Chapter 71- my girl
(This chapter has been split into two for CONVENIENCE sake at the smart behest of my darling @Midiiplier so the AN will be after the SECOND chapter update!! ENJOY!)
"Shhh little kit... it's an adventure." I hush, finger pressing to my lips. Watching as wide eyes blink up at me, yowling happily as she paws for my hand, stretching out on her hind legs to try clamber close.
I scoop her up, fingers sinking into soft grey and white fur, lips brushing over her ears, scent turning soft when she nudges her nose against mine, little kitten licks as she reciprocates the affection with a smatter of kisses, meowling softly, tail swishing eagerly.
She curls up in my hands, tail swishing and brushing against my wrist, circling as I cradle her, drawing her close to brush a kiss across one ear then the other. Nosing gently at the tiny scar on the grey ear, chest rumbling with a soft chirp before she butts her head against me, yowling as her cheek rubs against mine, paws pressing to my face.
"Sweet baby... want to go explore?" voice hushed and quiet. Her meow in response is loud and eager, wriggling to scramble closer to me, cheek rubbing against my neck, paws fumbling to curl against my throat.
I lift the edge of my hoodie, watch as she curls herself small under it, settling directly against skin with a contented purr, burrowing closer when I draw the hood over my head, hiding my kit and ears away.
"Just for a little bit." I murmur quietly, padding towards the door, eyes cautiously peering out to see if anyone's wandering by ears flickering and perked to catch the slightest sound, body moving noiselessly out of the room.
My head turns both directions, eyes scanning for approaching figures before finally deeming it safe to slip out into the corridor. The sudden loss of scent in the hallway, the perfectly neutral air makes my body jolt for a moment, so used to the scent of sea-salt entangled with faint wisps of honey, with the baby-powder scent of KitKat that the sudden absence of it has my nose dipping to breathe in the scents clinging to the jumper. To the reassuring reminder of pack clinging to the fibres of the clothing, feet moving silently down the hallway, peering curiously at the warded rooms, every door shut away and no indication save for the names outside that give an inkling for whose inside.
I backtrack when I realise that my name could very well be on the outside of my room door, retracing myself to the door, eyes searching for my name, my initials even. Relieved and surprised both when there's neither, when a fake name that I don't recognise is labelling the door instead. A room for one. Not a room for an officer and her stowaway kitten.
Nothing to mark me out for anyone other than who needs to know.
And the world... the world inside the centre, inside the warded ICU doesn't need to know that Lieutenant Fang Amina is alive. The world just doesn't need to know until I know that the world is safe for the bundle of fur wriggling around and currently settled against my skin, snuffling at my shoulder.
The same quietness, the same wary, alertness trained into me, forced in by survival keeps me noiseless and quiet, hand unconsciously drifting to brush over the small, almost indecipherable lump under the hood, offering the pad of my fingers when she meowls, small fangs gumming lightly, pawing for closeness before she settles. The disquiet soothed away.
And quietly I take in the ICU, take in the section of the centre portioned off, a maze of corridors and hallways that I wander around lost for a while. It takes far too long, for an officer... for a lieutenant to realise the intent behind the maze-like structure, to realise I've effectively been walking around in circles, confused and thrown off by the layout. That it takes a few endless cycles to realise that the faint tang of my sea-salt scent lingers in the air before its diffused again, lost in the neutralisers airing out the space.
Under the hood KitKat yowls softer, pawing at skin as she tries to wriggle forward, my hand darting out to immediately still her, fingers brushing against the inside of the hood to brush against fur.
"Need to be all secretive little kit." I whisper, padding forward, peering down the left hallway then the right, dithering for a moment before I turn left.
There's no trace of sea-salt and my lips quirk up in small victory, eyeing the nondescript rooms and the empty hallways.
I don't know whether to be appreciative of the privacy, of the carefully warded space or more unsettled by the emptiness that rings out as I walk.
It's an aimless walk, ambling without purpose, without direction or destination but the different hallways, the glimpses of windows opening out to different views, different doors leading out to somewhere more is change enough.
I dither at the doors leading out to a small, tucked away hallway that leads down and out of the ICU wards, peering past the corners with a familiar, thrumming pulse of excitement and eagerness, the stir-crazy disquiet finally being itched and satiated.
