Graci's Top Tens
Honourable Mentions:
Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) / Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail) / Loke (Fairy Tail) / Kyou Fujibayashi (Clannad) / Tomoya Okasaki (Clannad) / Serena (Pokémon) / Paul (Pokémon) / May (Pokémon) / Iris (Pokémon) / Casey (Pokémon) / Lyra (Pokémon) / Silver (Pokémon) / Leaf (Pokemon / Karin (Karin) / Anju (Karin)
10) Meredy - Fairy Tail
Meredy is one of those characters that I just can't get enough of. She's got such a sweet voice and motivation (Ultear). I love her mini flash-back, and her relationship with Ultear. It's so cute! And her relationship with Juvia is just the best, their battle is my favorite of the series (I haven't seen the whole series). Also, she kind of reminds me of Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle which is awesome.
9) Kelly - Pokémon
Now, I do have a Next Generation character called Kelly (she's the daughter of Brock and Lucy). But I'm talking about the Kelly in the Advanced Generation. She has that Grumpy. Kelly is one of those characters that I have no idea why I like her so much, I just do. So this is quite short, but that's because I really like Kelly, I just don't know why.
8) Ushio - Clannad
How can you not love this 5 year old?! She is the sweetest thing I've seen since....ever!! Just look at that face! And when she dies...*cries* That was the second time I ever cried because of something I've watched. The first was when Nagisa died. But she's adorable!!
7) Kagami - Lucky Star
This anime was the second anime I ever watched through until the end, and Kagami was instantly my favorite. Her amazing sarcasm and hilarious interactions with Konata instantly drew me to her. You know? Now that I think about it, Konata and Kagami's interactions remind me a lot of Gray and Natsu's, except less adorable. Also, her relationship with her sister is the cutest/coolest/sweetest thing ever!
6) Miette/Georgia - Pokémon
These two are so similar (in my opinion) that I decided to group them together. They both look really pretty, both have amazing personalities. Their hair and eye colours seem to be switched (as in Georgia has Pink hair and Blue/Cyan eyes whilst Miette has Blue hair and Pink eyes) WHAT IS IT WITH ME AND BLUNETTES?! These two are just awesome characters (and I ship ConfidenceShipping *runs away from Poke/AmourShippers).
5) Elliot - Mew Mew Power / Tokyo Mew Mew
Elliot is my Senpai from MMP! He is so hot! I don't ship him with Zoey, but I do ship him kinda with Bridget. *nose bleed* He's so hot! And the fact that we rarely see him shirtless is a treat unlike ANOTHER one of my Senpais. (Jeanae: Real subtle, Graci) I haven't watched Mew Mew Power in quite a long time, but I love the mutual respect between Zoey and Elliot. And another point.........HE CAN TURN INTO A KITTEH!!!!!!!!! I love cats!!!!!!!!!!! :3 is my favorite emoji face and 83 is my favorite number because it looks like a kitteh face.
4) Corina - Mew Mew Power/Tokyo Mew Mew
I love Corina's character, also....JEANAE WHAT IS IT WITH ME AND BLUENETTES?!?!?! D'X But yeah. At first, I saw her as really annoying how she looked down on people, but to this day, I still find her calling 'drinking tea and making other people do the work for her and basically being a customer not an employee' hilarious. Her Brother arc was my favorite, and like my Senpai, was what made me really like her. Also, she is the only MMP girl with an animal that can fly. Air is my favorite element, and to be able to fly is my oldest dream. You know? I can kinda imagine her being Gray's sister. PLOT TWIST! JEANAE!!! I HAVE A NEW IDEA FOR THAT MASSIVE CROSSOVER WE'RE DOING!! (Also Dance another Day is my favorite MMP song)
3) Fuko - Clannad
Alright, here we are! The top three. Kicking off, we have Fuko from Clannad.......*goes into fangirl mode* How can you not love the starfish-loving-same age Tomoya-coma girl? She's so determind to make her sister happy it's adorable!! She's also clutsy and adorkable. SHE IS THE CUTEST THING SINCE USHIO!! Or..before Ushio...She had the first arc, which made me like her really on in the series, when her spirit went back to her body, I was so sad thinking she was dead. But then she kept making appearances when Tomoya and Nagisa were in trouble, and then she'd adorkably fail at helping them. But just seeing her made me smile.....Although, I've gotta admit, she was kinda annoying in After Story....
2) Gray - Fairy Tail
Ha! Bet you didn't see that coming! No, my Senpai isn't my favourite character in an anime ever, he's close though. Reasons why I love him so much will be explained in a later list. He's too special to me, to give him any less. But basically, GRAY IS MY SENPAI!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Dawn - Pokémon
Yes, Dawn from Pokémon is my favourite character. Pokémon was the first ever anime, I ever watched. And at the time, D&P was airing, so of course it holds a special place in my heart. But when I watched it, I was still at the stage where I was like: Girls are so much better then Boys! I still believe that, kinda... but yeah, Dawn was always my favourite character.....actually that's not entirely true...for a short time, Paul was my favourite character, but Dawn ultimately regained her title.
Fun Fact: I actually used to be scared of Paul and his attitude, so when he came on in the D&P, I'd have to go upstairs to get my teddy (a mouse called Mousy :D) to 'protect' me.
And also, I am a HUGE IkariShipper now (though I used to ship PearlShipping, it was the first ship I ever was aware I shipped) so that gave points to both Paul and Dawn!
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