Chapter 73- catch me
"Are you ready for the first set of cases? It should be quick and no fuss." I ask, watching as the elder lion sinks down into a seat beside mine, quiet and observing as he watches movement beyond the glass to the interrogation room, watches as Jimin sits down in front of Lee Tae-Hwan. The owner of the tracking chips factory.
It's been weeks and slowly... bit by bit the man's confidence and bravado and cockiness has dissolved, the assuredness he'd had when he was first arrested has been broken down. Chip by chip.
There's an empty husk of the man he once was and there's nothing that saves him from the cold hardened rage that greets me, masked in soft features that appraise him as he sits down, file nudged forward, drawn open to show inventory and the list of his workers.
And when Lee looks at Jimin he can't find the man he led right into the heart of his business. Let in and let the fox break it apart brick by brick from the inside, everything sealed and raided, every employee fired and questioned. Every angle probed for more information.
But there's still more to take from Lee, there's still more information he can divulge.
"My team's ready. Although these cases, the people you've arrested in connection to the barn raid won't have any chance to present their case. They've signed their own death warrants, their own imprisonment. Are you good to meet them this week?"
My eyes drift from the one-way mirror to the lion seated beside me, see his gaze trained still on the smallest minute actions happening on the other side of the glass. Silently observing and taking everything in.
"This week sounds good, how's Thursday?" he nods in assent, head tilting as he takes in Lee and Jimin's posture, watching the unspoken confrontation between them.
"I'll get the Park couple to drop by. They're my ruthless duo so don't be fooled at first glance." He warns, cordiality and pride seeping into his tone.
"I'm sure Jimin will get along great with them then." There's the faint quirk to his lips, tail swishing low even as his gaze remains focused on Lee's body language.
"Have you found the two scorpion employees? For a hybrid species that's defined by their venom, they're extremely good at hiding. Scuttling into dark corners and biding their time... tucked away into the dirty underbelly of Seoul somewhere..."
My ears perk at his musings, empathy in the disgust and vitriol that laces his tone as he leans forward with curiosity, examining the stiffness in Lee's posture, the contradicting ease as Jimin leans back in his chair, quietly appraising him. Watching him suffocate in the silence that stretches out, the low slow way of Jimin's pink tail giving away just how much he's relishing in watching the human swelter and crumble without saying a single word.
"He'd get a lot more out of the man if you leave him in a bigger interrogation room." Ji Sung remarks easily, voice low and drawled. Laced with a growl that seems to rumble at the back of his throat.
Examining Lee with a hunter's gaze.
"Why's that?" already catching onto his thought process, curious to see how it plays out regardless.
"Let him sweat it out. There's a lot of psychological powerplay that happens inside an interrogation room. Like Park's using pheromones and silence but if you want him to feel cornered and trapped. No way out and to loosen his tongue then put him in a bigger room. Isolated."
There's a sharp knowledge that burns in dark eyes, tail swishing low and dragging, ears perked and to attention. Sitting tall and proud, commandeering the space with a quiet ease as he leans forward. Resting his head on a propped arm, eyes narrowing.
"But then again. Looks like Officer Park is perfectly capable of using the opposite space to his own gain. He's making Lee physically sweat." Approval laced into his tone.
I let my eyes drift back to the mirror, watch the loose sprawl of Jimin's body, slowly pushing forward documents that provide a market value to the entire sum of his seized assets, the sizeable fortunes he was making from transporting tracking ships for hybrids.
There were so many large shipments still being traced, their locations investigated.
"You've made billions in exports. But I'm interested in why one of your largest buyers was from a business district. Why would offices need tracking chips that you've been supplying to brothels and the flesh trade. Why does Seoul's filthy rich need them?"
I don't need to be in the room to smell the betraying guilty tang of sweat, I can see it beading at the older man's temples and upper lip, can see the nervous swallow of his throat and the way his fingers tug loosely at his collar, feeling suffocated despite the distance between them, despite the fact I know the heating is off and there's nothing but collected composure in the lazy drag of Jimin's eyes running over him.
"There's a large amount of hybrids working with a large majority of Seoul's financial capital." Words wavering but eyes drifting to meet the hardened stare that confronts him.
"Liar." Ji Sung murmurs.
And Jimin examines him for a few long minutes, watching before he leans forward, tapping the page.
"Want to reconsider your answer Lee? Because the people who manage the finance sector are some of the richest hybrids. They wouldn't need to tag up their own workers would they? Unless some businesses are fronts..." trying to coax out the information, leaning closer and undoubtedly pumping out pheromones overwhelmingly strong.
Because the breath he sucks in is light, breathing through his mouth and recoiling from the pheromones that even as a human he's able to sense... on a weaker level. But intimidated regardless.
"Just like Lee's foundation that your children are going to-are meant to inherit is based on manufacturing produce. Now that you're going on trial your children if they ever survive prison are going to be destitute."
The already chalky sickly pallor blanches further and a low proud growl rumbles deep in my chest, elicits a warm bubble of laughter from the older man seated beside me.
His eyes dark and narrowed as he watches the scene unfold. A predatory amusement pooling in his features, vicious satisfaction and mercilessness as he appraises Lee.
There's a confident ease he seems to imbue, watching the questioning unfold with experience in his observations.
This isn't the first case he's seen like this. And it won't be the last probably.
And the little I do know about him isn't enough to know what cases he's worked before. And how he can read Lee's body language just as well as Jimin and I can... rather just as well as an officer.
"Have you worked cases with multiple offenders before?"
He hums in low assent.
"This case feels very similar to ones I've done before.... I still need to talk to Kang Jihyun when the centre's doctor declares him suitable enough for a visit."
I nod absently.
"I'll get you his number. And the profiles from the centre's main psychologist."
And it's the first time his body seems to straighten, perking in interest as he turns to face me. The scentblockers hide away his biological tells, keep him composed and in control of the shifts in his pheromones.
"I can't meet the children until..."
"Until we have a safeguarding officer present. And until they're cleared for any sort of questioning by their primary caregiver. They won't put the children through any sort of mental duress." Half-expecting an argument, some push to give way to his opinion, his perspective.
"I'll trust their judgement. Forcing them to remember and recount what they've experienced... that isn't fair to them. If they can forget... if they can move on then it's worth the price of struggling to find testimonies and evidence elsewhere."
My ears flicker in surprise, turning to face him entirely, shifting in my seat to peer at him, eyes observing the assuredness of his posture that radiates in his voice too.
"You've worked a case like this before." I finally remark.
His eyes drag slowly to me, experience lining his eyes... slowly more certain that the crinkles around them aren't as much from laughter as they may be from worry and stress.
The observation comes after days of meeting him, of examining his body language. From every single response he's given to the case and to every interrogation he's sat in.
Ji Sung came recommended because this is exactly the type of work he specialises in.
But even more so... he's worked in something a near mirror of the cases we're handling. And both expertise and experience has him picking apart the flaws and discrepancies in the countless statements he'd been going over since our first meeting. Trying to connect links in the intricate web that was steadily being unravelled, searching for the smallest, minute details to tug it all apart.
There's a stiffness to his lips, the smallest smile that doesn't even reach the corners of his mouth, a dark burning fire in his eyes as he turns the scrutiny of his gaze to me. Something hollow and empty that the purpose lack of scent seems to emphasise in that moment.
And I can only smell my scent, the observation room filled with only the heavy scent of forest dew and earth.
At this moment as I watch his gaze turn to me, the dark richness of his hair, ears and tail all silently attest... proudly acclaim just how much power is in the older man, just how much he commands the space, a lion that lets his gaze settle on me.
"And you're so sure Officer Kim?"
There's a glimmer of something hauntingly devastated in his eyes as he stands, spares a final glance to the room.
"Good instinct."
And he doesn't divulge, doesn't share more but there's something in his gaze that shows that this case is a mix of both professional and personal interest.
"Did you take the case because something felt unfulfilled from last time?"
His ears flicker as he reaches for his jacket and this time when he smiles it's all teeth and no warmth, all predator and almost no human.
Something achingly dangerous and sharp. A threat to them and to every single person who's wound the web tighter and tighter around children and adult hybrids, who've marketed them on their flesh and their biological species.
"The thing about cases like these Officer Kim is if you don't root out the poison and the people at the heart of it, they just fester and grow silently. And by the time you realise the damage is already done. And they've ruined more lives than you could've ever imagine."
And as he reaches the door, posture stiff and tall, it isn't with the invite to follow. Leaving me with the image of Jimin and Lee on the other side of the glass.
And the quiet realisation.
That maybe some of that poison had left its bitter taste in Ji Sung as well.
There's a small cluster of officers checking their holsters and securing their guns, thumbs carefully brushing over the safety and rechecking, eyes sharp with a precision that comes with the knowledge that wherever they're about to head in needs nothing short of ultimate focus and sharp senses.
And for a few long moments I genuinely can't recognise Jinyoung. I can't recognise the composed put-together officer, the sharp dog hybrid from the man that stands in front of me, dishevelled and worn down, face shadowed and gaunt. A perpetual trembling that seems to have sunk into his bones even if the station shields away the worst of the fading winter.
He looks ill and weak. Physically looking as if sickness has worn down at his frame, hidden away under thin clothes that'll do nothing for him once he steps outside the station.
It's startling how well he's disguised himself, my eyes desperately searching for some familiarity from the officer who works alongside me and the poor, destitute man he now embodies so easily.
"Wow... I really didn't recognise you." I finally mutter, lips tugging up at his easy grin, the unabashed pride that radiates off him, even as he nudges away Jaebum, hand swatting at his mate and fellow officer to ward off the fretting dog hybrid who physically looks pained at the sight of his mate. Even if it's all a pretence, even if it's for show... ears folded over with anger and distress at the way Jinyoung's body shivers, wracked with tremors. Even if they're faked.
If it's fooling his mate, turning every instinct and biological demand against him, making his genetic makeup thrash at the thought of Jinyoung looking as if he's borne the brunt of the harsh winter, struggling to survive... he'll fit right in at the centre.
A decoy to temporarily distract the staff and people who stay there, enough for him to enter first and provide a rough layout of the place.
Enough for him to go in, scan the place, and let the small team of officers search the place for the scorpion hybrids that were still at large, nearby CCTV flagging them as visitors to a nearby convenience store.
Enough for Jinyoung and JB to organise a small team and move in to do more than just shadowing the shelter for so long.
"If JB's a frazzled mess you know it's working." Jinyoung teases, drawing away slightly, careful to not let his mate's scent transfer across onto him, careful to keep his own scent blocked and hidden away and the artificial scent to cling to him instead. His face twists into a disgusted grimace at the smell of dirt and grime and sweat clinging to the artificial bitterness of his scent.
"Try get footage of as many of the people staying there. Anyone who flags up on the system, anyone tied to the scorpions... anyone who can be of help at any point too. The head of the shelter should have intel records of dates and names...or aliases." Jaebum instructs, displeased at his mate's purposeful, but needed avoidance, recounting the same debriefing the officers had already sat through, their postures tightly coiled with the thrum of anticipation I can taste in the air, pheromones pulsing strong, broadcasting their alertness.
"I know discretion is a help especially because these people are often needing shelter from situations and people too but if there's someone who's particularly off..." I begin, watching as he immediately nods.
Nose wrinkling with distaste.
"Got it captain. But our main priority are the scorpions, a testimony from Eli even if she wishes to remain anonymous. And the head of the shelter." He lists.
I nod, eyes dragging over the officers. Only partially surprised when I don't see Jimin amongst them, always eager and ready to be at the centre of doing something.
But he was off meeting his contacts in the red district, trying to get information directly from the sources rather than the heavy encryption that required waiting before the surveillance team passed it down.
My lips tug at the title, eyes flashing as I look at him.
"If Eli is any immediate danger like Moonbin says then get her out. We'll have to look into relocating her to a different shelter."
Another brisk nod before Jinyoung turns to face JB, eyes softening slightly at the sight of his fretting mate.
They don't close the distance. Because neither dares to directly transfer their pheromones onto each other, to give away anything more than what needs to be divulged.
Always keep your cards close to your chest.
"I'll call when we get back. But don't stay late Kim. Get home, get (Y/N), round up your pups and mates. Let us do our jobs too." Jinyoung grins, eyes bright as he looks at me, head tilted with coy knowledge when my chest rumbles with satisfaction at the thought.
"You're suggesting I head home early and get out of work? Sold." I laugh, moving away from their desks to step away, watching the other officers dip their heads as I move past them, eyes drifting to the shut door.
"I want your debriefing reports written up as soon as possible officers. And take care... don't engage with hostiles unless they're a threat."
There's a choruses of voices echoing their agreement and assent, a mix of hybrids and humans all peering at me attentively.
I tilt my head to them as I reach for the handle.
"Let's hope for some success with this shelter raid."
"Aye aye cap."
And even underneath the clothes he's adorned, the disguise of the rundown homeless, Jinyoung's words ring with both affirmation and authority, eyes gleaming with sharpness.
A hunter in disguise.
And I know the team are in good hands, that JB and Jinyoung are a formidable force when put together.
And I can easily entrust this to them.
"Joonie... pup you're home early. Earlier than me... everything okay?" Jin hyung asks peering at me with surprise, hands full of a big paper box, eyes widened with surprise. His wings flutter and flap as he steps through, padding forward to peer at me, concern and warmth filtering into his expression.
I tilt my head back to peer at him, hand drawing the book onto my lap, lips curving into a smile.
"I got shooed home by some officers." Grin widening when I think of how adamant JB had been when I'd dithered, all but steering me towards my office to nudge me away from him as he readied himself to leave.
Watching me go before he got into the patrol car.
In response Jin hyung's eyes brighten, gleaming with a playful affection.
"Good on them. Sometimes my pup needs to be home before it's late... I don't think I've seen you read for some time baby." Eyes drifting to the book lying on my lap before his eyes drag up to my torso, gaze burning with a heat that simultaneously makes my scent pool rich, feeling a flush heat in my cheeks even as I keep my eyes with his. Refusing to break contact first.
"It's been some time since only you're home hyung." I murmur, watching his wings flap in my peripheral, flaring wide slightly before they tuck back against his back. A generous smile tugs at full inviting lips, his eyes settling on my lips before he tilts his head.
Seeming to purposely tug my eyes to the expanse of his throat as he turns, breaking gaze first but somehow still commandeering the fizzing pulse of electric attraction as he turns towards the direction of the kitchen. Leaving me staring at him as he walks away, a small displeased whined growl rumbling at the back of my throat, bitten back before it can slip past my lips.
Whatever cosy ease I'd felt sprawled over the couch for the better part of hours is so easily gone, vanishing at the sight of my swan, wings fluttering and drawing my attention to them as he vanishes past the doorway, voice lilting and carrying through.
"No hyung... want me to make you something?" I offer, already half-rising from my sprawl when he peers at me from the doorway, eyes fond and shining with playfulness.
"You'll do well to let me do the feeding part of the courting rituals darling. You can do the posturing and hunkering like the big bad wolf." He laughs, eyes bright when I realise unconsciously my posture has straightened, sitting up straight and trying to project myself as his big alpha mate.
Doing it without actively realising, the heat in my cheeks growing as I loosen my posture and slump back onto the couch, turning away from his smiling face to pick my book back up again.
It's barely a few minutes later when the sound of rustling wings and quiet steps make my ears perk, eyes trained steadfastly onto the lines of ink on the page, barely processing them as he takes light slow steps forward, the drawn out slowness making my body itch with the need to peer back at him.
But pure stubbornness keeps me from twisting around and seeing the smug grin tugging at his inviting pouty lips, my own lips tugging up at the soft sigh behind me, the quiet rustle of feathers and steps coming to a still.
Fighting the urge to tilt back, feeling his presence towering and quietly hovering behind me, feel the inexplicable sense of being caged somehow despite his warm vanilla scent being sweet and soft, light on the senses.
Somehow the softer tinge of it in the cloud of my own scent overwhelms it somehow... demands my attention to the trail of sweet pheromones seeping off him. All my senses drawn down to the vanilla, the quiet rustling wings before he leans closer, fingers skimming featherlight across my nape, a shiver skimming down my spine, skin tingling at the fleeting touch.
Whine building low in my throat when his fingers playfully pinch, an imitation of the slightest scruff, leaning closer as his lips brush against the back of my head, tail thumping against the couch.
"Pretty pup." Hyung's voice is a low croon, fingers slipping past my nape to brush his knuckles against my gland, a slow drag of skin against skin that has my throat arching, the stubbornness dissolving to give way for pure want... needing to bare my gland to his touch, my throat to invite him closer.
Head tilting back in both invite and to peer at him, rewarded with an inviting smile, hyung's head tilting closer to brush a soft lingering kiss against my lips, plush warmth pressing to mine, smiling at the soft whines bubbling past my lips and muffled against the full curve of his lips as he continues to rub his knuckles in teasingly slow circles around my gland, circling slowly, painstakingly indulgent and unrushed.
Lips lingering as he presses another kiss to my lips, head tilting to chase the heat of his mouth, hand reaching up to cup his jaw and feel his tongue briefly against the seam of my mouth, brushing against my bottom lip before he draws back slightly.
"Hyung wasn't going to pounce at first sight pup... but you look so cosy. So pretty for me." He praises, words making my stomach flutter even whilst his words coax a stirring of heat low in my gut, fingers curling around his jaw to try coax him closer, eyes fluttering as I keen at the first hint of true pressure at my gland, knuckles dragging directly across soft tissue, demanding my scent to reel out with dark glinting eyes, dragging over every inch of my face as he looks at me. Truly takes me in.
And it doesn't ever fail me to notice, to realise that hyung doesn't have the same enhanced hearing but what he has is enhanced sight, noting the most minute shifts, the tiniest of details.
And when he looks at me with heavy intensity and undivided attention I know every single inch of him is focused on me, I know he sees with a depth that we can't.
And that even the slightest shift in my expression betrays how readily he's turning me to putty with the barest of touches. He hasn't even lain a hand on me, and I can feel every shred of willpower disintegrate, any thought of making my swan mate wait for anything vanishing.
And when his lips quirk, tugging up with a wry amusement I know he knows it too.
"Hyung is prettiest. And all you're saying... all I'm hearing is that you were going to take your time..." lips ghosting along mine, a small hum muffled against my lips before he kisses me again, slow and unrushed. Rewarding.
"Smart pup." Murmured a hairsbreadth away from my lips.
The pad of his fingers coming to circle and brush against my gland instead, staining his skin with my scent, lips crooking with a mischief that I feel coax the sparks and embers into flickering flames of heat licking at my skin. And then the tip of his nail digs into my gland, a sharp unrelenting pressure that triggers a burst of pheromones, whine caught low in my throat, back arching up as my fingers scrabble for purchase at his wrist. Grip tightening around the slender jut of bone and skin, hand encasing it entirely, branding the glands with the scent he reels out.
Lips swallowing my whine as he surges forward, body still hovering over mine and curled over, hand steadying my jaw, fingers delicately and assuredly settled on skin, panning over my throat with a possessiveness that makes my skin tingle and spark wherever his touch grazes, fanning out heat throughout my body. Radiating from where his hand sprawls.
"Hyung you're too far." I groan against the seam of his lips, tugging him forward incessantly until he rounds the arm of the couch, lets me tug him closer until he's hovering over me, watching me straighten with gleaming eyes and reddening lips.
But he doesn't let me fully straighten, doesn't let me push myself upright before he's moving, clambering onto my half straightened sprawl, wings flapping when my knees draw up for him to lean against, body straddling mine, hips against mine, peering down at me with mischief and coy amusement when his weight pins me to the couch, hands still settled on my gland, his other dragging down my t-shirt, lingering over my chest, watching the rise and fall of quickened breath, my own clamping on his hip. Desperate to pull him closer.
"You should wear these more often. Big bulky alpha." He whispers the title, hushed and lilting, wings flaring wide as my hand slips under his jumper, settling against his waist. Leaning into the touch.
Fingers curling to grip tightly when his hand remains settled on my sternum, feeling the wild thudding of my pulse under his touch, hand slowly drifting to sprawl over my chest, eyes turning darker and gaze half-hooded, when the first brush of his teasing fingers skim across to slowly circle a nipple. Feeling it stiffen, back arching, breath caught in my throat with bated anticipation, a bubbling whimper that remains behind clamped lips until he leans closer. Hand drifting from my gland to let his fingers brush over my lips, tugging at clamped lips and kissing bruising and sharp and hungering. Teeth sinking into my bottom lip harshly until I groan against the parted seam of his lips, tongue sweeping over my lips, slick heat and pressure, swallowing the sharp whimpered hiss against his tongue and teeth. Fingers tugging and toying, eliciting small shudders as I arch into him, the touch sending a searing heat through the fabric, the sharp twist flaring a sparked heat that sinks lower and lower in my gut and winds tighter around me, hips languidly rolling against mine.
Wings fluttering with primal satisfaction.
"What is it Namjoon-ah? Tell hyung... hyung will give you everything." He promises, lips moving slower against mine, tongue curling and brushing against mine, slow thrusts into the slowly pliant laxness of my mouth, hips rolling in slow circles to coax the stiffening aching pleasure to bubble hotter and fiercer, wings flared wide as he hovers over me.
Voice low and rougher, sounding just as wrecked as I am... unravelling with the same quickened haste that I am, a burning sear that coaxes my body closer to his, hand drifting feverishly across his waist, dragging upwards and with it his jumper shifts, baring the lean lines of his torso, nails raking across skin and delighting in the way that when he shivers, his wings do too, feathers rustling and flapping as his back arches, hips pushing down on mine.
