Chapter 5: First Night Heist.
(Later in the morning)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up on my own for some reason, I checked the clock it was only 8:30 am which was odd since I went to bed around 3 am, I tried to go back to sleep but my eyes didn't keep shut, my body was aching so I said screw it and got up. I didn't hear anything behind the door so Barbara was not awake yet, so I had time to myself before the day with her began. I walked to the restroom to do my business and headed to the kitchen to see what was there to eat. I looked in the pantry, the fridge, and the cabinets and saw many options, cereal might be good for now.
Y/N- Cookie Crisps, sounds good.
Good morning Y/N.~"
A voice came from behind me and I jumped a little, it turned out to be Barbara

She had messy hair and looked like she woke up just now or something.
Y/N- Oh..uhh morning.
Barbara- Having only cereal? If you only wait a little longer, I could make you a more filling breakfast. How about it?
I was fine with only cereal but since I haven't had a decent breakfast in a long time, I thought I might as well take advantage of the setting I'm in for now.
Y/N- You know what, you are right, I'll watch TV while you cook breakfast.
Barbara- Excellent choice, I'll make it the best for your first morning here.~
I put back the cereal and went to the living room to watch TV.
Sometime later...
Barbara- Y/N! Breakfast is ready!
I paused my show and walked to the table to see the food and it looked good as hell.

Barbara- Coffee or orange juice, Y/N?
Y/N- Orange juice is fine.
Barbara- Sure, now enjoy your meal. You are gonna need it for today, it's time for you to earn your freedom back.
Y/N- ...Sure.
I sat down and began to eat while she poured me a glass of juice, I lowkey almost forgot why I was here in the first place, it sounded like I had to do community service or whatever they wanted me to do to serve my time for my crimes. I don't plan to do this forever, but I don't want to go to juvie in this city that's for damn sure so I have to play along with this for now. Maybe tonight I'll see if another bag falls out of the sky and hide it for Catwoman and give me another valuable to sell.
Y/N's mind- Heh. Yeah right.
But I still think I should seek her out tonight, it wouldn't hurt to try, if not then it's back to mapping my escape route. After I finished my breakfast, Barbara and I headed out of the apartment building to start our day.
Y/N- So, where to first?
Barbara- We are heading to city hall where a judge will speak to you about what will you do for community service.
Y/N- So is that all I do?
Barbara- Pretty much but you'll do chores in my place as payment for letting you stay and whatnot, sounds fair?
Y/N- I guess so.
Barbara- Good, now let's go.
We headed to her car and drove off.
Y/N's mind- Community services, that's just great.
The two arrived at the courthouse where I got sent to speak with a judge right away, the judge asked me questions and I just gave the most basic answers not wanting to be here or talk at all to anyone of the law but had to anyway. After that was done, the judge declared that I would have to go to Gotham Park to do some litter cleaning duty for the day. I only rolled my eyes not saying a word and left the room to tell Barbara the news.
Barbara- So, what's the plan?
Y/N- Have to go to Gotham Park to do litter duty.
Barbara- OK, I'll go and sign the paper for my guardianship of you, and wait for me in the car ok?
Y/N- Sure.
I left the courthouse to wait for her and while I walked, I heard something from my right.
I heard a cat's meow and looked to see a black cat standing there staring at me.

