You couldn't focus on much past the fact that your entire body was being jostled around in the back of the Impala as Dean sped down the highway towards Bobby's. You had fainted for a couple of moments, enough for Dean to gently place you in the back of the Impala, your head in Sam's lap before he sped off. You had come to with Sam gently brushing back the hair from your face, his other hand pressed tightly to the cuts on your chest, trying to stop the bleeding.
He could tell the moment you were awake, and he tried to stop you from moving your body, but it was too late. You had already tensed, and you couldn't catch your breath as the pain of your broken ribs and cuts racked your body. "Shh, Y/N, you need to calm down." He tried telling you, but you were too caught in the pain to listen to him.
"Damn it Dean. Try Cas again!" Sam yelled as you tried to calm yourself down so you didn't do any more damage. Sam's hand that was pressing against your wounds slipped, and you could the blood began to seep out of you again.
"Sam, hold her down!" Dean yelled, swerving the Impala as he turned to look at you.
"I'm trying!" Sam yelled, as the white hot pain flashed through your body again, and you fell limp into his arms.
The next time you woke, you felt much better. Still sore, extremely sore, but you could take a small breath without wanting to pass out, and your chest didn't feel as if Wolverine had slashed his claws across it.
"Well, there she is." You heard Dean say, and you slowly opened your eyes to see Dean leaning forward, his arms propped up against his knees. He had pulled a chair up close to your bed, close enough you could see the dark circles under his eyes, and the stubble that was slowly turning into a beard.
"Hey." You said, your voice hoarse, your throat feeling as if someone had run sandpaper up and down it.
Dean leaned over, grabbing a bottle of water from the floor before opening it. Tilting it to your chapped lips, you took a drink or two, feeling much better. "How long was I out?" You asked him, just as Sam came walking in, a plate of food in his hand.
"Hey Dean, I'll take over now. Oh, and Bobby made dinner." Sam said, not noticing you were awake yet.
"Hey Sam." You said, and his attention turned to you, his mouth open in surprise.
"Y/N, how are you feeling?" He asked, coming to stand next to his brother. Both were staring down at you, and you felt more than a little self conscious under their gaze. Fiddling with the edge of the blanket, you noticed you were no longer in your shredded and stained clothes. Instead you were wearing a soft t-shirt, and nothing else.
"Better. Still really sore, but much better thanks to Cas." You said, before watching both men glance at each other. "Didn't Cas heal me?" You asked after seeing their looks.
"Y/N, you've only been out for a day. And we haven't been able to get a hold of Cas yet. You mostly healed yourself. Not all the way, but more so than any human could do." Sam told you as he perched on the edge of your bed.
"Well, Cas and I did talk about the fact that I do heal faster than most humans. Because of the Angel grace." You told them, not remembering if they knew that fact or not.
"Speaking about your Angel Grace. Did they get it from you?" Dean asked you, leaning forward so his head was only inches from yours.
You shook your head. "No, they tried, but they really wanted to know who it was from. I think Uriel was about ready to give up when you arrived."
"Well, way to fight." Dean said, as he stood up to leave. "I'm gonna go see if I can get a hold of Cas again. I have a feeling that Uriel is getting restless, and we're gonna need all the help we can get."
You watched him walk away, wishing you could have spent more time with him. As he left, Sam sat down next to you, and you could feel your eyes start to grow heavy again. Sam grabbed your hand, and you settled your weary eyes on him. "You don't know how scared both Dean and I were when we saw you take off with them. And then when we found you, in that room, I thought we were too late."
"Nah, I'm a fighter." You told him before yawning. "And I just met you guys, I can't leave yet."
"Do you think the grace causes you to do anything else besides heal faster?" The researcher in Sam asked you, and you shrugged.
"I haven't really paid attention, but then again I've only known about the grace for a little bit now. Maybe once I'm feeling better, we can test it out." You said, before snuggling deeper into your pillows.
"Go to sleep Y/N, I'll be here when you wake." You heard him say, before you felt him brush the hair back from your face.
Slowly waking up, the first thing you noticed was the hush voices in the hallway. Opening one eye, you saw they had left the door open, and Sam and Dean were standing just outside of it. Sam had his arms crossed, as Dean whispered something. Neither man seemed happy, and you struggled out of bed, wanting to go and see what was wrong.
Your bare feet on the floor, you stood up, almost falling back on the bed as your legs had a hard time holding you. Taking a moment to get your legs steady, you saw that neither man had noticed you moving. Taking a careful step, then another one, you had almost made it all the way to the hallway before they noticed you.
"Y/N!" They both exclaimed, almost getting stuck in the door frame in their haste to get to you. "What are you doing out of bed?" Asked Sam as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and legs, hoisting you up in his arms as if you weighed nothing.
"I was wondering what you were talking about. And put me down, I feel much better!" You argued, but Sam didn't put you down until you were back safely in bed.
Your arms crossed, you stared at both men who were standing at the edge of your bed. "Okay, now spill. What has the two of you so worried?"
"It's nothing." Dean muttered, turning to leave the room, but Sam placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"Dean, she should know. She's a part of this too." Sam said softly, but you could hear him.
"What's happened?" You asked, fearing the worst.
"It's Cas. We used the sigil to banish him. But usually he's back by now, or at least in contact, but we haven't heard anything." Dean said, both of their eyes full of concern for their friend.
"Do you think Uriel has him?" You asked, your worst fears confirmed.
Dean nodded. "I do. And I think they are going to want to do an exchange. You for Cas."
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