After Sam had pulled into the parking lot of another run down motel, Dean refused to let you out of his arms. Sliding out from underneath you, he reached down, gingerly picking you up. Surprising you, he used his boot to kick the door shut, taking more care with you than with his precious car.
"Dean, I think I can walk." You argued, but when his mossy eyes looked down at you, you stopped struggling against him. Truth be told, being wrapped in his strong, safe arms wasn't a bad place to be.
"Sure, but just let me do this. Please?" He whispered against your hair, and you nodded.
Sam quickly returned with a room key, opening the door and letting you and Dean pass through with Cas following behind. Placing you on the bed, Dean sat down next to you as Sam headed back out to the Impala, getting the bags that were left behind.
Brushing the hair back from your face, Dean looked you over. You weren't sure how you looked, but you knew you felt like crap. The spell might not have pulled all of the grace from your system, but it had done a number to you. It felt as if you had the flu, on top of running a marathon. Your entire body ached, and you could feel your eyelids fluttering, but you fought to keep them open. You didn't want to worry Dean anymore than he was now. "How are you feeling?" He asked as if reading your mind.
"Just tired. But I'll be fine." You tried assuring him, but you weren't sure he bought it.
Leaning down, he softly pressed his lips to yours before standing up. "Sleep then. We'll be right here if you need anything." His words were the last thing you heard as you quickly fell asleep, too tired to fight it any longer.
When you woke up, it was to Dean no longer in the room, or Sam. Only Cas was there, standing at the window, staring outside, his trench coat covered shoulders slumped a little bit. "Cas?" You croaked, your deep sleep still coating your voice.
"You're awake." He announced like you didn't know it. "It's been hours. Dean was starting to get worried. We all were."
Moving to sit up, you winced at the ache in your entire body, your arms struggling with the movement. "Here, let me." He told you, easily lifting you until you were in a sitting position. Pressing his fingers to your forehead, you felt a warm sensation, a glowing in your head but when he pulled away you didn't feel any better. "It should have worked." He whispered, trying again.
After the third time of him trying, you pulled away. "Cas, stop. For whatever reason it won't work. I don't want you wasting all of your energy on me."
"But Y/N, I can feel it. Your life force is draining away. If we don't do something, I'm afraid...." He started, his words trailing off.
"What? That I'll die?" You asked, already figuring out the answer. "Cas, there was always that possibility. And I guess I'll have to be okay with it. Because of this, we were able to get rid of Uriel, and that's the most important thing."
"We will try and figure out a way to fix this." He assured you, just as you could the engine of the Impala as it pulled into the parking lot.
Grabbing Cas' hand, you held him still. "Please, don't tell Dean. He's already worried, and I don't want him to worry anymore than necessary."
Cas frowned down at you, disagreement evident in his gaze. "I don't think that is wise. Dean already knows something is wrong. I don't think I can keep this from him."
"Please. Just at least for today." You pleaded, just as the door opened and Dean came walking in carrying multiple grocery bags.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed, tossing the bags onto the table before coming over. Cas had stepped to the side, still frowning but staying silent for the moment. "Are you feeling better?"
Nodding, you let him lean down, his lips connecting with yours in a sweet kiss. "I think the nap helped." You told him, as he went back to the bags. Pulling out item after item, you quickly realized that he had bought all of your favorite food items.
"I wasn't sure what you would be hungry for, so I might have gone a little over board. Oh, and look! They had so much pie, I couldn't pick!" He exclaimed, holding up three different pies. He seemed lighter and happier now that the threat of Uriel was gone. You couldn't dare take that away from him, so you pasted a smile on your face even though the thought of food had your stomach churning.
"So what it is?" He asked, and you glanced up in alarm.
"Real food first? Or should we skip straight to dessert?" He continued just as Sam came walking through the door, his laptop in his hand.
"Maybe real food first." You answered.
Dishing out some chicken, along with mashed potatoes, he walked over to you, handing the plate over. Smiling at him, you looked down at the food, not hungry at all.
"Cas, can I talk to you?" Dean asked, and you watched as the three men left the room, no doubt going to talk about you.
Picking up a piece of chicken, you attempted to take a bite, the food tasting bland and boring. Setting it back down, you waited for them to walk back in, wondering if Cas was going to let your secret spill.
It was only a short time later the door opened, and Sam and Dean walked back in, Cas nowhere to be seen. "He went to heaven, to check up on things up there. How are you, you haven't eaten your food?"
"I think I'm still tired, and I'm not very hungry." You told him. "What did you guys talk about?"
Grabbing a plate for himself, placing two pieces of pie on it, he came to sit down next to you. "What our plans were. Sure, Uriel is out of the picture, and so is Charmeine, but I don't think the threat is fully over. Not until we figure out how much Angel Grace is left inside you, and if we can get it out or not."
"But Cas said he wouldn't be able to." You argued.
"He said he might not be able to. But maybe he could find an archangel who could. Their powers are different, much stronger." He continued explaining.
Leaving your plate on the nightstand, you curled into his side, letting the warmth radiating from his body heat your chilled skin. You hoped that Cas could find someone to help you with this, because you could feel the weariness growing, and you knew it wasn't going to go away itself.
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