Time Bomb
You saw their shifty eyes as they watched you walk into the main room, suddenly quiet at your arrival. "Hey guys, what's up?" You asked them, as you plucked a piece of bacon off of Dean's plate, before sitting down next to them.
"Nothing much. Just eating breakfast." Dean said, just as Cas opened his mouth to say something. You would have bet your favorite necklace that he had been about to spill the beans.
"Really? So nothing new yet?" You asked, as Dean placed a plate full of food in front of you. Thanking him, you saw Sam shift his eyes towards his brother, questioning him without saying a word.
"Not really." He hedged. As you nibbled on your stolen piece of bacon, you thought carefully. You could pretend that you knew nothing, seeing how long they would leave it. Or, you could blurt out that you knew, and go from there.
"We were just looking through the book again, when we..." Cas started saying, before he stopped immediately, a frown on his face.
"When we gave up." Dean finished for him. "We were famished, and our eyes were starting to cross."
"Or when I walked in." You blurted out, your mouth deciding which way you were going to go before your brain did.
"What? Never." Dean argued, but you had made your decision, and you were going to stick with it.
Pushing your plate away, you glared at all three men. Sam seemed flustered, while Cas was his usual confused self. Dean didn't seem guilty that he had just made a huge decision for you. "So, you weren't talking about how I'm a walking, talking, time bomb? One that with a little prodding can go off at any moment?"
"You heard." He said, his voice soft, but still not apologetic.
"Yeah, I heard. Were you just planning on locking me up in a padded room and not explaining anything? I think that's something I should be told." You said, anger making your voice higher.
"It's not what you think. I was just waiting for the right time to tell you. It's something big, and we wanted to learn a little bit more information first." Dean scrambled to say.
"But if you told me, now, then I could focus on being calm, on making sure I didn't use those powers. What would have happened if you hadn't of told me? I could have tried to connect with it more, and ended up turning my brain into jello without even knowing how." You argued, standing up and pushing your chair away from the table. Grabbing a coat, you stormed to the door, with Dean hot on your heels.
"Where are you going?" He yelled after you, as you pulled open the door.
"Out, to clear my head. If I'm in here with you any longer, I will blow my top. And I just learned that's not a good thing." You said, letting the door slam shut behind you. Standing on the rickety old porch, you took a deep breath, before trudging off through the forest, needing to find a place to sit and relax. Climbing over fallen trees, you made your way to the small pond behind the cabin. A stump was off to the side, and you plopped down on it, feeling more than a little overwhelmed at the moment.
So much had happened in such a short period of time, and before you could even wrap your mind around it, something new was popping up. You had lost the only life you had ever known, along with your parents, been tortured, found out you were a ticking time bomb of grace, and fallen for a man. All in the same amount of time it would have taken you to finish watching your favorite TV show. Maybe that's what made it all seem so surreal, so fake.
Wrapping your knees to your chest, you stared out across the pond, watching a deer graze on the far side. Taking a deep breath, you willed yourself to relax, to try to cool your anger towards Dean. Because even though it had been all three men that had decided to keep it from you, it hurt worse coming from Dean. The man who had stolen his way into your heart so quickly. As you felt your temper fading away, you felt a deep probing in your mind, as if someone was trying to access your thoughts. At first you thought it was Uriel, trying to contact you much like the time before.
Deciding you need to stand back up and head back into the safety of the warded cabin, you were able to take one step before the pressure became to much and you fell to your knees. Barely hearing Dean calling your name, you cradled your head in your hands, feeling as if your skull would split apart.
"Make it stop!" You screamed, as you felt Dean wrap his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest.
"Y/N, what is it?" He asked, but you couldn't concentrate on his words. As the pressure seemed too much to bear, you heard a voice, full of radio static, loud in your head. "Y/N, please don't be afraid."
"It hurts!" You exclaimed, squeezing your eyes as tightly shut as you could.
"Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, before yelling over your head. "Cas, get down here!"
"I'm sorry, I do not wish to hurt you, but it is imperative that I talk to you. I've been trying, but you've been heavily warded from me." The voice said, a calm, male voice.
"What do you want?" You asked, as you could feel blood trickling from your earlobes.
The voice faded for a second, before returning. "To talk to you about the grace you have hidden away. I knew Charmeine, and I promised I would keep an eye on the grace while she was gone."
"And you've just now decided to make yourself known?" You asked, as you could just make out thundering footsteps behind you.
"Yes. You've known me for a long time, but it was imperative that I keep my true identity a secret. But the time has come, and we need to get together." He said, just as you felt another pair of hands on you.
"Give her to me." Cas said, his voice mixing with the angel's inside your head, and it hurt. You felt yourself being passed into another pair of arms.
"How?" You asked, as a hand was placed on your forehead. Before the voice could answer you, a calming white light entered your system, taking away the pain, discomfort and the voice.
Opening your eyes, you saw a pair of crystal blue, and forest green staring down at you before your exhausted mind pulled you under.
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