Content to peer out and watch the thrum of life bustle as it passes by, countless scents rich and thicker outside the ICU, peering at the mix of humans and hybrids.
There's a sense of safety that pervades the space, encapsulates it in a protective cocoon that is different to the almost isolating loneliness of my room.
Countless scents tickle at my nose, makes it itch as I shrink back, bringing the sleeve to my nose, breathing in the soft pulse of honey instead.
Soothing myself with Jangmi's familiar sweetness, soft and featherlight.
I allow myself the silent reprieve of observing the others, of moving out far enough that I can take in the workers, the employers drifting about, some with children, some with adults, some with people who look slightly lost and hopeful.
Prospective parents.
Just like the ones visiting the baby bear Jangmi was so taken, so attached to.
A frown curls at my lips at the thought of Mi losing anything, of her being taken away from the bear who'd given her so much comfort... it felt heartless to hope but even so I wished that Mi's baby bear would find home in my panda. Would find the same safety and love that she found in him.
That hopefully, he was KitKat's older brother.
And though I watch, I don't see (Y/N) pass by, don't see her approach on rounds or to visit, I don't catch sight of neither Namjoon or Jimin; no-one familiar.
And no Jangmi or SJ, neither the sight of familiar antlers nor panda ears catching my eyes from the masses.
So I shrink back just as noiselessly, slip back into the hallway and let the door close, only noting now it's accessible from the inside.
Hidden away.
And just as discretely, I slip back into the slightly familiar maze of hallways, renavigating my way back to my room, hearing the small beeps of machines and voices filter through opening doors, quiet snippets of sound largely muffled by the sound and scent-proofed rooms.
Everyone quietly hidden and invisible despite being in plain sight.
I feel KitKat wriggle, softer meowls, absently pawing and kneading at my neck, burrowing closer to my throat, tugging lightly at strands of curls, tiny claws entangled in them as she snuffles at skin.
Hidden away under the wild curls not entirely brushed back under the hood.
And it's as I'm turning down a hallway that the sound of two voices, male, filter pass an opening door, bringing with it the scent of antiseptics and a warm, low voice that radiates authority and gentleness.
Regardless, I feel myself pressing back, ducking away from immediate sight, curiously peering at the sight of an older wolf, his eyes sympathetic and understanding, a sharpness that's not entirely hidden by the softness of his smile at the man who steps out.
Bandaged throat and arms, slow, limping steps, a grimace tugging at lips, fangs pooled over his lip.
A serpent.
And quietly my mind connects him to the sexual abuse victim that Jimin and Namjoon had connected to the Lees. To the family business that provided and created discrete trackers and tags to monitor and categorise trafficked hybrids with.
My heart aches. The pain sharp and sudden, distress and anger melding into a large lump that tightens my throat and closes it up.
Breathing shallow at the pain and hollowness in dark predatory eyes that stare mistrustingly and sharply at the wolf. Words curt and blunt, hissing when a hand reaches out.
Shrinking back and tugging the door shut to hide himself away.
To lock himself away from help and comfort.
There's a quiet beat of silence, a short stretch of hollow emptiness.
Voice quiet and mellow.
"I don't believe we've met before." Words a hushed quiet that has my ears stiffening and perking up, body stumbling half a step back, eyes flashing as I turn to peer at the wolf who cranes his head back, a small smile playing at his lips before he moves down the hallway towards me.
I feel my body turn, half-angled and unconsciously coiling up, eyes alert and examining him, watching his feet stop a short distance away, posture unthreatening and loose.
He doesn't ask for my name but his eyes tell me he knows it, holding his hand out towards me.
"Jisoo, I run the children wards mostly."
So he's in charge of all the children, he's involved in overseeing the caregiver plans for Mi's baby cub and for (Y/N)'s work.
I let my head dip in acknowledgement, eyes still holding his, consciously aware of KitKat, quietened and still at the presence of a new voice and subtle scent.
"(Y/N)'s Jisoo?"
This time his whole demeanour warms, face brightening with a radiant pride and happiness that can't be faked, genuine in how his expression delights at the mere mention of her.
He nods, tail wagging with an eagerness that's oddly endearing, so at contrast with the strong, towering wolf.
"My protégé... she's worked miracles with two children."
The meerkat and the cub.
He doesn't disclose more than he needs to.
Because I haven't? Or because the space is too open?
