Game Plan
After you had pleaded with Dean, he left you sitting alone in the kitchen, heading out to his car, needing solitude and a chance to think. Sitting there in the fading light, you watched as Sam and Cas came walking in, both with bitter smiles on their faces.
"Y/N, we heard your argument with Dean." Sam spoke softly as he kneeled in front of you. It wasn't hard to see the concern and love shining in his eyes, making your heart hurt even more.
"Why can't he see that this is what needs to be done? That sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good. He's done it before, all of you have, so why can't I?"
"Because he loves you, and doesn't want anything to happen to you. Cas and I, we love you too, like family, and want to make sure you're safe." Sam explained, even though you had a feeling his love was more than just of a family, but you didn't want to push that issue. Especially since you were in love with his brother.
"Why not give me a chance? Please?" You begged, knowing if they didn't people would die, especially the three men that meant more to you than anything.
"Sam and I, we had a talk. And we still agree that using you as bait, then trapping Charmeine is still our greatest chance of winning." Cas spoke up, coming to stand beside Sam.
"So, what does that mean? You know Dean isn't on board." You argued, looking out the boarded up window to see Dean leaning against the Impala, his arms crossed as he stared off into nothing.
"We work fast, before he comes back. With sigils on the walls, and a circle of holy oil on the floor. They are coming, tonight I think, and we need to be ready." Cas replied, pulling out the cask of holy oil from behind his back.
"I know it will make Dean mad. But in the long run, it's for the best. We will protect you, keeping you in the circle, where you will light it up as soon as Charmeine steps inside with you." Sam explained.
"Uriel?" You questioned.
"I will banish him and the other angels once you have Charmeine trapped. It will take him at least ten minutes to return, and by then we should have Charmeine under control." Cas muttered, walking over to the window and checking to make sure Dean wasn't returning yet.
"What do I do?" You asked, standing up on shaky legs, ready for this fight to be over with, even if it meant your life.
"You plead with Charmeine, saying you want the Grace gone. Making sure you step back into the circle, before tossing the lighter."
Nodding, you watched as the two men got to work, slicing their palms and painting the Angel Banishing symbol on multiple walls of the floor. Grasping the oil in your hands, you went into the main room, making a circle big enough that you knew it would hold you and Charmeine.
With the container nearly empty, you turned to talk to Sam, to see if he was done with the sigils when you saw a stormy pair of green eyes staring at you instead. "What are you doing?" He asked calmly, his arms crossed against his chest as he leaned against the wall.
"Going through with the plan." You answered nervously, waiting for him to yell at you, to rage that you were being stupid. That they would find another way. Surprising you, he reached up, running his hand roughly along his mouth, his shoulders slumping.
"So, no going back from this now." He stated, and you nodded.
"Both Cas and Sam agree it's our only shot. I didn't want to go against you, but I didn't think there was another way. Please, don't be mad." You begged.
Coming forward, he pulled you into his arms, resting his head on your head. "I'm not mad. That's actually one of the few emotions not running rampant through my system right now. Frustrated, scared. Those are the first two that come to mind."
"You, scared?" You scoffed, wondering if that was truly possible. If the great hunter Dean Winchester would ever be scared of anything.
"We all get scared. For Sam, it's clowns." He told you, trying to lighten the mood. "For me, it's losing you. That's why I fought this so hard. That's why I wanted to figure out another way. Because I'm scared that if we go down this path, I will lose you."
"But you will defeat Uriel, and that's important." You argued, feeling his arms tighten around you.
"Not as important to me anymore as saving you is. I love you." He whispered those three little words you would never get tired of hearing.
"How sweet. I'm so glad I was able to witness such a touching moment before you all died." Uriel's voice echoed through the empty house.
Cursing under his breath, Dean shoved you behind him, pulling out an Angel Blade. "You never give up, do you Uriel?"
"Why should I? I knew it was just a matter of time before I would have what is mine. All it took was a little patience, and now, here we are."
Sam and Cas came running into the room, stopping in the doorway when they saw Uriel. Sam's hand slid up the wall, to the sigil you knew they had painted there, but Uriel let out a ruff chuckle. "You thought I wouldn't notice those sigils all over the walls? It's pathetic. I burned them all off."
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