To Stand and Fight
"Wait, how could Charmeine have done this to me if I have her Grace? Doesn't that make her human?" You asked Cas as Dean held you closely to him.
"I think so, unless she only gave you part of her grace. She was very powerful, very smart that she could have figured out a way to do that. But if she gave you all of it, then she must be teaching Uriel all of her tricks."
"But if she's teaching him her tricks, why do they still need me?" You questioned, this new bend in the road confusing you. It was one thing to hear that you had the grace, information and power from an Angel. But to hear that Angel was still around, and using it against you was baffling. Especially when you had never asked for it in the first place.
"I don't know." Cas answered truthfully. "I wouldn't think she would be able to perform tricks like that without her Angelic Grace, but I would also think she would have been very old, if not even dead by now. So this entire thing is not as it should be."
"So, now we have another Angel on our hands. One that knows all about the Angel power running through Y/N, and can probably force Y/N to use it. They have a tracing sigil on her, so they know where she is at every time. Sounds peachy." Dean grumbled, his hand tightening on your shoulder as he still held you.
"I wonder if we just tried meeting with her, if she would take the Grace from Y/N and let her be." Sam wondered out loud.
"Sam, if we do that, then Uriel will have all the power at his hands that we've been trying to keep away!" Dean argued, but Sam held his hand up, showing he wasn't done yet.
"But she gets her Grace back, then we trap her with the holy oil, and kill her." He finished off. "That way Y/N is safe and back to herself, and Uriel doesn't get the Grace and the powers."
"But what happens if we don't kill her? Then she has her Grace, and we've just given Uriel everything. I'm not sure it's worth it." You argued, as Dean set you down until you were standing, holding on to your waist to make sure you could support yourself.
"I agree with Y/N. There has to be some other way." He agreed, making Sam frown.
"Dean, what other choice do we have? They are probably on their way here, or making plans to ambush us. Either we try to ward this place so they can't enter, and hope for the best, or we stand and fight. And I don't remember you being the type to hide." Cas pointed out.
Letting go of you, Dean started pacing back and forth the small, dirty kitchen room, his booted steps making the floor squeak and groan. Pressing your hand against the wall to give yourself support, you watched Dean, knowing nothing would happen without his say so. He was the leader of your small group, with Cas and Sam looking to him for confirmation. Your knowledge was limited, and even though it was your life at stake, you didn't want to put everyone's life in danger by disagreeing.
"Hell no I'm not the one to hide." Dean agreed, running his hands over his mouth as he thought. It was easy to see that he was disturbed by both notions, and he was trying to figure out the best way out of this. "But then again, I've never had someone like Y/N in my life. Someone I love with all my heart, and would do anything for. Don't get me wrong, I would die for Sam, and I have, but Y/N has my heart, and that's not an easy thing for me to say. And both of your ideas put her in harms way, and all I can think about is how we can do this and keep her safe at the same time."
Melting at his words, you wanted to do nothing more than rush over to him and throw your arms around him. But your body was weak, and you knew now was not the time. Also the fact that his declaration made you feel guilty. That his first priority was keeping you safe, and not making sure this ended well. "Dean, can I talk you to you? Alone?" You asked, chewing on your lip nervously.
Nodding, he looked pointedly over at Sam, who grabbed Cas, pulling him into the living room with him, giving you and Dean a chance at being alone. "I'm sorry it came out like that. But it's true, I do love you. And it's okay if you don't really love me yet.." He blabbered on. You could sense that he was nervous and unsure, that admitting those type of feelings was new and unsettling for him.
"Dean, it's not that. I love you too. But I don't want our love to be the reason that Uriel wins." You started, picking your words carefully.
"Y/N, what are you saying?" He asked you, his words guarded and you could see he was mentally preparing himself for the worst.
Reaching out, you grasped his hand. "Please don't be mad, or get upset. But what I'm saying is I don't want you to worry about me. I want you to worry about getting this thing with Uriel over. I am willing to sacrifice my life for this, and I want you to understand that. I need you at 100 percent, not worrying if I will be okay or not."
He pulled his hand away, pushing his hands through his short, dark sandy locks in frustration. "How the hell can you ask me not to get upset over what you're saying? You're asking me to stand by and do nothing as you sacrifice yourself!"
"Not do nothing." You tried saying calmly even though your heart was beating out of control. "I want you to kill both Uriel and Charmeine. That's what I need you focused on. And then, if I survive, we can focus on each other then. But please, promise me this."
"I'm sorry Y/N, but I can't. I can't stand there and watch you die, knowing I could have stopped it. We will fight them, and beat them, but I will do my damnedest to make sure you are safe too. I don't want to lose you." He appealed, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tight. Sinking in to his embrace, you closed your eyes, saddened that your argument had gone no where.
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