Regardless, it's a cautiousness I admire.
And he doesn't demand for more, falling in step alongside me, close enough I'm aware of his presence, far enough it doesn't set off every survivor instinct to hastily create a gap again.
His eyes flicker over to the name tag outside my room door, something knowing flashing in his eyes as he steps closer, a few steps as he reaches past me for the doors, the scent clinging to his clothes, the heaviness in the overlapping pheromones suddenly swarming my senses as he tugs open my door. A mixture of countless scents clinging to him.
Rattling off my fake-name with a casual precision before he nods his head to the room.
"I'll leave you to it."
His eyes flicker knowingly to my hair, to the hood where KitKat's hidden.
He doesn't say anything more and it feels like he doesn't need to. As if he knows.
And he's aware that I'm not the stranger's name, but Fang Amina.
He knows about the case.
It's a certainty that rings through me.
And despite not knowing him, my instincts don't thrash at the sight of him, don't rankle at the calm ease, rather soothed by the levelness of his words and the quiet authority and grounding presence he exudes.
Slipping inside quietly, eyes flickering to his to find there's a fiery warm spark in his dark eyes, a mature depth of care in the lines of his body.
"I'll see you Jisoo." Door closing shut.
His tail wags quietly.
"I'll see you." Fingers drawing up to a salute, winking quickly before he turns away, only firming the belief that he does know me.
And if (Y/N) trusts him. if he's aware of not just me but the case too—about the little meerkat girl and baby bear... then he's trusted. He's safe.
And the solace allows me to draw away without the feeling of threat or unease hovering over me.
Soothed by it.
Hoping the next time I meet, I can learn more about the older wolf.
KitKat yowls happily once she scampers onto the bed, paws scrabbling across the duvet and cushions, tail swishing and scent soft and giddy from the small adventure but indulgently rolling about the sheets, scenting and being scented by turn by the scent of sea-salt clinging to the fabric, to the soft baby-powder scent of her contentment.
I tug off the hoodie, drawing the fabric off and away, my scent caught in my throat with how it suddenly encompasses me, sea-salt scent cocooning me before I catch the faint trail of the other scents that have faintly clung from Jisoo's clothes.
A weak trail of pheromones all mixed and almost lost in my own scent when my throat tightens up, suffocated in the entangled mess of the fabric that I can't immediately yank over my head no matter how quickly my fingers suddenly scrabble for it.
Nauseated and breaths rasping, a feverish franticness to tug it off, arms getting stuck in the sleeves and a restless, angry frustrated chirp rumbling in my throat, inching steadily into a growl the more the fabric seems to cling and refuse to be tugged off.
The happy yowls and meows peter into something anxious and unsettled. Confused and quiet in the almost questioning rumbling purrs, the quiet patter of paws.
"Kit! Just... stay still for me sweetheart." Words rapping out sharper than I intend, fearful she'd tumble off the bed, fingers curling into defensive claws as I yank the hoodie free of my body, skin flushed and letting the fabric fall onto the bed, pushing the mess of curls off my face, breath sharp and skin prickling with sweat.
"My little protégé... isn't he learning well?"
"....working miracles... look how well we're making them learn."
"The truth is... Officer... is that we tidy up after our messes.... We'll just have to make sure to tidy this mess you've made as well."
My breath wavers as I tug at my shirt, skin prickling with feverish heat, feet unsteady as I stumble towards the bed, feeling oddly out of my own skin, stumbling forward, hand clutching at the pillow to steady myself.
A nose nudges at my hand, pawing softly with large shiny eyes peering up at me, ears folded.
"...Kit... you need to hide."
She meowls softly, eyes confused, pawing insistently, her vulnerability tugging me forward, clambering onto the bed, half-crawling before my body shudders, a cold numbness lancing at my spine, briefly disoriented.
And she's not listening. She's not realising how soon and sudden the threat sweeps over us, my ears pinning back, every inch of my body tightly coiled up, a mounting tension that makes my body ache in its restless forceful intensity.
The demand that ripples past my lips is a threatened growl, stance towering and caging her in as I try hide her, try shield her, fingers oddly registering cool sheets rumbling to my touch and yet the air is tart with staleness and angry, hostile pheromones.
"Dose her... we don't need an officer remembering who keeps us informed."
"Keep an eye on her, she just won't go down all the way...get one of the scorpions."
