Good News
"What's the book?" You asked, reaching over to pull it to you, but Cas was too fast. He reached down, grabbing it and holding it in front of him.
"They told me they found this book while you and I were recuperating here. But I didn't think it existed. And they wouldn't show me on the way here." He said, touching the book reverently.
"What book is it?" You asked, almost jumping when Dean's hand was gently placed on your thigh, trying to calm you. It didn't work. You were too excited, but nervous about what the book could say about you and your predicament.
"It was written by an Angel, so long ago we don't even remember her name. But she was an intern, I guess you could say, under Metatron. She wrote down everything she overheard, including things that never made it onto the tablets. But no angel had ever seen the book, and she vanished shortly after, never to be seen or heard from again. We figured she had gone hermit, and the book was just a legend." He said, still holding onto the book and letting no one else touch it.
"Well that's cool. But how does it help me?" You asked, itching to take the book from him.
Cas turned to look at both Sam and Dean, confusion on his face. "That's a good question. What's in here that could possibly help her?"
"Well if you would stop petting it, we would show you!" Dean yelled, his hand leaving your thigh to slam against the table. "Cas, put the damn book down. We need to explain some things, then maybe you can help us translate some pages."
Cas seemed to deflate, and with a sigh he set it back down, before sitting down in between Sam and Dean. Sam reached out, grabbing the book, and turning to the front page."We weren't actually able to make it very far. But during our search of it, I came across this." He said, carefully handling a faded and cracked piece of paper. Some of it was missing, and it looked like it would turn into dust with a light breeze.
"What?" Cas asked, reaching for it immediately, but Sam held it away from him.
"I think it's from the missing Angel. It talks about becoming disenchanted with Heaven, and after God had left, she couldn't handle it anymore. So she left, and wrote down everything she remembered. Everything that wasn't written on the tablets. At least that's what I could read, but it was written in an ancient Latin."
Sam finally passed it over to Cas, who held it as if he was holding a newborn baby. His eyes squinting, he started reading, his mouth moving but now sound coming out. "Cas, a translation please?" Dean said, but Cas just glared at him before continuing on.
Knowing Cas wouldn't stop until he read it all, and understood it, the three of you sat there, staring awkwardly at the table. You could still tell tension was running high between the brothers, even though they said they were fine with it. You were hoping Cas would come up with something that would take the attention off of you and Dean, and back onto more important things. Like how to stop Uriel.
You weren't sure how much time passed while Cas silently read, but finally he gently placed the paper down, staring far off as he let all the new information seek in.
"Cas?" Sam asked, breaking the silence.
"And Bobby's had this book the entire time? Why didn't he say something?" Cas asked, frustration turning him angry. "This is important!"
"He didn't." Sam explained. "He found it on one of his last hunts. Supposedly Bella had found it in the middle east somewhere, and it slowly made it's way to the United States. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen into the Angel's hands yet."
"That would be horrific. If I'm right, I think this book holds many secrets, secrets that could wipe out the human species, or give an Angel extreme power. Turn them into a God like figure."
"Wow." Was all Dean could say as he stared at that book. "Betcha Bobby had no idea what was in his den. That's crazy."
"Her name was Charmeine. I had never even heard of her before. But she came down here, hiding among humans, and spent several years making this book, before she hid it. The letter goes on to say that she was done with being an Angel, that she wanted human emotions, to live a human life. With her knowledge, she was able to part with her Grace, sealing it for later use. I wonder what ended up happening to her." Cas said, getting lost in thought.
"So, is this the part that has to do with me?" You asked. "Did I somehow stumble into her Grace?"
"I think so." Cas answered. "I'm not sure how she did it, but somehow she transferred her Grace to you, hundreds of years later. I need to read through this book, to gather more information, but I think that's why you're so important to Uriel."
"Why?" You and Dean asked at the same time.
"Because you have Charmeine's grace inside you. And with enough pushing, we can probably find all of her memories. Uriel most have known about her, and he wants her memories so he can become God like, to take over heaven. That's what I'm guessing."
"Maybe there's something in there that says how to get the grace out of me. That would solve a little bit of our problems." You suggested.
"Even if there is something in that book, I don't think that's a good idea. With the Grace in you, he has a much harder time accessing it. If we do find out how to take it out, then no matter how hard we hide it, he could still find it, and attach it to his. Then he would have her knowledge, along with his, and that would be deadly."
"Oh." You said dejectedly. You had been hopeful it would have been so simple. That you could actually go back to being a normal person, without people fighting over you, and these powers that were just beginning to show up. You just wanted to focus on your new relationship with Dean.
"Don't worry. Cas will search through the book while Sam and I try to come up with a way to end Uriel's threat for good. That way you won't have to run anymore." Dean said, and you hoped it would work out that easily.
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