Chapter Four-Recruiter
^^Little Morgan!
It was late when we all finally left the hospital, so when we got back to the facility Pete and I decided to just crash there. Our rooms are side by side and it feels a bit like stepping back in time walking back in there. Drawings and watercolors from Victoria and Steve color the walls as well as photos. A bookshelf is against the wall covered in small inventions like the mechanical arm I got from Tony a long time ago. A smile is on my face as I look at the cast I made to look like Bucky's arm just beside it. Sighing, I sit on the end of my bed and rub my eyes.
"Hey, bud. Someone wanted to see you before she went to bed." I look up to find Morgan in Tony's arms.
"Hey, baby doll. How's my favorite girl?" I ask instantly, accepting her when Tony allows her to run over to me. I pull her close and she hugs me back.
"I'm good! Just wanted to say hi before bed." She says as I set her on my knee.
"Oh, I'm glad you did. It always makes me happy to see you." I boop her little nose and she giggles with a wide grin.
"Alright, come on troublemaker. Mommy will have my head if I don't bring you back." Tony says and Morgan hops up.
"Promise you'll say bye to me 'fore you leave tomorrow." She demands and I laugh, nodding.
"Course, Morgan. You got it." I promise and her little pink lips stretch into a smile before she trots back to Tony. He scoops her up and pecks her forehead.
"Head back to mom. I've got to talk to Grant." She kisses his cheek before he puts her down and she sprints out of the room.
"Little mean to let Pep deal with that ball of energy, Uncle T." I chastise as Tony sits next to me with a heavy sigh.
"Pepper has been putting me to bed for years, she can handle Morgan." He says and I admit he's probably right. "Saw you and Destiny talking today. How'd that go?" I nod and clasp my hands, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees.
"Good, I think. She's wary of people and that's different for me. I'm used to people liking me right off the bat." I explain and Tony chuckles smoothing a hand across the top of my back.
"Pepper hated me when we first met. Victoria too and Steve and...well, that's enough examples. Point is you never know what'll come of hatred. Lifelong friendships and love for me. Seemed a bit warmer towards you this afternoon." My fingers reach up and feel the necklace she gave me with a small smile.
"She said she'd give the team a try. Do you think..." I clear my throat a moment. "think I could try training her? Since she's relatively okay with me?" Tony grins and pats my back before standing and embracing me. I hug him back tightly.
"Sure, kid. Good luck." He winks at me before heading out and shutting the door behind him. Sighing heavily from exhaustion, I strip and climb into bed. I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Morning comes quick and I'm up and running with the sunrise. Steve and I would usually talk on the phone during our run, but today he didn't call. Assuming he's busy with a newborn, I run alone. When I get back to the facility I shower and when I find Des still isn't up, I decide to get creative. I slam my fist against her door until she whips it open, butcher knife clasped firmly in her hand and anger twisting her face. Laughing, I hold my hands up in surrender.
"Time for training. I'm your S.O. Change into workout clothes and meet me back here. You have ten minutes." The grip on her knife tightens before she makes it disappear and slams the door in my face. "Ten minutes!" I shout and jog to the kitchen. After making waffles and jogging back it's been a little more than five minutes and she's leaning in the doorway. "Nutrition." I hand her the paper towel with waffles on it and the water bottle under my arm. A smile pulls at her lips and she follows me as I start to walk.
"So, who the hell made you my...what was it? Shit officer?" She asks and I roll my eyes.
"Supervising Officer. And despite waking you up early, which is good for you, I made you waffles. So, cut the shit or this'll be harder on you." I threaten and she hums, balling up her paper towel and putting it in my pocket as I hold the gym doors open for her. My head shakes slightly, but I'm smiling.
"Thanks." She says before waltzing inside the room. I follow.
"Alright. Basic equipment in here. What we're going to work on today is just seeing the scope of your abilities. Show off." I suggest and wave a hand at her. She quirks up an eyebrow.
"Do whatever I want." She reiterates and I nod encouragingly. Smiling a bright smile I haven't seen on her before she turns before falling straight back. I take a step forward, but she just falls straight through the floor. My eyes widen and panic shoots through my veins when I spin and don't find her in the room. It's only when my eyes catch the slightest movement in the shadows behind the punching bags that my heart starts pounding. A laugh fills the air and I find my mouth tilting up at the sound. "Your face." She sasses before slipping out of the shadows, tossing them off her like a well-worn cloak. I calm and huff.
