A New Friend
"Y/N, I know you're hurting right now. That this is all upsetting and confusing. But what you ask? It's near impossible! I could get killed, and you would get locked in prison. It's not worth it!" Cas argued, but you weren't in a state to listen to common sense.
It wasn't right. You had gone through so much, had finally had a chance at love, and it was pulled from your grasp before you had even had enough time to savor it. You didn't want to be up here, in your old house, your old life. You wanted to be by Dean's side, traveling the country with him.
"Cas, I swear to God. With or without your help I'm going to find a way down there." You muttered, glancing around you for a way, any way out of this.
Sighing, Cas held his hands up in a surrender. "Would it at least help if I showed you Dean?" He asked, and you nodded.
"It's a start. Until I can figure a way out." You answered. Cas waved his hand over a section of the floor, and just like that the carpet was gone. In its place was a view of the hotel room Sam and Dean were currently bunking in. Sam was sitting at the table, as usual, on his laptop. It was Dean, of course, who you concentrated on. Lounging on the bed, he had a half empty bottle of whiskey in his hand, an empty one on the nightstand next to him. He hadn't shaved in a couple of days, his face scruffy. There were dark circles underneath his eyes. Green eyes that usually held such emotion when they glanced your way were now blank and void of any emotion.
"Dean, why don't wo go to the diner up the street, get a hamburger." Sam offered, standing up, but Dean made no move to go with him. "Dean, you haven't eaten in two days. And no, whiskey does not count. Do you think Y/N would want you treating yourself this way? She'd be furious if she saw this."
"Sam, I don't care. She's gone, and I wasn't able to help her in time." Dean muttered, all fight for living gone. It broke your heart to see your strong hunter this way, and you knew you would do everything in your power to get back to him.
Before you knew it the window to the world below was gone, the ugly carpet from your youth back in place. Beating against the floor, you wanted to see Dean again. "My dear, what's wrong?" Your mother asked, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, comforting you.
Without a word, you turned in her embrace, letting a mother's love take away some of the pain you were suffering. Even if she was just part of your heaven, not really there, her embrace felt real enough, and sought as much solace in it as you could find.
"Shh, sweetheart. Whatever it is, we can figure this out." She whispered soothingly in your ear as you brushed her hand along your hair, trying to comfort you.
When the tears started to slow, you sat back, just realizing that Cas was gone. "The little bastard." You muttered, knowing he had left before you could ask more questions.
"Young girl, I do not want to hear words like that coming from your mouth." Your mother scolded you, reminding you that at least in her eyes, you were once again a young girl. A teenager probably.
"Yes Mother." You answered, before standing up. "I'm going to go relax in my room."
A smile appearing on her face, she nodded, wiping her hands on her apron. "Of course, dear. I'll call you down for lunch."
With a heavy heart, you made your way back up the stairs. It was nice, being with your Mom again, seeing her bubbly self again, even if it wasn't real. You had missed your Mom more than you had realized, and it would be hard leaving her here. But leaving her here you would, to get back to Dean.
Your Dean, who would rather drown himself in drink than admit to the fact that you were gone. The man who had come into your life, literally sweeping you off your feet the first time you had met him. He was one in a million, and you couldn't sit by in Heaven while he tried to fade away.
Once in your room, you went to your laptop, keeping your fingers crossed that somehow internet would work in Heaven. Turning it on, you waited impatiently, letting out a cry when it came up as no internet access. "No!" You exclaimed, banging your head on the table.
"Now, your laptop might not work up here, but I have a way around that." A stranger's voice rang out, and you turned in alarm.
The man standing there was not what you would have expected. Wearing ripped jeans and a faded band shirt, he had his hair cut into a mullet. He was every inch the essential bar junkie, the classic rock band junkie, and you had absolutely no idea who he was.
"Y/N, am I right?" He asked you, striding into the room, and you watched him warily.
"Yes, but who are you?" You asked him, wishing you had some sort of weapon in your room. But of course, in a teenage girl's room, the closest thing to a weapon would be your hairbrush.
"Thank God. I've been searching all over heaven for you. Once I heard Castiel's unique signal, I hoped I had found you." He explained, while explaining nothing at all. "The name is Ash by the way. A friend of Sam and Dean's."
Slightly relaxing at the drop of Sam and Dean's names, you waited for him to say more. "We need to go. There are still followers of Uriel's that would love nothing more than to squish you under their foot. Come with me so I can keep you safe."
Glancing longingly down the stairs, wishing you could tell your Mom bye one more time, you grasped his outstretched hand, wondering if you were making the wisest decision.
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