As you struggled to wake up, your head pounding, you heard hushed voices in the room with you. "What the hell was that out there?" Dean grumbled quietly in the room. "Was that what you were talking about? Is she even going to wake up?" He asked, his voice raising at the end, concern making his voice gruffer than normal.
You were ready to wake up and let know Dean that you were okay, but Cas' voice was soon filling the room, and you thought you would give your head a minute to feel better. "I'm not sure, but I don't think it had to do with the Grace being a time bomb as you called it. But whatever happened, it made her weak, and it might be hours, if not days before she does wake up."
"Damn it." Dean cussed, and you heard the slamming of a glass on the counter.
"Dean, we need to be calm about this and just be there for her. This can't be easy for her. Her life has changed so much, so quickly. Being angry isn't going to solve anything." Sam said, always the wise and concerned one.
"I know. But I'm just scared. She just came into my life, and now there's the chance I might lose her." Dean said softly.
More shuffling was heard around the room before the door shut and you thought you were alone. Opening your eyes, you took a deep breath, blinking at the bright sunlight that shined through the open window. Moving to sit up, you saw Dean staring out the window, his hands shoved into his pockets, fine lines etched into his forehead as he thought. "Dean?" You whispered, and he whipped his head your way, hope vanishing the lines on his face.
"Y/N, you're awake!" He exclaimed, rushing over to you, carefully perching on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Better, I guess." You told him, reaching for his hand and holding it.
"What was that back there? You had me scared, more than any monster I've ever faced." He told you, running his thumb along the back of your hand.
"It was weird. I was out by the pond, trying to get my mind wrapped around the fact that I could go boom at anytime." You started explaining, watching as Dean winced at your words. "Then, a weird pressure filled my head, and this voice started talking to me. Saying they were friends with Charmeine and they wanted to talk to me."
"And? What did you say?" He asked, his eyes searching yours while waiting for an answer.
"I didn't have the chance to say anything!" You exclaimed. "You were there, then Cas, and then I was here, waking up."
He leaned down, capturing your lips with his in a sweet, gentle kiss as if you were breakable. "Please, don't ever do that again."
He pulled you up, into a hug, before standing up and clearing his throat. "I'm, uh... I'm going to go let the others now that you're awake." He stuttered, before moving to head out of the small room, almost running into the door frame.
You watched him leave, realizing how much he had just put himself out for you right there. Dean didn't do emotions much, and admitting that he had been scared, that had been a big step for him. You stayed in bed for a moment, before climbing out, and changing into a comfortable outfit of jeans and a sweatshirt. Stepping into the main room, you saw Dean over in the kitchen area, talking quietly to Sam and Cas. As soon as they saw you, Sam came walking over with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. "Here, thought you might need this." He told you, and you took it, inhaling the smooth aroma. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
After taking a sip of the scalding liquid, you answered. "Still a little nervous. I mean, come on. I'm a walking time bomb, and any minute could be my last. How would anyone feel if they knew that?"
"You shouldn't worry. We are doing everything we can to figure this out. We are here for you." Sam said, and you could still see his feelings for you, buried deep inside, but still there and it made your heart ache that you couldn't follow through on those feelings. You had chosen, and while you were falling in love with Dean, Sam still had a soft spot in your heart.
"Yeah, Cas here is gonna go see what he can scrounge up. See if he can figure out who this mystery person was." Dean said, coming and wrapping a possessive arm around your shoulders.
Sam noticed, and you could see it still bothered him, seeing you with his brother. You hoped, with time, it would pass, and that he would become the great friend you knew he could be. "Yes, as Dean so roughly put it, I'm going to sneak up into the golden library in Heaven, and see what I can find. But I know Uriel will be watching for me, so it will be very dangerous."
You pulled him into a hug, before pressing a light kiss to his cheek. You could hear Dean scoffing in the background, jealous over the little display of affection. "Please be safe. I don't want you risking your life, just for me."
Cas appeared flustered, not used to the affection, and he pulled his trench coat tighter to his body. "But it's worth it. We need to get this figured out, no matter the cost. But I will be safe." He said, his voice gruffer than normal.
Sam's long legs ate up the ground until he was standing next to Cas, whom he patted on the back. "Ditto to what she said. We need you back in one piece Cas." He told him.
Cas nodded, before heading towards the door, but Dean stopped him. "Hey, keep in touch, please." He said, as he watched Cas open the door.
"Hello." A familiar voice said from the doorway, his hand poised to knock on the door. It was a younger man, around your age, one you remembered very well. And that's when it hit you. Why the voice in your head bugged you, triggering memories.
"Jayden!" You exclaimed, rushing past a startled Cas, planning on giving Jayden a hug. A hand reached out, grasping your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"Who is this?" Dean asked, holding you close to his body, his eyes full of distrust as Cas held his Angel Blade and Sam pulled out his gun.
"This is Jayden. My boyfriend from high school." You told them. "And the voice that had been inside my head."
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