Phone Call
Losing your footing due to the blinding white light, you fell to the ground. Wincing as the sand scraped your palms, you blinked multiple times, trying to clear your vision.
"Cas?" You called out, wondering if your friend had made it through as well, or if he was still fighting his brethren.
"Cas is a little tied up at the moment." A female voice said. With your vision clearing, you sat back on your haunches, staring up at the person who wanted to take you back to Heaven.
She had shoulder length black hair, wavy and falling soft around her face. Her skin was a smooth and creamy mocha, her eyes wide as they stared down at you. "Please." You begged. "Please let Cas go. I don't care what you do to me, but don't blame him
It was all my fault."
"I think that tricky Ash had a small part to play as well." She chuckled, reaching down to help you to your feet. "But don't worry. They have strict orders not to hurt Cas. He will be placed in my office."
"And what about me?" You asked, your heart breaking at the thought of being so close to Dean and failing. Not even trying to stop the tear that slipped down your cheek, you ducked your head, your heart breaking into a million pieces.
"I never agreed with Uriel and his fascination with you. The information you held within you was meant to die. " She explained, guiding you over to the small bench. "I'm truly sorry you've been in the middle of all of this."
"But that doesn't explain anything." You argued, confused at what she was trying to say.
She chuckled softly. "You're right. I like to rattle on occasionally. But rest assured. I'm not sending you back to heaven."
"You're not?" You whispered, the news too good to be true.
"No, I'm not. You've been through so much, mainly at the hands of Angels. You need a chance at your own happiness."
"Thank you!" You exclaimed, surprising her when you threw your arms around her.
"Don't thank me. There will still be those Angels after you, never giving up the fact that you escaped from them. But this should help." Placing her hand over your heart, you felt an uncomfortable pressure, before the stinging of a thousand needles felt like they were pressing into your ribs. "You are warded from all Angels."
"And the Grace? Is it completely gone?" You asked, wondering if you were dreaming this all up. It seemed too good to be true.
"It's gone. It was pulled from your system the moment you died. You are completely and utterly human. now go. To a different town. Before those other Angels are done with Cas and they come after you." She ordered you, waving her hands at you. "Be happy, and in love. Make children with Dean who will grow up to do great things."
Standing up, you made your way to the main road, turning to see she had vanished. Excited that you were back on Earth, hours away from being in Dean's arms again, you began the long trek to the nearest phone.
The walk was long, and soon you had to turn to the trees, hiding from the Angels who had already caught sent of your trail.
Without water, or food, you soon found yourself parched and exhausted. Your steps became slower, your eyelids drooping. But you didn't want to stop. Didn't want the chance of the Angels catching up to you.
The sky had turned into a painting of orange and red by the time you finally spotted the lights of a town.
Sighing in relief, you made your way down the hill, your hands catching against branches as you slid. Covered in mud, you headed straight for the first building you could find. It was an auto parts store.
The receptionist glanced up at you, blowing a big bubble as she ignored the dirt covering your skin, the branches no doubt stuck in your hair.
"Can I help you?" She asked, studying her nails.
"Can I borrow your phone?" You asked, and she studied you.
"Our phone is for customers only." She muttered, before turning her attention back to the magazine in front of her.
"Please. It will be quick, I promise." You pleaded, but she just shook her head. Sighing in defeat, you started to make your way back outside when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Tensing up, you were ready to race when he spoke.
"Sophia can be a bit rude sometimes. You can use my phone." He told you, the badge on his shirt proclaiming he was the manager of the place.
Following him to the back, he pointed to the chair behind the desk, reaching into the small fridge to hand you a bottle of water. "Tale your time."
Taking a deep sip of water, you dialed Dean's number, grateful that you had memorized it before your death.
Holding your breath, you waited as it rang and rang. Almost giving up hope, you were surprised to hear Dean's tired voice on the other end of the line. "Hello?"
There it was, the voice you had needed to hear so much. It was gruff, and you could easily tell he was tired. But it was still him, and that's all that mattered.
"Who is this?" He asked, making you realize that you had just been sitting there silently.
"Dean, it's me." You said softly, waiting for his reaction.
"It can't be." He muttered. "She's dead. So either you're a demon and I will find you and kill you. Or this is a stupid prank. And I will still find you, and kill you."
"It's really me. I met Ash, and he helped me escape hell." You insisted. "Dean please. Cas is probably in Angel jail, I'm exhausted and I don't know where I am. I just want to be in your arms once again. Is that too much to ask for?" You pleaded, almost in tears.
"Y/N, is that really you?" Dean asked, hope filling his words.
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