"Want hyung to feel good. Want you to use me to feel good." I groan, fingers gripping his hip, drifting down to pan across his thigh, fingers digging in hard enough to bruise.
His eyes are bright and shining, wings flared wide to their full extent, towering over me where he straddles me, hips rocking down in slow deep circles, fingers continuing to skim across my torso, dragging at their leisure as he maps me under his touch.
"I want you to lift your top up."
The words are lilted and soft but there's something inherently about Jin that demands it without even letting it bleed into his tone and posture. Something dizzying about the combination of sweet vanilla and dark lidded eyes watching me, the shaky sigh that slips past lips as I acquiesce, drawing the fabric upwards, moving to tug it free and off my head, his hands drifting across skin as he watches the shirt fall aside, the drag of his hips torturously slow against mine. Seeking pressure and pleasure for himself, his hands mapping me under his touch, branding his handprints on skin as he explores, fingers tugging and twisting and reeling out broken groans and whimpered cries, his mouth lowering to soothe the aching sting of stiffened, stimulated buds with his tongue and lips. The drag of teeth sparking pure fire across skin, a molten heat that diffuses into skin, that makes my hips buck up for the slightest relief, hands tugging him closer. Dragging him to my own ruin.
"Pretty alpha mate. Big bulky officer." He praises, hand settling low on my torso, feeling the clench of my stomach under his touch, under the faint drag of nails skimming across skin as his fingers drift lower before reaching for the waistband. Fiddling with the drawstrings, eyes inviting as he looks at me, watches me with fluttering wings as my hands curl at the inside of his thighs, tugging his straddled legs open slightly wider, squeezing tight. And rewarded with his fingers slipping under the waistband, past fabric to drag slowly down skin, my hips rising to help him.
His body moving assuredly as he lets me drag the zipper of his jeans down, fabric clinging in a way that makes my throat tighten, swallowing at the sight of the straining bulge, hand skimming to ghost along his boxers, a spark of heat when skin touches skin, at the drag of my hand across his length, his hissed approval piercing through the slowly building fog in my head. Dizzy on the sweet scent of vanilla and the slow grind of his hips rocking down against mine, the slow unrushed fizzing pleasure of his lips melding to mine, shared shuddered breaths as he reaches between us, low crooning praise that has my spine arching, gripping his hips to guide the movements into something that has a stream of groans slipping past our lips, my hand tugging at his shirt to press my lips to his, fangs nipping and biting at his full lips, feeling the plush heat of his mouth bruising and just as needing against my own, tongue flicking to brush against the seam of my lips for entrance. Groaning low into the slack heat of his mouth, his tongue curling against mine, flicking and brushing through the lax pliancy of my lips with messier thrusts of his hips, gripping him as he thrusts in the loose circle of my hand, my hips bucking up to chase the same blistering pleasure that lances at my limbs.
"Something got you worked up hyung?" I groan, mouthing at his jaw, fangs grazing against skin, nose brushing against skin as I scent him, fingers gripping bruising at his hips, the other tightening as he continues to roll his hips into my hand, the low roughness in his moan sending sparks of arousal to pool in my body, dragging me closer and closer to the dizzying peak of release.
"Can't I appreciate my mate?"
I grin against his throat, teeth catching at the crook of his neck, nosing at skin and breathing in the headiness of his sweet vanilla, the warm subtleness of his scent in the midst of hazed pleasure.
"But you weren't expecting me. Did something happen at work? Did a bun happen?" teasing and low, growling low when his teeth nip the shell of my ear, drifting lower to press open mouthed lingering kisses to the hollow of my throat, tasting my scent and pulse on his tongue, feeling the tell-tale way it rackets up, thudding quickly as his thighs clench on either side of me. Caging me in, caging us in together.
"It's that shirt." He grits out, the flutter of his lashes against my skin even as he keens against my skin, a low heady sound that tugs me to the same precipice he teeters over, dragging the two of us to a high that leaves my throat arches as his teeth sink into my gland, body roughly bucking forward before he stills. Wetness spilling onto my hand and torso, the shaky clutch of his thighs gripping mine as he leans closer, hand angling my jaw to him, muffling the whimpered exhale that leaves my throat against his kiss-swollen lips that tremble as I work him through the ebbing waves of pleasure, sensitivity slowly beginning to settle as my hips rut up.
Our breaths shuddering between us, stolen kisses lazy and unrushed, lips slick against his, teeth and fangs dragging at his full lips, sinking in and rumbling with pleasure at the soft groan muffled against my mouth, tongue chasing mine.
"If I knew... I would've worn them more often."
He groans, chasing my lips once more, fingers curled possessively under my jaw to keep it angled up for him, hand dragging lower across my gland to brand me with the sweet subtle vanilla of his scent. And even in the peak of pleasure his scent doesn't spike, it remains a dizzying sweetness that I can taste in the midst of my own pheromones fogged with arousal.
A dizzying constancy that grounds me, his hands skimming across skin, mapping my torso under him with slow sweeping touches.
"So you can be ruined all the time pup?"
Voice low and coy. Eyes fluttering and dark blown out pupils peering down at me, wings flared full and feathers rustling and shaking in sensitivity as his own breathing slowly calms, the wild pulse beating at his throat immediately capturing my gaze.
Hands reaching up to tug him closer, fangs dragging across his pulse point before sinking my teeth in lightly, biting down hard enough to leave a mark, not hard enough to break skin.
His fingers remained curled against my nape, tugging at my hair, reminding me even as I growl against his skin, mouthing at his throat- intent on leaving a mark blooming across the slender curve of his neck, that he's in charge.
That predator or prey, Jin hyung holds the reins.
That alpha or not, I'm his pup.
And his touch doesn't let me forget it.
Rather, brands it against my body.
My ears pop up, perking with attention at the sound of voices in the hallway, a cluster of them spilling into the apartment, the sounds of shoes being shucked off and jackets drawn away. The sound of pack and mates and happiness in their tone as I peer at the doorway as if it'll immediately draw them to sight.
Tail thumping against the sofa as the footsteps approach, eyes brightening at the two felines that immediately peek inwards, stripey ears and twirly ones perked and smiles warm and bright in a way that's infectiously giddy.
"Joon-ah, home early... what a sight to come back to." Hobi says, eyes dragging over me with a curious slow intensity that makes me twist on the sofa to peer at them without craning my head back. See that the marks at my throat has already piqued silent assessing contemplation.
"It's a rare one." I joke, watching as Tae pads forward, immediately ducking close to rub his cheek against my hair, chuffing happily as his fangs nip at the tips of my ears, fingers cupping my cheek to tilt my face to his, soft dragged out scents that leaves a trail of sweet berry against my skin, cheek slowly rubbing against mine. An indulgent kit.
"Pretty alpha hyungie..." voice low and rumbling with his chuffs, curls tickling my skin.
"Had fun at the centre? Smell like paint." I mumble, nose turning to skim across his jaw, feel the faint lingering smell of it on him, see it stain his nails slightly.
"Started painting my stripes today! Hobi hyung and (Y/N) were all orange." Chuffs deepening his voice, bright giddiness making his tail swish.
And behind him Hobi grins, eyes fond as he looks at his cub mate.
"I think he managed to get orange paint all over our overalls." Eyes narrowing playfully before he squeezes his waist before leaning in to press a quick kiss to my lips.
"I'm going to wash off the paint smell... Tae!" he laughs when his stripey tail bats at him in excitement, swishing curls of his tail swatting at Hobi before he turns in eager excitement.
"Me too!"
I laugh, head tilting to the side as I appraise the two of them.
"Hob-ah I think you're going to get pounced on in the shower."
His eyes sparkle with amusement, ears twirling as he tugs Tae closer, lips brushing his in a slow possessive gesture, heat sparking at the sight of them.
"I think he's been waiting to pounce all day actually."
"Don't let me stop you." I laugh, watching as Tae's hands already started wander, playfully skimming across Hobi's sides.
"Want to join pup? I'm sure we can squeeze a bulky officer in the tub?"
As if the bathrooms aren't designed for multiple people. As if the apartment isn't in a hybrid neighbourhood.
But then Jin hyung enters, moving towards the kitchen, wings flapping and tucked against his back, steering (Y/N) towards the dinner table, a fox trailing behind her, quick on his feet, tail swishing as he immediately sinks down and tugs her chair closer to his.
My eyes however drift to the swan moving around the kitchen, tugging open the fridge door to draw out a box.
"Actually I might try help hyung with cooking."
Ears flickering at the quiet rustle of wings and eyes catching onto the curved smile.
Eyes dark and mischievous.
"Going to try feed the pack alpha pup? Well then-let hyung help."
And drawn to his voice, to the subtle trickle of vanilla sweetening the air, I let myself be lured close.
A wolf willingly entering the swan's domain.
"Are you coming back in Joonie?" (Y/N) asks, voice ragged and out of breath, skin gleaming with exertion and cheeks flushed and rosy. This close her scent is so strong, immediately catching my nose and tongue, thick and sweet and unfiltered in its heaviness, the floral sweetness corded with the salty tang of sweat, her large eyes bright and focused on me.
She doesn't turn as the fox after her slows down to a jog, approaching with a quiet noiselessness that somehow doesn't startle her into an unconscious jolt when his arm winds around her waist from behind and he presses against her back, peering over her shoulder. Eyes bright and pupils dilated, mint sharp and fresh and sparking with biological satisfaction, his own breaths laboured as he noses along her ear, head dipping to nuzzle at her neck, where her scent is strongest, a low throaty growl rumbling against her skin, eliciting a small shift as she leans back against him all the whilst still peering at me.
"Minnie got the chasing out his system?" I tease, watching the unabashed satisfaction in his eyes, glinting with heat, tail swishing side to side, sweat pearling at his temples, skin gleaming with the exertion of keeping chase, of rushing after our fawn through the open space behind the apartment.
"I keep telling him it's not..." she laughs, breathlessness laced into her words, into the warn amusement, her pupils much more constricted, even though the chase works to satiate her biological instincts just as much as it triggers the fox's behind her.
"She says it's not but then she keeps running from me! If its just a jog why can't I be next to her?" he complains but there's an indulgent grin on his face arm tightening around her to keep her bracketed close, instincts demanding that now that he's finally gotten her, finally caught her... he can't let her slip away again.
There's a buzzing glow of satisfaction on both their faces, flushed and scents pouring out strong. Heat radiating off them as I reach out to draw her closer, lips tugging up at the low threatened rumbled growl that bubbles past full lips, refusing to let go. Closing the distance by plastering against her back even as I draw her to me, his hand sprawling possessively over her torso, nose burrowing into the crook of her neck even as she squirms.
"Won't even let her go for me pup? For your alpha~?" I tease, watching as in response his fangs snap at her throat, lips mouthing at skin, tasting her on his tongue as his teeth sink in harsh. The first wobble to her legs as she hisses at the bite. Even if she remains so prettily compliant to let her throat be marked, eyes fluttering as her hand drifts to tug at strands of hair, anchoring him to her, scent pooling out with a rich sweetness I can taste with every inhale, body unconsciously moving closer to hide her away between the two of us, gums aching with a similar pressure as I watch fangs hold her throat in place, eyes lidded as a growl rumbles against her skin.
My ears perk to an almost aching stiffness at the small quiet muffled whimper, eyes sharp as they scan the surroundings, instincts rearing a wild possessiveness and protectiveness over our mated fawn between us, hand reaching out to grip at her waist, my other drifting to shield Minnie's nape. Biology demanding to shield their vulnerabilities, their scents consuming my senses, especially when the growing thickness of our scents coaxes a softness from (Y/N)'s.
"Inside. Both of you take this inside." I growl, throat aching with the force of the sound at the sight of fang and teeth indents and a blooming deep red mark at the crook of her neck, a hairsbreadth away from her gland. Her ears flicker at the sound, doe eyes holding mine, hand gripping my forearm to tug me closer, able to feel ever line and curve press to me, feel the jitter to her legs faint tremors from how she's fully flush to me, pinned between the two of us.
There's only a dark glaze in dilated pupils as Jimin nods, already hunkering closer with the same intent and realisation when his tongue and fangs drag across his bottom lip, tasting the sweet unfiltered richness of her scent on his mouth.
"Joonie aren't you coming inside? It'll get colder... you're not even warm." Hand rubbing up and down my forearm, trying to instil a heat that aeeps off them with exertion, trying to coax me to go back inside with them.
But the same protective possessiveness that refuses to broadcast her scent, her responsiveness to Jimin, to leave him in turn so biologically attuned to her and nothing else... the same instincts make me want to herd the two inside and make sure the surroundings are clear before following in after them.
Squirming and trying to nudge away Jimin's incessant crowding, nose skimming across her jaw and growling low when she tries to duck her head and gland away from his immediate reach. Hand curling to rest at my bicep, fingers squeezing gently, her warmth not felt through my hoodie.
"I'll be right inside pup... but you can't stay outside because a fox can't keep his hands to himself. And I'm just wired to revolt at the sight of you not being tucked and safe... as much as you can with an insatiable mate." I tease, watching the pink of his cheeks, watching them curve up as he grins proudly, tail swishing as he hums his assent against her ear, nosing behind to find the sensitive spot that makes her so wonderfully shivery.
But before he can, my fingers reach out to crook under his jaw. Angling his face away from her, eyes drifting over his face.
"The two of you are going to catch a chill if you don't hurry in. And I'd rather you mark our fawn's throat up from the privacy of our nest." Watching with no little satisfaction at the sight of his pupils dilating further, fingers curling tight to press more firmly against her torso. Tugging her back against him.
"Namjoonie don't stay out too long." Voice soft and lilting and still shaky with drawn out exhales, tugging me closer to press a kiss to my lips, her scent suddenly swarming my senses, overwhelming them momentarily, her fingers cradling my cheek and drawing me into her, the taste of her lingering even as I groan against her mouth, fangs snapping at her lips and draw back. Ears flickering and eyes narrowing onto the sight of the smile curving her lips.
"I'll be right behind you. Alpha's got to mark you up baby pup." Feeling a physical need to restrain myself from lunging forward and swallowing her taste, senses prickling with the urge to bodily press into her until all she is, all we are is each other.
Instead my eyes watch them slowly head inside, watching them make their way to the elevators, bodies gravitated close, Jimin's tucked firmly against her as if trying to absorb the strength of her scent into his skin, to leave her brand behind on him.
The same restlessness clawing at him to be only satisfied with her in his arms and tucked against him as much as physically possible.
And as they disappear from sight, moving to the lifts, bodies curved close despite the clamminess of their skin from constant running and chasing. And as they move out of my eyeline, I turn to face the open greenery, eyes roving over the emptiness with a quiet thrumming restlessness to make sure the space is empty, completely deserted save for me. Safe even after (Y/N)'s left.
Body moving in constant circles around the apartment, drifting further and further out until I reach
Body moving in constant circles around the apartment, drifting further and further out until I reach the parking lots, eyes dragging over the cars, recognising the large majority, ones belonging to the other hybrids in the complex, the largely hybrid dominated neighbourhood bringing with it a sense of belonging and contentment that eases some of the restlessness as I continue to walk around.
And at some point the walking turns aimless and calm settles again over my body, biology settling with content satisfaction that the wide perimeter around our apartment, around our nest, around my mates is all secure. Safe and sound. A quiet rumbling happiness at the thought of them all upstairs. And yet I don't immediately rush up, ambling slowly down across the grass and children's playground, past the parking lots and recycling. Past until the complex block grows larger and fills my vision, ears perking at the sight of a familiar duo stepping out of the front door, bundled and huddled together, hands laced together even if the breeze steadily dwindles from harsh winter air to a mildly cooler..
Even from this distance I can see the more protective, possessive edge to Tae's posture as he looms behind Kookie when he spots me, floppy ears perking before he rushes forward in a quick dash that has a tiger following in hurried succession. An unconscious posturing behind our bun when he stills in front of me, large doe eyes which strike me with a ringing familiarity over and over with (Y/N)'s. Large sparkling eyes that peer at me as he brushes his hand across my cheek fondly, cupping my jaw.
"Found you alpha hyungie."
I lean closer, hand curling around his waist automatically, pressing over layers as I tilt to him.
"Maybe I didn't do a good job of hiding... especially if I didn't know I was being sought." I smile, watching his nose scrunch as he shakes his head, the motion making the strands of hair curling softly around his face shake, ears flopping and moving too.
"I'll teach you to hide better... but aren't you coming in? Yoongi hyung's making hot chocolate and Tae hyungie wants to nest." Beaming at me with sparkling stars shining in his eyes. Dark brown capturing the softness of the night in them and somewhere I find myself reflected in them too, pecking the tip of his nose to watch it scrunch habitually as he loops a hand around my wrist to tug me closer to him and Tae.
A boxy grin, wide and fangy and particularly pleased when the sudden jolt and sheer strength of the small movement sends me stumbling against Koo, falling more flush against the two than intended. A hand immediately cupping my nape, large palm and long fingers branding the soft heat of his body against the slight chill of my own. The grin dips only briefly before his hand drags across my gland in a purposefully fast, rough swipe, eyes dancing with mischief and something briefly pure predator... pure tiger at the scent the motion yanks out.
"Got to take care of you wolf hyung... won't you nest, let us distract you with far more than the night alone has to offer?" words low and lilted with insinuation, a floppy ear perking curiously at the playfulness in his tone, quirking up at the side before Koo cranes his head to peer back, letting his head fall onto Tae's shoulder. Leaning against him with a laxness and amused grin tugging wide at his lips, face alight with similar tease.
"But after hot cocoa... can't start the night without a bit of sweetness can we?" Tae drawls though his eyes briefly flash to Kook's bared throat, despite it being unintentional, it's still presented, and his glands seem to reel me in. Demand to be branded with claim. And silently, with predatory hunger simmering in lidded eyes, a stripey tail swishes and curls silently, hand inching out to quietly and quickly tug the bun closer to him.
"We can't." I echo, unashamed of the roughness that creeps into my tone.
The sheer size of the mountain of blankets, pillows and clothes is almost daunting. If it was not for the utter and sheer delight on the pack's face as they appraise the growing mound of nesting materials, thrilled at the sight of their own belongings scattered amongst the piles. Their scents to carry and build the very structure of the nest with, the maknaes already reaching out to swipe a certain piece of clothing or two to substitute for pyjamas. Drenched in pack claims and my eyes drag to the sight of Tae tugging off his clothes, unabashed as he stands near bare in the other living room, gazes turning to him, tail swishing as he reaches for a t-shirt, his own, and snags his hand around (Y/N), immediately drawing her closer.
"Me first."
Eyeing her current clothes with a mix of predatory hunger and contemplation, lips quirking at the corners.
"Sticky note number... 18. (Y/N) always burrows into big clothes, always likes scenting them. So. My clothes, my scent and her scent." He proclaims, hands reaching for the first button of her pyjamas, eyes dark and triumphant when her ears flicker at the resounding growl that ripples through the air. Damp flickering ears pinning back and tail poofing and bristling, swishing low. Possessive competitiveness however doesn't flash in just his eyes, a ripple effect that tinges pheromones with a sharper fiery edge.
Long, slender fingers plucking at the fabric, grazing at the slither of skin bared by one button being undone, hand drifting lower to reach for the next. Doe eyes watching with curiosity, lips twitching as she lets her eyes drift from the pile of nesting materials to silently, quietly appraise the rest of us, something contemplative in her gaze, breath hitching when Tae's fingers loop into fabric and tug.
"I'm the one undressing you and yet I can't keep your pretty eyes on me?" teasing and lilting, rumbling with a predatory rumble that instinctively has her ears flicker, scent pooling sweet on my tongue.
Her eyes purposely holding his, snared by the tiger in them burning strong and fierce and he in turn by the inviting depths of her gaze, tugged closer before his fingers continue to open one button after the other, trailing lower and letting his hand drag down skin, inching lower and lower, a tightly coiling anticipation that makes citrus burn sharp, clouded with sharp arousal that entangles our scents together. The lazy slow drag and curl of Yoongi hyung's tail is anything but pure predator contemplating and waiting before the hunt. Watching as he reaches the final button before the pyjama top sits on her frame, parted from the centre, gaze darkening and a rough low growl shuddering through the air as the tiger examines his fawn. Fangs pooling over his lips before he reaches out to brush his hands over the open top, pushing at fabric until its slipping off bare shoulders and skimming down her arms, falling away to the ground.
A low groan slipping past my lips when my eyes drink her in, dragging over the curves and soft lines of her torso and realising that she'd been bare under the top. Sans bra.
That realisation sinks in quick for the room, her hair brushing directly against skin and broad large hands map out her skin, slowly trailing over her waist and hips before one settles on the low of her back, mere inches from drifting lower than the waistband to palm at the curve of her behind.
"Did you go commando baby cub?" voice delighted and low, a rasping drawl as he looks at her, gaze dragging from full curves to trail lower, contemplating letting his hands slip lower to find out.
"It's comfier without a bra. I wasn't expecting a pack nesting strip session." She laughs, trying to reach for the t-shirt to draw over her bare torso her scent betraying the biological reaction to our gazes on her, my fangs aching at the sight of pert buds stiffening with arousal, full curves pert and inviting.
And slowly his fingers drift lower, my hands curl tight into Hobi's waist, feel him hiss but sink back, peering past his shoulder as they fiddle with the waistband of her pyjamas. Something almost akin to disappointment briefly flitting over his features before his lips quirk.