"....let me go!"
"She knows too much. Find out what you can. Then dispose of her."
"....I've had to erase so much from the station files... couldn't you have made it seem like an accident... people are going to ask questions!"
I barely notice the wide unblinking fear staring back at me, the way she scrambles back as my body hunkers over, trying to fight off the stinging sensation of my skin crawling and itching. Hand clawing at my arm, at my hands, feverish to try bat off the phantom hands I can feel gripping me, pinning me even if right now I can't see them, I can't even see the people holding me, stopping me from getting away.
I can feel the heat of their bodies and breaths, looming close, far too close, can feel the press of a needle piercing skin and the burning heat of where the venom and drugs pulse through my system, drag the fight out of me and leave me feeling suffocated and trapped in my own skin, itching to get away.
"Hide! You need to hide, get out!" I grit out.
But she's not listening. She's not hurrying away, paws scampering over the sheets, my ears ringing with screams ringing with fury and agony, I can barely hear the crying yowls, the blare of a siren that only echoes in my ears louder and disorienting.
My body twists on the sheets, head falling back, the leer of eyes slitting as they narrow, shining with amusement, morphing into eyes lined with wrinkles, age and hatred both strong in them.
There's a hollow emptiness, a shuddering discordance ringing through me that blankets out every sense, mind dragging me back into streams of memories and nightmares.
Poison leaving a bitter taste in my mouth that I can taste long after the delirium.
Poison makes you see things.
And in the haze of drugs and venom I don't know whether what I see is true or not.
Don't know what to make of the shadows that inch higher and swarm close, when darkness melds into tangible claws and hands I can feel pin my arms back, twisting them into an uncomfortable angle, impossible to free myself from.
I don't know when the ringing in my ears morphs to questions spat out with vitriol and hatred, a hand forcefully jerking my head upright to meet displeased eyes and a snarl, when the words slipping past their lips are growled out.
But I can't even tell if they're human or hybrid, vision swimming as I tilt my head back, feel the ache in my gums as my fangs snap, body shuddering as it fights against them and myself, turning on itself, limbs feeling like sludge, lethargic and lifeless.
The low drawled words are hissed in my ear, fingers fisting into my hair and yanking. Forcing me to tilt back, to meet the gaze behind me, head lolling to the side and meeting the bottomless depths of hunter's eyes, burning with a need to kill, to destroy.
"When the time comes... I will tear you apart myself. And maybe... maybe I'll send a condolence card... a visit to your panda."
My tongue feels heavy in my mouth, fangs aching, and I watch with a hazed satisfaction when a large hand drags across a sharp jaw to wipe the spit and blood off his face.
Lips thinning with a grunt and the backhand barely felt, fangs bared even as I feel them sink into my lips, the tang of blood thickening.
When had I started bleeding?
"You touch her, and I'll take my time in ruining you. I will rip you apart bit by bit."
A hand pats at my cheek, right where the blow had been struck and the touch is condescending, the voice disembodied and from afar, my eyes blinking open and shut, scent pouring out in a poisonous sharpness that suffocates me.
"Oh're not ever seeing her again. And she'll never know the person giving condolences is the one who watched you die."
And the threat lingers long after they do, sinks in with the heaviness as footsteps seem to echo, overlapping and melding together, a cacophony of sound that batters at my head even as I feel my body sink, falling through bottomless depths that drag me under. And the tang of blood heavy on my tongue and the faint whisper of a memory from an eternity ago.
I'll be back Mi... take care of my puppy for me.
You promised Jangmi. Guard my puppy with everything you have... whether or not I make it back.
My voice is strangled and hoarse, my throat aches when I speak, a dawning horrifying realisation.
"Kit—where's Kit?"
She's not here, she's not here... where is she?
I feel my ears twitch, breath shaking as I push myself upright, body disoriented.
"Take it easy Amina."
"Kit... where's KitKat?" panic and alarm bleeding into my tone.
"Amina she's fine..."
"Where is she?"
I can't even hear anything beyond the sharp protectiveness that makes my words a growl, can't process anything... can barely see the figure whose voice rumbles through the room.
There's a quiet murmur of something too quiet to pick up on, the strong wall of forest dew seeming to encompass the space, hands tugging at my hair and ears.
Shrinking back at the hand that approaches, shaking my head.
