A New Day
"Rise and shine Y/N!" a voice yelled, really close to your ear, and you jumped up in bed, smacking your forehead against Dean's.
"Shit! I didn't expect that!" He muttered, rubbing his head as you rubbed yours.
"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to wake me up like that." You retorted back.
"Well you're traveling with us now so you better get used to it." He said, tossing you a granola bar. "Now get dressed and meet me downstairs. We've got a busy day ahead of us."
"Doing what?" You asked as you threw the covers back, standing there in your skimpy shorts and tank top, your usual sleeping attire.
His eyes raked up and down your body, biting his lip before he answered you. "Turning you into a hunter. A pretty smile and a killer body aren't enough to save you from Monsters. You've got to know how to shoot, how to use a knife, how to use your hands if it comes down to it."
It made sense, even though you were still a little hot and bothered by Dean's blatant perusal of your scantily clad body. "Fine, I'll be down in five." You said, moving past him to grab clothes from your bag. You jumped when you felt his hand slap your rear, and you turned a heated gaze once him. "And training, or no training. You do that again, I will knock your ass on the ground."
He had the decency to look a little guilty as he left you alone in the room. Deciding on a pair of leggings and a loose T-shirt, you threw your hair up into a ponytail, munching on your granola bar as you made your way down the stairs, stopping at the corner when you heard Sam and Dean's raised voices coming from the kitchen.
"Training her Dean? That's crazy!" Sam's voice, higher pitched than normal rang out.
"Yeah, training her. That way she has a chance to protect herself, and she can help us with hunts!" Dean argued.
You were about ready to make your way down, giving yourself a say in this fight when Sam's next words buckled your knees. "Hunts Dean? Are you freaking crazy? Who says she will be around that long? I don't want her hunting with us!"
Before you could hear any more, you stomped loudly down the stairs, letting them know you were coming.
Striding into the kitchen, you poured yourself a glass of water before looking at the two brothers who were still glaring at each other. "So Dean, ready to train?"
He nodded, giving Sam a look saying he had won. Sam turned to look at you. "Y/N, are you sure its a good idea to be training? This isn't the best life to lead."
You turned on him, his earlier words still ringing loudly in your ears. "Yeah, I want to train. That way I can protect myself from the bad scumbags out there when I leave you guys. I don't expect you guys to keep me under your wing forever."
"Y/N, I... " Sam started, but the look you sent him had him stopping. "Fine, go train. When you're done, done find me and I'll teach you about research."
You nodded, following Dean out into the yard, past the old beat up cars, off the side by trees and a creek. It was a small clearing, with targets set up on one side.
"Alright, this gun here, I borrowed it from Bobby. It's a little smaller than anything I had, but it still packs a punch." He explained handing you a small silver pistol. You took it from him, the weight of it in your hand comforting and nerve-wracking at the same time.
"Now, stand with your feet apart." He said, using his own foot to move yours. Standing behind you, he leaned in close, wrapping his arms around you, holding his hands over yours. "Hold the gun steady like this. Don't tense up, or your shot will go crooked."
You tried to listen, but with the feel of his callused hands over yours, and the weight of his upper body wrapped over yours, the smell of gunpowder, motor oil and a hint of something extremely male wafting over you, it was hard.
"Once you have it settled on the target, don't jerk the trigger, squeeze slowly." He said, moving your finger, squeezing slowly and you felt the recoil of the gun and his body holding you still. You looked forward, noticing a tiny hole in the target. "We hit it!" You exclaimed.
He stepped back, and you automatically missed the warmth of his body around yours. "Try again." He ordered, and you tried to remember all the steps, aiming and firing. Your shot went a little wide but you still hit the target.
Turning to Dean with a huge smile on your face, you exclaimed, "I did it!"
"Yep sweetheart, you're a natural." He said, but he seemed pretty proud of his teachings. "Couple more tries, them we will move on to other things."
The rest of the morning went extremely fast. After finally hitting the bull's-eye, Dean changed courses, showing you how to hold a knife and protect yourself with it. You were pretty coordinated, and the movements came easy to you, surprising the talented hunter.
Sweating, you wiped a hand across your brow, waiting for his next instructions. He took the knife from you, setting them on the table before circling around you. "Now, this is to teach you what to do if you get caught without a weapon."
You bent your knees, waiting for your moment, and when he started to circle around again you jumped. He hadn't been ready for it, and you knocked him to the ground, landing on top of him.
He laid there, his chest heaving as he stared up at you. You were breathing heavy, your eyes catching the movement of his pink tongue as it raced out and licked his bottom lip. His green eyes had darkened, and you could feel his body tense as something hardened a little underneath where you sat.
"Wow Y/N, way to take Dean down!" Sam's voice exclaimed, breaking the moment, and with a slight blush, you stood up before reaching down to help Dean.
Dean gave you a heated gaze, and yours dropped to the ground, a little unsure for once. "Yeah, she's a natural."
"Great. I was coming to pull her in for some research time. And Cas is here too." He explained.
You nodded, tucking the hair that had fallen out of your ponytail begins your ear. Dean leaned forward, pressing his hand against your lower back, sending a bolt of electricity up your back. "You did great. Can't wait to finish what we started."
You shivered, knowing he meant the training but in your mind you were hoping he meant something more.
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