"Pretty lace..."
"Jin and Koo chose them." Voice soft and tender, eyes sparkling with affection as her gaze drifts to our prey mates, wings flapping with pride and Kookie's ears perking, smile scrunchy and toothy and pleased when the drag of fabric being lowered, reveals a soft baby blue that clings to the curves of her hips and thighs, silk and lace patterned against her skin. Though the softness in their expression is only fleeting. And the dark quiet hunger settles, primal possessiveness at seeing her in only something of their choosing. Something that does very little than root our eyes to the sight, to our curvy fawn mate.
And it's Yoongi hyung and Hobi whose growls ripple through the air, eyes darkened appreciatively, something heavier and tense crackling between the three felines, tails cutting and swishing through air and ears perked stiffly, as if their biology refuses to let them miss the slightest sound. Trained on (Y/N) as she watches Tae sink down, his hands dragging leisurely over the curve of her thighs, gripping tightly with a pressure and confidence in knowing her body so intimately, chuffing at the small wobbly jitter to her legs as she steps out of the pyjama pants, her ears flickering and scent pooling sweeter as she realises our gazes are trained on her.
"Am I getting the t-shirt, or should I just get another?" hands reaching to grasp one, bending over, the sight of her curvy hips and thighs drags a rough sound past my lips, the reaction echoed with a rippling growl from Jimin, eyes narrowing and tail swishing slowly. Getting ready to pounce.
"Not so fast baby cub. My t-shirt." Straightening up to draw the shirt over her finally, berry scent thickening with pride and satisfaction and sheer happiness at the sight of her in his favourite tee. My eyes drag over the lettering that hang below her chest, over the loose drape over her shoulders and pools around her body, falling down her thighs.
Stripey tail curling and winding around her to tug her forward, hands cradling her cheeks and pressing a lingering kiss to her lips, low groan muffled against her mouth.
"There. All mine." Voice low and quiet.
"So... whose do I wear?" Kookie asks, eyes shining and curious, the softness of his lips curved into a small smile and ears flopped around his face.
He's prey but there's something deceptively coy and beguiling at that moment in his expression. Knowing full well that mere moments later chaos will dissolve.
To claim the other prey in the pack. And dress him in something that stakes bun as mine.
"Joonie your phone..." a bleary voice mumbles, ears immediately stiffening and perking up, brushing against my jaw from where (Y/N) turns in the circle of my arms, sandwiched between me and Tae.
Doe eyes that'd steadily been growing hazy and hazier with scents, with pheromones clouding her senses, slowly clearing, head ducking lower to nuzzle at my throat, trying to burrow away from the offending sound, Tae pressing closer against her back, nosing at her nape.
"Sorry... sorry pup, I was waiting on a call. I forgot." Apologetic as I stretch out to reach for it, body straightening when I see Jinyoung's name flash up.
Something in my scent must give because she peers curiously from where she'd tucked herself against me, eyes widening before leaning closer.
The same unconscious tell that has Jiminie hopping off his sprawl over Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung and padding over, chirping softly at the subtle barest changes in my and (Y/N)'s scent.
Looming over and peering at the phone before he chirps, pawing at the screen in eager nudge to get me to answer immediately.
"Is everything okay with JB and Jinyoung oppa?" voice soft and curious, bleary eyes blinking up at me.
I nod, arm curving tighter around her to squeeze her waist gently, feel Tae's attention drift, scenting paused as he peers over, gaze sharp and attentive at every single response, small or big and the minute shift in her scent as he presses closer automatically.
"Namjoon-sorry I got late in calling you, there was some issues." Voice soft, sighing as he moves about slightly. There's not the rush of sound that accompanies the station whatever the time, this is quieter.
He must be home.
"Is everyone okay? Are you okay?"
And I can feel (Y/N) tense slightly in my arms, hand curling tight around my forearm, ears fully perked and stiff with attention.
"I'm okay. It went smoothly like we hoped and most of it worked to plan. But we did have some resistance from the sight of officers at the shelter. It turns out the scorpions had made friends and foes. We also couldn't find Eli."
The faint words that do filter past the speaker soften the tension in (Y/N)'s body, curling closer with a relieved smile, the slow flick of her tail under Tae's shirt soothed over, no longer restless.
Nose nuzzling against my gland in soft scents.
"No trace of Eli? But she would've helped in getting a statement against them in the shelter... she must've gotten spooked off."
"We met the head of the shelter. It's a woman whose known as Bethan by everyone. I think she must have the same ties, the same sort of background as the people she works with. I don't think it's her birth name but it's the only one she goes by now. Legally too."
"What do you make of her?" I ask, instincts prickling at the fact that I'm in the middle of a nest, in the middle of something that is entirely home and pack and yet work's called. And I can feel Jimin loom closer, cheek brushing against mine, soft fur ticklish against my skin as his ears remain alert and he listens in, tail swishing slowly. Chirp low in his throat and eyes fixed to the phone at my ear, cheek nudging against mine as he presses against me to tilt an ear close.
"She will protect the shelter at any cost. A no-nonsense woman. But there's something about her that makes me think she knows so much more than she's letting on. I know it's impossible to keep track of every single person's coming and going. That she must feel some sort of responsibility towards them all-she almost looked pained to see the scorpions being taken away."
"You made the arrests?"
"Two scorpion hybrids that match the records from the factory. They're the ones Namjoon. And once they're more compromising I'll see if we can get venom samples to match Ji Ah."
An overwhelming sense of relief radiates through me, body sinking back against the pillows, a smile tugging at my lips at the good news.
"We'll head to the station early-"
"You'll do no such thing Officer Kim. Give yourself a breather. We can hold up the station without you rushing in early. Get some rest... actually can you pass the phone to (Y/N) if she's awake?"
Silently I hold the phone to her ear, see her head tilt up in curiosity before warm affection brightens her features, drawing back slightly, as much as Tae's arms allow, burrowing against her with a soft whined complaint.
"Jinyoungie~" voice lilting and pleased, tinged with a slowly approaching fatigue, eyes fluttering shut when Tae's hand drags her back, nose burrowing into the crook of her neck with a rumbled chuff.
Hand reaching out in turn to tug me closer, so she's sandwiched between the two of us.
And though she reaches for me, Jimin looms in at the invitation, chirping against her jaw, crowding close in a way that compels me to draw back when he starts to clamber onto me, tail swishing and brushing against my face and arms, unrepentant as he pads over me to her.
Trying to listen in with shiny-eyed curiosity, snuffling at her jaw, swishing when she giggles and turns into Tae, his attempts redoubling. Nosing along her jaw and ears, nipping in protest when she doesn't immediately turn back.
"Minnie stoooop I can't hear the pups. How's Bambam-I haven't heard from him for a while?"
The term pups is enough to coax a rough rumbling chirp, pawing at her with an incessant fussiness, ignoring my splutter when his tail keeps brushing against my face, soft fur blocking out the sight of her.
"Minnie move!" I laugh, trying to gently bat his tail away, hearing laughter from around the living room, hear Tae's chuffs deepen and spill past a boxy grin, fangs pooling over with amusement as he watches Minnie clamber onto (Y/N), sprawling over her side, head butting against her arm to get her to lift it so he can press closer.
Cementing his place as her pup, chirping loud enough that I can hear laughter drift out from the speaker.
"Tell Bambam I'll wait for his surprise front page exclusive then. And give the pups my love-only Yugi gets scents really..." lips quirking at the soft whined discontent that peters out the phone, her head dipping to press a kiss to Minnie's ears, hiding her smile in orangey-pink fur.
I let my body sink back down, soothed by the happiness in her voice, instincts rumbling with giddiness at the thought that surely and steadily we were taking steps closer and closer to finding the people at the heart of this trafficking network.
That it was taking longer than expected but the more we dug, the more ties, the more networks, the more threads of connections we were finding and slowly breaking off.
Turning slightly to peer at the others, smile growing wider when I see the same contentment pool into their scents, Hobi sprawled over Kookie, nosing in at his jaw, rumbling purrs proud and satiated at the sight of him in his clothes, laced with caramel sweetness and nuttiness, a slightly tight fit on Kook's torso, straining slightly over his arms, inked sleeve on display and flopped ears, eyes shiny and glassy and pouty lips curved out for more kisses.
I watch as Hobi only indulges, sinking his fangs into his bottom lip and cradling his cheeks, pushed close in a lazy embrace, mouth moving slow and languidly against bun's, tail flicking and swaying as he kisses him.
My eyes drift further, settling on Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung, their bodies curled together in a loose sprawl, a hand settled on the back of Yoongi hyung's nape, easing the panther into him, fingers playing with the hair growing out, tugging gently, coaxing the rumbling purrs deeper, citrus scent sweet and relaxed, eyes fluttering shut longer and longer.
Jin hyung's eyes hold mine, rooting me where I'm sprawled as his wings flap behind him, curious and warm. Teasing too.
"Now will you rest pup? Or do you need hyung to help you unwind~?" the offer hovering with a weighted intention, a meaning that doesn't go unmissed by the sleepy panther whose eyes blink open, low-lidded gaze peering at me with curious interest, tail swishing slightly.
It also makes Minnie chirp and Hobi's purrs peter off as he and Koo peer at me, something sharply attentive and contemplating.
I don't even realise the phone call's ended until a nose is nudging against my throat once more, lips brushing against skin that immediately I can identify as (Y/N)'s without turning.
Feel her lips curve into a small smile, her scent somehow even softer and sweeter, nuzzling against me.
"That explains the vanilla."
Nuzzling at my throat, the faint nuzzles coaxing out my pheromones and entangling them with hers, layering the sweet anise alongside the vanilla.
Doubling the claim.
"You smell sweet. And your scent is also stronger today." She remarks, voice light, lips brushing against my skin, the barest touches sparking tingling warmth where her mouth gently brushes lower, skimming over my gland. Chasing the taste of my scent with the slow drag of lips and her tongue.
My hand sprawls over the low of her back, dragging down across Tae's t-shirt loose on her frame, fingers sprawled against the bottom of her spine, nails dragging across the waistband of the baby blue lace, faintly visible under the white cotton.
I tilt my head to hers, watching as Tae curls closer, nose curiously trying to burrow into skin, trying to tug me closer to assess for himself.
"S good... smells like forest." She mumbles, burrowing closer, trying to press nearer to chase my scent, cheek rubbing against my jaw to leave her scent behind but also to chase my own.
"I think the pack needs to gear up for ruts with winter slowly ending." A low quiet observation has her lips stilling, eyes peering up at me. Large doe eyes framed with thick lashes blinking up at me, comprehension slowly dawning before she peers over my shoulder towards Jin hyung. His wings flapping lightly, his observation lingering in the air.
"Minnie and Joon's... but that-" breath hitching at the rumbled growl against her nape, her posture and scent softening in instinctive response to the predator pressed against her back.
Jiminie's eyes are sharp as he straightens his head, ears flickering before he twists to peer at Tae, chirp low and rumbling and deep as he eyes the tiger.
Tail swishing slowly.
"It won't be until spring starts approaching but..."
But the antsy need to protect territory, to make sure the apartment itself was safe, the need to shepherd Tae and Kookie in front of me, the need to keep my eyes on (Y/N) even if it was our own mate chasing her... the need to herd.
"But ruts can be triggered. They're just as volatile as heats... just as likely to trigger a pack response." Hobi murmurs, twisting slightly from his bodily sprawl blanketing Kookie to turn onto his side, their clothes rumpled and gazes both glittering with experience.
"That's making your scent stronger." She remarks, lips brushing against my jaw, lashes fluttering against my skin, Tae's limbs steadily winding more and more around her body, cradling her from behind. Trying to band the two together, tail curled around her thigh.
In my peripheral, I can see the silent exchange of glances between both hyungs, the unspoken communication between them.
Can hear Hobi's voice light and drawling pierce through the fog of anticipation and contemplation.
"Providing Jin hyung doesn't intentionally trigger ruts left and right... what dates should we pencil out roughly?" eyes flickering silently to Jin hyung, the curve of his grin amused and knowing, fangs glinting.
"Give or take a few weeks." I mumble, mentally cataloguing the dates, futile in suppressing the spike in my pheromones at Hobi's words.
Feel (Y/N) lips quirk against my throat, a hidden knowing smile pressed against skin as she brushes her hand down my front, my tail thumping against the duvets and pillows.
"Going to mate a bun first?" she whispers knowingly, ears flickering against the side of my jaw, fingers curling tight into her hips as my scent spikes, strong and thick enough it has Jiminie peering at me, dark foxy gaze fixed on me. Assessing before he clambers over me once more, tail swishing and brushing against my side before he trots back to his space.
Settling as a curved half-circle, swishy and chirpy at being the centre of regained attention from Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung, ministrations of scratching lightly and rubbing coaxing his minty scent sweet and crisp and slightly covering the thick weight of my scent.
Slightly... but not quite.
And the entire pack knows it.
"Going somewhere hyung?" I ask, eyes lazily tracking him move out of the nest, clambering out with careful steps, his tail occasionally poking and teasingly brushing against one mate or another, scent citrus sweet and amused at the small sleepy wriggles it elicits, the flickering ears and eyes tracking him move towards the doorway.
"Breakfast. Everyone has a morning start today."
But as he passes by Kookie and Hobi hyung, an inked hand reaches out to loosely wrap around his ankle, reaching out to brush against a tail that in turn curls and swishes and bands around his wrist.
Smile softening further, gummy and fond, eyes crinkling as he peers down at the scrunchy smile that greets him, the sleepier blink of feline eyes as Hobi curls heavier against Kookie's side, cheek rubbing against soft worn fabric.
"Yes bun?"
"Can I help?"
And in response hyung only crouches down, hands smoothening over hair, rubbing softly at flopped ears, one perking at the gentle tug it gets.
"Of course Kookie. If Hobi lets go that is." He laughs, smile amused when he only curls closer, grip tightening with sleepy possessiveness, ears twirling and brushing against the underside of Koo's jaw.
"Do you have to get up Koo?" a whined complaint that tugs my smile wider against (Y/N)'s nape, lops lingering against the sensitive skin, hands winding around her and tugging the blanket up, silently wishing that she remains curled up sleeping. Still sandwiched between me and Joon hyung, her scent hazy with sleep and entangled with ours.
Watching with sleepy eyes as Yoongi hyung finally manages to coax Hobi hyung to relent his grip on Koo's shirt, slowly drawing him back with hushed words and huffed coaxing pleas. Settling him back against Minnie.
Unshifted and sprawled under the blankets, sleepily wrapping around when Hobi turns towards him.
A brief pulse of strong heat sears through me at the sight of the sheets entangled around his body, torso and back bare, eyes raking over the muscles in his arms and the strength in uncoiled limbs.
Gaze drawing appreciatively over his torso before it's covered again, pressed against Hobi hyung's back, curling closer with an unconscious awareness of a mate tucking closer against him.
"Taehyung-ah... cub your scent is changing." Yoongi hyung's words are dryly spoken, lips quirking at the corners as he settles a hand on the low of Koo's back, steering him in front and carefully past the entangled pile of blankets and limbs, most of the nest still largely asleep.
And though I don't deny it, I drag my eyes away from Minnie to settle on the sleeping fawn in my arms, chest rumbling with contentment at the sleepy flicker of her ears, at the droopiness to her scent that still pulses sweet and faintly amongst forest dew and berries.
Scent softening, not because I reign it back, because I let my focus settle on the mate in my arms instead, hiding a grin against her nape as I turn pointedly from Yoongi hyung's knowing stare.
"Fine fine... I'll keep my eyes to myself."
Face burrowing against skin, cheek rubbing against (Y/N)'s hair and nape, hands dragging down her side as I tuck her closer to me.
"Even though that's a crime. To not appreciate my mates."
My words rumble against her skin, complaint muttered into her nape and on her other side Joon hyung stirs, eyes blinking slowly, ears folded and slowly unfurling.
Grin lazy and loose.
He's been awake longer than just now.
His smile is easy and spreads wider across his face, the indents of his dimples appearing as she peers at me, eyes drifting from me to Yoongi hyung, to Kookie. Scent sleepy warm as it has been all night and since I woke.
I wonder if he can control his scent betraying his awaking.
"Can't have that. My own mate a criminal... can't deny him his every right, his simple pleasures and joys. What are we animals Yoongi hyung?" he mumbles, rolling onto his back, body sprawling over the duvets, ears flickering as his hand tousles his hair, attempting to straighten sleep-mussed hair.
He sniffs back a grin, eyes narrowing playfully, tail swishing and poking in my direction. Accusatory and knowing.
"When it comes to instinct... when push comes to shove that's exactly it pup. You can never keep a tiger from what he wants." The last part drawled and fond and eyes shining with both pride and amusement.
But all I hear is... my mates.
And though Yoongi hyung doesn't go as easily feral, that doesn't mean he's by any means a tamed panther.
Unspoken but clear meaning in his words.
None of us can hold back. Not when it truly comes to it. Nothing else matters. But instinct.
Lips pressing to her nape with firm assent.
Nosing gently when she curls closer sleepily.
It's sometime after Yoongi hyung must be done with work, because the scent of sweet citrus filters through the heavy fog of sleep and stirs my instincts, blinking hazily up at the figure quietly clambering into bed; foggily making out the sight of a gummy grin, fangs briefly flashing in the darkness of the room as he realises I've woken. Fingers carding briefly through my hair before he curves forward to do the same.
"Go back to sleep cub."
A soft sigh slips past my lips when the words come with his body curving close, settling close as he peers at me, eyes creased with fondness and fatigue, scent softening when behind him, Hobi hyung stirs and lightly shifts about on the bed, turning to sprawl heavily against Yoongi hyung, arm curling around his chest and nose burrowing against skin. Caramel sweetness tinging the air and soft purrs slowly deepening once more, coaxing out a stream of the rumbly sound from the panther facing me.
"Sleep hyung." I echo, words slurred.
But even as I let my eyes flutter shut, I realise what'd stirred me in the first place, that dragged me away from sleep, throat dry and scratchy; parched that even as I shuffle, slowly drawing myself out of bed, its disgruntlement that I'd been thirsty enough to stir in the first place.
"M gonna get water..." I mumble, feeling sleepy feline-slits focus on me, sense the citrus soften as he nods, already sinking readily into the embrace and letting himself settle, posture loosening.
But even though I slip away to get water, drawing large gulps as my eyes skim across the living room, eyeing the pillows and sofa that I knew (Y/N) had been curled up on; entangled with Hobi hyung and scenting him, nose dragging across the column of his throat, hand splayed possessively over his chest.
I don't know why the image surfaces to mind as if it hasn't dissolved, as if it wasn't hours ago... but once it has, I know I want her, I want to be close to her.
And rather than drifting back to the bedroom I quietly slip across to the other end of the apartment; scents pulsing light and soft, clouded with sleep and entangled together.
Slip away to her room, surprised, that she's tucked away under the blankets and alone; scent pooled into the crevice and fibre of every corner of the room, saturating every furnishing and belonging with the floral stamp of her pheromones.
Heart, body, mind and instincts all tugged towards the sight, noiseless treads as I close the room door behind me, a half-beat pause before I lock it too.
I want to be selfish, I want to burrow away in the circle of space solely hers, want to hide her away, want to indulge in the sleepy, inviting haze of her scent lulling me to a deep contentment, eyes fluttering even as I stand, body heavy and weighted.
Tugged to the half-curled burrowed bundle, hand carefully reaching for an edge of the duvet and blankets, a smile tugging at my lips when I realise how many layers she's bundled herself into purely for comfort because the whole apartment has a toasty warmth seeped into it. The cold sealed far away from the pack nest.
And when I tug gently, careful to not stir her, to disturb the self-enclosed nested bundle she's made, she doesn't stir, space opened and inviting, welcoming as I carefully slip in behind her, staring dolefully at the barrier of her clothes, stopping me from pressing skin against skin. And despite all my carefulness in not stirring her, she seems to sense me there unconsciously, shifting in the slightest, ears giving the tiniest flicker and scent heavy and soft as I curl towards it. Arm curling around to band across her waist and settle at her front, pressing against the warmth of her skin directly, drawing myself against her back entirely.
Nose burrowing into her hair, breathing in her scent sleepy and weighted; a comforting presence that tugs the already drowsy flutter of my eyes to shut again, tail banding across to curve loosely around her leg, chasing the warmth against fur, chest rumbling deeply with satisfaction when I slot behind her, drawing the duvet back over. Tucked against her, with her, the small stirring soothed away by the deep rumbles that coax her to a deeper sleep, drag her back into its depths once more. And with it, reels me in too.
Falling asleep to floral scented dreams that curls further into my hold as I cradle it, and press closer to embrace it.
The figure in my arms stirs, sleepily turns in the circle of my embrace, scent pulsing with the beginning dredges of awakening. Usually, it's not enough to wake me, usually it takes more but this time my ears flicker and perk at the sound of soft, light breathing, of the rustle of sheets and the duvet slipping around us. This time my own body slowly shuffles, stirring from its curved hold on the soft curves I burrow against, nose burying into hair, sweet floral scent sinking into skin with a sluggish warmth that drags me to sleep and yet towards her too, to opening my eyes. Blinking hazily at the equally dazed figure, equally sleepy, eyes fluttering open and shut, body pressing back and sinking against me.
