Arthur Rollings, had never attended a debutant ball in all his adult years. From the moment he had taken over as the Duke of Essex he had made no effort to attend any of these balls. Allowing the marriage market to know he had no intent to marry that social season. But there was a first time for everything. For he would patiently await for her, watch as she walked down towards the queen and was titled the diamond of the season. Something he knew she deserved, before he would walk away making the others know that he had seen enough. And considering the presentation went in alphabetical order he knew it would not take too long. He would have to sit through the first five letters before he reached her.
A gentle nudge to his shoulder would bring him from his own thoughts. Arthur would turn towards his best friend, the only person he would ever allow to nudge him in such a way. Charles Bridgerton stood to his left an eager grin upon his face as the two stood bundled between the vast number of Bridgerton siblings. He knew that Charles was partially there to support his younger sister Francesca and partially there for their Paige. Something Arthur could not relate to considering he was an only child.
"Patience Art, we have to get through many young ladies first." Charles voice was calming, as he moved to link their pinkies together. Enough to anchor Arthur. Just enough. Arthur looked down to their hands quickly before returning his gaze back to the presentation floor. Knowing that he could not bring any attention to their linked hands otherwise it would not end well for either of them. Their relationship was incredibly hard to explain to others and he was happy with how things were. They were best friends almost brothers in public. But behind doors they were so much more.
"I can't I just want to see her, confirm it's all finally going to happen." Arthur's words were on the quieter side not wanting the others around them to listen in too greatly. However, he knew the Bridgerton siblings around him were more focused on their debuting sister to care much for what one of the brother's best friends had to say.
"Look Francesca is next it won't be much longer until her turn." Charles drew their conversation to an end then as his younger sister was announced. Arthur had to once again give it to the Bridgerton family, for they had an impeccable ability to turn out some of the most beautiful debutants of any season. Francesca was much taller than Arthur last remembered her to be, but she clearly was as quiet as she had ever been, anxious as ever. But regardless, she completed her presentation to the queen with no issues. And passed onto the next room without gaining overly much attention but did not disappoint. Possibly what was best for the young lady in question.
Nine more debutants would be announced and make their way towards the queen before her name was finally called. Nine debutants of which had mixed receptions, some doing much better than others. Arthur waited anxiously for her to appear around the door.
"Miss Paige Featherington, presented by her mother the honourable Lady Featherington." The man called and Arthur knew both his and Charles' eyes would be fixated on the next person to enter the room.
Paige was dressed much like many of the other debutants around her, but unlike the others she made no effort to look around the room. Her focus was upon the queen sat in her chair a few feet before her. Her body did not seem distracted at all by the crowds of which lined either side of the room. She paid them no attention, almost as if she did not see anybody there. Taking to the walkway, in a way of which was nothing like her elder sister's presentation, if Charles' words were anything to go by. Elegantly making her way down the aligned path holding herself with the poise and composure of a lady of even higher status than her own. All of which caused his brain to scream one thing at him. She would indeed make the most perfect Duchess.
He knew the whole room was holding their breathes to see how the queen would react upon her presentation. Especially considering the paper of which had dropped about Paige that morning. The paper which he was sure would be the reason as to why Charles would be taken to prison sooner rather than later. The queen would make strong eye contact with Paige as the young girl curtsied low and slow. Though she made no effort to raise from the throne she was sat upon, this was the longest she had looked at any of the debutants thus far. It was as if the Queen was looking at the young woman to work out just what the mysterious reason she was not marriage material was, just like the gossip paper had stated that morning. Arthur felt his unlinked hand clutch into a fist at this. Whatever was going on, that was Paige's personal matters. Something of which the ton did not need to know.
It was something he wished she would tell him fully once they had got to know one another. When she fully trusted him. When she saw him more than her friends older brother's best friend. A messy link he knew. But he was ready to make that link much simpler much easier to understand. And as Paige passed through the doors on the other side of the room, his presence in the room was no longer required. And he made an effort to move out of the presentation hallway and away. Noting that he need not to drop his linked hand until they were away from the crowd. For following him immediately was Charles.
The pair would make it outside the palace and into the much quieter garden of the estate. Once they were away from peeping eyes Arthur finally turned to Charles. A cheeky grin upon his face, for it would be time for their plan to fall into fruition. But before he could say anything a rough hand stroked gently down his cheek. He fought the feeling to lean into the intimate touch desiring nothing more than their way of life being more accepted. But that was a fantasy he was unsure if it could ever happen.
"You are so attractive when you're protective." Charles spoke his tone heavy his words slightly breathy and Arthur felt his pulse quicken.
"I'm just taking a page out of your own book my love." Arthur's words were much quieter more than aware of the potential of others being around them.
"Of course my Lord." Charles agreed but it was clear there was a humorous undertone.
"Are you ready to start our plan tomorrow?" Arthur changed the topic slightly unsure he would be able to keep his composure if their conversation continued on in the direction it was heading.
"Of course I am, ready to call upon the Featherington household."
"I'm sure it will make Lady Featherington faint when she see's just whom is preparing to call upon her youngest daughter." Arthur joked not prepared for the response he was going to get.
"Oh I do hope she faints in front of us." Charles seemed to find glee in the idea of the Featherington matriarch feeling rather unwell upon seeing a Duke at her front door.
"Of course you would take glee in that idea."
"That woman is a horrible cow." Charles huffed
"I know we will get her away from that family soon enough." Arthur tried to console but he knew it was not working. Therefore, he let his eyes dart quickly around the gardens noting that not many people had ventured out, considering the presentations were still ongoing. He moved closer in, to the point where the two were chest to chest, their almost equal height was something he had always adored. It made him more than aware that they were equals in every part of their relationship. He placed his right hand upon Charles' waist, as his left moved to the back of his head. Their eyes met as he waited for any denial of permission. A few seconds would pass as he waited only to see no response. That was when he moved to capture Charles' lips with his own.
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