Chapter Three-Destiny
"This is a bad idea." Peter says and I sigh. We're on the roof above the pawnshop, waiting for Destiny Jones to show up. I'm in normal clothes while Pete is spidered up.
"How am I supposed to introduce Peter Parker to a potential super? 'This is my best bud, who I continually try to woo, and I just drag him around with me despite his status as a civilian.'" I poke fun and he rolls his eyes. Damn he cannot take a hint to save his life.
"Seriously, Grant. Wish you wore your suit." He mumbles and I unzip my sweatshirt a little to reveal the black and yellow nanotech. Peter looks at me accusingly under those spider eyes.
"Course I'm wearing my suit. Just don't feel like showcasing it to the world. Besides, popping down with the two of us in our suits would scare the shit out of anybody. Best to be subtle." My eyes look back down at the street below us to look out for the girl. "Hey." I hit Peter's chest and he leans forward to see.
"Yeah, that's her. Karen says so." Peter confirms and I pop up.
"Alright. I go in first. Signal you later."
"Got it. Go!" He encourages and I shift as I jump, fluttering to the ground as a dove. I shift back in the alley and slip out just before she walks by. I fall into step beside her.
"Hey." I greet her with a smile and she looks at me skeptically.
"If you hit on me, I'll punch your teeth out." My feet nearly stumble over a bike rack as her words hit me. The corner of her mouth turns up.
"No, no. I just wanted to talk for a minute. I'm Grant Redhallow." She stops and I hold out my hand. She looks at it and back at me with a raised eyebrow. My hand drops.
"Redhallow. Like Victoria Redhallow." She repeats and looks over my face. "What the hell do the Avengers want with me?" Now my eyebrows raise.
"You can't guess?" I ask and her amber eyes narrow. "Can I know your name?" Yes, I know her name but I'd like a bit of her trust.
"Destiny Jones. Des." She responds and we move out of the way of foot traffic.
"Des." I smile and her lips curve up a bit again. "Well, Des. The Avengers have seen what you can do and it's impressive. Wanted to meet you."
She scoffs. "And why would I want to meet them?" Shock runs through me.
"Right. Well, it would be an opportunity for you to-"
"If you're going to give me the 'I can be more' speech I'm going to have to puke on your dirty tennis shoes." She shakes her head at me and once again my brain stalls for words. Blinking, I drop any pretense I may have.
"Fine. Based on your clothes and the fact you visit this pawnshop every other day, I'd say you're homeless. While you may be able to conjure up whatever the fuck you want, pretty sure a house is a bit too big. We can get you a hot shower, clean bed, and good food. Maybe even teach you something." I tell her bluntly and she puts a hand on her hip as she considers this.
"For the record, you look homeless too in that sweatshirt." She returns and I chuckle, grinning brightly at her. Crossing her arms, she looks me up and down. "I'll be back here in two days. If you're here then I'll go with you. I want an Avenger with you, though. Proof you're not some crazy look alike full of shit." Shooting my arm out, I wave up and she follows the motion.
"Brought Spider-Man. Does that count?" Peter waves and she purses her lips before looking back at me.
"Two days." She repeats and my brows furrow.
"Why?" I ask and the corner of her lips pulls up again.
"I'm not going to be picked up on the first try. Come again in two days and maybe I'll decide you're worth it." She turns and puts a hand on the pawnshop doors.
"Maybe?" I repeat and she smirks before slipping through the doors. Half-smile on my face, I wait a second before retreating back into the alley and shifting into a dove. I land beside Peter and shift back.
"How'd it go?" He asks and I shrug.
"We've got to come back in two days." I report and his brows furrow.
"What? Why?" He asks as I help him to his feet. A smile teases the edge of my lips as I look out over the people milling about on the street.
"To prove we're worthy of her."
* * * * *
Two days later, we're now on the ground. Well, Sam and I are on the ground and Pete's on the roof again. It's just so damn hard to explain Peter's presence around me. It was easy when we were just around the facility because of the internship, but when I'm out on errands like this he can't tag along. Not as Peter anyways. So, we've got Sam and I leaning against the bricks just outside the pawnshop doors and Spider-Man on the roof.
"How long are we going to wait here, little man?" Sam asks, the both of us scanning the streets for Des.
"As long as she wants to keep us waiting. And I'm taller than you." I remind him with a playful grin. He shoves my shoulder and I laugh before Sam stills and my head snaps up to see Des in a bright yellow sundress heading this way. My mouth gets dry at the sight of her. The corner of her mouth lifts when she sees Sam next to me. Once she's close enough, I introduce her. "Destiny this is-"
"Sam Wilson, yes I know. Not an idiot." She finishes and Sam's smile widens as she offers her hand.