It's then I realise she's also woken, stirred awake, and the soft quiet chirp and rumble that follows, the low murmur of a voice and the scent of mint sweeping into my consciousness has my head tilting, turning to peer at the fox hovering close. Cotton candy pink hair a blurry sight, the crinkled eyes and gentle smile as he leans close.
"Minnie-" I mumble sleepily, hand reaching out to tug at him, to draw him into bed too, to be sandwiched between him and (Y/N), fingers loosely curling around his wrist.
"Come to bed." (Y/N) murmurs, voice soft and heavy, eyes drowsy as she curls into my embrace, yet her eyes flutter; forcing them open, body loose and pliant.
"I'm going to work, didn't mean to wake you." voice hushed and quiet, a gentle low murmur that only seems to coax the drowsiness to sink more heavily, a quiet muffled whine bubbling at the back of my throat in protest, fingers tugging to draw him closer.
Though he leans in easily, nose skimming across my temple, lips brushing gently before his body leans further to do the same to her, nuzzling at her cheek, my thumb messily scent-marking his wrist.
"But it's so early." I protest, chest rumbling when his fingers sink into my hair to lightly scratch at my scalp, rubbing at flickering ears with a practiced, sweeping motion of his thumb. Coaxing out rumbles and my body to sink heavily.
That's cheating.
"It's not early early but you have all day... you could do with the lie-in."
"Don' want to make you go back and forth." apologetic and words slurred with fatigue, scent curling softer and sweeter when he chirps, crowding close to her to quieten her apology, knees sinking down onto the mattress, nose nudging at her cheek.
Fangs nipping the soft curve of her jaw gently, pressing a smatter of kisses there.
"Joon hyung's taking you today baby. Now sleep little love. Sleep cub." he echoes, lips pressing to my cheek before he lightly scents, drawing back and leaving behind the sweet tendril of mint behind to curl through our scents and reel us back to sleep.
And even after the door closes silently, a soft click that barely filters through the rumbles that grow when (Y/N) turns sleepily, nose nudging at the underside of my jaw in sleepy greeting, ears flickering and brushing against skin.
"I didn't hear you come in."
My hand curls around her waist, tugs her closer.
"You were a burrito little kit." lips curving against her nape, burrowing into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent as she curls closer, hand settling on my chest, sluggish and slow and lazy in the trail of her fingers against skin.
"And two burritos are better than one." She mumbles against my jaw, soft light breathing shaking in the slightest before she sinks more limply against me at the faintest pinch of teeth at her neck.
"Nope. One big burrito is better." I correct, nose dragging across skin, leisurely breathing in the sleepy contentment clouding her scent, the heavy weight of drowsiness entangling our pheromones together in the same way our bodies do.
When I wake it's to a sight that stirs a sense of immediate déjà vu, except the same situation has happened and even slowly awakening, even with my mind groggily stirring to an alertness, the realisation sinks quickly. Almost immediately.
The same faint threads of arousal loosely wound around my limbs, the same pulse of heat pooling low in my gut and slowly awakening to realise that even unconsciously my body reacts to hers, a stiffening ache where my hips are flush to the curve of her behind, a small hiss slipping past my lips when I lean closer, and it drags my hips against hers.
A slow sluggishness tugging at my lips at the sight of her, wound around her, body flush against her back, hands tucked under her shirt to stave off the warmth of her body, fingers reflexively tightening and hands sprawling over her abdomen, nose burrowing against her nape and hair, breathing in her scent sleepy and drowsy. Weighted with fatigue.
Her body's curled into me, pressed flush against mine and chasing the sweetness of her scent, I lean closer, hand unfurling to draw her hair away from her neck, drawing it to the side before my hand wraps back around her once more, tugging her closer, legs entangled with hers and nose immediately burrowing against the crook of her neck. Hips slowly rutting against hers in a dragged out grind.
At first it's slow rubs of my nose against skin, scenting her with the same haze of sleep still slowly fading from my body, slowly turning more and more awake, curling closer with a rumbled happiness at the faint trail of my scent that adds to the weighted claim of berries seeped skin deep in her. Unable to stop the way my hips rut forward, chasing the drag of curves against aching arousal, groans muffled against her skin.
Nuzzling against her gland with a slightly bubbling hunger, chasing the taste of her scent on my tongue and lips, teeth dragging slowly, indulgently scenting and rubbing my own scent against her skin, tail curling and winding around her thigh, banding round in a possessive sprawl across bare skin, slowly becoming more and more thorough. Scents becoming more and more purposeful, intent on drenching her entirely in berry-scent, on laying a claim on her, her breathing deep and undisturbed, her throat bearing the small nibbles of my fangs skimming across skin, mouthing at skin and chuffing when small blooming marks begin to slowly scatter across the column of her throat.
Her biology works both with me and against her, coaxing her body to sink deeper, scent pulsing out sweet and soft in biological response to my own pheromones even unconsciously. It also makes my fangs ache, desperate to sink into skin, mouth lingering at her throat, slotting over her gland, teeth sinking in sharp enough that I'm rewarded with an immediate burst of scent overwhelming my senses, her body shuddering in my embrace, a soft keen in the back of her throat, going lax but her eyes fluttering open. Head tilting sluggishly to peer at me, pupils already dilated, already slowly being coaxed closer and closer to a scent haze.
"Morning little cub." I murmur against her skin, teeth dragging slowly over the steadily stimulated gland, feel her body shudder as she arches back, still caught between the haze of not entirely awake and no longer asleep, awareness sinking in slowly, processing the sudden flux of stimulation on her senses.
"Tae." Her voice is breathy and slightly heavy with sleep, my name slipping past her lips in a keening whine, my teeth sinking into skin, drawing a broken rough sound from the depth of her throat, her pupils dilating, lips parting as her hand reaches back to try grip at me, throat presented and bared.
And when she pushes back it only draws conscious attention back to my stiff length pressed against her backside, curves pushing back against me, her eyes fluttering when I can't help the rough groan that shudders against her throat, hands tightening around her and tugging her back against me.
"Sorry did I wake you?" voice low against her skin, tongue flicking against her gland, ears stiffening and perking to attention at the small breathy exhale, fingers curling tight where her hand grips at my waist for purchase. Whether to still the slow rutting movement of my hips or to tug me closer I don't know but I crowd against her, nose nudging against her jaw, lips trailing to her ear, teeth nipping at her lobe.
"Yes. Insatiable tiger." She groans, her words sounding hoarse and rough, sparking a sharper heat across my body, her fingers gripping at my forearm tighter, throat still arched when I finally let my teeth move away, admiring the sizeable bite on her throat, the indent of my teeth pressed to skin, a dark flushed red mark branded possessively over her gland, over the crook of her neck, drenched with saccharine berry heavy with arousal.
"I didn't mean to wake you-but this feels familiar~" I lilt, words low and dragging against her skin, hands skimming over her abdomen, one hand inching higher to palm at her breasts, her soft groan heavy with sleep and need, the faint stirring of desire inching into her scent.
It isn't déjà vu if it's already happened.
"Not going to run away this time are you?"
I remember waking to her months ago, remember waking to her with her scent on my tongue and skin, remember the overwhelming contentment of sleeping in a space encased with her sleepy pheromones, curled around her and holding her close.
I remember her bolting, stumbling to her feet, trying to get away, remember her pleas tinged with a panic that'd only sunk in once I was left in her room, surrounded by her scent but no (Y/N).
A soft quiet gasp makes my ears flicker, pricking up at the sound, hands winding tighter around her stomach, burrowing incessantly closer.
Fangs scraping at skin.
"Stop moving...'s too early kit."
Remember the brief glance as she'd gotten out of bed, remember the heavy weight of her scent clinging to my hoodie long after she rushed away.
Not going to let her run now. Not having any intention of letting her move.
"No...not running. I doubt I'd make it to the door." Voice sluggish and warm, the corners of her mouth quirking as she tilts her head back, inviting my mouth to graze across the proffered skin, nosing closer immediately at the baring of her throat to nuzzle against her, teeth nipping at her jaw.
"You wouldn't." I confirm, hand moulding to curves, fingers slowly working her bud to a taut stiffness. Small quiet shudders as her back bows, curving into the touch, palm sprawling over her breast, teeth nipping at her nape and nails dragging slightly over the pert nub. Her soft hiss, her hand gripping at my arm and her eyes tracking the sight of my hand moving under her shirt, roughly palming and squeezing at curves.
"Tiger too quick for me?" she teases, breath hit hitching at the drag of my fingers against her curves, mapping them to memory and touch.
"Like you never saw me coming." I lilt.
A soft huff of breath as she sinks back against me, still drowsy enough she doesn't quite process that the small movement pushes her hips back against my length until a faint growl rumbles in my chest, hand tightening around her. But then her head tilts back and there's a smile tugging at her lips, a sleepy satisfaction making her eyes blink at me.
Large doe eyes peering at me with weighted knowledge of knowing exactly what she's doing.
"Funny... running never crossed my mind. Why would I leave a perfectly comfy bed, an even more perfect tiger warming my sheets and go anywhere else?" words lilting and playful, moving to turn in the circle of my arms so she can look at me properly.
Lips curving into a warmer smile, gaze still drowsy but hand skimming across my curls to brush them away from my face, fingers skimming against my jaw, smile deepening when I immediately lean into the touch, nuzzling my cheek against her palm, content to lather her in my scent, chuffs deepening and rumbling in my chest at her praise. At the way her scent seeps out to entangle mine in silent unconscious response, tucking closer against me.
"Perfect?" I question.
Her lips brush against my jaw, my leg sprawling heavier over hers to pin her in place, lips brushing against her palm, drifting to brush across her wrist, fangs scraping against skin, a small shudder as her fingers curl, leaning closer to me.
"Perfect. More than perfect to me. Did you come find me for a reason?"
I nod against her wrist, nosing gently, indulgent and slow in the drag of skin against skin.
"Wanted fawn fairy hugs. Extra bonus point that I snuck in before anyone had the same idea." I mumble.
"However do you manage at the centre then?" voice softly teasing even as she leans closer, the soft puffs of her breath warm where they graze skin, her nose rubbing against my collarbone, tucking herself closer, hand teasingly skimming across my front to graze her knuckles down my torso to skim across my length, hand fleetingly squeezing.
My fangs snap at her wrist in retaliation, hand curling tight around the slender curve of her forearm, gripping tight enough that it aches for me to do anything but tug her closer, fangs dragging across skin, her small shudder unmissed.
"With great difficulty little cub." The words rumbled against her skin with a faint growl, her wrist twisting lightly, eyes contemplating as she stares at me.
Bit by bit drowsiness melts away, a curious assessing gleam in her gaze as she looks at me.
"I don't think there's ever been a day where I don't want to sink my fangs into you. I know there ever won't be a day when that changes." I confess, voice taking on a rough growl, the words trembling with raw admission.
Crowding closer and closer to her, until the final words are muttered against her skin, my lips at her throat, fangs dragging slowly against her skin to punctuate the words. Letting them sink in and mouthing at her gland. This time my head curves to rest against her, small flicks of my tongue against the puffy stimulated tissue, tasting the sweet bursts of her scent staining my lips.
I don't know if it'll ever lessen, the often visceral need to have her close to me, whether the need to crowd her, to want more than just my scent sink into skin will abate in the barest after mating. Don't know whether I'll ever know anything except the dizzying rush of endorphins at the sight of my mates, whether the craving, the yearning will do anything but grow. Manifest into something that takes root in every thought, every limb, finding its place, its home in the crevices of my body.
And even now when she readily welcomes me, rolling onto her back and reaching her free hand to brush across my torso, drifting up to my shoulder before curling against my nape. A silent gentle beckoning that I readily fall towards, body twisting to hover over her.
Eyes dragging over her, raking over her slowly, over the way her eyes shine as she looks at me, her ears flickering as she in turn lets her own gaze wander, drifting down across my front, her trailing eyes felt with the same intensity of her hands mapping me to her, head tilting up to coax me closer, a chaste brush of lips against lips before her arms wind around me.
And when her lips, soft and warm and giving, even briefly press to my own, the faint thrum of giddiness sears through me, roaring louder and fiercer as I groan against her lips, chasing them even as she draws back, her lips curving into a smile as I press peck after peck. Nose nudging at hers, a mixture of exuberance and softly pulsing arousal coursing through my body.
"My beautiful tiger... it was very easy to fall in love with you. Very hard to not be smitten about every single thing, about my pretty cub." Voice soft and ringing with a quiet sincerity, eyes holding mine captive and silently beckoning me closer, a softer sigh of pleasure exhaled against my skin as she winds her arms around me, keeping me tethered to her, keeping herself anchored to me, hands skimming over my shoulders and nape with dragging, sweeping touches of her hands that in turn leave their imprints behind. My own chasing to drag down the soft fabric, fingers unable to resist the urge to pluck at the fabric, rubbing it between my grip, catching the subtlest sweet trail of vanilla clinging to the soft worn fabric. But the fabric isn't Jin hyung's. I remember it as one of Hobi hyung's favourites.
And now it's (Y/N)'s. My lips curve up, fangs pooling over my lips as the familiarity sinks in, knowing full well that it carries her sweet scent now too, an almost ritualistic cycling of clothes, slowly being entangled with several scents, claimed by several of us.
I wonder who'll end up wearing it next.
My fingers drag across the fabric, skimming to tug it up higher, hitching it up and eyes dragging over bare thighs that shift slightly, part when I lean in closer to her, legs angled so I can slot between them.
Hands palming at her thighs, eyes dragging over her curves, a low groan rippling past my lips, eyes lingering appreciatively, fangs aching to sink into the soft plushness of them countless times until every inch of skin is marked with bites, hands kneading and gripping at softness, knuckles dragging as my palms sprawl over her glands.
Knowing full well that when I'm done, that by my hands alone the curves of her thighs and hips will be branded with my scent, pheromones clinging easily to skin, every inch of supple flesh so receptive to touch and scent.
"I like your shirt."
"I like you're without."
My lips tug up, head ducking closer to nuzzle at her jaw, words low against her skin.
"Charming me out of the little I am wearing? Trust me you don't need to ever convince me to lose clothes." I murmur against her jaw, nose skimming across skin, mouthing at the wonderfully sensitive skin under her jaw and at her throat, her body shuddering under my touch, slow and unrushed.
Exploring the curves of her thighs and hips is a lazy reacquainting to the every inch, hands dragging and kneading and palming across flesh, fingers trailing across to map the lines of her body, trailing inwards to squeeze at the inside of her thighs. Flesh giving and moulding to my grip before I tug them open wider, hips rocking forward slowly in a hissed drag at the friction, both displeased at how fabric bars us from skin to skin but the jolt of pleasure it sends across my spine, the visceral heaviness of desire that pools in my gut is overwhelmingly strong and sends pulses of electric sparks searing through my body.
"Then why are you still wearing this?" she murmurs, hand dragging down my spine, fingers trailing over skin before she toys with the waistband, the heat of her hand where her hand slips underneath, where her hand settles directly against skin sends a blazing heat as I rock my hips towards hers.
Drawing back to tug the boxers down and off, fingers curling at her hips, pressing against curves before she's tilting her hips up to allow me to drag down the offending yet albeit pretty fabric down her own thighs, my head ducking close to press kisses across her thighs, fangs scraping and nipping playfully. Grinning at the small jolts they elicit as she squirms under me, eyes lidded as she peers at me, a straining tremble to her legs.
"Anything else baby cub?" lips mapping a trail from the low of her thigh upwards, tongue flicking against skin, tasting the sweetening trickle of her scent, fingers drifting across to keep her thighs anchored open as I draw myself closer and closer, burying my head between her thighs.
Settling there to sink my teeth in, the pressure in my gums alleviating the more I let my fangs nip, steadily letting them clamp for longer, sinking in sharper to coax more and more of the soft groans and needing whimpered mumbles of my name, her hands sinking into my hair, entangling in curls and tug, tug, tugging me closer, body acquiescing readily to her needing tugs, groaning against the inside of her thigh. Tongue laving at the bite mark left behind, tongue sweeping over the faint indent, over the reddened mark of where my fangs were.
"Your scent woke me." Voice a teasing half-complaint, nails dragging against my scalp.
My lips curve up, lips lingering at the inside of her thigh, teeth scraping as her grip tightens, fangs nipping.
"Just my scent?" I tease, hips rocking forward, groaning against her thighs, chasing friction against the sheets, curls brushing against her hip.
"And all the biting." She murmurs out, voice breathy, a soft keening groan spilling into the air as my hands continue to grip and squeeze at her thighs, tugging them open further to draw my body further upwards, with it my mouth inching upwards, drawing closer and closer to her core, the faint pulsing sweetness of her arousal entangling with mine, her thighs littered with bite marks that'll slowly deepen with colour.
"You like it. Besides... the colours look good on you." fingers leaving their own marks behind, the faint outline where my fingers gripped, palms skimming across the inside, lips moving to trail slowly to her centre, the heady sweetness her pheromones take spirals my own scent hotter and heavier, curling tight around my gut. Groan muffled against her as I chase to taste her on my lips and tongue, hips rutting against the bed, the sparks of sharp arousal licking at skin as my tongue chases to coax more and more of the sweet buck of her hips rocking to my mouth, restlessly arching into the touch, one hand falling away from my hair to grip at my shoulder, entangling with mine where I let them rest against the inside of her thigh.
Fangs aching with the dizzying rush to want to mate, want to mark, steadily getting drunk on her taste, of the arousal that spills onto my tongue, lips closing around her and sucking, the broken cry that ripples through the air, her thighs trembling from the effort it takes to keep them open, the strain in them felt under my palms as she tries to both close them and my hands in turn keep them splayed and pinned back.
The tremors in them making her legs shake, more noticeable as she reaches her peak, her body arching and twisting futilely, hands scrabbling for purchase at my hair, at my shoulders, gripping the sheets as she cants her hips up, twisting them with sensitivity, keening cries that steadily grow more vocal and louder, my name spilling past slick bitten lips, her eyes hazed as her back arches, a curved taut stiffness as her arms tremble, straining as she tries to twist away, soft pleas slipping past her lips. The same pleas morphing into breathless keening cries, trembling shuddered cries of my name, her fingers curling and tightening at my nape, thighs closing, encasing me between them, legs pliantly manoeuvred over my shoulders. Going lax as I duck my head closer to her again.
Slowly limbs turning pliant, gaze just as hazed as the fog that sinks into my mind, clouding every thought and limiting the world to just the haven of her scent encasing me and the sole aim to just pleasure her.
Hips rocking slowly against the sheets at first but with every pleasured sound tumbling past her lips, her hands clutching at me, dragging at skin and hair, soft breathy sounds as her scent spills into the air, staining it with the weight of her arousal, my mouth chasing the taste of her pleasure, tongue and fingers curling and thrusting, groans muffled against her, chasing the same tight winding pleasure that curls around my gut. Hips rutting messily against the sheets, every tremor in her legs, every burst of her scent, every shudder of my name past her lips, everything that causes her unravelling release spirals me towards my own.
Her pleasure, her release is the trigger to my own.
And only when she's arching, twisting futilely, back taut and body tightly strung with the pleasurable release, the slamming waves of ecstasy that drowns her scent with a headiness before she slumps, sags against the sheets does my own pleasure reach its peak.
Body shuddering, lips mouthing shakily at her thighs as the pleasure slams into me, unyielding and relentless, spilling onto the sheets, hips bucking rough and erratic, worked into a sensitivity by the richness of her scent pooling heavily in the air and entangled with my own.
Hissing against her skin, fangs nipping and mouthing at the darkening marks, the imprints of bites and fingerprints left behind on soft flesh.
Head rising to see the hazed bliss on her face, the ragged breaths she draws in, fingers curling into my hair, tugging incessantly until I'm rising, hovering over her, eyes dragging over the myriad of marks left behind, of how her face flushed and eyes glazed with pleasure draw me closer, her hands tugging me closer until our lips are messily meeting each other's. Swallowing each other's shuddered breaths as we slowly draw down from the peaked highs, body thrumming with desire.
Lips melding to hers, groaning against the seam of her mouth, tongue brushing across, her mouth parting readily, hips rocking up, legs winding around me, thighs bracketing mine, hands cradling my cheeks and angling my mouth to hers. Tongue brushing against mine, sweeping through my mouth, nails dragging against my scalp.
The lazy laxness of her lips against my own, slow and hazed with pleasure, her scent imprinting on my tongue and mouth, chasing the burning heat of her touch, hand fisting into the t-shirt, tugging her closer, drawing her up as I sink back, hands dragging down her hips and thighs and tugging her until she's straddling me.
Arms winding around her as I chase the feverish slowness of her lips, groaning low when her mouth slips lower, trailing down my jaw and throat, hands skimming over my arms, slowly remapping my body with hers.
"I'm glad I start late today." She murmurs, lips brushing against my ear, nosing along my jaw with a growing contentment to add more of her scent, skin against skin, anise entangling with berries, both of them saccharine and thick, heavy with their intensity.
"I'm glad no-one interrupted. I love being selfish with you. I love having you all to myself."
"So sharing me with Jiminie..." she trails off.
My lips curve into a grin, fangs playfully snapping at her cheek, nipping.
The memory is clear in my mind and stirs heat once more, delighting in her small squirm as I continue to nip at her cheeks, tilting her face to me. Eyes holding hers.
"Oh sweetheart I'm all for pack matings, I'm not one to back down if there's an audience... but sometimes... sometimes I don't want to share. And when I mate you... that sight, that moment is mine and mine alone."