"In my defense I thought you'd been swallowed by shadows, so..." She laughs again and walks over to me.
"It's an ability. Manipulating the shadows." She raises a long-fingered hand and slowly waves it over the room. It's like an eclipse, darkness slides along the walls and windows until it's pitch black. I shift my eyes so I can see and it's even stranger seeing the sun shining outside while being shrouded in shadow. Turning to Des, her hands dance in the air for a moment until there's just a sliver of light cutting down the room to shine on us. Unabashed amazement on my face, I stare at her.
"Amazing. You're amazing, Des. Wow." Her face shines with the praise, painted purple lips stretching over white teeth. Suddenly the shadows rush at her and I watch as they drape her frame in dark smoke. Purple tank top and orange shorts are covered in black and a heavy hood seems to hang over her head. A long cape lays behind her and wisps of black twist up into the air at various points in the fabric.
"If I ever got in trouble o the streets I'd do this and the person would usually back off." She says as I remind myself to breathe. "And if they didn't..." She waves an obsidian hand and more shadows creep out and shape themselves into a familiar shape. A black panther creeps across the floor, black teeth bared.
"Is this corporeal?" I ask and reach out a hand.
"No, don't-!" Too late, the animal's paw reaches up and swipes at my hand. Pain instantly shoots through me. Red stains my hand and I pull it back with a hiss.
"Ah, fuck. Okay. That answers that." The shadows melt away as Des walks close to me.
"I'm so sorry. He only knows to protect." She looks at my hand as drops of blood fall to the floor.
"You're fine." I breathe and hold my hand in front of her as the skin and muscle stitches itself back together. It takes less than a minute and I'm relieved it does. "See, all better." Her hands turn mine this way and that, apparently unworried about having blood on her hands. Her skin is soft and smells like cocoa butter, honeyed and sweet. She looks at me with furrowed brows before dropping my hand quickly. "I can heal most anything. Never tested a near death wound and hopefully won't have to, but..." I shrug. Des summons a hand towel and wipes her own hand, then my own. "Thank you." She snorts.
"My fault. Least I could do." She says and once we're clean the rag disappears and she puts distance between us again. "I want you to show off. Show me what you can do." Grinning, I melt into a black panther. Feeling new in this skin, I stretch and yawn just to show off my teeth. "And you're still you, right? You don't turn wild when you change?" She asks, looking more than a little apprehensive. I lay down and roll onto my back, sticking my tongue out and pawing at the air playfully. She giggles and I stand.
"I'm still fully me and can change the vocal chords so I can still talk. Or..." I change them back and chuff quietly. She seems more comfortable now so I trot over and rub against her legs. Des is still a bit apprehensive and I can tell because she just barely lets her nails trail down my back. Maybe she's a dog person? I change to a wolf and bark, tail wagging happily. Next move is a horse and this she seems to take to. Gentle hands reach out and knuckles rub over my soft nose, then up and down my neck.
"You'd make a good getaway vehicle." She teases and I snort in mock offense. I'm rewarded with a laugh and I revel in the victory. "Ever think of entering the Kentucky Derby?" She asks and my laugh comes out as a whinny. I change back to myself and put my hand over hers on my cheek.
"That would be cheating." I tell her and turn to kiss her palm before releasing her with a smirk. "Let's work on your shadow creatures. It would be more helpful if they could do more than maul people." She blinks and nods, taking a couple steps back. We work for a couple hours until we're both covered in sweat. Her from conjuring and trying to not murder me. Me from dodging various paw swipes and healing when I can't get out of the way. We're heading up to the gathering room for lunch and that's when we finally run into other people.
"Wondered where you went, G. How's training?" Peter's first to greet me, but I resist putting a sweaty arm around him.
"Des is certainly something." I say and watch her smile softly. "I really think we're making progress. She's definitely teaching me a thing or two."
"Not hard since your brain is probably empty anyways." Sam teases as he walks in, wrapping me in his arms and messing up my hair.
