Chapter 9- small things, big impact
Joon hyung and I return from our break to find a familiar figure waiting for us on one of the benches, head bowed and ears twitching slightly, legs locked at the ankles.
"Ahh sir, you have a visitor. Something about the case." One of the junior officers speaks up from his desk, eyes flitting to the curved figure, who straightens, uncoiling and standing up, stiffness to her posture and a slightly watery quality to her wide doe eyes but gaze firm and determined as she meets ours.
But immediately I can sense something is wrong. Can see it in the way her face expresses both hardness and guilt and sorrow- a mixture that has a growl threatening to build in the low of my throat, because every instinct is screaming something's happened, something that has managed to unsettle the firm, strong-minded doe that (Y/N) is. And that despite being surrounded by a mixture of humans, hybrids- predator and prey alike, she seems to be far away in thought, unaffected whereas usually our presences still caused her tail to twitch with instinctual alarm. Something that pushed even those instincts aside.
It causes the ease in our gaits to vanish, smiles vanishing as Joon hyung leads the way to her, the others parting for us- sensing the urgency in the stiff ears and alert body language.
"What is it? Has something happened?" Namjoon hyung asks, voice tight and barely restrained the waves of protective anger, scent spiking slightly, his hand reaches out to touch her shoulder- her stiffness not melting and she looks him in the eye. Vulnerability and anger in her eyes as she meets his gaze levelly.
"We need to talk about the case. I'd prefer it if it was in the privacy of your office." She replies.
And once the door has shut behind the three of us, her scent seems to fill the room with the clear taint of fear and concern in it. In the closed room, the scent seeps out; riling up my instincts to assess what danger she's in, to take it away.
Because in the short time I've known her if there's one thing I've known, is nothing gets her frazzled. Never have I seen her like this.
She doesn't take the proffered seat, legs fidgeting where she stands before she takes a deep breath.
"I did what you asked Namjoon." She says shortly.
Namjoon hyung straightens, eyes wide and alert all of a sudden.
Leaning forward with a hopeful air around him, tail wagging slowly.
"And...did it work?" he asks, eyes sparking with new optimism, new hope.
To be levelled with an unimpressed look tinged with sorrow. A hardness in them that belies the sweet personality I've grown to see glimpses of.
She nods.
And reaches in her bag to pull out a soft plush toy, mind stuttering in confusion at the sight, as she sets them down with force on the table. Moving her hand back quickly but not quick enough that I miss the tremble to it.
"One rhinoceros hybrid is confirmed." She says.
My eyes widen.
She identified one of the traffickers' species? I feel hope fill me, rhinoceros hybrids are rare in Seoul, in South Korea- that hint alone would help narrow down so many options.
But Joon hyung is looking at her in a silent assessing manner- as if trying to see what else her eyes hold, at the stiffness that still remains.
"And what else (Y/N)?" he asks softly.
She sighs.
"I don't know which hybrid species it is exactly but we're also dealing with a bird hybrid of some kind- my guess is the person has a sharp hooked nose that fits with the predator bird sort. And the third one is a doglike species." She reveals.
And my mind whirs with the sudden influx of information, looking as equally stunned as Namjoon hyung who leans against the desk, face scrunched in thought- looking as if he's been dealt a blow, as if he's trying to process the information and sort through it- see what loose ends it ties up.
But I see the defeated slump of her shoulders now that she's told us, as if the knowledge has hurt her in some way.
And the sight of seeing the bright-spirited woman so down, made my gut twist with discomfort.
"(Y/N) there something else bothering you?" I ask softly, stepping close and into her line of sight so she doesn't startle when my hand rests on her shoulder.
She looks at me and I can see the pain flickering in her eyes.
"Have you...have you considered the probability that there might be traces of evidence in the clothes Min-Jun came to the centre in, it's just I looked at his files and he also did have bruising on his body- so maybe you could do something with the size of them, to also figure out what size the hybrids are in shifted form. That he might've carried slight traces of scent with him." she says in a rush, hands trembling by her side but voice strong and determined.
Her words send me jolting back, eyes widening.