Her scent pools sweeter on my tongue, arousal and desire entangled with love and want.
"When I mate you tiger and when you mate me, I want you to be lost in every single instant of it."
The door to (Y/N)'s office is locked and when I knock there's no answer.
"She's not there hun." A voice calls behind me, turning to smile at Mrs. Kim at the adjacent office space near her office, her eyes twinkling with a knowing warmth as she appraises me, tilting her head towards the left.
Gesturing with her hand towards the hallways marked for the children's wards.
"She's gone to give Min Junie a bath. And her smitten kit... he's with her too." Lips twitching as my tail picks up and swishes.
"Thank you ahjumma." The corner of her lips curve up fondly.
Something about her matronly clucking fussing and her warm eyes always stirs a sense of affection from her. Always easily given, her wings tucked neatly against her back as she continues working on paperwork. Something about her that radiates an elder's love and good-natured doting.
"Do you know how long they'll be?"
"Not been too long since they went. But they'll take time-the cub's decided the best thing about baths is making a mess and splashing." She clucks, her words and the mental image they conjure coaxes a rumble of laughter, chuffing as my lips tug up unconsciously into a wide, proud grin.
"He's not wrong." Satisfied and preening at the thought, tail cutting and swaying through air, her motherly stare turning reproachful and half-amused.
"Did he learn it from you?"
"I wish. I don't get to splash... and it's not warm enough to play with the kids outside on a regular basis."
Her wings flutter as a soft throaty cluck rumbles in her throat, tugging down her glasses to peer at me. Truly looking at me.
The mother hen has a way of intensely examining a person that makes me feel as if she harbours and keeps several secrets and cards to her chest. Despite (Y/N)'s label that Mrs. Kim is a fond, avid gossiper, there's no mistaking the sharp gleam of intelligence in her eyes, hidden under the soft motherly figure she is.
"Spring will be here soon. Then the park's always full of children." Voice warm and soothing, an achy restless want for spring to come soon. A faint slither of conversation echoes in the back of my head.
"And then come spring he loves having a picnic on the first official day that marks winter ending. It doesn't matter if we still need coats, we're going to be snacking on a blanket in the middle of a park."
"Anything special planned for it?" I ask, stepping closer and closer to her desk, not realising when I'd fully gravitated towards her in conversation until I'm leaning over her desk, peering hopefully at her.
"I'm not the events coordinator cub." She laughs, hands gently shooing when my eyes glance down towards the paperwork in mild curiosity. The gesture fleeting and quick but her movements precise.
She's very careful with sensitive information.
"You have one of those?"
She shakes her head.
"Jisoo plans the events and outings for the kids. Small groups that is-it's too risky to try manage a whole large herd of children. Some don't like going... but..."
Eyes narrowing at my tail swishing and curling, ears fully perked as I listen to her.
A smile tugging at her lips, eyes crinkling with laughter lines.
"But if you have an idea playing about Taehyung... I'm sure Jisoo would love to hear it." Warm and encouraging and slightly exasperated fond when I lean over to pluck a sweet from her jar, fingers quickly skimming over lollipops before plucking a berry one out.
"Thank you ahjumma. For your company, your mind and the sweet."
"Charming tiger. I don't doubt that's how you've been courting. Straight forward aren't you?"
I turn my head to peer at her as I bound away, lips curving up and fangs peeking through.
"Is there any other way to be ahjumma?"
She shakes her head, a proud smile on her lips.
"No other way." She echoes.
Loud laughter and protesting yelps greet me as I approach the private bathrooms, distinctly hearing the mix of (Y/N) and Hobi's voices, the bright giddy laughter of Min-Junie from the other side of the door. Complaints and reproach falling to deaf ears as he continues to squeal, loud splashes being heard from the other side.
"Baby I don't have another shirt!" voice imploring and ringing with laughter as (Y/N) yelps, the sound of giddy laughs as I approach the door, ears fully perked and alert, trained onto the sounds coming out of the bathroom.
"He knows that. He's doing it on purpose..." Hobi protests, laughing when Min-Junie agrees.
"Noooonaaa... want to play with you!" he whines.
My lips twitch.
He's becoming more and more open to demanding and being playful.
I knock on the door, the sounds on the other end taking a while to quieten enough to realise there's someone on the other end. Quick hurrying steps towards and even before tugging it open, there's a warm playful lilt in the voice that greets me, recognises me before seeing me.
"Where there's water there's a tiger. Took you long enough baby." Hobi hyung grins, eyes bright and hair damp, strands sticking to his face, t-shirt soaked through in large patches.
And under the tousled damp mess of his hair, his eyes are bright and gleaming, his ears damp and twirling.
"Expecting me were you?" I smile, brushing past him to step into the bathroom, eyes dragging over where the shirt clings, where it's gone sheer, his trousers faring a similar sodden fate.
"We had a bet going. I bet ten minutes max. (Y/N) bet longer."
"And I won!" she exclaims, turning to peer at the two of us, similarly splashed, smile triumphant and victorious and I watch, gaze briefly flitting past her, as the baby bear in her arms takes full advantage of the distraction and splashes his arms, sending a wave of soapy suds onto her, hazel eyes crinkled as she lurches back, startled by the sudden wave of water soaking her front.
But given the way her smile only grows, the way her ears flicker and her hold doesn't falter on him, I know she doesn't mind in the slightest.
"How'd you know it was me?" I ask with a grin, approaching the tub and peering over her shoulder, grinning at the splashy bear cub who beams up at me.
"I know I'm on suppressors but that doesn't mean my senses are off. Yours wear off by the time you've finished a playdate with the kids." Hands holding Min-Jun steady as he bobs up and down, happily wriggling and splashing, the floor around the tub soaked with large puddles, the bubble bath brimming over every time he jumps.
"I can only smell one happy, happy cub and a lot of... flowers?" nose scrunching as I turn around, trying to catch the caramel sweetness somewhere amongst it too.
"Waterproof blockers. Cub's a menace at bath time." Hobi hyung laughs, eyeing his shirt with faint dismay before closing the door once more, padding back towards us.
"Like someone I know very well." He adds in a low drawling murmur, eyes crinkling as his lips thin, unable to stifle the grin as he looks at me, eyes drifting to the towels.
"No point Hoseokie... you're going to need to change after this. No need to catch a cold." (Y/N) calls without turning away, sensing his gaze drifting to the pile of towels waiting in the corner.
Quiet fond grumbles as he slips back with a shampoo bottle.
Scentless baby shampoo.
Because the smell of flowers already clings to the cub's baby powder scent and because there's no need to overwhelm his own senses from a cluster of smells clinging to him.
The same giddy mischief that'd been present long before I'd slipped into the bathroom continues with buoyant enthusiasm until (Y/N)'s crouching lower to murmur softly to him, fingers smoothening over sodden hair and ears and gently rubbing at his nape.
Settling nearly immediately as he clutches the rim of the tub, peering up at Hobi with a shiny-eyed affection as the shampoo bottle's opened.
Compliant and still as he slowly works his hair into a lather, soft praises cooed quietly to him, fingers rubbing at his scalp and the back of his ears, eliciting soft baby rumbles of happiness, bobbing about with a bit more eagerness as he continues to get pets and grooming rubs, head tilting eagerly to hyung's touch.
"Can I do the conditioner part?" I ask eagerly, grin stretched wide as I see the lazy flutter to Min-Junie's eyes, basking in the comfort and safety and attention of three people taking care of him, the playfulness ebbing away to morph into something trusting and sweet.
There's only warm affection and encouragement in (Y/N)'s eyes as she nods, already tilting her head to where the bath products are.
"He'll be a clingy baby post bath. You'll have to nest in my office I'm afraid. Naps might be a cost too. And ear rubs." She sighs, mock resignation in her tone, ears flickering as she peers at me, laying out the terms clearly.
I slip away to pluck the same brand of unscented conditioner, walking back towards the two, shaking my head, a low rumble slipping past my lips.
"Though your criteria is tough and demanding... I'll still do it. Got to work hard not just play hard."
Hobi hyung turns to peer at me, nodding along, ears twirling as he sighs.
"Not an easy job I'm afraid. Takes up a lot of your time... but you know... sacrifices." Playing along readily, fingers working slowly to take the time to both massage gently at Junie's scalp, lips curved with amusement as he makes random shapes and designs with the lathered suds, laughs low and under his breath at the cloud of suds being worked into a stiff point before squished down.
"I'm very dedicated to this job. I'll do my best at it." I vow, eyes crinkling at the amusement clear on their faces.
"Before I commit I need to know my pay." Teasing as (Y/N) reaches for a small wash jug, reaching into an adjacent basin of warm water to begin to sluice the suds off carefully off his hair.
Easily relinquishing the jug when I intercept her, bounding over, water sloshing over the edges as I hurry to Min-Junie, peering at him.
"Eyes closed cub and no peeking."
Eyes clenching shut for a few moments before warily one peeks open.
"Hide and seek tiger hyungie?"
"After you're all dry and bundly then we can play baby bear."
Eyes slipping shut eagerly then at the offer, hand carefully shielding his eyes as I pour the water over his hair, (Y/N)'s fingers slipping to help rinse off the shampoo, body pressed close to mine, lips brushing a kiss to my arm.
"Payment is a mutual agreement."
Her hand carefully carding through his hair to help wash the suds off, a guiding murmur that I can move my hand, fingers immediately rubbing at the back of his ears, helping clean them, gentle and thorough rubs that coaxes droops and rumbles from the less splashy cub.
The same trusting weighted softness to his scent as I condition his hair, sinking down to crouch beside the tub, water seeping into the fabric, knees growing damp as I continue to scratch lightly at his scalp until it's time to rinse off entirely.
Hazel eyes blinking trustingly at me, wet hands clinging to my forearm by the time he's done being bathed, wet torso pressing to me as I scoop him up out of the water, Hobi hyung immediately moving close with a towel to bundle him into, settling the cub into my arms almost instantly afterwards.
A droopy damp cub peering at me from the swaddle, hair still damp as he leans against me, head resting on my shoulder. A sluggishness to his words.
"Nap nap first?"
"Nap nap first." I echo in agreement, cradling the drowsy cub to me.
"Tae-ah I'm heading out for my late class and then dropping by Jin and Kook's bakery." Hobi hyung announces as he walks into the office, ears twirling as he spots me curled beside Min-Junie still. The baby bear tucked up and sleeping, soft rumbly growls as he remains burrowed in the nest of blankets he's drawn close to himself. Some of them draped loosely over me, half-rising as hyung approaches.
"So soon?" voice slightly groggy as I blink at him approaching, his eyes shining with warmth and amusement as he clambers on carefully, crawling forward the short distance to hover over me, pressing kisses over my face, cheek rubbing gently against mine, hand cradling my face to him.
"You've been napping some time cub. I didn't want to leave without saying bye."
I lean in towards him, lips chasing his sluggishly, his fingers angling my face to him to kiss me softly, knuckles rubbing against my jaw.
"You're coming back with (Y/N) later... I think she's gone to collect the restocks for medications and suppressors."
I nod, cheek rubbing against his palm, drooping in the cradle of his hand, his eyes crinkling as he nudges his nose against mine, forehead resting to mine as he hovers over me. Already all bundled up to leave, the faint trail of vanilla in the jacket he wears.
Lips pressing messily to his jaw, drowsy scent marks before I'm drawing myself up, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes, yawn muffled against his shoulder.
"Wasn't meant to sleep so long. Didn't realise when she left.... What's the time?"
"Early evening. You have a meeting later I heard." He laughs, hand squeezing my waist gently.
I nod against him.
"With Jisoo... got a secret plan." I mumble, smiling at the curiosity in his eyes, the tilt of his head as he looks at me.
"Going to let me into it?"
I shrug, watching as he sinks back onto his knees, watching as I carefully draw the blankets away from me to resettle and tuck around Min-Junie, adding another layer into his nesting space. Unconsciously he burrows smaller, fingers still clutching the blanket closest to him to his cheek.
Rubbing his scent onto it.
"Once the first step is done then." I promise, lips curving up, fangs nipping gently at his palm, his wrist, drawing his hand to my lips, nosing at his palm, pressing pecks there. Watching as his ears twirl, curling and twisting, scent faintly seeping past the removed blockers. Filtering past the faded barriers on his skin.
Sweet caramel once again warm and seeping off him.
"I'll hold you to it cub. I'm going to try catch (Y/N) before I go otherwise I'll see you both at home later anyways."
I nod, drawing myself upright to sit up, hand pushing back the curls that've gotten rumpled with sleep, deft fingers carding through my hair as hyung peers at me, fond affection in his eyes, hand scratching lightly at my scalp before he draws back.
The sweetness of his scent lingering in the air even as he stands.
"Bye hyung."
"Bye Tae-ah. Don't leave until (Y/N) gets back." Head gesturing to the sleeping baby bear.
I follow his gaze, heart squeezing tight with tenderness for the asleep cub, for how much he's grown and healed. For how much he means to the three of us.
A special soft spot for him and Ji Ah. For the two babies Hobi and (Y/N) have taken care of so well.
"I'll wait for her first. Guard baby bear with all my stripes." I promise, sinking back to watch him leave, leaning back on my hands as he gives me a final smile before leaving, tail wriggling and swishing softly behind him.
And it's only a short while later that (Y/N) enters her office, carrying a small basket of medications, the sound of quiet steps and the nudge of her hip against the half-opened door draws my gaze from the bullet points on my phone screen to her.
Doe eyes brightening when she spots me.
"Awake this time. Had a good nap kitty?" nudging the door shut behind her as she moves further into the office, heading for her desk, stilling when my tail reaches out to brush against her calf, winding loosely around her leg to anchor her there. Root her where she stands as I sit up, her fingers drifting to brush against stripey fur curled around her, rubbing gently and patting.
"You know when you made that proposition to me earlier I was under the impression the naps would include a fawn pillow." Eyes narrowing at her, leaning closer to her to wrap my arms around her legs, head nudging against her stomach gently, peering upwards.
"That's the fine print. Sometimes you get a fawn pillow. Special occasions and all."
My eyes tracking her even as my tail unfurls to give the side of her leg a few pokes at her words, grinning as she smiles at me from her desk, tugging out small bottles of pills, vitamins, suppressors, blockers all catered specifically for Min-Junie and Ji-Ah primarily.
But my head tilts as she tugs out a few bottles to set aside from the others, labelling the babies' medications carefully, eyes constantly verifying with the list she draws out.
A sharp attentiveness to her expression as she checks the list to the bottles over and over, my gaze snagging on the ones set aside.
"Whose are the other ones?"
She tears her eyes away once she's done, glancing at the small bottles.
"Mine. They're refills, I was running short of mild suppressants and daily vitamins."
"Hobi hyung doesn't take them?" I ask curiously, eyeing them with faint curiosity and trepidation; not in the slightest fond of them for dulling her scent during work, for blocking away her floral scent, for making it so hard to find her by scent alone in the centre at any given point. Hated how sometimes they took time in wearing off, leaving her glands sore and trying to regulate her scent properly.
"He can make do with blockers alone. But it's been policy since I've worked here to be on suppressants... especially when you work for years the last thing you want is to make any hybrid dependent on your scent. It's hard enough to see them struggle to form other attachments emotionally... making their biology try forget... that's unfair on them."
And though it makes sense... painful sense it doesn't make me hate the medications any less, a scowl as I look at them, turning pointedly away with a low rumble.
"Oh cub... they're not that bad. The vitamins even taste nice!" soft and appeasing, quiet steps and the rattle of bottles as she moves to grab a bottle of water, unscrewing it to pop one of the pills into her mouth.
Swallowing it down easily even if my face twists at the thought, tail swishing antsy and unhappily.
"But still. I'm anti medicines when it comes to stealing your scent from me!" I grumble, eyes tracking the bob of her throat as she draws a large gulp of water, washing down the vitamin.
"They're milder ones now Tae. Ever since I've joined the pack I've been taking weaker ones that wear off quicker." Placating as she pads over to me, a split second decision made as she settles onto my lap, straddling me as she faces me, my hand immediately rising to curve at her hip, tugging her closer to set her more comfortably, drawing her forward.
Nose nudging against her jaw.
"Wish you didn't have to take them at all." Arms winding around her, burrowing my head against her throat, scent marking even if I can't find her scent, knowing she'll carry mine is enough to appease me for now. A soft rumbled growl against her skin when she tries to draw back slightly at the sound of rustling blankets, a quick glance revealing that the cub's still sleeping, my attention returning easily to her jaw and throat, cheek rubbing against skin.
Her fingers carding through my hair, a smile in her words.
"Not bored of carrying my scent?"
"Never." I rumble against her throat, lips brushing against skin.
"Not bored of... scenting me?" laughing at the rough growl that's yanked out the depths of my throat, squirming on my lap when my teeth sink in harshly at her throat, biting at her gland in retaliation to her words.
Tongue flicking slowly over the indents left behind, soft dissatisfied growls rumbling against her at the distinctive absence of scent. At how I can't smell how her scent's changed, how it otherwise would've pooled onto my tongue, still smoothening over the sharp sting, the hissed sharp muffled press of my name against my hair, thighs clenching around me.
Body going lax in response to me, her body curving towards me, fingers tugging at my curls to arch my head back, my grin spreading wide across my face, triumphant and satisfied. Fangs pooling over my lips as I stare at her unrepentantly.
"Such a biter."
"I let my fangs do the thinking. And the talking. Especially when my mate questions if there's anything I'd rather ever be doing than claiming them."
"Even if I was just teasing?" voice wavering slightly, her hand drifting to brush against the bite mark, already stark against her skin.
"Especially then."
Eyes fluttering as her fingers veer too close to the mark, a soft exhale of breath at the touch.
My own hands move to squeeze her thighs.
"My wild tiger."
I grin at her words.
"You bet."
I knock warily on the door to Jisoo's office, waiting restlessly on the other side of it, the sound of approaching footsteps both making my limbs coil up and a bit of the tense anticipation bleed out my posture.
Eyes trained on the door, watching as it swings open, the elder wolf gesturing immediately inwards with a welcoming smile.
"Come in Taehyung." Encouraging and smile warm. Immediately soothing without even trying.
"Hi Jisoo. Thank you for keeping our meeting a secret from (Y/N)." I smile, tail swishing as I move towards the sofas he gestures to, sinking down into a seat and watching him round the couch to sit down next to me, body angled so he's facing me.
Nothing about the way he sits, no table distinctly creating a barrier between the two of us, no formality of desks and chairs... it immediately sets me at ease, and I have no doubt that's why he's done it.
He shoots me a grin, shaking his head at me.
"No problem. If my children's' favourite play-buddy wants a secret meeting then why not?" he shrugs easily, eyes shining with pride and affection.
Because when he speaks of them, he speaks for every single child under his ward, under this centre's care. They're all his to protect and help nurture, his to love and dote on.
Absently I wonder if he too is an alpha of his own pack, something about the easy-going personality and good-natured smiles... something about the wholeness he devotes to the children that makes it easy to envision him taking care of his own pack the same way.
And his words make my biology preen, instincts satiated and rolling over with a deep contentment and pride. A warm pleasant flush that makes me feel tingly all over, ears perking up and tail swishing happily, a bubble of chuffs rumbling past my lips.
In turn it makes his eyes impossibly softer, his hand reaching out to gently tousle my hair, the gesture fleeting and quick.
Brief but affectionate.
"You rival their energy, and you chuff them to sleep. You're a miracle worker Taehyung. The centre will do good to hold onto that."
My lips stretch wider, beaming at him, scent seeping off with a saccharine sweetness I know he can immediately smell.
And his own smile only grows.
"But that's not why you came here." He astutely surmises.
"It's not. I wanted to ask if I could plan something in the upcoming... month or so." Staring at him expectantly.
His ears flicker, gaze encouraging and prompting.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Spring's coming soon... and I know the park nearby is largely visited by the centre. But can we make an outing of it?"
"It'll be hard to try reserve an entire park. Even if we're the main ones to use it." He points out.
"We don't have to reserve it... I was thinking of celebrating the spring... a lot of hibernation fond children no? Their first outings for months from just being nesty-not that that isn't a way of life I support."
"No no but if we are going to do something to celebrate spring, then I'll try get district permission, don't suppose you've got any ties in the police?"
I can feel myself warming up more and more to him. instincts radiating a welcoming acceptance that easily reaches out to coax mine out in full force. Trusting and admiring of the elder wolf in front of me.
There's a glinting tease in his eyes and a deep curve to his grin, head tilting at me as his fingers absently draw his tail onto his lap, petting it lightly.
Something mischievous in his gaze.
My own tail curls with excited anticipation.
"Maybe one or two..."
"How does a treasure hunt for the kids sound? Or hide and seek... you know we have a whole family album for every year's outings?" he shares, a wide smile as his tail wags slightly, ears perked and just as buoyant and eager to share, tilting his head back to peer at the bookshelves.
"Would they have... (Y/N) in them?"
"Quite a few. You know she started here young-joined the training programmes for early school-leavers."
I nod.
"I'll have to hunt through them to find the photos to your interest, but I could get you copies."
"Yes please."
His tail wags a bit quicker, an amusement seeping into his tone as he appraises me.
"I have to say. Courting suits you all... and for my protégé, for my star tiger and for my new caregiver in the works... I'll get hard to work."
My ears perk at his words.
"Hobi hyung's applying to be a caregiver?" surprise colouring my tone, not aware it'd started to be something already being processed, already in the works.
