to be alone when I tell him," Allie replied. Joi ran her hand along Allies hair.
"Are you going to FaceTime him?" She asked. Allie nodded.
"Yeah. I hope he answers. He supposed to be in New York, so I hope he is actually there. Last time I called, he had to take a hop to Iraq for a case. I pray he's back," Allie replied.
"You think he'll be supportive? I know you guys talked about starting a family after graduation," Joi asked. Allie bit her lip in apprehension.
"I hope so. I hope he says we can adopt. I just... I feel so bad that we had all the plans, and my past is getting in the way," she replied.
"I still can't believe your dating a 20 year old. My dad would kill me," Joi exaggerated. Allie giggled and flipped to her stomach.
"Trust me, my parents don't know and won't until I'm 18," Allie smirked, lying back down and changing the subject. She and Noah met when he was nineteen and she was a fresh seventeen. They had been dating for a year now and things were getting serious. Sadly, because of the age difference, they've had to hide. Thankfully though, Allies birthday was fast approaching.
7 PM hit in the Miranda-Soo house meaning, dinner time. Allie, Joi, Claudia, Nova, and Feather sat around the kitchen nook eating, when Lin came up the stairs to see Pippa leaning against the counter, absentmindedly staring at the sink. "Babe, everything okay?" Lin asked, grabbing his wife's attention. Phillipa nodded, and dragged her eyes to land on him.
"Uhh, just trying to wrap my head around this," she answered. "It's— a shock." Pippa glanced to the open seat at the table and looked to her husband. "Where is your daughter? Please go get her," Pippa asked, ready to make a plate for her child. Lin sat down his own plate and jogged up to the second floor.
"Annemarie! I know your meds make you tired but your gotta eat," he called, before opening his daughters door.
"Hello?" Enzo answered, watching Lesley stuff her bags into his trunk through his rearview mirror. "Hey, mom what's— huh? Say that again," Enzo requested. Lesley slipped into the front seat of her brothers car and put her seat belt on to see a look of worry creep over his face. "Y— yeah. I'm heading home now. I'll be there in ten minutes," Enzo replied. "We will. Love you too. Bye." Lesley starred at her brother for a second, watching him uncomfortably grip the steering wheel.
"Zo, what's up? Who was that?" Lesley asked, never having seen her brother so discombobulated.
"That was mom. She's at the hospital," he vaguely replied.
"The hospital? This late at night?"
"Uhh, yeah," he shifted, looking to his sister, knowing how horribly she took the news with Stevie, but also aware of how terrible of a liar he had grown to be.
"Zo! What happened? You're scaring me. Is it Feather? Or Nova? Please tell me nothing happen to my baby! I literally can't handle that right now," Lesley begged. Enzo shook his head, starting his car. The loud radio startled the Irish twins forcing them to turn the stereo off completely.
"Uhh, no. Our girls are fine. But..." he trailed off as a tear slipped down his face. Lesley was relieved but soon worried again seeing the tear. "Annemarie tried to..."
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
Tow in one day?? Go me!!! Okay okay anyways...Poor Allie!!! CLAUDIA WHY DID YOU SAY THAT??? I kind of feel for Annemarie. Words matter my dudes. Lesley where you go gone?? How will Pippa and Lin handle all of this???Comment.Like.Follow💕 ily💘
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