Awaking for the first time that social season in her London bedroom, brought a feeling of bliss to Paige. She felt as the warm light entered her bedroom, from the curtains she did not close overnight. Her eyesight returned to what was considered the best it would be as the darkness no longer took much of it away. Though what remained on the peripherals still appeared blurry, what lay directly in front of her was now much clear than it had been once the sun had set.
A knock upon the door would draw her attention, and Paige sat up as she waited for the person on the other side to enter. It would be her head maid Lillian who entered the room. The woman being a few years elder than Paige herself, with dark chestnut hair delicately placed upon her head. She stood dressed in the garish colours of which all servants of the Featherington household had to wear, and Paige knew that if there was any chance that she was able to marry into another family she would bring Lillian with her so that the woman could get out of that nasty uniform.
"Good morning Miss Paige. I have brought you the Whilsteldown paper this morning, shall we get you ready." Lillian spoke and Paige nodded her head in response initially making a move to remove herself from the warm covers of her bed.
"Of course, I wonder if these gossip papers will ever end. I suppose considering it is the first day of this new season that this was bound to come out." Paige spoke taking the paper from her maid and making an effort to gently read her way down the page. Though her reading would stop abruptly upon the noting of her own name. Too scared to read what had been said about her.
"Is everything okay Miss Paige?" Lillian interrupted her focused glare on the paper, noting that usually Paige would read the column quickly laugh at something stated before casting it aside not wanting to read again. After all, she was a young girl of the ton, she did enjoy a little bit of the gossip being spread.
"Yes it would seem as though Whilstledown is in deed not finished with our family." Paige sighed she truly had thought that the spreading of nasty gossip about her family was over, but it would appear that once again, this was not true. The author of the column seemed to have something against the Featherington family, something incredibly personal and hateful. Paige had thought for a long time it was potentially one of their servants writing the paper, someone that her parents had treat horribly. Though this was an unfounded idealogy, and she didn't know what she had done to deserve to be spoken about.
"Pray tell, what have they said about you this time."
"I do not know if I want to read this, it is specially about me." Paige passed the paper back to Lillian.
Dearest Reader,
With the start of the 1815 social season it has come time once again for eager mothers to get their perfect daughters ready to find the best husband. And whilst our eyes see some of the more unfamiliar faces make their entrance to the scene. We finally get a chance to see the debut of the youngest Featherington daughter.
Paige Featherington has been a mystery to the ton for the last few years. The only daughter to have not made her debut before the passing of Lord Featherington, it makes this author rather suspicious. For it is a wonder just why she was hidden behind closed doors for so long. If the words of which I have heard are true, then this pity debut to appease a desperate girl is that; one of pity. The speculation to whether she remains truly unfit for marriage is strong and only time will tell.
Lady Whilstledown.
"Miss these words are not true." Lillian spoke knowing she would be breaking the social norms, she brought Paige into a hug. Knowing that the words being shared were those most likely spread by the girls own mother who had been spitting them at her youngest daughter for a few years now. She heard a small sniffle come from her mistress and hoped that the young girl could put it past her. When Paige finally pulled back her eyes were red and Lillian could see the tears threatening to continue to fall down her pale face.
"Let's get you ready shall we, it's an important day today." She attempted to distract knowing that her mistress would need a good distraction.
"Yes but do I have to wear the feather?" Paige questioned only to get a small smile in response. The white dress of which all debutants had to wear, or perhaps it was just the current style Paige wasn't quite sure, was something she was very nervous about. Paige would never claim to be a rather clean nor proper lady and therefore, wearing pure white was very much frightening to the girl. She knew there was a high chance that she would make a mess of herself before evening reaching the venue of which she would be presented to the queen.
Feather strapped around her head, Paige was ready to face the ton. This time as a debutant. But she knew that the gossip paper of that morning was going to put a damper on the possibility of ever getting a caller. Making her fall right into the same path that her older sisters seemed to have fallen down. She wondered just what she had done to deserve the fate which was clearly coming her way. But then realised that somehow she had managed to anger the person behind the Lady Whistledown paper. For which, meant that it would be a long and saddening season. Perhaps it would be best for her to give in, not debut and return her focus to her elder sister.
"It would seem that somehow the speculation got out to Lady Whistledown." Portia paused as she awaited some form of response from her daughter. Though she had expected nothing too much, considering this was something she had made very clear to her daughter was the most likely outcome of her debut ever since they had been informed of her condition, she had not expected for her daughter to cry. Paige was considerably softer than her sisters, nowhere near as strong of a woman to really hold the Featherington name.
"I know I won't disappoint you." Paige knew the words she needed to please her mother by now, the same ones she had been using for a few years now.
"Come let's get this over with." Portia spoke and Paige wondered if it was just because of the woman's idea against her debut. Or if it was partially due to the bad memories of presenting her sisters three years ago. A presentation which had gone the opposite of well, one which brought shame against the family name. Well more than usual.
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