What's going on? Why can't—why can't I get KitKat?
"You're safe now. You're at the hybrid centre. You're in your room. It's late morning, around 11:26am. You've been seizing up for the past 23 minutes."
Detail by detail, bit by bit piecing together the broken fragments of time lost that I can't remember. But the voice puts it together for me, tries to gather the scrambled mess of my mind for me.
Hand reaching out for me, a grounding touch that draws me to my side, eyes blinking hazily up at the figure looming over me, finding an unconscious sense of safety through the fog of pheromones.
Loud distressed yowls filter through the numbing haze, that tries to tug me out of my stupor, out of the heaviness I feel dragging my limbs down. The distress yanks at me, tries to forcefully push me out of the disorientation because something important... because that's my kit, that's my baby... that's my kitten—
Nothing settles quickly. Not realisation. Not awareness. Not the feeling of my body settling in its own skin, lungs aching and throat raw, eyes burning and something painful and confused twisting my mind into something that wades through sludge. Through memories that blur together too much to be decipherable, to sounds that ring in my ears no matter how much my fingers tug at the ends of them, trying to draw them impossibly flatter against my head, a stinging sharpness where my nails clutch tightly, gripping at fur.
"Amina you're hurting yourself... just slowly... slowly ease your hands away." A voice coaxes, painstakingly gentle and controlled, the battering pulse of forest dew swarming my senses, leeching away the poisonous tang of salt that I realise doesn't just burn through my lungs, but I can taste it on my lips. Can taste it laced with a metallic tang when my tongue brushes against my lips to soothe the aching sting there.
I listen to the voice. Listen to it piercing through lingering remnants of phantoms real or imagined that try drag me back to bottomless depths.
Feel my body tremble even though the room is anything but cold, even as my skin prickles with the stinging sensation of heat battering at me, see the room spin and lurch as my vision tries to clear, blinking out the dark spots looming in my vision.
Breathing ragged and sharp, trying to compel my fingers to unfurl from where they tug harshly at my ears, a strangled hissed whimper at the sensitivity, at the way the world seems to slowly settle into focus bit by bit.
Senses tuning in and trying to process one by one, overwhelmed with the sharpness of my scent and the rapid violent pulse of my heartbeat in my throat, fingers clutching at the mess of sheets and blankets, fumbling to grip at my damp t-shirt, slowly aware that the low voice hasn't stopped speaking, hasn't stopped trying to ease me down from the panic and disorientation I can feel clinging to me. That the rich heavy constancy of the forest dew scent hasn't lightened either, hasn't faltered.
It takes a few long minutes for the figure by my bedside to stop blurring, to pinpoint the wolf. A few beats of quiet unbroken eye contact.
Officer Kim Namjoon.
The name and recognition settles quicker, a part of my thrashing, unsettled instincts quietening at the sight of the wolf officer, his scent softening when whatever he scours my gaze for he finds.
The bed's a mess and there's a pinched furrow to his brows as his fingers absently brush over a reddening mark at his wrist, thin angry red lines that at that moment burn themselves into my vision.
"...did I do that?"
"It's fine Amina. You gave us all a bit of a scare." Voice soft and low, thrumming with a rumbling soothing timbre to his words.
Us all...
My head spins, darting about to scan the room, throat tightening with a frantic intensity, claws sinking into my stomach and yanking, twisting my insides with a viciousness that threatens to make me sick.
The shaky disorientation plummets into a full blown panic that spirals into nausea and terror that scours at my insides, leaves a burning roaring ringing behind.
"Where's KitKat?"
Where did she go? Where is she... what happened?
"You don't remember...?" voice hedging carefully, trying to smoothen over the jagged roughness of my frayed nerves.
Streams of broken images and sounds sear through my mind, floating hazily in front of my eyes, the happy contentment melding into terror... something had yanked me to the seizure. There's nothing else to account for the shaky rawness left behind, for the heaviness to my limbs and the sinking horror that I've—that I don't know where my kit is.
"Namjoon where is she? Where's KitKat?" a snarl twists my lips, fangs bared as I stare at him, limbs uncoordinated and fumbling to scramble off the bed, ears pinned back at the prospect of someone having gotten her.
The hand that curls at my shoulder is firm and grounding, squeezing tight.
"Amina breathe! KitKat's safe. (Y/N) has her. She's safe."