"Still more than you, Wilson." I laugh and dodge Sam's half-hearted swipe.
"More like Barnes and Rogers every fucking day." He shoves my shoulder and walks to the couch with a smile on his face. Chuckling, I turn back to Des.
"Sorry. What do you want to eat? I'm good at grilled cheese, ramen, uh, deli meat sandwiches?" Des shakes her head and pushes me out of the kitchen with a finger.
"I've got it. Sit down. Consider this repayment for the waffles this morning." I blink as she turns to look in the fridge.
"Thanks." I return and sit at the bar with Peter, still a bit surprised. "Uh, where's T?" I ask and Peter perks up.
"Should be here in a minute. Took away his toys so he'd remember to eat."
"And that was very, very wrong of you little prodigy. Destiny, good to see you. You and Grant behaving?" Tony breezes into the room and pours himself a twenty-four-ounce cup of coffee.
"We're doing alright." She replies and I smirk. He slides past her and stops next to me with an arched brow.
"She's kicking my ass most of the time. Great addition." I tell him honestly and Tony's eyes widen.
"He's crushing." Peter leans forward and whispers softly so I shove him off his stool. His quick reflexes react and his body curls up, hand flat on the counter to keep him up. Laughing, I tug him back up on his stool despite my better judgement. Idiot still doesn't have a damn clue, but maybe its best if I drop that and move on?
"Huh, well. I wish you luck either way Grant." Tony tilts his head towards Des and walks away before I can steal his coffee in retaliation. Shaking my head, I spin back around when the smell of bacon hits me. Des moves smoothly around the kitchen between making subs and slipping them in the oven, and making bacon. Pete pats my back and joins Tony and Sam on the couch, so Des and I are relatively alone.
"I'm guessing you know your way around a kitchen." I pose and she pauses a moment to smirk at me.
"Better than you, I'd say. I uh, I used to do all the cooking for my mom." She reveals and I see how the words sit uncomfortably on her tongue.
"Mind telling me more about them?" I ask carefully. Since she's busy, she has an excuse not to meet my eyes.
"Sure." She states and thinks a moment. "Uh, my mom had me when she was about nineteen. Didn't know who the father was, so I didn't really have a dad. Just guys she dated coming in and walking out on her over and over again. Shitbags, mostly." My mouth quirks up when she meets my eyes and I'd be lying if I said this didn't make her more interesting. Or make her easier to understand. "After, showed themselves, my mom dropped me off at a foster home from sixteen to eighteen. Been doing my best on the streets ever since." She explains and spins on her heel, grabbing an oven mitt and slipping the sandwiches out and onto the stove behind the pan of finished bacon.
"I was lucky, Victoria found me and from then on I had her and my family here. But...I didn't have that from birth till fourteen, so I get it." I nod understandingly as she puts a sandwich in front of me, looking like a restaurant worthy sub. Her lips are turned up at the sides and her amber eyes are shining. I actually forget how to speak for a second.
"That's not what people usually say." She responds as I hop up and take her plate, walking to the table with it. A smirk on her face she follows me and sits next to me with her glass of water.
"What do people usually say?" I ask and pick up a half of the sandwich. She actually cut my sandwich diagonally. Damn.
"Sorry. You poor thing." She responds curtly, amber eyes swirling with humor and maybe even begrudging amity.
"Would you rather I say that?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. She snorts.
"I think I actually prefer your response." She answers and my eyebrows shoot further up.
"I'm sorry, you prefer me? Oh, well I'm extremely flattered. Knew it was only an amount of time." I say and take a bite of sandwich as Des blinks and frowns slightly. My eyes widen as I chew and I'm positive I mumble just a few expletives before swallowing. "God, this is delicious, the hell you put in this?" I ask, positive this couldn't just be a sandwich.
"Crack." She answers immediately with a straight face. I pause just long enough and she laughs, light, airy, and happy. Des looks back at me and instantly tames her facial expression. "Normal sandwich stuff. Maybe I'll teach you how to make a proper sandwich one day." I shake my head to clear the fuzz out of it.
"Yeah, yeah. I'd like that." I return and glance over at the group on the couch, all wearing smug smiles. Shaking my head, I turn back to Des and keep up pleasant conversation as we eat.
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