Bruises that we'd been trying to match to handprints, to figure out the traffickers' physical features. But if they had been in shifted form, then the pressure would've been of an animal's print left behind.
And the ghost of Min-Jun's clothes come floating back. Because I'd been the one to drop him off at the centre, to get him in a safe secure environment as soon as possible.
But at the time my nose had been clogged full of the smell of sickness, weakness from the poor child, the smell of dirt and sweat and tears sticking to him. I'd been so immersed and tugged by what my instincts were sensing at the time- a poor defeated fragile child that needed protecting, needed taking care of.
Had I been so overwhelmed by my instinctual need that I had failed to note key details, the small details that could make all the difference?
I don't realise I've let out a small whine of dissatisfaction at myself until I see Joon hyung's head snap up and he immediately moves to hold me from behind, nosing at my neck to scent me and make me relax under his reassuring presence.
And (Y/N) who's shoulder I'd unknowingly tightened my hold on protectively, had raised her hand to soothe me but it falls away once she sees me relax under Joon hyung, smiling softly as she steps back.
"I hope it helps the case. I hope it was worth it." She says, stepping back a bit with a tight smile.
And then my eyes widen with realisation.
That to get these details, these hints- she had to ask Min-Jun somehow, and suddenly the redness to her eyes, the tightness to her face makes sense.
And I feel guilt pool in my stomach that to get us these hints, from the victim of the case himself, she had to push him through emotional trauma- and doing that hurt her in the process too. Went against everything she stood for as a caregiver and rejected her instinctual needs too.
That she'd ended up hurt, that Min-Jun had too.
For a case that had left our department stumped, had left us unable to solve it.
"Oh (Y/N) I'm so sorry. I never asked if it was fair on you, is Min-Jun okay?" Namjoon hyung asks, having stepped away once I'd calmed down, looking both apologetic and guilty, tail drooping.
"It can't be helped; it would've gone a reaction from him either way.'s done now, it won't have to happen again." She says with a small shrug, trying to ease our guilt but the smile doesn't light up her eyes and there's almost a warning there- silently daring us to put Min-Jun through that again, protectiveness flaring in them.
We acquiesce, something about her demanding a verbal answer almost, to appease her, to reassure her. But it was also true. We wouldn't let Min-Jun suffer as a result of the investigation, and neither should (Y/N).
And yet despite it all, it almost feels like something is still amiss, something that (Y/N) holds back in saying, in sharing- hesitating at the last moment and remaining silent.
I glance at the pitch-black night that's descended, the days getting shorter as autumn sets in and offer to drive her back, feeling a slither of worry remain as she shakes her head and leaves, the opening of the door bringing in a mixture of scents and fresh air that come and diffuse her scent- still slightly soured with fear.
And takes it away, as if it had never lingered in the first place.
I have to physically clamp down the urge to nuzzle against Jimin with the same casual ease I have with Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung- especially since he looks all cuddly and soft as he emerges from his shared room with Namjoon hyung, a large t-shirt drowning him, and hair rumpled, ears curved with sleepiness and fluffy tail dragging behind him.
I have to clamp the urge down by pinning my hands to my side and holding my waist, wishing it was him I was holding tightly and nuzzling into- greeting the cute fox hybrid who was half-asleep as he trudged into the kitchen, making a drink on auto-pilot.
And it's only once he's sat down on the stool opposite me, setting the cup down on the island that he startles, eyes widening as they fall on me. Before softening, lips curving in a sleep slow smile.
"Morning Taehyungie." He mumbles, voice slightly rough from sleep, before he brings the cup to his lips, plump lips setting on the rim as he takes a small sip.
Bitter and dark. Coffee. My nose scrunches at the aroma. How anyone could drink such bitter stuff was beyond me? Life was all about sweetness and chasing after that and yet Yoongi hyung downed the strongest coffees without a flinch. That and hard liquor.
Jimin laughs, a sleepy giggle that has me softening, the urge to snuggle growing by the second as I watch him peer at me through half-open eyes, cheeks puffy.
"Not a fan then. What do you like then? I can make you a drink." He offers.