The words are as much comfort and reassurance as they are orders. And both coax me to calm, clutching onto the fact, the safe knowledge that she's with (Y/N), that she's with someone safe, someone who'll protect and look after her.
"When I came into the room, KitKat was already pawing at the emergency distress button. And you were already in a seizure." Namjoon says once I've sunk back down, fingers reaching to clutch at a pillow with the same aching tightness I want to cradle KitKat with, compensating with clutching painfully tight at the soft material so easily folding and crushed under my grip.
I struggle to level my breaths, try to force evenness to the shaky quality of every inhale and exhale.
I couldn't ask for KitKat back like this. I couldn't accidentally hurt her. And still I feel the ache of claws under my nails, feel them itching to come out, feel the heavy phantom weight of something venomous searing through my lungs, the mocking clicking ringing at the back of my head.
Too stuck in memories and haunts to even consider asking for (Y/N) to bring KitKat back.
"I don't—but according to the doctors, according to you and Jimin the seizures are periodic... I've never—" never had an untriggered seizure,
There's gaps in my memory, delicate gossamer memories that hold the truth in them but have been torn viciously apart.
And I'm gripping nothing but shadows and distorted voices, figures looming close, but their faces blurred.
"Tell me—Namjoon tell me what happened."
There's an aching empathy burning in his dark eyes and a heaviness to his words.
But he tells me.
Tells me that I've been having a seizure for the better half of an hour, thrashing and screaming and fighting to get free, that in the shutdown of my mind, of it being turned against me, I'd not even recognised KitKat
"Your seizure stopped but I don't think you were fully aware. You asked for KitKat then too, but you don't remember." There isn't a questioning tone just softly murmured facts that despite their intent don't lessen the blow that I wasn't fully aware and coherent when I'd first sought out KitKat.
"You were screaming... you were screaming at someone for betraying you. You called them one of us."
My breath seizes in my throat, blood turning to cold, liquid ice that seeps through my veins.
"....a hybrid. It was—" I begin, trying to grasp at lingering remnants of memories.
"No it was—it was an officer...."
"I recognised him... I'd seen him before, he was in the... the department for—"
Where had I seen him? Where had I heard that voice?
Though there's a burning impatience in Namjoon's eyes he shakes his head, hand darting out to stop my hand from fisting into curls and yanking, trying to jog the memory to mind. The answers to my tongue.
"Don't beat yourself up... when you remember you'll remember."
But I want to remember now.
"But it's important—whoever was poisoning me, injecting venom with drugs—Namjoon they need to be found, they have to pay. They can't—they can't be..."
The words stem from vitriol and anger and pain, from terror blinding and consuming, feeling momentarily lost in the reminder of my arms being wrenched back, of the strain of them forcefully gripped to stop me from clawing at the faces attacking me. Looming close.
"What do you mean venom?" voice hoarse.
There's rage and shock ringing through him.
"They—when I was too hard to subdue... I remember those dosages burning. I don't remember how long I'd be out for them." Voice shaking.
"They poisoned you. To subdue you." Words ringing out with a deafening growl.
But there's something undecipherable and weighted and aching in his gaze at his words, at the hollowness that seems to cling to him despite the fury burning in his eyes.
"The poison's a pattern isn't it?"
"You know Ji Ah? She was periodically stung or poisoned with scorpion venom, so we know they must have a handful of scorpion hybrids in their ranks. And—we have a sexual abuse victim who was burned with poison. It seems to be a growing pattern. I have some people scouring a potential location they might be hiding at."
I let his words sink in. Let my brain try grasp them—connect them to the burning haze that lingers.
"Ji Ah was bitten? How do you know she wasn't injected?"
"She had marks over her body... some matched a pattern of larger stinger marks which would be when they're unshifted. And some were smaller. They were simultaneous too... it was more than one." Voice numb and blunt, wincing when I flinch, ears loosing their stiffness as they fold at the tips, fold with apology, scent softening.
"And you think they're the same people."
"When it comes to this—when it comes to doing the dirty work then it's likely it's the same people doing the work. And you were found at the barn... at a child hybrid space... Ji Ah fits the image."
I wasn't the only one. I wasn't the first. I also wouldn't be the last.
There's a steeled strength in his body however, a fierce determination that burns away any faint doubt that we're stuck in a standstill, that sitting here... being sick and ruined by seizures is a handicap.
