3 AM
Mom- Marya D
SonyaSofia- Sonya
Rad_But_Sad_Man- Pierre
Tasha- Natasha
BibleDaughter- Mary
Nicky- Nikolai
FierceFedya- Dolokhov
CheetoAssassin666- Balaga
Great Comet Group Chat:
Ant: *drunk texting* DiD youuuuuuuu kNow that YOURRRRRR Birthdau is a celebratjng the facccccct your parents dIId the nastyyyyy?
Queenie: Yeah dummy I said that.
Mom: Did you know that Anatole has two dicks? One in his personality and one in his pants!
SonyaSofia: Yep
Rad_But_Sad_Man: Guys go the fuck to sleep it's 3 in the morning, and I am trying to read.
Tasha: Reading? At three?
BibleDaughter: I do it all the time with the bible
Tasha: Oh, ok then
Nicky: Tasha, you've never read at three in the morning?
Tasha: lol nope
SonyaSofia: Niether have I
FierceFedya: C'mon Nickolas let those women be innocent, Sonya didn't do anything to you eh?
Nicky: Ig
Mom: aight, that's enough childrens go to bed
CheetoAssassin666: NOPE NOPE NOPE *spams chat with very innapropriate memes*
Mom Has banned CheetoAssassin666 from the chat
*cheeto assassin somehow finds his way back in the chat*
CheetoAssassin666: HELLO FRIENDS
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