"Something sweet. Do we have any strawberries?" I ask eagerly, leaning over the counter and watch as he smiles, sliding off the stool to pad towards the fridge, appearing with a punnet of the juicy red fruit which he waves triumphantly.
"A milkshake?" he asks over his shoulder and sets to making it after my eager nod with a small murmur of 'cute'.
I preen at the word.
I wanted to be called cute by my packmates. It made me feel all warm and cosy.
I wanted to snuggle with him even more, eyeing the fluffy orange tail with wistfulness, wondering how it would feel to have it draped over me as we cuddled. Whether it was as soft as it looked.
"Thanks Jiminie." I say once he slides it over, nibbling at a spare strawberry as he watches me take a sip- a proud satisfied smile appearing on his face once I make a happy sound at the fresh taste.
"You look cosy cub." He says the endearment slipping out as he watches me, wrapped up in a blanket I'd snagged from the couch. I took it because it carried the slightest traces of everyone's scents, and it was the closest I'd get to a pack cuddle for now- and I'd take what I could get.
I nod.
"I have to go out for work soon. So I'll stay as warm and snuggly for as long as I can." I confess, tail slowly swishing, ears perking up when he nods in serious agreement.
"Wise advice Taehyungie...I'll follow it on the days I don't have an early start." He grimaces, a sad look of longing seeming to flicker in his eyes as he watches me, almost as if he wants to reach out to cuddle too.
As if he feels the same longing.
As if he holds back from the same urges.
"Hyungs I'm heading out." I call through the flat, still slightly adjusting to the fact that the apartment is much more open and larger, that essentially it's even bigger because of the door that connects the two.
And I pause, not knowing which hyung I'm calling out too.
To Namjoon hyung who was in the bathroom showering, the heavy patter of water reaching my ears and his low humming of a song that accompanies it. His strong scent slightly seeping out from under the shut door, mingling with one of the many body washes that line the shelves.
To Hobi hyung who's curled up on the couch, a blanket drawn around him on one of his days off as a volunteer at the shelter, pouring over textbooks and diligently making notes, eyes wide and attentive. He pauses to peer at me, ears curling slightly before he makes grabby hands, beckoning me closer to his cosy form so he can drag me close to scent, arms just a bit tighter than usual and his scenting more thorough and longer. And when he's done he tugs my lips to his, fisting into my coat to tug me close, tongue licking into my mouth and making my knees threaten to buckle with how firm and soft he is at the same time- coaxing me closer. He parts our lips, his eyes dilated and more intent and predatory, looking as if he's a moment away from tugging me under the blanket and keeping me there.
Until Yoongi hyung enters, having heard my goodbye call and come to scent me before I leave, he looks amused as he eyes the two of us, the way I'm bent over Hobi hyung's reclined form, clutching at him, tail curling behind him as it sways, eyes narrowed and focused.
"Let him go kit. He'll be late. Is my little love marking his territory?" Yoongi hyung says softly, stepping forward to gently help separate the two of us, even if Hobi hyung growls low in his throat at it, before he's ducking his head at the scenting Yoongi hyung gives the two of us, thumbs rubbing broad circles into our necks, his posture loosening.
"Sorry hyung..." he mumbles abashed.
Yoongi hyung makes a low growling sound, a soft soothing sound as he crouches in front of him.
"Hobi if there's something bothering you, tell us. Talk to us about it. Don't let your instincts have to push you to speak." He says softly, leaning to press a kiss to his forehead.
He nods.
And Yoongi hyung turns to shoot me a soft smile.
"Tae love you'll be late. I'll fill you in later." He promises, kissing my hand that had been by my side, gripping it to peck before smiling.
I nod, a final glance at the two and turn to leave- hearing the trails of work stress with the hurt children setting him off.
Poor hyung.
It's not easy to work at a centre, constantly reminded that every single one of them have gone through something that requires them to be cared for by others.
And as I walk towards the front door, pulling on my shoes, the door partition opens and Seokjin hyung pokes his head through, eyes falling to the sight of me crouched down.
His wings flutter a bit, beautiful inky black feathers that ruffle themselves, as he looks at me with a fond smile.
"Leaving for work Taehyungie?" he says and when I nod he smiles, stepping out into this section of the apartment.
