**So I tallied the votes, and I've decided to leave it as a surprise for right now, and see if you guys can see where I'm going with it! As always, loving the comments and suggestions. You guys rock!!**
"You have Angel grace?" Dean repeated, as you switched your glances between the three men currently staring at you. "Are you an Angel than?"
"Why, do you want to be touched by one?" You smarted back, using sarcasm to cover the fact that you didn't know much more than them. You watched as Dean sat back, a little stunned, before a smile thinned those plump lips of his. "No, seriously, I wish Cas was here. He could answer your questions better than I could."
"It's alright." Sam said, and you turned to him with a grateful smile, relieved that he wasn't pressing you for more answers. "We understand that this is new information for you too." He comforted you, and you couldn't help but get stuck in the way his hazel eyes shimmered as he stared your way.
"Well, I for one remember what happened the last time we had an Angel who couldn't remember on our hands. Lots of trouble, that's for sure." He said, and you quickly turned your gaze on his, wondering if he was thinking about kicking you out. If he was thinking you were more trouble than you were worth. "I need to go work on Baby. She was pulling to the right."
He left without another word, his bowl still sitting on the table. Bobby shook his head before grabbing it and dropping it in the sink. Patting you on the shoulder, he started out of the room. "Don't worry about him. He's just Dean. He's not mad at you. When he comes back, we'll talk more about your issue."
You nodded, wishing you had someone like the older man in your life. While you had loved your father dearly, he hadn't always seen that your way of living was an okay way. There had been plenty of nights the two of you had spent arguing, ending up with you slamming the door to your room.
It took you a moment to realize it was just you and Sam, now sitting together at the small table. You lifted your eyes up, looking at him as he finished off his bowl. He was relaxed, his elbows on the table, his shoulders slumped a little, but still he towered over you. His hair gleamed in the dim light, a lock falling into his face. He seemed like the safest bet between the two brothers, the one you could talk to and wouldn't yell back or argue. There was a kind, and compassionate air to him, and you bet the two made a great set of good cop, bad cop.
"Sam." You said quietly, and he looked up at you, his mouth parted a little bit.
"Yeah Y/N?" He asked, setting his spoon back down in the bowl and giving you his full attention. You had to admit, it was hard not to blink, or blush underneath that stare.
"Do you really think I will cause you guys a lot of trouble? Because I don't want to do that. I could just leave, find a place to hide." You suggested, but he turned to face you, grasping your hand in his.
"No, you can't do that. Even if you are warded, they will find you. You're best bet is here, with us. And we're used to trouble. Dean was just being,..."
"Hey, watch what you say." Dean's voice sounded from behind you, making you jump. Dean came striding around the table, grabbing a chair and pulling it until it was in front of you. "Listen, Y/N, I want to apologize for earlier. It's just, I was frustrated, and I took it out on you."
You saw Sam's head jerk towards his brother, shock evident on his face. You gathered Dean didn't apologize very often. You saw Dean's hand on the table, and you placed yours over it, wanting him to see how thankful you were for their help. "Dean, I understand. And I feel horrible for bringing this fight to you. I wish..."
"It's our job. If it wasn't protecting you, we'd be out there hunting something else, getting beat up by something else. But we don't mind, do we Sammy?"
"No, not at all." Sam agreed, giving you another bright smile.
Feeling better now that he had made things right, Dean grabbed his left over beer, taking a sip. "So, what can you tell us about this Angel grace?"
Your hands in your lap, you blushed a little over the strong gazes that both of them held you with. It was a little disconcerting to say the least. "I don't know much. Cas said I wasn't born with it, he thinks. That maybe something slipped it into me when I was younger. Someone very powerful, and now Uriel wants it to help another man in a fight in heaven."
"Damn it. I didn't know Uriel was on Raphael's side, but it doesn't surprise me." Dean swore. "Cas say anything else?"
You shrugged. "Just that he would try to find out more up in heaven." You yawned then. Even though you had slept most of the way in the car, you were still exhausted and felt as if you could sleep for a week straight. Both men must have noticed, as Dean slid his chair back, and Sam stood up.
"Come on Y/N, let's get you settled for the night." Sam said, as he placed both your and his dish in the sink.
"I need to get my stuff from the car." You started, but Dean put his hand on your shoulder, stopping you.
"When I went outside earlier, I grabbed it. It's up in the spare room." He explained. Stepping up on your tip toes, you kissed his cheek, feeling his whiskers tickle your lips.
"Thank you Dean. For that, and for everything." You said, watching as his green eyes stared at your lips.
"Yeah, it's no problem." He muttered, breaking his gaze away, and taking another swig of beer.
"Come on Y/N, I'll show you the room." Sam told you, and you followed him up the narrow stairs to the second floor. He pushed open a door, showing you a simple and sparse room. An iron frame made up the double bed, a faded quilt covering it. A dresser was the only other piece of furniture.
You stepped inside, as Sam stood at the door, seeming a little uncomfortable. "Um...the bathrooms the next door on the right, and there's extra towels and stuff in there. I'll be down in the study if you need anything. Both me and Dean."
You nodded, smiling as you saw your main bag placed on the dresser. "Thanks Sam." You told him, another yawn leaving your mouth.
"It's no problem. None at all." He said, before brushing the hair back from his face. "Please don't hesitate to ask, for anything."
You stepped on your tip toes, your lips barely reaching his cheek. Man, was he tall. Pressing them to his smooth cheek, you whispered thank you again before shutting the door.
As you changed into your pajama's, you thought back to the past day and a half, and how crazy it had been. You had gone from your normal woman in her 20s, with no clue as to what direction her life should take, to a fugitive accused of killing her parents. Now you were living in this man's house, with two very nice, but also very scary men promising to take care of you. It was weird and exhilarating, making you wonder exactly how messed up you were. Especially since when you closed your eyes, you had both pairs of eyes, one green, one hazel, sabotaging your thoughts.
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