It was carrying something in its mouth, I didn't know what but I wanted to see what.
Y/N- Here kitty kitty kitty.~
I slowly walked towards it but it ran off and I chased it down, it wouldn't stop running and I was a little far from the courthouse but I wanted to know what it was holding. Eventually, the cat stopped on a street corner dropped a white piece of paper, looked at me one last time, and meowed.
Then the cat ran off, leaving me alone once more. I picked up the paper, opened it up, and saw that it was a note of some kind, a kind of message only meant for me I guess.
Y/N's mind- Strange.
I read the note, it read:
"Dear Y/N, I hope you got reading this to tell you that I may have some opportunities for you to make some money. I couldn't forget about last night and I'm still impressed, so I thought I would give you the chance to do this again, but this time we team up. If you don't want to, that's fine but I would rather that you take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as I never do this to anyone, ever. If you're interested, meet me by Gotham Jewelry's at 1 am in the back of the store. I hope to see you there.~
- C.W.
Well, I'll be damned, looks like I got a gig already. Well, this could be my only way to make so much money to leave this shithole of a city. Supplies, food, clothing, and everything else I will be able to afford can be done by doing some jobs for Catwoman.
Y/N- The only thing I need to avoid is the cops again, but mostly Batman and...Batgirl. Oh, son of a bitch.
Well, it looks like I have to end my ties to Batgirl, oh well while I do appreciate her saving me from Two-Face, now that he is in Arkham prison or whatever, I don't need to worry about him going after me. Now that I had plans for tonight, I needed to get this day over with, so I ran back to Barbara's car which luckily she wasn't there yet. After a few minutes, she exited the courthouse with papers in her hand, which only meant that it got approved.
Barbara- Good news, now I'm your legal guardian. Isn't it great?!
Y/N- Yay.
Barbara- We'll celebrate soon, now we have to go to Gotham Park to start your community service duty.
And with that, we got in the car to drive over there.
Y/N's mind- Tonight is when I began my short career as a night runner.
(No POV)
The day went on with no major problems with the only troubles being Y/N half-assing his duty, taking unreasonably long breaks, and thinking about just running out of there. But after getting a scolding from Barbara and a soft threat of juvenile time, his efforts went up and she was pleased with that. After he was finished, she took him back to the courthouse to report back about his first day and she left out details that would give him a low progress score and only mentioned the positive details. After the judge issued a satisfactory report, Barbara told Y/N about his progress and wanted to take him somewhere special to eat to celebrate. Then, she took him to a local popular seafood restaurant and told him to order whatever he wanted. Y/N did just that and took advantage as he thought this would be the only time in his life he would get to enjoy good food instead of food scraps and junk food he was used to eating. Lobster tails, grilled salmon, and crab legs, Y/N ate to his heart's content and for a while, let his guard down and halted his thoughts for escaping the city. Y/N felt at ease and...normal for the first time in a long time, longer than he can remember but didn't want to delve into his past for long, right now it was feasting time. After the two finished eating, Barbara decided to end the night with a trip to the movies to watch a comedy movie, and that was the end of the day for the two. When it was all done, Y/N went back to forming his plans for tonight after they got back to the apartment, with Barbara telling him to get ready for bed which Y/N gladly did so he could get this night rolling. After he pretended to sleep long enough and didn't hear anything outside the door, he got up and sneaked to Barbara's door to hear any snoring.
Barbara- ZZZZ.....
The coast was clear and he ran to the window with his gear ready, he got the rope and slid down to the streets, heading to the jewelry store.
Y/N's mind- Here we go, hope I don't get caught.
(Catwoman's POV)
I was watching the boy from afar and it seemed he accepted the offer.
Catwoman's mind- Perfect.~
I watched as he made his way to the location I wrote in, making sure no one was following him which no one was but I'm glad he knows some of the basic survival rules in Gotham. When he was almost to the meeting spot, I already made my way over there to prepare our first heist albeit a smaller one but we'll get to bigger scores soon. He made it but I didn't reveal myself right away, I only wanted to watch him wait.
Catwoman- He's kinda cute doing nothing at all.~
But soon, I did make my appearance to him and he seemed to have jumped a little, I know he is nervous to do this but once he gets the taste of the thieving life, he won't be nervous anymore.
Catwoman- Glad you decided to take up my offer Y/N~
Y/N- I only agreed to do this to make money to leave this city, not do this forever.
I felt an odd yet bad feeling in me but I kept a smirk on my face.
Catwoman- I get it, I get it. Now, before we get our loot, I brought you this.
I took out a mask to hide his identity.