"Kookie is already at the café if you're planning to stop by." He adds casually once I straighten up and his hands flit for a few moments around me, before gently fixing my coat, a small ruffle to my hair as he smiles knowingly at me.
I fiddle, switching from foot to foot, a happy rumble beginning to build in my chest when his hand retreats- a light caress before it's gone.
"Take care cub." He says softly, but before I can turn and leave; fighting the slight moroseness at not being petted for nearly as long as Seokjin hyung takes with Jungkookie, he's pressing a paper bag into my hand.
"You like sweet stuff." He says softly, the tips of his ears reddening when it makes me beam, touched that he remembers, that he knows that and thought of me.
I take the paper bag, holding it close as I feel the warmth of whatever's inside.
"Thank you Seokjin hyung." I say, about a hairbreadth away from vaulting myself into his arms.
But he just smiles and laughs.
"Now shoo before you're late!" he says tapping at his watch to show me that I will very well be late at this rate.
And I rush out the door calling out a final spew of thanks and goodbye before I'm rushing out, feeling my heart warm because of the paper bag I hold close.
Because the small act, sends warm fuzzy contentedness to seep through me.
And when I step inside the centre, it's to the taste of a soft cookie and with a tray of cupcakes clutched between my hands for the little ones.
This day seems to be brightening up as it goes by.
I smile at the boisterous group, loud and energetic today, vibrating in their seats whilst some have long lost that control, rushing around each other as they set chase- peals of giggles and high laughter filling the air.
And I find I don't mind.
Not when there's nothing but happiness seeping into the air, small bursts of scents, all underlined with the softness that comes with children as they move about, some of them cuddling, some of them playfighting- it's the epitome of a healthy environment, of a healthy child.
But it does make me excited, eager to know what the reason behind this flux of joy and giddiness is.
And once I've somehow managed to get the kids to sit down, all of them still carrying an air of excitement to them, tails swishing happily and ears perked, even of the young shy puppy who'd habitually set himself away from the others is grinning and beaming, a softness and welcoming aura to him that he didn't have before.
"Miss (Y/N) came yesterday to give us all new fluffy blankets to add to our nests." One of the children chirp, a sweet puppy girl whose ears flop around her face and right now hides behind them when I smile at her, everyone's clammer growing at the words.
"She even gave us all cuddles and kissies too!" another child pipes in, cheeks pink and flushed and shy but happy to add his input.
"She came with her mate- they're like a fairy-tale prince and princess. They nice." One of the sweet young chicks add in, hair a fluffy cloud and dressed in the sweetest dungarees.
The children begin piping in, a rush of words- all praise and love and affection for this (Y/N) who's turned their moods into such bright ones, who's left them with happiness and giddiness with her affection and gentle touch.
And any plans I'd had of teaching them the wonders and fine art that was finger painting, it all gets washed down the drain as I find myself eager to know more, the children all the more willing to tug me into the centre and crowd me with tales of the famed pretty worker at the centre.
And they talked of her so much, so fondly and so brightly- as if she hung the stars in each of their skies, that I curiously wondered why it was I hadn't ever caught a glimpse of her.
Why I hadn't met her.
(Y/N) POV:
"How did the children find the blankets? Were they soft enough?" Eunwoo says as he laces his arms around me, gently nuzzling into my hair as he hugs me from behind, voice laced with sleep.
I unfurl my fingers from around my mug, reaching up to squeeze the arms that wrap around me and we stay like that for a few moments, seeking out touch and affection and the lightest of scentings as he becomes more and more awake.
"Morning noona!" a bright chirpy voice calls, causing the both of us to turn, Eunwoo's arms sliding free to go scoop his mate up only to be denied when he ducks away with a laugh to plop down beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and setting his head on my shoulder.
"I called for her, so I have to greet her first too hyung." He says laughing at the blinking motion of Eunwoo's eyes and how he looks crestfallen at his empty arms, grumbling as he takes the seat on the opposite side.
"Isn't Binnie just the sweetest? My adorable sleepyhead." I coo as I turn to press kisses to his cheeks, feeling fond and warm as he giggles, wriggling slightly before sitting still, tail all puffy and perked up and bright-eyed as he basks in the affection, pecking my cheek in return once I let go.