Scent blooming sweet and bursting with happiness and pride.
His expression falters.
"Was it meant to be a surprise-I shouldn't have... keep the secret from the rest of your pack?" voice tinging into a pleading tone, eyes wide with implore.
The expression dissolves any authority that lingered in his expression, melting it into something tentative and flustered, shaking his head as he looks at me.
"I didn't even know hyung had already applied... I can't believe I'm the first to know... even before (Y/N)!"
"Taehyung... Taehyung-ah... keep it a secret. I'd hate to ruin Hoseok's news." Contrite and apologetic, looking at me wide eyed.
For an instant Jisoo looks like a shamefaced pup. Chagrined and tail restlessly wagging on his lap, eyes wide and expression soft and pleading.
It coaxes a soft rumble in the back of my throat, fangs peeking as I grin at him.
"It's okay Jisoo. The least I can do is shhhh after all your help in keeping mine."
His smile returns full-force.
"I knew (Y/N)'s got a good tiger having her back."
I can only chuff in response.
"You smell sweet." I call as (Y/N) moves towards the door, still clutching her coat, peering back at me, head tilted to appraise me.
"Charming me before we've even left work? I know I've clocked off but are you trying to start something?" she asks curiously, leaning against the door, hand curled against the handle as she looks at me hastily shove the locker door shut, moving to advance on her. Intent on closing the distance between us, tail curling at the soft lilted question in her tone.
"You took the blockers off... I could smell you before I even got in the door." I say, gesturing to the one she leans against, her back supported by it, curvy legs stretched out slightly as her fingers curl against the handle, a smile tugging at her lips even as she shakes her head.
"They must've worn off during the staff meeting... explains the looks." She shares, hand drifting to her neck to rub at her gland, the touch drawing it with her scent immediately detectable on her palm and fingers liberally, a soft low hiss as she lets her hand quickly stray.
She hums in agreement, her head rolling in a slow circle to ease some stiffness, stepping closer and closer to her until I'm bracketing her against the door, my hand drifting to her nape, palm sprawling over skin, cupping her head under her hair, gently squeezing.
A low quiet keen breaks the silence of the staffroom, my ears perking to an almost aching stiffness at the sound. Body leaning closer when hers droops momentarily, limbs going lax as she slumps against the door, head tilting forward. My tail curling to band around her waist, crowding her against the door, instincts restless to be closer, gravitating towards the sweet pulsing sweetness that radiates off her. Cheeks warm and flush with colour and eyes warm and briefly hazed before she speaks.
"Sometimes the kids scent too eagerly when they can't catch my scent. Must've worn the blockers off." She murmurs, drawing herself up straighter, still caged between my body and the door, her eyes flickering to my lips before meeting my gaze.
"Well you smell amazing." I murmur against her jaw, head curving close, tilted to hers to nuzzle at skin, arms settling on either side of her, caged against the door as she silently arches her head slightly in invite. Nosing along her jaw and throat, nudging at her gland, fangs pricking my lips at the sudden sticky sweetness the light touch coaxes out. The barest touch bringing a sweet syrupy burst of her pheromones, mouthing at her gland as I tug her closer, body pressing to hers, chasing the sweet invite of her scent.
There's a heaviness to her scent, a thick sweetness that stains my skin and tongue with it, brands it across my body, leaves its claim by clinging to every fibre of my clothes.
Her scent is different somehow.
Stronger than I've ever smelt it, hands curling tight, feeling the faint tingle under my nails, feel my tail wind tighter, gripping at her, tethering her to me.
Every inch of my skin feeling as if it's been wholly branded by her in an instant, chasing the sweet honeyed floral pheromones, teeth and lips dragging across her throat, raking down slowly. Feeling her shudder under my touch, pressing tighter back against the door, soft breathy sounds tumbling past her lips.
Fangs sinking in sharp into her bottom lip, sharp enough the faint tang of blood stains my tongue, dragging it across the seam of her mouth, lips bruising against hers, growling as a hand slips up to entangle in her hair, tugging sharply until she keens against my mouth, the sound swallowed whole, body feeling as if every inch is strung taut with a pressure waiting to snap.
Unable to think of anything but coaxing more and more of her scent out, mouth against hers, tongue sweeping into her mouth, fingers entangled in hair, lips slanted to hers, feeling a bubbling heat seep into my veins, biology, body, every inch of me responding to the growing sweetness that continues to seep off her.
Her scent invades my skin and mind, overwhelms it with its syrupy quality, trickling down my throat and encasing my lungs in it until it's all I can breathe, swallowing down every soft quiet sound that slips past her lips, teeth tugging at her bottom lip.
Her lips kiss-red and slick, swollen and bruised by my own, my mouth dragging from her jaw downwards, open-mouthed kisses pressed to her throat, teeth dragging against her gland before sinking in sharp.
Her body arching as she tilts her head back, legs trembling slightly before she tries to draw away, small shaky exhales as she tries to escape the drag of tongue and teeth at her throat. Gaze half-lidded as she looks at me, the hand that was clutching the door suddenly twisting, sending her stumbling back away from me, regaining her balance immediately.
The instinctive growl that shudders past my lips, fangs pooling over is at the loss of her scent, of her as she moves away.
Something taunting and teasing in the movement.
A charged silence clings to the air as I look at her, our gazes pinning the other, appraising silently before the corners of her mouth quirk upwards, a fleeting teasing smile before she takes a few purposeful steps back. Body turning away when I lurch after her, a low growl rumbling past my lips.
"Don't." the warning ripples past my lips, the word sounding foreign and distant to my own ears, lost somewhere in the rumbling growling instincts that kick in, eyes pinning onto her, onto my mate and watching the small tremor in her legs, the flush on her cheeks deepened, her eyes feigningly unaware, ears and tail flickering at the sound.
"Don't what?" playfully goading and voice light, shaking slightly, breaths uneven.
"Don't start something I don't intend on giving a show for." The words tumble past my lips as a guttural rasp, words slowly slipping more and more into a heavy rumbling growling edge, a heaviness I can feel in my chest and throat.
Even if her ears flicker, scent pooling sweet and saccharine into the air, immediately softening under the battering force of my own pheromones, she still takes careful, slow provoking steps back. Eyes flashing with amusement, her gaze playful and purposely riling.
"Come here." I growl, lunging forward for her, arm darting out to swipe at her, but she easily ducks away from the sudden movement, anticipating it, her biology responding to mine, her scent seeping off her in enticing heavy waves that drowns out everything else.
"If you want me... come get me." She challenges, her eyes flashing with challenge, a breathy shakiness to the words that curl her lips, make her scent molten with intent, fully aware of how her words sound.
The challenge she issues, the playful fire gleaming in her eyes before she turns and rushes away, tail flickering at the loud rumbled growl that shudders from the depth of my chest, eyes narrowing as they pin onto the sight of her rushing away.
Know in the back of my mind she's teasing, but that part of my mind is greatly overshadowed and lost to the pure carnal instinct and biology that rears its head, searing over every rationale save for getting her, getting my hands on her.
Her scent stains the air, weighs it down, her pheromones cling to every particle, directing the way as I rush after her, a low rumbling snarl at any posing obstacles, every thought narrowing solely to her. Nothing else... no-one else matters. My eyes fixated onto the sight of her increasing distance between us, weaving down the hallways with an ease of knowing the place.
But the same mischief and playfulness that intertwines with the headiness of her scent, I indulge in, playing with her, letting her think she has the upper hand. She knows the centre better, but I know her, her scent easily picked apart despite the diffusers momentarily disguising and helping her pheromones be lightened.
She toys with me and in turn I toy with my prey, fangs pooling over my lips as the pressure in my gums grows, a sharp rumbling sound emanating in my throat and only growing louder as I catch sight of her, eyes fixated on the sight of my curvy doe rushing away, her scent spiking with adrenaline and the rush of hormones betraying her, biology triggering a chase, a hunt to pin down and claim my mate in flight.
The only thing I know is her scent, chasing the floral honeyed scent down the hallways, fangs pooling my lips as I steadily advance on her, rushing soundlessly after her. Hearing her laughs and lilted calls as a siren call, enthralling and luring me in closer and closer. Senses numb to the world beyond her.
"Getting slow tiger?" her voice teasingly carries, ringing with a breathless mischief that only spurs me quicker, advancing the last stretch of distance with the true intent of no longer toying with her but getting her, arms winding around her middle as I lunge the last few steps, body lurching into hers, gripping tightly, fangs pooling over my lips when the intensity of her scent immediately, mouth-watering before I crowd against her, hands sprawled large over her front before I twist her around, her eyes flashing as she registers the fangs, the unconscious dominating strength in my pheromones. Swamped with them the same way her scent batters at me, dragging me closer and closer, low ragged pants shuddering past my lungs, breaths uneven, inhaling more and more of her scent, intoxicated by it.
Body looming over hers, bracketing hers, caging her in with the overwhelming urge to grip her and tug her closer, our bodies flush with each other, eyes flashing as I look at her, see myself reflected in her dilating pupils, see the same unravelling restraint and biology mirrored back at me.
Growls rumbling past my lips, her name lost in them, crowding against her, hands gripping her tightly, fingers curling deeper, intent to keep her trapped and caged by my body against hers, tail stiff and coiled, limbs taut with an antsy snarling want.
A hazy fog crowds my senses and blankets them, my fangs snapping at air, a hairsbreadth away from her gland, her body coiling only to turn lax in my grip, berries and anise entangling together into a cocktail of pheromones so deeply intertwined with each other, I don't ever want to know the two apart.
Chest rumbling as my grip on her tightens, hands dragging from her front to her hips to her thighs, ignoring the buzzing my ears flicker at, the vibrations against my leg as I stare at her.
Tail curling as my hands grip at her curves, palming them roughly before hoisting her up, arms banding around her thighs, her tight grip at my shirt, fisting into it as my name tumbles past her lips.
My tail curls with satisfaction and pleasure, hoisting her over my shoulder, head turning to snap my fangs at her forearm when she twists, grip tightening to secure her.
"No point squirming now cub."
A single-minded intent to get her out and away from the centre, from anyone else who can smell the sweetened thickness to her scent, from anyone else who can smell her scent being broadcasted from every inch and crevice of her body. Everyone else doesn't get the right to.
Her scent is mine.
Body prickling with possessiveness, fangs snapping at anyone who veers too close, in my direct eyeline, body thrumming with a restless energy, hands curling tighter around her thighs, her fingers loosening at my shirt.
Moving down the hallways to the lobby, past reception.
The loud threatening growl that ripples past bared fangs, snapping at air, is an immediate response to the person walking forward, both obstructing my way out with my mate and directly in front, my mate's scent detected by him.
Eyes flashing at the sight of the interns working the reception, at the obstacles they pose in getting her out.
Fangs pooling heavy over my lips, bared in a growl at the intern who stills, freezes, eyes widening and lips parting.
His steps are too slow, his pace faltering, his mind processing the growled word too slowly, my own steps weaving past him, hands sprawled possessively over her thighs.
Uncaring of everything but the need to get her into the car.
Hand tugging out the car key from my pocket, fingers fumbling with the button before jabbing at it, impatience bleeding into the movement before I'm roughly tugging open the passenger door.
Ducking my head down, body curved over (Y/N)'s, her body jostling against the seats before she scrabbles back, uncaring of the startled voice that follows me, tugs the front door open and clambers in.
"What the hell Tae?"
Fangs snapping at the voice near the driver seat's headrest, body crowding against (Y/N)'s, caging hers in, head turning to bare my fangs at the threat looming close to her, threatening to get to my mate's scent.
Tossing the keys forward, body curving over hers to both cage her in and hide her from sight.
"Back off."
Eyes flashing with unadulterated primal possessiveness, seeping into my veins and stiffening my limbs as every limb shudders and thrashes at the closeness until the pair of eyes holding mine soften, withdrawing slightly and turning away. The sharp startled mint, strong and dominating withdrawing in distance, posture and demeanour softening even if the pheromones don't.
Barely hearing the low rough voice or the hissed curses before the car gets started, barely registering anything but the way her scent swarms my senses, her pupils dilating as she tries to push herself upright, body half pressed against the door, slotting between her legs, tugging at her thighs to make space for me to settle across them, sprawling over her, hands propping me up.
"Home. Just get us... nest." I grit out, hand mapping her body from the crook of her knee upwards, dragging across the back of her thighs before she lifts her hips up, fingers curling into my shirt as she tugs me closer, the same blown out gaze mirrored in her eyes, seeing myself in them.
Seeing how quickly everything seems to unravel, body leaning closer to hers, rocking my thigh up between her legs, a small groan against my jaw, fingers dragging down the side of my throat before her fingers work at my gland, reeling out my scent to stain her skin in the same way the car seems to be branded by hers.
The space overflowing with the scent of pulsing sweet anise, honeyed rivulets of her scent on my tongue, mouth dragging down her jaw, teeth and tongue working her gland.
Impossibly her scent grows stronger, broadcasting from every single inch of her body, seeping from her skin with a weighted intensity that makes my head swim and float, tendrils of lingering consciousness fading away.
A sharp swerve sends my arm buckling, body flush to hers, thigh hitching up sharp against her core, teeth sinking in sharp enough I hear her cry out, my groan rumbling against her gland.
"How on earth did you both spiral into pre?" the frustrated growled question falls on deaf ears, distant and left unanswered.
My mouth continues to chase her scent, her body going lax and limp under mine, throat bared as her hands drag down my sides, skimming across fabric before delving underneath to drag feverishly heated hands across my spine. Nails trailing lower, leaving sparks of heat in their wake, sparking embers that fan into flames that roar with full force, skin burning where she touches.
Short ragged pants of breath against her skin, mouth messily moving from her gland downwards, tugging at the neckline of her t-shirt, the fabric easily giving, teeth dragging lower and lower, nosing along skin.
"Tae... Tae you're..."
My teeth sink in sharper at the curve of her chest, growls rumbling against her skin, tongue flicking over the bite when she hisses, fingers digging in tighter against the base of my spine.
"Don't you dare start something in the back." Voice low and rasping, the scent of mint trying to pierce through the numbing fog of her scent descending over all my senses and drowning them with her, with sweet floral anise that fills my lungs and only sinks deeper with every inhale.
Thigh rocking up between her legs, slotting closer to her, hands dragging from her waist lower, fingers inching towards the button of her jeans, thumbing at it impatiently, fiddling with it until it gives, fingers dragging the zip down. Greedily breathing her in, chasing the sticky syrupy sweetness, fingers brushing lower to drag against her core, the fabric clinging, the scent of her arousal entangling with the heady weight of our pheromones entangled and lost in one another.
"Get us home before I mate my fawn in the back of this car." I growl, eyes flashing as my gaze tears away to stare at the sharp predatory stare that peers back from the mirror.
Hand curling into her jeans, drifting up to tug impatiently at the waistband, the pressure under my nails growing, itching to claw through the fabric barring me from her.
Ducking lower to crowd against her, bodies flush as the car comes to a halt, hand squeezing at her hip.
Drawing up and tugging her with me, hands sprawling over her thighs before curving behind them, hoisting her up to me, tail tugging open the door, foot kicking back before I'm stumbling out with her gripped tightly to me. Her legs locking around my waist.
"Nest. Need to get you inside..." I grit, fangs pricking at my lip, the faint tang of iron on my tongue, so entirely attuned to her and only her that I don't know how we get inside or in the lift, don't know how I manage to get inside the door, my body crowding hers against it. Tugging the keys out of slacking fingers, shoving them into the lock, body rocking against (Y/N)'s, her hands tugging me closer, lips and teeth at my ear, hands curled at my shoulders.
I don't know how I manage anything once the door's opened, staggering in blindsided, my mate demanding and overwhelming every single sense, hands under her thighs gripping tight enough that I know she'll bruise regardless of the fabric between us.
I don't anything beyond getting her alone, and getting away from the swarm of scents and voices, head whirling to bare my fangs at the voice at my shoulder.
Words feeling heavy and thick on my tongue, fangs snapping at air.
"My mate... she's mine."
"Tae... Tae... I'm yours. I'm yours." The quiet murmured confirmation, the plaintive need shuddered in those words, legs tightening around me has my blood singing and roaring at the validation, tail curling and cutting at air before banding around her, desperate to meld flesh to flesh.
Her hand coax me closer, my body moving on a pure instinctively driven need to get her away from everyone else, my mind, my biology aching for her scent.
Staggering to her room, hands gripping her more securely against me, hand fumbling restlessly for the door handle before I'm hurrying in. Body twisting to cage her there, fingers curving against her hips, my own bucking forward with a needy restlessness.
A finality sinking in, crashing in rather as I hold her, eyes dragging over her, raking over her flushed cheeks and dilating eyes, the swallow of her throat as she tilts her head back in open invite, my lips brushing down her throat, indulging in the unrestricted access to her skin, to her glands.
A low rumble reverberating against her skin, my breaths shaking as her body curls closer, the heat of her own skin melding and fusing to the bubbling inferno that courses through my veins and makes the air swim with heat and pheromones.
Dizzy on her scent and taste and the bubbling impatience, hands tugging at my clothes, my head drawing back to see the impatience and wild unravelling control in her gaze, her breaths ragged as she looks at me. A charged electric energy crackling as she takes me in.
"Pre-rut... you're in... how did you get into pre?" a disbelieving breathlessness in her voice.
My own is ragged and hoarse.
"You. You did it. Your scent did it." I grit, the room saturated with her scent, drowning in her floral scent turned honeyed and syrupy, cloying warmth and sweetness pooling in every crevice and settling there, seeping off her in rolling waves, the very heat of her body fused with the sticky floral honey of her pheromones.
And when my hands unravel from her thighs, it's to set her down, still bracketing her against the door before I'm tugging impatiently at her top, drawing it upwards, eyes dragging over every inch of skin bared, raking over her curves, over the undone zip of her jeans, the fabric clinging to her hips.
"You did it." I breathe, voice shaking, my hands tugging hastily at my own clothes, discarded before I'm sinking down on my knees.
Fingers hooking into the waistband of her jeans, dragging them down until the pool around her ankles, my hand curving around one calf then the other, lips brushing against the inside of her thighs, her scent branded with my own, not lost, both laden with a sweetness that makes the air heavier to swallow, every inhale drenched with berries and anise, the floral fruity mix intoxicatingly rich.
"Ever since... even before I left to meet-you're driving me insane (Y/N)." I groan, hand cradling her calf to divest the jeans off her legs, her body leaning against the door.
This time her eyes are devoid of the mischief and playfulness when she'd sent me chasing her through the centre. This time there's a dark heat pooling in her gaze and her lips part in a silent keen when my fangs scrape slowly over her thighs, hands sprawled over the low of her thighs, encircled from behind, gripping and squeezing, nosing along skin and breathing in the way her scent spikes, lips curving into a lazy grin against her thigh when she shifts, thighs splayed open for me. Hand slipping lower to crook behind her knee, dragging down to squeeze her calf before tugging her closer.
Mouthing at her skin with a rushed dizziness that only coaxes the spiralling want for her to grow, slowly letting my teeth and fangs sink into soft flesh, to recolour where marks had been, leaving the fading remnants to bloom with vivid reds that'll deepen, thoroughly intent on making her legs shake.
The heat batters at me from every angle, surrounding me in its raging flames, breaths shaking as I draw closer and closer to her, desperate to drown my senses entirely in the syrupy sweetness that spills readily from her glands, branding them in turn so that long after my hands retreat... if they retreat there'll be no denying that she's utterly and wholly mine.
"I never meant to sent you into rut." She shudders out, hand drifting to rest against my nape, fingers dragging against skin and curls.
I feel my lips quirk up, low pants against her skin, teeth sinking in to leave bites scattered across the giving flesh.
"No? Too bad..." words ragged against flesh, fingers gripping tighter, her body bracketed against the wood even as faint tremors begin to wrack her legs, thighs trembling as I continue to scent her, desperate to leave not the faintest question as to whose she is.
Hands sprawling over her thighs, fingers aching with the phantom weight of claws that hunger to pin her down, to drown in her scent until it's all I know, leaning closer to nose along the inside of her thighs, lips dragging upwards.
The scent of her arousal pools stronger, rich and sweet, sinking into my skin the more I chase it.
And my instincts ache for it.
Hunger for it, a low groan rumbling in my throat as her scent spills readily, staining the air with her desire and her want, the same dizzying heat seeping off her body to meld with mine, coaxing me closer even if my skin seems to burn with the force of longing searing through me.
"I don't have many firsts left but... you took this one. My first rut and all because you did something-you yanked my rut out of me."
Her breath wavers, exhales shaky as her fingers curl against my nape.
Eyes glassy and dilating.
"Slow down... Tae-" she breathes, keening when my fangs nip at her inner thigh, teeth clamping down hard at her suggestion, eyes narrowing as a low growl rumbles in my chest, immediately rebuffing the idea.
"For the months I've waited, biding my time you want me to wait? Do you-" breaths shaking, trembling with the onslaught of pheromones constantly battering at me, fingers reflexively curling tighter into flesh.
"Do you know something cub? Do you know how tigers hunt?" the heat bubbles in my veins, seems to thicken, crowding my skin from every angle.
Her lips part, groaning softly at the next bite against the hem of her underwear, fingers brushing against the inside of her thighs, grazing sluggishly slow to her core, dragging over fabric.
