The horse drawn carriage bumped along the cobbled pathway, passing through the range of expensive houses. Inside sat three woman, a mother and her two daughters. All of which were impatiently waiting upon the end of their journey in the small wooden contraption.
Portia Featherington was the lady of the carriage. Her bright red hair was piled upon her head in a neat undo, her gown was bright in colour as she looked through the window. Her mind racing, aware of what she had to achieve that season, what she needed her daughters to complete upon her behalf. Necessary to hide what she had done upon the passing of her husband.But more than aware that the two daughters in the carriage with her were unlikely to be the ones of which would do this for her. That fate would rest upon her eldest two daughters, both of which she had little faith in. Times were looking bleak and she cursed herself for never bearing a son. Things would have been much simpler were one of her four daughters born a boy.
Penelope Featherington was sat in silence next to her mother. Cursing at herself for following the colour co-ordination her mother had placed upon the four girls their whole life. Her brain busy as it anticipated her return once again to the social scene of London. As she prepared herself to return to the double life she had been leading over the previous three years. Already drafting the words of her first column. Knowing that the focus would be placed upon her family once again, knowing that they always brought enough content for her to use to entertain the masses and earn herself enough money that she would never have to rely upon a husband to keep her. But she also knew that this year she wanted things to be different, she wanted to walk away like her two older sisters did with a secured marriage.
She had her eyes set upon anyone she could possibly match with. Knowing that her ideal husband was not interested in her, it had taken a whole summer to get over. But now she was ready, she knew not how much longer she could remain under her mother's reign. She didn't want to be stuck as a spinster anymore. Penelope was ready to put herself out there this year, she needed to escape. And if that meant using her younger sister as content for her gossip column so she could focus on finding herself a husband, then it would be unfortunate but she knew her sister would forgive her.
The final inhabitant of the carriage was possibly the most excited to return to London. For after three long years of begging her mother to allow her to debut in the social scene, the woman had finally given in. Sure it had been laced with the harsh words to not expect anything to come out of it. Especially when the men worked out her medical condition, but Paige chose not to focus upon those words. She was just finally excited to be included in the events of which were going on, having spent the last few years watching her sisters enjoy and participate from the sidelines, it was finally her turn.
Paige knew not many men would be interested in her, especially when it came to them working out that at night her vision barely existed. That when they would dance with her in the dimly lit halls that it would be mainly just her stepping on their toes, she knew it was not ideal. But she wanted her princess moment, she wanted to dress up and pretend just for a few months. She wouldn't look for her own prince, rather she would spend her time helping her older sister.
There had been many nights where Paige had heard her older sister lament not only the loss of her best friend, unsure as to how Eloise and Penelope had fallen out, but also the loss of her one true love. For Paige was not blind, not yet that was, she could see she knew the deep feelings Penelope held for Colin Bridgerton. But she also knew the harsh words he had said about her older sister. And Penelope deserved better, she deserved someone who would love her despite everything, even if that was not the boy she had been crushing on for years now. Paige wanted nothing more than to help Penelope find that person. After all if both Prudence and Philippa could find themselves a husband who seemed to love them, then so could Penelope. She was at least much brighter than both of their older sisters.
Soon enough, after the three hour journey the carriage came to a stop. Stopping gently outside of the London house of which belonged to the Featherington family. As per tradition Paige waited for both her mother and her older sister to step out of the carriage first. Going in the age order she had been taught by her father when she was a mere child. Exiting the carriage and coming face to face with one of her favourite houses was more than enough to brighten Paige's mood. The countryside was nice enough, but there was just something about London that Paige could never quite get over. There was just something there which she enjoyed much more than being stuck in the open lands of the countryside. She knew this was probably something that many young ladies felt when they came into the capital for the social season so she thought little about it.
Her focus remained upon the grand house of which stood before her, ignoring the conversation her mother was having with her older sister. Knowing she would be nudged if her mother's attention went towards herself but also aware that his was unlikely. After all, she was very much aware of her mother's general feeling of her being useless and therefore she had little chance that the harsh glare of Portia Featherington would turn on her. Yet alone be directed to her to get her to marry out. Part of her missing when her father was still around, knowing he was less hateful about her than her mother ever was. After all it was due to his family that Paige was stuck the way she was, and he had at least felt a little guilty about that.
Eventually, they would make their way inside of the house. Paige wanting nothing more than to head up to her room, get settled and comfortable for a few hours before perhaps going out into the garden. Her garden, the one of which she had been looking after since she was 8. Unaware that her return had sparked the interest of one rather noisy neighbour.
Charles Bridgerton, had been looking out the window of the parlour when he noted a rather familiar carriage making its way down the street. A carriage he had been anxiously awaiting the return of since the end of the last season. He etched himself closer to the window waiting for the inhabitants of the carriage to make their exit out and towards the front of the much smaller house than his own. Counting the hairs of red as they came out he looked desperately for one in particular.
The first head of red belonged to Portia, the mother and a woman he could not stand. He knew well that she was a con artist, just like the men in the Featherington household were. She was stout, rude and a rather nasty person to be around. But it was not her he was waiting on. The second figure belonged to that of Penelope, the girl his twin had some sort of strange fling with. She was the best friend to his younger sister Eloise, but he knew the girls had some sort of falling out, one of which had not been repaired over the off season. He didn't particularly care for what had gone on between them, nor did he care whether the two girls made up. Penelope was a little too quiet for his liking, it was almost as though she was listening in to every conversation going on around her, holding silent judgement over others rather than making any effort to actually get to know them. If he was being honest he wouldn't be surprised if that silly little gossip paper Lady Whilstledown came from Penelope, she seemed secretive enough to do something like that.
What he was waiting upon was the third and final member of the family to exit the carriage. The tallest redhead, the youngest and the only girl who had ever taken his attention. Paige stood in her baby blue coat, the one he always recognised to be hers. From the distance he was at, he couldn't clearly make her out. But she was finally back in London, and he knew that this social season would be right. He also knew that by confirming her return he would have to make a small trip that afternoon to let him know. But that could come after he took the time to fully take in her return.
"Charles." The voice of his mother would fail to take his attention away from the scene outside the window. He could feel her presence as she came to stand beside him, looking out the window for herself to see what had got his attention so much. Her eyes focused on the blurry figures from far away noting the three red haired woman outside of the brick house.
"So the Featherington's have returned." Violet spoke softly, she knew the relationship between that family and her own was complex, she could barely understand any of it. But she wasn't sure she had accounted Charles so much into that equation.
"Yes Mama, they have." Charles' voice seemed much happier and peaceful than she had expected. The same tone he only really had when chiding his siblings or talking about his best friend from Oxford. Causing her to wonder just which daughter he was so happy to see.
"I don't suppose your brother and you have the same feelings. Considering how different you both are as twins." Violet gently probed studying her son's face and watching as it stretched in distaste at her words.
"No Mother, Colin and I do not share the same feelings for Penelope."
"So it's Paige then. I heard she is debuting finally this season." Violet answered her mind filling with the joy of potentially finding another child of hers a love match.
"I do hope the rumours are true." Charles confirmed turning away finally to look at his mother once the family of three had entered their house.
"I'm sure they will be Charlie." Violet used his nickname as she placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder. She hoped that for her son, not only did the young girl make her suspected debut but that she would also harbour the same feelings. She may have been biased but she could not see it otherwise, any girl would be lucky to marry one of her sons and any boy would be lucky to marry one of her daughters.
"I just hope my lack of title will not drive her away."
"No lack of title will drive true love away."
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