He preens, tail perked up as he turns to shoot a coy smile to his mate over the table.
"The sweetest noona says. Her sweet baby." He says teasingly, watching the possessiveness flash in Eunwoo's eyes before he curls close, tugs Moonbin closer.
"But my sweet mate." He murmurs, brushing their lips together in a chaste peck before leaning back, pride flickering in his eyes at the way Moonbin melts into the touch, seems to be putty from one touch alone.
"Well...Eunwoo, the children loved the blankets, they were excited to scent it and add it to their own nests. It always helps having something to call their own, something to add to their collection, to make their space more theirs." I say, smiling in remembrance at how giddy the children had been.
How it had been such a fulfilling feeling to see their eyes light up and their little bodies wriggle with joy, small frames barrelling froward for hugs and cuddles- all of which I'd been overjoyed to indulge them in.
To be crowded and threatened to be overwhelmed by the flux of happy scents, so strong and surging up as they all cradled their new blankets to their chest- eyes shining with joy.
But it had also been a gnawing feeling of guilt and helplessness and hurt- that it took so little to bring a smile to their faces, to make them happy. That all it took was the offering of something that they should have every right to, that they'd held onto me and clung at me- almost as if they were expecting to be torn away, grips getting unconsciously tighter and pressing in close.
It hurt.
Hurt seeing that their experiences had shaped them to be cautious, that every normal act of affection was eagerly soaked up before they feared it would vanish and evaporate into thin air.
Binnie nudges me, drawing me out of thought.
"Noona we lose you?" he asks, as he pulls the rack of toast towards him, gratefully taking the mug of sweet hot milk from the centre.
I shake my head.
"Nope, still got me lovely." I say, leaning over for the chocolate spread.
But there's a knowing look in Eunwoo's eyes, because he'd been there when we'd given the blankets- tagging along to give me a hand and rushing away with a hug, a kiss and a waved goodbye as he went to work.
Because he knew the look in my eyes as we picked the softest, plushest blankets we could find that he knew just how much it hurt me, bothered me.
He knew just how much it hurt to see them suffer, to see them in pain and see the look of vulnerability and fragility in their eyes.
He knew that it was why I'd decided to become a caretaker.
To bring even one more smile to their face, to help change their lives and to help give them a new lease at life.
"How's the baby bear you always gush about?" Binnie asks, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he looks at me, eager to hear about the sweetheart.
And the thought of him brings a smile to my face.
"He's healing...we hit a rough patch a few days back. But I'm glad he's overcome it well. That his therapy is helping him get over the trauma." I say softly, eyes flickering to the memories of screams, cries and sobbing. Memories of him avoiding the toys for a few days, eyes flickering with distrust even if cuddled and scented with even more need.
And then thick of the feeling of overprotectiveness that had seemed to descend onto me.
The feeling of wanting to check up on him more often now, even on my days off- calling Hobi and texting him on the days our shifts didn't align- just to hear even the slightest of news about Min-Jun, if he was unsettled or worried.
The feeling of being on-edge, keyed up even as I went to and from work, growing more and more paranoid that the moment my head turned he'd be snatched away, feeling constantly as if there were a pair of eyes on us, more unsettled since Min-Jun had identified the species of his traffickers.
Constantly on-edge for any hybrid that fit the criteria.
It was making me all jittery and nervous.
And even now in the comfort of my own home I felt the urge to rush to him. So grab the piece of toast in my hand and swing my legs outwards, ruffling Binnie's hair and blowing a kiss to Eunwoo as I rush out, grabbing my coat.
Ignoring the huffy yells to eat before I leave.
I tug on my coat impatiently, nibbling at the toast as I walk down the stairs of the apartment block, heading out to the colder air.
The air is sharp with the smell of a crisper air, of the autumnal feel of leaves turning, an underlying scent of damp coolness that permeates the environment, everything a bustle of noise and lives, cars adding their petrol and diesel fumes to the air.
