Ash moved furiously from heaven to heaven, you and Cas rushing to keep up with him. Scaring people as you made your way through their happiness, no doubt making them wonder about the door Ash was able to open.
The three of you had to be a sight. Ash with his mullet and cape, the mask covering his face. Cas with his trench coat flapping behind him, a frown on his face. And you. No doubt a huge smile on your face at the fact that you would be seeing your Dean soon.
"We're close, and it's going to be tricky." Ash whispered, as the three of you stood next to a bookcase, the door hidden behind it. Ash was busy scribbling on the white board of the case, the markings once again foreign to you. "Angels will have figured out you were gone by now, and will be searching hard for you. They no doubt know where you are heading. If you get caught, well... I don't know what happens to those that get caught."
"We won't." Cas answered for you. "You get us to the main hallway, I will get Y/N to the playground."
"But what will happen to you?" You asked Ash, hating that he could get into trouble for helping you.
"I'll survive. That's what I do best." He answered, pushing open the door, and holding his arm out. "This is as far as I go. Tell that man of yours to stay out of trouble, and drink a beer for me."
Surprising Ash, you threw your arms around his neck, holding him tight. "I couldn't have done this without you. I'll never forget your kindness."
"Now you're making me blush." He answered. "Don't ruin the mullet!"
Stepping back, you smiled at him once more, before following Cas through the doorway. Slamming shut behind you, it locked you into a hallway, almost blinding it was such a bright white. It seemed never ending, with it's bright lights, gleaming white floor, and spotless white walls. Doors were about every ten feet or so, numbered and labeled with the names of those who had passed.
"I never imagined Heaven would look like this." You whispered to Cas who seemed to know exactly where he was going.
"This is just one part of Heaven, where all the souls are kept. The rest is quite different. Reminds me much of the Romans when they were a force to be reckoned with." He answered, his concentration more on where he was going than on your conversation. Making sure that you weren't being followed, or that there was no one in front of you.
Before rounding the corner, he glanced back at you. "Are you sure about this? It's still not too late to go back, and have your own heaven. You don't know what it's going to be like when you make it back to Earth. If you make it back, things might not be the same."
Placing your hand on his shoulder, you stared up at the Angel you considered family. "Cas, please. I can't stay here. I just found my new family, and I can't leave them. I love Dean, so much, and I can't wait to be with him again."
"Then, we will do this." Cas sighed. Taking your hand, he raced you down the hallway, and you could see a huge white door off to the side, seeming different than all the rest. Alarms started going off, echoing through the long hallways.
"They've noticed you're gone by now. They will be coming. And quick." Cas threw over his shoulder, picking up speed as he went. Trying to keep up with him, your feet slipping on the marble tiles, you squealed when someone reached out, grabbing you by your hair, instantly stopping you.
"Cas!" You exclaimed, trying to get away from this new threat. Suddenly, you felt the cold steel of an Angel blade pressing against your throat, and you stilled, instantly.
"Y/N, this is Heaven. You are no longer of Earth, and you must stay up here." The female voice told you. Glancing towards Cas, you saw him standing there, ready to pounce, his Angel blade in his hand. You could easily see how hard this was for him. He wanted to protect you, but at the same time he didn't want to kill any of his brothers or sisters.
"No, I need to go back." You argued. "It's your fault I'm up here in the first place! If you Angels had left me alone..."
"You wouldn't have found Dean Winchester, your soul mate." The Angel holding you finished your sentence. "Even if it is our fault, we cannot let you leave. What kind of message would that be? That we can't hold our own up here?"
"Amitiel, please. Just let her go." Cas pleaded with his sister, taking a step towards you. With her distracted, you stomped as hard as you could on her foot, before elbowing her in her stomach. With a grunt, she loosened her hold, and you raced away from her. "Y/N, run!" Cas yelled, and you started to race past him.
"But Cas, what about you?" You asked him, not wanting to leave your friend behind.
"I'll be fine, but you need to go! Now!" He yelled, holding them back and away from you. Torn, you sent a pray up, hoping that your friend would stay safe. Rushing down the hallway, you came to the main door, glancing back to see Cas still holding his own, not harming any of his brethren.
Graspig the handle, you opened the door, immediately getting sucked into the blinding bright light.
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