Mary Runs VBS...
*setting up vbs*
Mary: thank you guys for helping me set up, it's just us six running this thing..
Natasha: of course
Marya: you're welcome
Sonya: we'd never miss it.
Nikolai: that means a lot to us.
Pierre: you're welcome
*during vbs*
Mary: dont forget the verse for this week! Be strong in the lord and the strength of his power! Ephesians 6:10 does anyone have any questions or anything fun they did today in class?
Balaga: I have a question!
Mary: what's that?
Balaga: can I have more communion juice?
Mary: no...
Balaga: can I have more bread?
Mary: no...
Balaga: *scrapes his foot against the floor like a bull* can I knock down goliath again?
Mary: no..... it's time to go home...
Balaga: what if we created robots that destroyed the human race?
Mary:....what? Balaga, the story is about David and Goliath not....robots?
Mary: well anyway.. back to the lesson.... if you could recreate on thing, it could be your creation or from history, what would it be?
Balaga: *raises his hand*
Mary: this is your final comment for the day are you sure you want to use it?
Balaga: yes, I would rebuild the titanic and we will learn how it sank
Mary: you've earn yourself another comment
Balaga: what came first the chicken or the egg?
Mary: the chicken, god created a chicken first
Balaga: but what if I've eaten an egg from a chicken that ive also eaten?
Mary: *facepalms*
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