"Alone. And when we pounce... we take our time savouring our hunt. Our prey. So when... so now that I have you... now that I have you and you're mine... no-one gets to come near you. No-one gets to have you, I won't share my hunt. I won't share my prey. I won't share my mate now that she's all mine. And I'll take my time with you..." the words shudder past my lips, promises and truths rasped into her skin.
"My tiger."
"Your tiger. My fawn."
"Your fawn." She echoes, a waver to her voice, scent spilling honeyed as I tug her closer, leaning in towards the apex of her thighs, mouthing at the fabric.
Her hand settles across my nape, the touch of her palm and fingers sprawled in an equally possessive move.
She's not a predator, she doesn't make my instincts growl at the thought of her touch over the vulnerable curve of my neck. Instead my head tilts back, arching into the touch, a low rumbling bubbling in my chest as her fingers tighten, the squeeze of her hand makes the hazy fog in my mind thicken, senses swimming with the overwhelming pulse of her scent constantly sinking deeper and deeper.
Fangs nipping at soft skin, an array of bites scattered across skin, marking her as entirely mine, tiger instincts not satisfied, barely drawing back but the constant aching pressure in my gums coax me closer... tug me rather towards the canvas of curves and soft flesh, hands slipping upwards, sprawled over the curve of her behind, dragging up the back of her thighs, nosing along sensitive flesh to feel her legs tremble.
Instincts constantly recoiling from the barest distance between us.
Want nothing more than to bury myself more than skin deep and then deeper.
I've never had a rut and I don't know how I'll survive this.
How I'll survive (Y/N).
But I know I'll lose to the burning rut. And to (Y/N).
And as the heat in the air, under my skin, in my blood thickens and swarms at me, I surrender to it.
Surrender to (Y/N).
(Y/N) POV:
Slowly, slowly his hands unfurl as I coax him away, fingers brushing against curls before tugging, tugging to draw him back from my trembling thighs, the scent of strawberries making my head swim, senses sluggish and slow. Hazed by the scenting that leaves my thighs, the entirety of them branded by his touch, by the large span of his hands, the pressure of his fangs and teeth still lingering as he sinks back, pupils blown wide and even more so disoriented as he looks up at me.
Tilting his head back, appraising me with half-lidded eyes, lashes fluttering slowly as he blinks, taking me in, thighs throbbing with the pressure of his bites scattered across them, trembling in the wake of his thorough scenting, feeling his touch even as he draws his hands into curled fists, a shakiness to his limbs. Uncoordinated and slightly slow; as if he too is blinking at me through a fog that swamps his senses just as much as I feel my body threaten to buckle, sensitivity leaving sparks and tingles to sink in after his touch.
"Bed... won't you take me to bed?" I ask, voice trembling, low and quiet, his hands reaching out immediately with a deep rumble, panning over my thighs before curling around my hips, drawing himself up, a flash of fangs as his nose grazes across the inside of my thigh, trailing up to my hip bone, hands squeezing tighter at the betraying honeyed tinge of arousal pooling in my pheromones.
There's no denying that if I'd walked to the bed myself, my legs would've buckled... teetering as he stands, stumbling into the bracketing cocoon of his arms wrapping around me, his fingers dragging against the back of my thighs before he hoists me up against him, tremors wracking my thighs and calves as I try to will my legs into cooperation, try to wrap them around his waist.
Instead, his hands grip me tighter, hips flush with mine as he takes slow steps backwards, dark eyes boring into me, weighted and scouring and penetrating past skin, refusing to break contact for a single instant, tail curling slowly, a sharpness in his gaze that the soft trembling breaths that slip past his lips can't belie. And when the back of his legs hit against the bed, his grip still doesn't falter, hands tightening fractionally before he tilts back, a soft curved grin, fangy and sharp despite the warmth in his eyes as he sinks back, our balance suddenly teetering as he sprawls back, hands tugging at my thighs so I sit straddling him, thighs astride his hips peering down at him.
There's a charged energy crackling between the syrupy sweet entangled mix of our scents, a burning enticing weight in the bottomless depths of my tiger's eyes, all-consuming and enthralling.
"What do you want to do in bed? Me?" he asks, voice a low croon as his smile deepens into something pure predator, sharp fangs pricking at his lips and a wicked smirk tugging at the curve of his mouth, drawing me closer as I lean into him, lips chasing his with a fiery burning want that scours at me from the inside out, teeth sinking into his bottom lip, lips quirking up at the sharp hiss he gives, his own teeth and fangs snapping back at my lips in retaliation, hands tightening on my hips, sprawling over skin and squeezing tight before his hands inch upwards, hands palming and kneading at curves, lingering at the low of my spine, mouth parting under mine. Growls and soft shudders muffled against the seam of my lips, a quiet groan slipping past my lips at the snap of his fangs, sharper and messy, trying to claim the heat of my mouth as his. Tongue brushing over the stinging nips he leaves behind, soothing them over before his tail curls around my thigh, banding around me.
Mouths slick against each other, swallowing down the shakiness of each other's breaths, the heat of his body burning through mine, coaxing the stirring sharp pulses of heat that begin to settle under my skin into a roaring inferno.
The familiar dizzying rush of my own biology slowly turning coherency into a syrupy sluggishness, hands sinking into his hair and tugging him closer, mouth bruising against his, feeling the weight of his hands at my back as a lingering restraint, his fingers toying with the waistband, slipping under to curve against skin.
"Before you reach your rut I intend to. I want to push you over that edge when it comes. I want to claim your pre-rut as mine too. Want you to remember every moment of it." I murmur against the laxness of his lips, teeth nipping at his bottom lip, fingers brushing against his jaw, nose nudging against his as I breathe in his scent, eyes holding his.
Finding the same unravelling composure and humanity as his biology surfaces more and more, coaxes the pure instinctive tiger to the surface, knowing full well that when his rut did hit. When it sank in... there would be nothing but pure predator. Could see it with how easily he was getting lost in the pheromone rush, in the spikes of our scent accelerating with even the lightest of touches. Hand dragging down to rest against his throat, palm rubbing circles into his gland, already so sensitive, stimulated just as easily, the scent of sweet juicy strawberries bursting to stain the air with its sweet mouth-watering lure, his eyes fluttering as he groans low and sinful and heady. The sound shooting arousal deep in my gut, his fangs pooling over his lips as he grips at me. Dilating pupils as he stares up at me, seeing me and only seeing his mate. His fawn. The one he'll spend his rut with.
Impossibly I feel my own scent thicken, strong enough it seems to cloyingly stick to every particle of air, every inch of skin. Disoriented in my own body, unsure why my own biology was spiralling into pre-heat more and more, why my own scent was so strong I could taste it alongside the saccharine berry. Head swimming with the pleasant floaty beginning of a scent haze, pheromones crowding against my senses and trying to overwhelm them. Trying to hold onto the coherency that ebbs and fades with the pleasurable fog of a pheromone high that Tae's rich scent steadily reels me towards.
"Smelling like that... I don't doubt I'll ever forget how strong and rich your scent is... I don't think I'll ever forget how your scent made my tiger snap."
His words ring in my ears, the low groaned confession that curls heat low in my core, the drag of skin against skin as I continue to scent him, continue to stimulate his gland, feeling the way the muscles in his neck tense, coiling up tighter and tighter, a pressure in his body building as he arches his throat, a moan rumbling against his lips, shuddered against my jaw as I lean closer to him, mouth dragging against my skin in a ragged heated exhale before the tension bleeds out. A limp pleasant haze in his pupils and a laxness to his limbs, sprawled against the bed... my bed with his scent drenching my sheets.
Even with the constant coaxing lure of his scent, my mind tries to place how it's all happened, reasoning slipping away by the distracting press of lips and teeth against my jaw, nose brushing against skin in a slow scent.
Fingers moving to work the stimulated bump of tissue, coaxing out more and more of his scent because just the way his mouth snaps at my jaw, groaning for my scent, my own body, my own biology chases the deceptive honey sweetness of my predator, curling over him. Selfishly. Because as I bracket him, I try to keep his scent solely for me, refusing to let it slip into the air and not directly into my skin.
It's his first rut and the heaviness of his scent seeps out unrestrained, strong and demanding. Trying to seep out stronger in a possessive claim, biology raring to brand me with his scent, his body. His hand dragging up my spine, fingers brushing against my strap, toying with it, a contemplative gleam in his eyes.
"Good. Don't forget." I murmur quietly, his breaths shuddering and deep, inhaling gulps of my scent with unrestrained want, spiralling further and further into pre-rut, the newness of it leaving his eyes dark and wild, his skin flushed with a deep warmth that pools in his skin, a warmth that'll slowly... surely snowball into an inferno's blaze.
The press of his hands tighten, sprawling over my backside, fingers tugging impatiently at the clasp, a low snarl rumbling in the back of his throat with impatience, my back arching as I tilt into the touch, into the fiery trails impatient fingers leave behind as he claws for purchase, a ragged exhale as it finally gives, tugging it off and away, eyes dragging down my throat, past my clavicles, indulgently lowering to take in the way my body curves over his. Hand slipping from behind my back to roughly palm at my breasts, gripping tight, fingers eliciting a heady mix of pain-pleasure where they tug and twist, nails dragging against aching buds, trying to push himself upright, to mouth along the proffered skin as I tilt closer, breaths muffled against his collarbones.
"Don't want to forget anything. How you sound, how you feel, how you take... want to remember every single instant of my pre-rut before I lose... before I can't hold back." a glittering sharpness in his eyes, a strangled pained rasp to his voice that sends shivers to wrack my body, shuddering under the heated press of his mouth, the roaring flames of heat that entangle the two of us as his fingers coax out soft breathy sounds, hips pushing down to rock against him.
Desperate to not lose myself entirely to the growing swimming intoxication of his scent crowding my nest, my room, my space... me as he toys with me, gaze wicked and sharp, drunk on my scent and fangs pooling over his lips, mouth parted, slack and pliant as I sink closer, fingers angling his face to mine. The soft laziness of his mouth meeting mine only temporary before the same fangs snap at my lips, desperate to claim and brand everywhere he can, hips rocking up slowly to meet my own, hands settling on his chest for purchase, hair brushing against his face, tugged sharply to angle my throat up so he can slide the feverish heat of his tongue and lips down my presented neck.
"I think- I think you'll last a day or two. Before your rut." I manage to word out, tongue feeling heavy in my mouth, words turning hazed and sluggish as his fangs nip at my throat, a pliancy being coaxed into my limbs, body sinking against his, curling against my tiger, his presence, his touch everywhere panning over my limbs, leaving trails of sparking heat to sink in, thighs trembling as his hand slip lower, reminding me with a sharp piercing clarity of the myriad of bite marks left behind. His fingers digging in cruelly against my thigh glands, against the bites to hear me hiss against him, a fangy grin against curving slowly against the low of my throat.
"You underestimate your scent baby. I give myself one day at most." words low and crooned.
"You'll be in for a rough rut if that's the case. You don't need to trigger a full-blown rut because of me."
Even if that seems impossible. Even as I feel my scent, my biology responds at the tiniest shifts in his own.
His hands skim low again, curving around my hips, dilated pupils peering up at me, every bit my Taehyung and every bit a tiger appraising his prey. The weight of his stare alone is consuming and full of intent.
I don't know how long I'll have before he sends me into a fully spiralled heat that neither my body nor biology were ready for until Tae.
The hours have long since been lost in the lazy, addicting slowness of scenting, of making sure that Tae smells like mine just as much as I do as his. Hours lost in dilated pupils holding my gaze captive, his hands assured and possessive trailing over my body, tugging me impossibly closer until skin melds with skin and no fabric bars the two of us. Limbs entangled together, his head burrowing against my gland, nosing along my throat in a repetitive manner, dragging down my neck to its crook to nuzzle at the swollen gland. Coaxing more and more scent out, teeth constantly working the tissue between their soft clamp, the pressure enough of his mouth and fangs that my body sinks just as laxly under his sprawl.
His body slots to mine, lines and muscles pressing to curves and softness, hands skimming up and down my sides in a lazy sweeping motion, the constant cycle of his palms, slightly rough, dragging across my waist and hips, down my thighs and back up again makes my body faintly tremble with the constant branding touch of berry staining my skin in several layers of his scent. Nose blunt on anything save but the sticky-berry scent that drenches the sheets, sinks skin deep and settles in my veins, a sluggish honeyed warmth that pulses through me as his hands brand my oversensitive glands with his touch. Constantly needing to touch, my own hands brushing from his shoulders down his forearms, from his nape down his back, tugging him closer and closer, head tilted back and kept there, his fingers slipping up to coax it back to present if it shifts out of position. Head sinking against the pillows as his chuffs deepen, rumbling against my chest, sinking deeper as the two of us get lost in the haze of needing each other close. And holding each other there, tucked up against one another.
His teeth rake slowly over my gland, chuffing at the pulsing throb of my gland as scent bursts onto his tongue, coating his lips with the honeyed thickening trickle of anise, a whimpering sound makes my ears flicker, eyes fluttering as my lips part, cheek rubbing sluggishly against his own, tilting my mouth in askance for his. The curl and sweep of his tongue slow against my own. Letting me taste the way my scent clings to his mouth, fingers curling against his nape and tugging him closer. A bubbling pleasure and satisfaction curling in my gut, biology and instincts preening at the thought that with every inhale, with every brush of his tongue against mine he can taste my claim on him, can feel in the slow unrushed kisses that he takes more and more of me, a willing pliancy as he relinquishes control of the kiss, surrendering to it, body crowding impossibly closer to mine, head dropping forward. Curls brushing skin and against my fingers where it curls against his nape, tongue slick against his, back arching up slightly at the brush of his hands skimming down my thighs and drifting to settle on the inside, tugging them open a bit more, his weight settling in a heavier sprawl over my body. Flush to mine. Pinning me to the sheets and pillows that no longer smell like just mine but a cocktail mix of our scents, heavy and intoxicating.
"Pretty fawn. My curvy cub." Words a ragged praise against my lips, teeth dragging across my bottom lip, fingers crooking under my chin to tilt my face back, his head ducking lower to press open-mouthed kisses to my jaw, the heat and pressure of his mouth lingering even as he drags his lips lower, steadily inching back towards where his head's been buried against my throat, the thoroughness of his scenting slow and sluggish, eased further and further into me, the lazy slowness turning sluggish and uncoordinated, skin rubbing against skin as he mouths at my gland. Resting his cheek against my collarbone, fingers briefly skimming up higher past my waist to graze against the underside of my breasts, teeth briefly nipping before he chuffs. Resettling against me, nose against my pulse point, breathing me in, his weight a welcoming pinning form sprawled over me, hands gently brushing against his skin, feeling as every last vestige of tension completely seeps out his posture, ebbing away until he's a pliant cub tucking me under him, pressed to me with a rumbling satisfaction and happiness exuding from every inch of him.
Entirely settled.
"Prettiest tiger. My mate." The words are echoed back, slurred and heavy, mouth uncooperative as I try to remember how to form words, a heavy looseness to my limbs, throat arching to invite his fangs to drag down across my jaw, my head tilting to rub my cheek against soft curls, fingers sinking into his hair, dragging against his scalp and scratching lightly. Nails trailing over his hair, fingers entangled in dark tresses, palm settled across his gland. Feeling the faint pulses as it spills scent in sticky rivulets, hand dragging lower to grip at his shoulder, fingers digging into tight muscles until they too loosen, but there's no denying the pure mass of strength bracketing me, pinning me to the bed.
Teeth raking over his jaw, hands coaxing him closer, lips brushing over skin in slow exploratory kisses, nosing along his pulse, tongue flicking over the bite when my own teeth clamp down. Barely a bite for the predator looming over me but he still slumps forward, hips bucking lazily against me, hands curling around my thighs as he stills for me. Presents the unmarked skin of his collarbones and clavicles, teeth aching to mark them up, to pretty them further with blooming bites and marks of reds to scatter across.
So everyone knows that he's mine.
Skin branded with the sweetening floral notes that stake my claim on my predator, take him for mine, just as unwilling to relinquish my hold on him, bodies cradling one another, even as the heat and rut under our skins continues to burn and bubble hotter and fiercer. His weight pinning me soothes that restlessness, that satisfies the longing before it can make itself present.
There isn't fear of anxiety or nervousness even as my body gears up for a heat that I wasn't expecting. There's an inexplicable sense of safety that radiates through me, reaffirmed by the chuffs that sink into my skin and make my body melt with comfort. There's a dizzying rush of impeding anticipation and a haze where every sense seems to tune out the world save for the one that begins and ends with the lean tiger crowding against me.
And as easily as he surrenders his scent, his body to me, just as easily he relinquishes his rut into my hands. Entrusts himself to me to coax into the deeper stages that at the moment only his scent belies, his growing clinginess as he's lost in the floaty haze of pre-rut. Turning him soft and marshmallowy in his affection, squishy cheeked settling to rest against the curve of my chest, breathing slow and ragged and deep, breathing me in, hands curved around my hips and making their home there.
"How're you feeling baby?"
Glossy eyes peer up at me slowly, glazed over with the constant scenting, from constantly being burrowed against my gland, curls rumpled and pressing to skin slightly where the growing temperature makes him flushed, perspiration pearling at his temples.
Gaze unfocused slightly as he looks at me, cheek drooping against my palm as he rubs his cheek to skin, scenting my wrist as his hand curls against my forearm.
My lips curve up, head tilting up to brush against his, mouths lax and parting for each other immediately.
"Good fuzzy?" I confirm, knowing full well that the floaty buzzing feeling of both being lost in his body and lost in scent, lost in instinct and biology. Knew full well why fuzzy was the only way to describe that haze, especially because it was his first time in rut and a pheromone high.
He nods, tongue flicking against my palm, fangs scraping gently.
"Fuzzy. Smell good-smell great." He slurs out, praise heavy in his low rumbling voice, eyes blinking sluggishly down at me.
My smile curves deeper. Nose nudging against his.
"You smell yum to me Tae. Smell warm and sweet. Big blankety."
His chuff rumbles in the air, settles over me in the same way his head sinks back, tail lazily curling as he pets his hands along my thighs. Knuckles rubbing against skin, absently kneading and gripping at curves.
"Big mate for my mate." He echoes, lips brushing against skin, head tilting so he can draw himself upright slowly, arms bracketing me in, hands curled against the sheets, a tight grip on them as he peers down at me.
A loose grin curving his lips, eyes glazed, pupils blown wide, dilated to the extent that the dark brown form only a thin ring around a dark, dark gaze.
"Big predator." Voice breathy.
His fangs peek past his lips at that, pooling over as his gaze glazes further, tongue flicking against the sharp points of his pooling fangs, a sharp simmering hunger flickering in the depths of his gaze.
I wonder how long his pre-rut stage will stay comforted and fairly docile. Wonder how close the tiger clawing under the surface is from rearing its head and growling.
How long we have until his temperature spikes him to the beginnings of a cycle of constant cycles.
"Baby cub." Words a slow dragged murmur across the curve of my shoulder.
And I can feel the sluggish curve of his own smile pressed to skin as my hand continues to drag against his scalp, fingers gently tugging at curls, smoothening them away from his eyes and temples. Feeling the flushed heat of his skin brim and spill out to meld with my own.
The long since discomfort of feeling hot and feverish, of feeling caged and taut in my own body falls away with the press of his own body. The comfort of his body far outweighing the clamminess of skin, desperate to hold him closer despite the way I can feel our temperatures continue to spike in response, bodies reacting to one another.
"Need to hydrate." I mumble at some point, his grip tightening in the slightest at the notion of moving away, of disentangling.
"Nap first." He mumbles blearily.
Voice hoarse and rough with disuse, dragging the already low timbre into something that rumbles against my skin with every syllable.
I easily acquiesce to his words, gently nudging at his front until he rolls over to the side, arms still wound around me, tugging me closer, tail winding around my waist, hands skimming up and down my torso. Gently rubbing to ease the beginning stirrings of cramping aches, a soft whimper soothed away with a low rumbling comfort, large palm sprawled over my stomach.
"I've got you (Y/N)." words reverberating with promise, gently brushing circles into my skin, teeth gently dragging against the curve of my shoulder.
Touch easing the discomfort that sparks and flares sporadically, a dull throbbing reminder of the looming heat that threatens to drag us from the warm hazy state into its primal mindlessness.
And then the cub holding me, limbs entangled with mine, will be pure tiger.
The arm around me tightens before I can even think of escaping the press of his body against mine, the rising heat of his body brands against my skin, his hand curling against my side.
"Where are you going?" voice a low rasp against my nape, face burrowed against my hair and neck, fingers tightening at my waist, legs entangled with mine.
"I was going to get you some food. I thought you were asleep." I murmur, head tilting back to peer at him, watching as the narrow slant of his eyes blink open at me, not a single trace of drowsiness in them, despite the constant haze that clouds his dark eyes from a flux of pheromones.
"Not sleepy. Don't feel like I can. Who knows... a fawn might try to escape." Eyes narrowing at me, my lips twitching upwards at the accusatory tone that bleeds into his voice, dragging the timbre of his voice to a low rumbling thickness.
"You need to load up before your rut. When it hits, there's nothing but instinct left. And nothing but tiger in here." I say, fingers brushing against his jaw, head tilting to his when he crowds closer, lips slotting together with a familiar ease. What's different is how the faintest touches, the warmth of his mouth is now a heated press of lips against mine, his tongue hot against the seam of my mouth and his teeth hungering to sink into flesh. What's different is that from the moment his head curves closer, nose nudging against mine before he cradles my face, tilts it back, arching it for him to kiss me deep and slow, I can taste the hunger in his touches, can feel the way his groan rumbles against me, hands tightening where they're wound around me, my body turning to face him, hand curving against his arm.
