"This was too easy." Uriel boasted, as you heard Dean pounding on the door behind you. Ignoring Uriel, you raced to the door, pulling on the handles as hard as you could, but they wouldn't budge. With tears in your eyes, you looked up at Dean, who was standing with his hands on the door, a panicked look on his face.
"Y/N!" He yelled, the word barely audible through the thick glass door. Before you could try again, you felt yourself being moved backwards, even though no hands touched you.
"You truly are pathetic." Uriel said, before he slammed you down onto one of the bar stools. "The entire human race is pathetic. I had hoped during the apocalypse we would have been ridden of your kind, but somehow those stupid Winchesters and their pet Angel were able to stop it. But now that I have you, and in turn Charmeine's secrets, I will be unstoppable."
"Do you ever stop talking?" You sassed back, watching as fury covered his face.
"I can't wait until I can watch the life fade from your eyes." He growled, stepping forward, before a hand on his shoulder stopped him. You stared at him, not surprised at all. You should have trusted Dean, should have listened to his concerns.
"Jayden. Dean was right. We shouldn't have trusted you." You said, as Dean started pounding on the door even harder. You glanced out of the corner of your eye, seeing dean with the butt of his gun, trying to crack the glass.
Jayden stepped in front of Uriel, a gloating smile on his face as he circled around you. "It was pathetic how easy it was. Castiel stepped right into my trap, and you did too. All I had to do was bring up old memories, and both you and Cas were ready to welcome me into your group."
Attempting to jump out of the chair, you growled when Uriel's powers held you in place. "If I could get my hands on you!" You yelled, but your threats went unheard by both Angels. They had turned to each other, talking softly. You took the opportunity to look back at the door, expecting to see Dean, but all you saw was a slightly cracked glass door. No green eyed man fighting hard to get in to rescue you.
It didn't scare you. You figured he was trying another way. Maybe trying to get in through the back door, or trying to contact Cas. You hoped Cas was okay, that Jayden, or whatever is Angelic name was had hurt him.
"Y/N, it's time for us to go." Jayden said, coming up next to you. Uriel was no longer in sight, and you could hear a muffled pounding coming from the back of the diner.
It was then you realized that with Uriel gone, so was the power holding you to the chair. Rushing forward, you surprised Jayden, tackling him to the ground hard enough his head cracked, and he lay there, unconscious. Using the opportunity, you raced to the back door, where you had just heard Dean trying to break in. Pulling on the door handle, you raced outside, looking frantically around for Dean.
He was just rounding the corner, and you yelled his name, running towards him, relieved that this wasn't as bad as it could have been.
"Y/N! Watch out!" Dean yelled, just as a pair of arms wrapped around you, caging you.
"You thought you could get away from me." Jayden muttered in your ear, as Dean tried to come rushing forward. With a flick of his wrist, Jayden sent Dean flying against the wall. "Sorry Dean, but she's mine. Always has been, always will be." Jayden teased Dean, pressing his mouth to your cheek in a mocking kiss. You fought against his hold, but the Angel was too strong for you. It was then you heard the fury of the clouds moving in, lightning striking the air up above you.
"Y/N, no! You can't use it, it's too dangerous!" Dean yelled, but you were too caught up in the fury of the storm beating through you. Rain started pouring down, soaking all three of you in an instant.
"What is this?" Jayden asked, taken back by the force of the storm. Lightning cracked close to his feet, and he took a step back, letting you go. Throwing your head back and letting the storm flow through you, you felt the electricity in the air before another lightning bolt cracked down, this time hitting Jayden. You could hear his screams as the electricity sizzled his vessel.
"This isn't over!" He exclaimed, before vanishing out of sight, leaving his burning and dead vessel behind on the ground beside you.
As soon as he was gone, you felt the energy leave you, and you collapsed on the ground, the storm tapering off. As the clouds moved away, and the rain stopped, Dean crawled over to you, pulling you into his arms. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, noticing your eyes were closed.
You opened them weakly, giving him a small smile even though your face was pale, and you had no energy left in your body.
"You shouldn't have done that!" He said, his voice gruff with emotion. "You heard what Cas said. You could have died!"
"I couldn't let them take me. I was so mad at him for lying to us." You answered weakly, your eyes fluttering closed again.
Dean gently tapped your cheek, trying to keep you awake. "You scared me so much. When I couldn't get to you, then when you turned scary powerful with that storm." He said, talking as he carefully picked you up, as Sam came around the corner.
"Where the hell have you been?" Dean yelled at his brother.
"Jayden knocked me unconscious." He said, and you noticed the nasty looking bump on his head. "What happened to him anyways?"
"Y/N did." Dean stated as he stood next to his brother. You laid your head on his chest, ready to sleep for the next twenty years or so. "Silly girl used her powers even though they could have killed her."
You wanted to listen to what they said next, but you couldn't keep yourself awake any longer. While you hadn't exploded like Cas had said might happen, you had used up all of your energy, draining your system dangerously low.
"Y/N, no honey, don't fall asleep." Dean tried saying, but it was too late. You had closed your eyes, letting your exhaustion pull you under.
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