He took it and put it on, good thing it fitted him well.
Y/N- Thanks, the last thing I need is Batman and his sidekicks to find out who I am.
I won't let that happen.
Catwoman- If you stick close to me and follow my lead then you won't, now let's begin shall we?
He nodded and we snuck through the backdoors of the place, since this was the first time I took the liberty to disable the security systems and such, I'm treating this like a practice run. It will be more challenging each night but for now, it's easy as pie. I led him to a locked room and showed him how to make and use a lockpick, had him unlock the door and he did it fairly well. Then, most of the previous necklaces were here and I taught him how to look for security traps in their cases, showing how to cut the glass slowly and carefully and took out the necklace and placed it on the bag.
Catwoman- Good job Y/N, now do the same for the rest and I'll watch.
Y/N- Ok.
I stepped outside the room to watch him do what I taught him to do and he was surprisingly doing it well. He was getting almost all of the loot, it was time to do the next step in his training.
Catwoman's mind- Escape, run, and hide like hell.~
I heard the bag's zipper which meant he was done, the look on his face was a thrilling one, like a kid in a luxurious candy store.
Y/N- OK, I got everything. What's next?
Catwoman- Well...
I pushed the button from behind my back.
The store's lights went on and the alarm was activated which made him panic.
Catwoman- Looks like it was a backup one I might've missed, well you know what that means?~
Catwoman- Run.~
I grabbed my whip escaped through the roof and headed to a nearby building. I watched as Y/N ran out of the store and went to the back alleys. I'll see where he will hide the loot bags, and the first one he hid was in the middle of a very large dumpster grounds. Disgusting but wise as no one not even the most desperate of goons will think about finding anything worthwhile there. He ran for another two miles to hide the second bag and he went to the side of a building to climb up the ladder and hide it on top of the roof. Risky but most won't bother searching on top of the roof for anything. He climbed down and stopped to take a rest in a dark corner, he assumed that it was safe now that the cops were far away from him. Ok, I had my notes done, I should check in with him.
(Y/N's POV)
*Pant Pant Pant*
I couldn't run for another minute and had to go here to catch my breath, I still had one more bag to hide, and Catwoman left my ass behind.
Y/N- I swear, Catwoman better let me keep some of the loot.
Did you call?~

Speaking of her.
Y/N- What the hell was that?
Catwoman- What is ever the matter?~
Y/N- Shut up, you said that the security systems were off, and yet, one set off and you ran out without me. Leaving me to hide the loot while the fear of cops or worse Batman getting me, if I got caught my life would be over, I would be trapped in this godforsaken city forever. Now, I'm going to take this last bag of loot as compensation for tonight and I won't back down on that, got it?
I finished giving her a piece of my mind expecting some kind of threatening words or something but she just smiled at me, like this didn't bother her at all.
Catwoman- *Chuckles.*
Ok, I wasn't expecting this at all.
Catwoman- Then the bag is yours because you did a great job on your first night. The way you followed my instructions, paid attention to how I sneaked, and when things went south, you ran into different directions away from the main streets using the alleyways to your advantage and hid the two bags in rather...interesting spots.
Y/N- You were watching the whole time?
Catwoman- Of course, I wouldn't run away from you for any reason, I just had to put you in a risky test to make sure I made the right move offering you this gig and you passed in many aspects.
Y/N- O-oh ok then.
While I'm still pissed at her for doing that, I feel somewhat better that this wasn't for nothing.
Catwoman- Congrats Y/N, we are now partners in crime.
Y/N- So, when's the next gig?
Catwoman- I'll let you know when it's time for that again, for now...
She walked close to me and kissed my forehead, which shocked me.
Catwoman- Farewell for now.~
She ran and jumped away into the night, leaving me by myself once more, feeling all sorts of emotions, and I couldn't figure out all of it. But I know one thing...
Y/N's mind- I'm ready for next time.
(End...for now)
Here is the latest chapter here folks. Hope you all enjoy and stay warm out there cause it's freezing as hell right now where I live. Till next time, talk to ya'll later! :) :)
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