"Nice to meet you. I've got to tell you it's nice to see someone keeping Grant on his toes." I shoot him a look but he's unfazed. Her bright amber eyes made brighter by the yellow of her dress look me up and down, clearly unimpressed.
"Doesn't seem too hard." Sam laughs and I try to take the hit to my pride in stride.
"So? I brought you two Avengers. The other is on the roof." She looks up, then back at me. "Obviously not a creep. Come see the facility?" I ask, hope in my voice and eyes. Des purses her lips and taps her hip, red nails bright and flashing.
"Alright, it's a deal." She relents and I sigh in relief.
"Thank god." I walk over to my motorcycle and she laughs.
"Yeah, I'm not riding that. Sam, mind if I ride with you?" My shoulders sag with more of her disappointment while Sam just seems to be entertained.
"Sure. Car's just there. See you, Grant?" I nod and wave them ahead, eyes lingering a bit on Des' hips as she sways away. Shaking my head, I wave at Peter and he nods, running the length of the roof and traveling by web. I slip my helmet on and make it a point to swerve around Sam on the way back. Since the facility is surrounded by trees, I pick up a normal Peter as we head in.
"She's getting under your skin, isn't she G?" Peter asks through intercoms within the helmets and I sigh. His laugh is clearly heard and a smile teases my lips at the sound. Apparently, he isn't even upset by the notion I could be interested in someone else. My jaw ticks as I think on our way back.
"A bit. We'll see how you do with her." I return and then he's quiet. We enter the facility to find Tony being introduced to her and she shoots me a smirk.
"Figured you'd beat us here based on how you were driving." She says and Tony's eyes widen, glancing at me.
"Picked up a friend. This is Peter." I introduce and sizzle slightly when she accepts his hand. The hell was wrong with my hand? Do I just not deserve a handshake? Peter smirks at me as if he can feel my irritation.
"Des. Hi." She greets him and turns back to Tony.
"As I was saying..." I stop paying attention as Tony goes through everything I said when I met Des, even though she seems much more receptive to him than me. My phone rings and I look at the picture of Victoria smiling at me.
"Hey, Victory. Has it happened, yet?" I breathe in excitement and Tony pauses.
"Yes! Yes, it's happening! We're at the hospital just getting settled in." Steve responds and I send Tony a thumbs up. He beams and suddenly everyone's moving. I've grabbed Peter's arm with one last glance at Des and we're running outside to my bike.
"Christ, what hospital?" I ask, boarding and handing Pete his helmet.
"St. John's. They're inducing Ria now so everyone better hurry. Damn. Grant, I've got to go. Tell everyone?"
"I've got it, Steve. Take care of Victory." We hang up and after seeing Tony with the rest of the team trailing behind him, I'm off.
With just a little speeding, we get there in an hour. Bucky and Liya are back at the cabin watching the rest of the kids, so at least Steve and Victory don't have to worry about them. The entire team pacing, sitting, and basically taking over the waiting room garners a few looks, but none of us are worried about that. Tony, forever the businessman, decided to bring Des and continues telling her what she could attain by joining the team. Pete stays near me and I'm on the other side of the room, pacing. It's already been two hours and I'm going stir crazy like an animal in a cage.
"G, calm down. This is her third. She's got this." He assures me and I nod, running a hand through my messy curls. "Captain Rogers is with her and you know he'll take care of her." I slow down my pacing and just put a head on Pete's shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. Gently, his hand rests on my shoulder. Suddenly Peter tenses slightly and my head jerks up to find Des standing beside us.
"Hey. You alright?" She asks me and seems a bit unsure of being friendly.
"Just restless. Never really know what we're getting with Victory's kids." I joke lightly and her painted red lips curve up.
"You really care." She states and I snort.
"That's my sister. She's half my world." I return easily, confident. This makes her eyes widen and her lips part.
"And the other half?" Des asks and I wave to the room, messing with Peter's hair beside me.
"In this room. The team. Plus, missing members." I look to Pete and he nods when she glances at him.
"And you're just going to let me, a stranger, show up and crash the party?" She asks and she crosses her arms across her chest. A smile pulls at my lips as I shrug.
"Hey, that's how the rest of us made it." Finally, she gifts me a real smile.
"Uh, does this mean you're in?" Peter asks, pushing off the wall next to me. She looks to the ground and taps her nails against the dark skin of her arm.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'll give it a try." She agrees and I step forward to wrap her in a hug, but I'm stopped by a hand on my chest.
"Haven't earned that yet. Pretty boy." She tells me and despite her tone, her words have me smiling. Just then Steve bursts out of the swinging doors looking ridiculous in scrubs, but with a glowing expression on his face.
"It's a boy." He breathes and the waiting room erupts with joy. I'm the first to wrap my arms around Steve and everyone else follows.