It all smells like autumn in the city. With the way bakeries spill out with rich inviting scents. And the way heat pours out of shops, everyone bustling around with a quicker urgency- with the need to escape the chill that lingers and threatens to settle.
And yet...there's almost something different.
The air crackling, almost thicker, tenser.
And I duck my head down into my coat, to seek out the warmth from my body, empty hands now fiddling with the zip and buttons to seal out the cold that makes my body shiver.
I stuff my hands into my pockets, unable to fight the shiver that runs through my body as I hurry along, something about the usually enjoyable, excitable walk to the centre now filled with unease and trepidation.
The slight nudging of my instincts that I should hurry, that I needed to rush to the centre, a prickly sensation at the back of my neck as I walked, uncomfortable and stiff.
I tried to put it down to instincts trying to seep through the suppressants, through the subdued nature of them- flaring up because of how close the attachment bond between Min-Jun and me was, because it demanded I give in to the instinctual urges and nurture him in every way, to raise him as he should have been.
But I realise that those instincts nudged for a reason.
That sometimes it wasn't best to ignore them, or try stifle them completely.
Because the sight of the other staff smiling fondly at the sound of the kids' clamour from the art room has me smiling, relaxing- that the kids are happy.
But when I walk down the hallways to my own office, to the part of the centre dedicated to my large office and the nearby space for where prospective parents could come.
As I walk past, the mother hen hybrid who's always clucking and fussing, in her sweet way at all of us, calls to me.
"There's a letter for you." she says, holding out a pristine envelope, void of anything- no name, no stamp, no scent, nothing.
I pause.
"Who dropped it off?" I ask.
She peers at me over her spectacles.
"One of the receptionists brought it. Just mentioned that someone asked for this to be given." She says, shrugging lightly.
I nod and thank her before heading towards my office, body stiffening when a sense of wrongness hits me.
The door is closed.
As it nearly always is unless I'm inside with Min-Jun, slowly beginning to leave the door open a crack- so other scents can begin to be noticed by him, so he knows that there's others beyond the walls of my office.
But it's closed.
And that's not the alarming thing.
The alarming thing is that my instincts threaten to push through, flaring and battering against the barrier suppressants cause.
The scent I recognise as my own slightly sharp.
And when I hurriedly open the door.
I find that the room is empty.
But sitting right in the middle is a massive plush toy.
A rhinoceros, that has cruel stitched eyes and red teeth. The grey fur matted. And it sits on top of the padded floor mattresses at the centre, perched at the direct middle of Min-Jun's nest.
But it's violated, it's ruined. Pillows and blankets pulled out of their order to make a circle around the toy.
It fills me with dread.
Cold seeping numbing dread.
And my fingers shake as I tear open the letter.
Shaking as I pull out the paper, finding nausea churn my stomach at the sight of the blood-red ink.
I know it's not real, it doesn't carry the metallic scent of blood, and yet it makes me clutch tighter at the paper, make me balk at the sight of it.
A little addition to Min-Jun's nest.
And I don't know who, I don't know how but what I do know is I need to get rid of this all.
I stumble back to shut the door, locking it manually before rushing back, legs folding under me as I scrabble for the sheets, for the rhino toy and the disturbed mounds of pillows and blankets.
Tear them away from the mattress and dump it all on the side, hands tugging the sheets off with a frantic energy.
Min-Jun can't even catch the slightest scent of the bitter and vile nauseating combo of scents- undistinguishable and unrecognisable as anything I've ever smelt.
And I find my eyes fill with angry hot tears, body shaking with rage.
Because how dare they enter and try make Min-Jun's safe space unsafe? How dare they violate it? How dare they threaten the safety and wellbeing of the cub in my care?
My ears ring, drowning out noise and sound, filled only with the panicked frenzy to get rid of it all.
Before Hobi turns up with Min-Jun.
Before he catches even the slightest hint.
And before he gets set-off.
Before his precarious healing stage became even more unsteady.
Mine is...I blame a lot of the TV shows I watched as a kid but after one episode of Sarah Jane Adventures (props to all those who've been blessed to watch it and know what I'm on about!) I hate clowns. Not in a phobic way, but they terrify me, I just don't like them.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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