"Let it." he mutters, voice vehement with the dissatisfaction at the thought of me moving, hands tightening with both warning and refusal as I peer at him, hand moving to cup his cheek.
Despite the thickening tell of his scent, of strawberries bursting, sticky and sweet, there's still a stretch before it truly slams in. And my instincts war with each other, body curling closer despite my protests, silenced by the pressure of his mouth melding to mine, tongue lazy as it sweeps through my increasingly lax mouth, instincts slowly submitting to my tiger. But in the same likeness, the lingering cognizant thoughts spur me to try to make sure he's in the best state he can be before his rut hits.
Refusing to let my mate experience his first rut, his first triggered rut without tending to his needs the best I can, trying to draw back, stolen breaths before he lunges closer, body twisting to hover over me, caging me in. Arms bracketing me in, refusal and denial clear in his expression and the towering curve of his body looming over mine, tail curling slow as he looks at me.
"No. Tae you're going to look after me during our cycles aren't you?" voice soft and coaxing, his cheek drooping against my hand to nuzzle against skin with a low grumble.
"Without saying. My mate."
"And you're mine. Won't you let me take care of you?" there's complaint hovering in his eyes, lingering at the tip of his tongue as I tilt my head closer to his, lips brushing slowly against his.
"Want to take care of my tiger, of my mate before his rut, before I won't be doing much better than you in restraint."
His tail curls and swishes with an underlying hunger that threatens to rear its head, slowly and almost forcefully having to draw himself back, sinking back on his knees, my eyes dragging across the planes of his body, fingers curling tight against my side as I straighten up. Even in pre-rut he's already teetering the dangerous line of constantly being swamped with lust and there's nothing, but longing want in his gaze as he unwillingly draws boxers back over his legs, tugging them over his stiffening length. Hissing as he grounds his palm against his arousal for a modicum of relief, the sight making my thighs clench as I slowly turn my gaze away, reaching for my discarded shirt when he tugs me closer, bodily drawing me against him as he tugs his shirt over my head. Replacing my clothes with his, the shirt a branding claim enough, the only article of clothing I can bear wearing with the sensitivity beginning to set in, skin prickling and discomforted by the thought of wearing more than the t-shirt.
Head ducking to nose along the stretched neckline, chasing the scent of berries interwoven deeply into the fabric itself.
It's entirely his scent I can smell and wearing it, I'm entirely claimed as his, no-one else's scent lingers in my room, there's nothing but the mix of anise-berry that settles into every crevice of the room. Encases us in it.
And I can feel his body immediately press to mine the moment I clamber off the bed, crowding against me, arms winding around me as we walk to the door, a stiffness entering his body as he reaches for the handle first. A quick glance showing how stiffly perked and alert his ears are, the slow swish and curl of his tail, eyes sharply trained to the door.
An alertness stiffening his limbs as he opens the door, not relinquishing his hold on me until he's ascertained no-one's outside, nose chasing any lingering remnants of the pack's scents, my own ears perking to track the sound of footsteps or voices. To see if anyone's nearby.
If anyone could potentially set off the same caginess Tae's body still seems to thrum with.
But appeased... he tugs the door open wider, clinging to me as I lead the way out of my room, taking slow staggered steps towards the kitchen, his weight pressing in on me, cheek rubbing against my hair, soft content rumbles as he chuffs, the reverberations pressed against my back.
Peering over my shoulder as I draw the fridge door open, eyes scanning for something to eat, something substantially heavy and filling, body loosening with a low groan at the coolness that brushes against my heated skin, lips curving up when Tae echoes the satisfaction, leaning in heavier and closer, sprawling against my back to chase the cooling, desperate for something to try lessen the ever growing heat bubbling in our veins.
"Knew you'd be fine once we got out of the room." I tease lightly, his curls brushing against my jaw and collarbone as he ducks his head lower, content to lazily rub his cheek against mine in slow scents, hand reaching out to tug at a container of leftovers, the sound of his stomach growling not entirely lost under the weight of deepening chuffs.
A flushed tinge to already rosy cheeks but he looks steadfastly unaffected and blank until I nudge at him, tugging another few boxes out before turning in the circle of his hold.
Patting his stomach gently.
"Told you you needed food. A starving tiger in rut is a bad mix."
His eyes flash, gaze dropping to my lips, a constant teetering edge he seems to be balancing precariously on, scent pooling sweet at my words as he eyes me in his shirt.
"I could think of someone to devour."
I shake my head at him, trying to not show how easily his words can affect me, how the headiness pooling in his pheromones are coaxing mine in turn to soften and sweeten for him.
"Not until you've eaten. And hydrated."
"Going to wine and dine me before bedding me?" playfully lunging for me when I step away, arms wrapping around me to tug me back against his chest, chuffs rumbling low and deep as he holds me, tail curling to band around me, an added restraint as he noses along exposed skin.
"Maybe we'll leave the wine for after your rut. But I'm definitely feeding you first."
The process in heating the food, in managing to coax Tae to sit down at the table, arms only briefly unravelling before he tugs me with a low growl onto his lap, legs sprawling as he sinks against the seat.
Distracted as he nibbles instead, finding more enjoyment in letting his fangs drag against my skin, chuffing at the shivers his mouth elicits as he leans in at the invitation the stretched neckline and shoulders of his shirt invites, a mix of growls and chuffs rumbling directly against my skin as his hands around me tighten. Keeping me tucked against him, scent trickling sweet and distracting. Fingers curling tight around the spoon, breath hitching when his teeth find a sensitive spot, working the skin below my gland between his teeth, hand sprawling at my front when my body instinctively lurches, tugged back against him, head tilting back at the brush of his lips, tongue slowly working over the sting, smoothening it over. Rumbling with approval and delight at the mark that blooms the faintest hairsbreadth of a distance away from my gland, feeling it throb and pulse with the anticipation of his fangs sinking into my gland next.
But... restraint... one of us needs it at the very beginning at least.
Hand tugging at his arm that belts around my front, trying to draw the sprawled weight of his other hand into mine, trying to ease the tiger inching up slowly against the crook of my neck.
"Eat the food Tae... you're going to push me into a heat before you even reach rut." I grit out, tugging at his hand, his teeth dragging against my gland, a bodily shudder wracking my body, back arching as his chest rumbles with preening satisfaction, staining his scent with a honeyed intent.
"Don't want that?"
His laugh is warm puffs of breath against my skin as he slowly relents, unfurling his possessive grip in the slightest, nipping my cheek in gentle retaliation.
"Fine fine... I'll try ease up. It's not my fault your scent makes me want to bury myself in your skin all the time." he grumbles, the petulance disguising the want in his words, but his words take on a crooning lilt at the end. Reaching for the spoon, the sharp spikes and dips in his scent dizzyingly uneven and fluctuating far too much. His scent spiralling into deep plunges of saccharine arousal before mellowing at softer touches.
His rut is too unpredictable. And in turn my own body thrashes with the uncertainty, unsure whether to sink back and draw him back closer, to drag his lips back to my gland in silent presentation, baring myself for him... or to grasp tightly onto the lucidity, onto the fact he's still consciously aware of every push and pull move, of the crackling tension that bubbles and thickens around the two of us.
I stagger to my feet once he's done eating, fingers curling for purchase at the table when my head swims with a sweeping wave of pheromones, my own scent triggered and spiking because of the looming tiger behind me.
"Water. We'll need to stock up on water and energy bars- you'll... you'll burn through food and nutrients. You'll-" the words shake as I utter them, a hand immediately winding around me to steady me against the broad towering strength of my mate.
Voice softer and lower, a soothing murmur that grazes against my skin.
I shake my head. As if the gesture will dislodge the way his scent continues to sink deeper and deeper into skin, as if the gesture will clear the constant growls I can hear dragging the naturally low timbre of his voice into a rasping gruffness.
Getting lost with you.
"Back to bed little cub." he finally asserts, eyes scanning me with a slow thorough intensity, gaze trawling over me with the weighted examination of a tiger. A deep weighted stare that bores through me, hands carefully skimming down my back before he abruptly scoops me up, a sudden twist of movement before he hoists me into his arms, cradling me against his chest. Dark eyes shining with satisfaction and attentiveness both, gaze warm and gentle despite the heavy constant of his scent reminding me of what teeters on the edge.
My head sinks to rest against his chest, hand loosely clutching at his arm.
"Tendy tiger." I murmur softly, his smile deepening with pride and affection. Fangs peeking.
"Of course... how else can I make sure you're okay?" voice soft and low, intended for only for me to hear, a quiet tender admission that dims the fiery burning tinge to his scent into something lighter, more breathable.
And quietly I wonder... I realise he's readily going to sink into the more tendy, scenting, snuggling phase of his pre-rut if we allow his scent to calm, to let his biology and body ride out the beginning waves of pre-rut without triggers then he'll be fine. His rut won't be exhausting or violent. And with how easily he'd caught onto the smallest stumble and his scent had immediately softened from its sharp aroused state to something tender and caring and attentive.
I want to ease him into his rut, cherish and capture every single instant of his cognizant state, of his awareness to make sure he knows that when he becomes mindless with pure primal urges- that when that happens he trusts me just as much as I'll entrust myself to him.
A quiet constant whirring in the back of my mind solely devoted to ensuring every one of his needs are met. That his first rut is nothing but safety and security and mindless pleasure once he's swamped with it.
His steps quicken, tail curling with giddy anticipation as he moves towards my bedroom once more, tail curling behind him before swishing to reach out for the handle to tug it open. Hands refusing to unfurl from around me, his body a lean length of uncoiled limbs, relaxed and content. His scent unrestrained waves that seep off him to entangle with my own.
A thrumming warmth that has his body unconsciously curving to hunch over me as much as he can, cheek bonking against mine, fangs playfully nipping.
The happy floaty feeling that's sunk into our bones, coaxed away the entirety of my aching stiffness, his restlessness shatters, however. The haze that's been built over countless hours pressed close and lost in pheromones comes crumbling down, the safety bubble encasing the two of us and just the two of us disintegrates, hours of careful coaxing and handling with a gentleness, with the knowledge of just how easily he could be triggered or become unstable.... Everything comes crashing down.
And all with a door.
I barely register the sound, almost miss it, an unconscious flicker of my ears that I don't even feel until the hands cradling me abruptly tighten. A bruising hold that suddenly goes lax as he sets me down, grip returning tight and fierce against my skin, legs stumbling at his yank.
The warm content haze that softens the berry-sweet pulse of scent suddenly spikes. Spiralling into something on the defensive and offensive both at once, a loud snarling growl rippling through the air and a hand bodily tugging me behind him. The fur on his ears and his tail stand on edge. Bristling with a caginess and threatened stance as his posture turns impossibly larger, looming and towering as his ears stiffen. Staring at the parted door with a sharp raging defensiveness that makes the air prickle, pheromones making my skin tingle uncomfortably. As if it's been stretched taut over my flesh and bones, feeling an uncomfortable heat swarm my body, hand curling against his back, the rippling growls make the air shudder, tremble under the weight of the aggressive sound. In turn my body curls against his back, unsure, startled at what's triggered him, set off the hazy scent-loopy cub into a primal raging tiger.
Then I catch it. Catch it past the barricade of Tae's body and scent. Catch the faint, mild scent of cotton and vanilla, ears flickering at the sound of a quiet coaxing murmur of his name.
But right now... lost in instinct and biology Tae doesn't hear the soft pliancy of Kookie's voice, doesn't read the distance as a self-imposed gap, peering past to see that they linger beyond the threshold, not yet having crossed over to this side of the apartment.
There's a soft pinched expression the two sport, smoothening over only in the slightest when their eyes briefly flicker to me. Postures in no way aggressive or suggesting they mean to broach the space. His space I realise. Tae's territory. And the sight of two of our mates, our prey mates with subdued scents and no lust or arousal clouding their pheromones... even at their most unguarded, Tae's perceiving them as a threat.
In this instant nothing and no-one beyond him is allowed in the territory he establishes as his for the duration of his rut. And even pack broaching the barrier... or lingering close to it is enough to yank the tiger out in full snarling force, fangs pooled over his lips and pupils narrow slits, eyes flashing with warning as he growls when they don't immediately recede.
"Mine. She's mine."
"Hyung." the term is soft and docile, unwaveringly gentle and soothing in a way that makes a fraction of the tension bleed out of his stiff posture, but he still remains cagey, fangs flashing in threatening warning to prevent either Koo or Jin from taking that one damning step forward.
"Kookie- it's going to be a bad rut." I assuage, words carefully picked before I say them, hand rubbing up and down his back, trying to coax the stiffness from them, his tail swishes wildly behind him, fast and curling and whipping at air. And when my hand comes in contact with it, a low rumbling growl shudders through the apartment, wrapping around my palm tightly in a banded circle of stripes encircling skin, winding around me as much as it can, hands hovering behind him to tuck me back against him.
"We just wanted to stock up for you. Keep the fridge stocked. The rooms too." Jin's words are slower, careful, wings tucked firm and secure against his back, not a flutter in sight, posture loose and openly gentle. Broadcasting through his posture and purposely diminished scent that neither he nor Kookie are here as competition.
But to the biological wiring ingrained within flesh and bone, the instincts that rear their head roaring and growling and snapping, wild and untamed demands for Tae to protect and establish what's his.
And I realise the words I've said to Kookie are a solid fact that cements itself more and more, my own pre-heat spiralling to catch up and sync to the fluctuating scent of my tiger but my brain refusing to shut off just yet. Instincts aware that though my mate, looming and tall and strong is ready to pin me to the nearest surface and just take... the instincts that are rooted in nurturing, the part of me that's engrained to assess... the part of my mind that rings alarm bells with the knowledge that this is Tae's first experience... it refuses to let me let him fall head first into uncharted waters. Even if it makes my biology and instincts turn on themselves, body physically torn, head swimming with the constant haze that threatens to descend.
"We'll be fine. Tiger's going to look after me." words softer and quieter, hand brushing against his arm, veined tendons prominent and stark against the thick cage of his forearms, tense with coiled up pressure, waiting to spring.
A softer growl, no lesser in threat and intensity, the air wavering under its force as he watches Jin take the first step back, arm looping around to draw Kookie back, dizzying spots of black clouding my vision as Tae's scent batters mercilessly at me, feet unsteady and stumbling as my fingers clutch at him tighter.
His fangs are bared, slit pupils boring into the two as he takes a slow step back to create a bigger distance, silently waiting for them to take the careful steps away, the tautness in his neck doesn't melt away, his body, stiff and unyielding, doesn't soften from its stance as a wall of muscle and sinew and tall breadth until the faintest tendrils of their scents recede, their already-quiet steps noiseless until I can't hear them at all.
And when they do he lunges forward with a snarled growl, a loud slam as the door's shut, a finality in the sound of wood meeting wood, his hand curled tight enough around the handle that it's swallowed up by the largeness of his palm and fingers. Knuckles white with pressure.
There's a carnal animal in his eyes, untamed and cagey and even from this distance I can see the way his hands curl tight, the motion in this instant reminding me of claws curling inwards before he stretches his hands out.
Ready to strike and pounce my mind supplies.
A wild hazed look, eyes glazed over with need, breathing ragged and sharp, drawing in deep gulps of air untainted by the presence, by the reminder of anyone else, slitted eyes trawling over my body, eyeing me with a ferocious gleam that immediately pools heat low in my gut at the sight of it.
Despite the natural sweetness to his scent, it's powerful and demanding now. Entangled with a deep musky heaviness, every breath he takes ragged and uneven, his first step forward, fingers unfurling from the handle, is a stumble.
Unsteady footing as he makes that first step back to me.
Eyes glazed with quickly settling lust and heat and I know when he'll press against me the scorch of his own body will brand against me as another claim. A permanent reminder and memory to burn into skin and mind.
But then the next step and the other is sure-footed and his movement is a sudden blur as he lunges for me, growl making my body stiffen with anticipation, limbs threatening to turn lax in response to the predator. Flight-or-flight kicking in as I take one damning step back then another. Fumbling to move back as his growl makes my ears and tail flick upright.
His growling mounts, a low burning snarling inferno within his chest, fanning out to sear across his body, the air cracking under the weight of the predatory rumbles. Shattering the air, the impenetrable silence that hovers afterwards is heavy. Presses down on every angle, every crevice of skin, sinks into my limbs with a tight coiling of pressure that bubbles and overflows under skin. Pushing to break through.
"Tae... Tae I'm here, it's only us." I soothe but the unleashed primal instincts can't be suppressed, can't be reigned in now that the control, the faint control he'd been holding himself back with snaps. Violently.
"Yours. Just yours. Yours." I echo, voice wavering, a faint thrumming tremor to my legs as he advances, hands grabbing at me, tugging me closer, growls rumbling against my skin, fangs snapping at my throat, grazing across the mating mark Jimin's left. The pressure, the motion of the action has my legs threatening to buckle, a syrupy trickle of scent elicited by fangs at my throat. The perceived vulnerability doesn't go unmissed. Even if he's my mate, the gesture makes my thighs tremble, limbs aching with the sudden slam of his weight colliding with mine, pinning me to the nearest surface.
Eyes boring into mine, dark and wild, glittering with predatory intent and ears stiff and alert, lips parted as his fangs pool over them, breaths ragged.
His hands leave their branded claim, gripping tight enough to leave the mark of his palms and fingers, the large pan of them shaped against my hips and waist, tugging at my thighs to hoist me against him, body pinned to the bedroom door and held up by his weight leaning down to keep me there, hands clutching tightly at his biceps.
"I'm not sharing. You're mine. My mate. Mine to breed over and over. Mine until you're full of kits. Mine until you're round and still begging."
The presence of his fangs loom close to my gland, words rumbled against skin, heavy primal promise sinking into skin, punctuated with the drag of teeth and tongue feverish against my throat, arching my neck as his grip tightens on me.
"Nest. Breed me in our nest." I shudder out, fingers digging into muscle, teeth sinking into my lips to bite back the shuddering moan at the drag of his teeth sinking into Jimin's mating bite. It doesn't break skin, it doesn't sink his claim into me but the tight unrelenting grip his mouth has at my throat has my body going lax, back arching, body taut as my chest curves to his, the sharp cry muffled against his shoulder, his tongue flicking against the renewed bite, a floaty dizziness as every single cell of my body surrenders to the bite, to the crowding battering waves of his scent sharp with arousal and consuming carnal want.
The bite has my body needing his closer, the ripple of two growls merged and entangled in my ears, a memory and real, every cell in my body lost in the haze berry sweeps in and consumes me.
The pressure of his fangs and teeth, his tongue slowly lathing over the mark, undoubtedly leaving a dark bruising mark there. Growls slowly softening in the slightest as he grooms the bite he's left behind, its ache sparking a fierce mix of pleasure-pain, my own scent saturated with arousal, responding and reacting readily to his touch, to his claim, to his dominant biology overwhelming mine. Claiming it wholly and entirely with just his body pinning mine.
His eyes flash when his head rises, the dual need to both take and to hide entangled in dilated pupils, the curl of his lips and the sight of fangs as his body looms closer to mine, hand brushing against my nape to steady the dazed tilt of my head, surrendering to the touch that cradles me closer, kiss all tongue and teeth, messy and uncoordinated, soft sounds drowned by the deep rumbling growl against the slackness of my lips.
"Nest. Nest..." impatience bleeding into his tone, hands melding to flesh as he grips me closer, hand impatiently tugging for the door handle before he stumbles past the threshold, an intoxicated single-minded want clouding his eyes, breath hot against my throat, growling with impatience as he reaches back blindly to lock us in.
Desperate to hold onto just us, refusing to leave the vulnerability of an unlocked door when the two of us succumb to the searing heat that lances at my spine, stomach clenching tightly, cramping with the viciousness of the ache that slams in all at once.
And it's in the blind need that sweeps in that faint dredges of memories and heated fragments of the two of us sink into the growing fog of heat. My nest drenched in our scents, berry sugariness weaving together with floral honey.
It's only in the blind lust and arousal and breeding haze that descends over the two of us in full slamming force, cycles accelerating to catch pace with the other, a feverish sharp spike in temperatures until it feels like I'll melt, I'll melt under the heat of his touch and body pressing down against mine, bed jolting under me as he sinks against me. Hard lines and muscles pressed unrelenting to my body.
It's only as he's a hairsbreadth apart, hands tugging my thighs open to settle there, to make his place there that I realise how many times I've woken and fallen asleep to the same tiger for the past few weeks. How deeply his scent has been ingrained into the space that the sheets carry his scent too.
That this is his nest too.
His space.
It's only as he hovers above me, body stiff with tension and tightly coiled muscles waiting to pounce, skin gleaming with perspiration that I realise he's claimed this space as his own and me with it.
And when his hand drags against the refreshened bite mark aching at my throat, fingers digging in cruel and sharp against my gland and the indent of his teeth, a broken sound tumbling past my lips.
He lunges to swallow it.
And with the roaring blaze of his rut and my heat slamming together, he growls as he pins his prey. And vows to devour me whole.
The growl an oath attesting to it.
QUESTION... something you'd love to see in the FUTURE for Claws?
Mine is~ PACK BONDING WITH BABY FAWN'S HERD! I can't wait for LOTS AND LOTS of bonding to happen between them!!
PurpleQueenie <3
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