"And Victory?" I ask and he waves me off.
"Perfect. Amazing." He tells us and we all pause to listen. "Only a few people back at a time so, Tony? Grant? Nat?" We are instantly at his side, Tony with a bear wearing Steve's uniform. Steve shakes his head but leads us to where Victoria's waiting with a little baby boy in her arms. My heart melts at the sight and I take a deep breath to keep tears from forming.
"Oh my god, Queen. You look great, sweetheart." Tony assures her and leaves the bear by her feet, absorbing the little face peeking out of a green blanket. Steve sacrifices being by her side so the rest of us can clamor closer.
"" I breathe as her eyes meet mine.
"Hey everybody." She greets us quietly. "Natasha has first dibs, sorry T." She whispers and Natasha eagerly accepts the offered baby.
"Called it in the womb." Natasha says and we laugh as softly as possible. "Got a name yet?" She asks and looks up at Victory and Steve. They smile at one another.
"Anthony Natalia Rogers." Steve says and pats Tony's shoulder when he gets misty eyed.
"You gave him the name Anthony? Poor kid'll be teased mercilessly." Tony quips with a scratchy voice and Natasha hands little Tony off to his bigger namesake. I reach up and wipe sweat soaked strands of hair off Victoria's forehead.
"You're okay?" I make sure and she tiredly takes my hand.
"Perfect. You and Steve look after everyone, okay? I need sleep." I nod instantly and take little Tony while Steve kisses her cheek.
"He's small enough to be an ant." I murmur with him in my arms.
"Certainly would keep with the bug nicknames, huh, bee?" Tony slides a hand over my back as I stare at my nephew. We all walk out so she can rest and I get the best job; presenting the little guy to the group.
"Alright everybody. Meet the youngest Avenger yet. Anthony Natalia Rogers. Ant for short." I introduce, the baby sleeping soundly in my arms. Everyone walks over and coos happily at his sleeping form. All except Des. Wading through the crowd of people, I walk over to her. "Hold him?" I offer and trepidation enters her eyes.
"You're offering a baby to a stranger. Is that really a good idea?" She asks with a nervous laugh.
"You're part of the team now and that means participating in group events. This is a group event. Go on." Her arms make a cradle and I pass Anthony over. She takes to it instinctually and I take a step back with a grin. "Not too hard, now is it?" She shoots me an irritated look before looking back at him.
"Dibs next." Rhodey calls and stands beside me while Sam makes sure Steve drinks some water. Des softens with Anthony in her arms and loses a little of her defensiveness. She doesn't hold him for very long and hands him to Rhodey as if he's a faberge egg.
"Thanks." She tells me quietly as I move beside her to watch Rhodes walk away.
"Sure. Promise this isn't a normal occurrence. This should be the last baby for a while." I tell her with laughter in my voice. This one was a surprise, so who knows. "Wish you could've met Victoria today. You'd like her."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Definitely." I reply instantly. "You're both sassy as fuck to strangers." My eyes find hers and she sighs.
"Look, life on the streets-"
"You don't have to apologize. I get it. Got to be on your guard, right?" I interrupt her but she seems thankful for it.
"Yeah. Well, if you're not going to let me apologize, here." Her hands hover over each other and twist. A silver necklace appears in her hands with an etched globe as a pendant. "So, you can always be reminded of your family." She says and hands me the chain. Surprised and touched, I thumb the pendant before draping it around my neck.
"Thank you." She nods once and I face her fully. "How does that work?" I ask and she lifts her hands, shrugging.
"Born with it. You were right though. Seems I really can't make anything bigger than I am. Food and water yes, but I've really only been able to conjure a few things that actually taste good." She explains and I absorb this with interest.
"And is there any other limit?" She shakes her head.
"Not that I've found. I can summon a diamond the size of a heart, gold, jewelry, weapons. Haven't tried any living things though." She winces slightly at the thought. The gears in my brain turn and she steps beck a bit as I stare at her.
"Sorry, sorry, could be living in a penthouse in some skyscraper but you just pawned tiny stuff?" I ask and she shrugs.
"Uh, yeah. I've never wanted the spotlight. Noticed you've stayed out it too, by the way." She smoothly mentions and I nod, grinning when I turn to see Peter with Anthony in his arms across the room. Big Tony catches my eye and he shoots me a quick wink before turning back to his namesake.
"I'm still figuring out where I land around these heroes." I sigh, heart happy at the smiles on everyone's face. "Don't think you're alone in not being sure where you belong in this group." Des hums and turns to the tiny horde as well, amber eyes lightening when we hear Anthony squawk for the first time.
At the end of Fire and Ice, Sugar and Spice Victoria is pregnant. So, this is the birth of that cute little nugget. <3
What do you all think of Destiny?
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