The Fight
It was easy to see the exact moment Dean realized what you were going to do. As you raised the lighter, ready to burn the circle around you, his mossy green eyes grew huge, his mouth forming a big O as he shook his head. "Y/N!" He shouted, but it was already too late. You had thrown the lighter, catching yourself in the middle of the fire, along with Uriel and Charmeine, just like you had wanted.
"Y/N." Dean said again, his voice full of regret and fear for you. Smiling sadly at him, you weren't surprised when Uriel grabbed you from behind, wrapping his hand around your throat. As you felt your breath being cut off, you watched as Cas stabbed Jayden with his Angel blade, killing him.
"Y/N, you stupid girl." Uriel whispered in your ear. "What did you think this would accomplish?"
"Uriel, leave her alone." Charmeine spoke up, standing next to you, her hand on his arm. With a growl, he threw her off, making her fall, her hair getting singed in the fire.
"I will not leave her alone. This girl has been a thorn in my side ever since I found out she has your grace. Now that we're trapped together, I'm going to take it, and kill the two of you in the process."
"Let me take the grace from her, and then we can leave her alone. She won't be a threat to us any longer. "Charmeine pleaded. "I can do it, and then I will help you. I promise."
Uriel looked down at her in disgust. "Why would I want your help? You were just a means to an end, and I'm done with you."
You watched in horror as he pulled out an Angel Blade. Letting go of you for a second, he shoved it straight through her heart, killing her instantly. Pulling the blade out, he wiped it on his pants, before turning to you. "She was becoming a nuisance. I already learned everything from her anyways."
Glancing out of the circle, you saw Dean pacing the outer edge, his hands clenched as he tried to think of a way to help you. Sam and Cas were on the other side, watching intently, waiting for the moment they could intervene.
"This is way too easy." Uriel gloated as he stalked you around the small circle, and for a moment you considered jumping through the fire. Reaching out faster than you had expected, he grabbed you by the arm, pulling you tight to him. While holding on with one hand, he used the Angel blade to draw symbols on your exposed skin, blood trickling down onto your shirt.
"Y/N!" Dean yelled, ready to jump through flames to help you. As Uriel drew, he began chanting in Enochian, the words making you feel dizzy and disoriented. Limply, you were only held up by his hand as he continued the words, the Angel blade laying forgotten in his hand as the markings were done. As he continued, your body began glowing, a bright blue as you felt like something was trying to escape.
With one last effort, you reached down, grabbing the Angel blade from his hand. It was easier than you expected, and with a grunt, you shoved it into his side, just as you felt the grace trying to leave your body.
As Uriel's body fell to the ground, covering the flames, you fell also, just as his body flashed a brilliant gold, before his wings burned into the ground. Weakened from the spell he had been casting, you lay there, as Dean raced to you, kneeling down on the ground next to you. Cas went to check on Uriel, making sure he was dead, nodding his head when he saw the scorch marks around him.
Gently raising your head, Dean stared down at you, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. "Y/N, are you okay?"
You weren't really sure how to answer that question. Your chest hurt from the marks carved into it. Your entire body felt heavy and weighted, your soul tired. "Did he succeed?" You asked, your voice hoarse.
Cas came to kneel next to Dean, looking you over. Waving his hand over the marks they disappeared, along with some of the tiredness. "I don't think so. I still feel an Angel presence inside you, even though it's not as strong as it was."
Dean picked you up, carrying you out of the house and into the backseat of the Impala. Sam and Cas followed behind, their arms full of everything that had been brought into the house. Dean silently handed Sam the keys, before sliding into the backseat with you, letting you rest your head on his lap. "Let's go find an actual bed to sleep in. Now that Uriel's gone, we don't have to stay in dumps like this."
Sam nodded, pulling away from the empty house, heading towards the next town. Your eyes closing as Dean's hand rested heavily on your shoulder, you went in and out of consciousness.
At one point, when Dean thought you were sleeping, he started talking to Cas. "So Cas, what does this mean?"
Silence reigned through the car for a couple of moments before he finally spoke. "I am not sure. This isn't how we planned it to go through. I don't think she has as much grace as she did, but I will need to do more tests to make sure. I don't know if the Grace she has will continue to eat at her, or if she can live a normal life."
"Is there something you can do?" He asked, his hand squeezing your shoulder.
You could hear Cas' sigh from all the way up front, answering Dean's question. "It's just like before. I could try, but it would probably kill her. Charmeine would have been her best chance, but she died trying to save Y/N. I don't know what else we can do."
Stirring, you pretended to wake up, smiling up at Dean as he stared down at you, his green eyes full of worry. Reaching up, you cupped his cheek, grateful that no matter what happened, at least you had met this wonderful man.
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