But I still utter those words, still say them and watch his face morph with protectiveness and rippling fury, a snarl as his fangs are bared.
"I made the case worse."
"Let me remind you Lieutenant... if Jimin hadn't found your tie to this case we wouldn't know just how far the police corruption runs for this. That there's several people feeding into the district stations and quietening this."
if Jimin hadn't found the missing report—I wouldn't even be someone they're looking for. I would be missing—eventually I'd have been dead.
"I'm... I feel worthless. I should be out there doing the same investigating... I should be..."
"I know you're frustrated." Voice quiet.
My ears flicker at the sympathy, at the sincerity ringing in his words.
"I'd go feral stuck inside if I was in your place. If I was stuck whilst there is still a threat to (Y/N)... so I'll figure something out Amina..."
My ears perk.
There's a shakiness to my limbs that goes beyond the trembling aftermath of the seizure.
"But first how about we get your kit back?"
And for the first time I feel my sea salt scent soften rapidly, losing its sharp bitterness with a haste as it mellows out to the scent of sea breeze. I feel useful for once... at the possibility that I can try help.
And protect my own.
I don't immediately see KitKat, but I can smell her soft baby powder scent, settled and calm and entirely different to the unsettled franticness I was expecting.
There's low quiet murmurs and the tendrils of sweet crisp citrus that seeps into the space when (Y/N) peers past Namjoon's tall figure, hand curled around his arm, eyes immediately finding mine and smiling.
Doe eyes shining with joy and pride.
"Where's Kit?" I ask, peering hopefully at her, watching as Namjoon's entire posture softens, scent turning inexplicably soft and tender. His pheromones seep into the room and bleed into his posture until it's something warm and tender, body shifting closer to her and the scent of citrus, a deep low achy whine that makes me sit up, trying to peer past him. Wondering what's caused the soft sound so different to the wolf officer I'd just been talking to.
(Y/N)'s eyes scan me, searching intently for any lingering shakiness or unease, lips curving up wide and buoyant, face aglow with exuberance.
"Feeling better mama foxy?"
The name makes my lips tug up, fangs peeking as I nod at her, fingers still absently smoothening the sheets and reconstructed nest. Remade for my kit with the same careful meticulousness her nest is always kept with, a soft barrier of clothes and pillows keeping the space between it encased with scent and the instinctual satisfaction of comfort and safety.
"Just... Namjoon move... I want to see my kit!" I laugh, when his frame continues to shield me from the sight of her, his tail wagging quickly, back and forth in quick motion. The sound of it audible as it cuts air.
He whines low in his throat when (Y/N) nudges him aside, my body unconsciously balking for an instant at the sight of a stranger inside the room. A dark, sleek panther whose cradling a bundle, in a jumper I've seen (Y/N) wear... and the same jumper shuffles, wriggles about, the tip of a familiar grey and white patched tail peeking through.
He's holding Kit... and when (Y/N) reaches out it isn't to take my kitten from his arms but to nudge him forward, a proud smile tugging at her lips when the bundle... my kit in his arms yowls softly, the sound happy and curious.
Her willingness, her want to be close to the panther that slowly approaches soothes the restless instinct to scoop her away from him immediately, her scent settled with a deep heaviness that chases away the remnants of my panic. Pushes them entirely away.
"Mama foxy say hi to your little girl." (Y/N) coos, reaching out then to scoop the bundle that wriggles far too much for a palm sized kit. The jumper seems more filled despite KitKat's tiny size and when the panther's chest rumbles with a soft purr my bundled kit mimics in soft teeny imitation. A quieter purr that coaxes a gummy smile from his face, his hand reaching to brush over her ears before (Y/N) moves forward the last few steps cradling a baby girl.
Small and thin and painfully familiar and immediate recognisable in a way that has my heart clenching tightly, breath seizing in my chest.
That despite it being the first time I know immediately that the sweet girl peering at me with her different coloured eyes and her sweet cloudy skin, reminiscent of her fur pattern, I know immediately she's mine.
But even though every inch of my body trembles with recognition, with the firm realisation that this sweet little baby is my kitten, my voice still shakes as I hold my hands out for her.
"Kit shifted?"
Eyes searching warm doe ones as she nods eagerly, fingers gentle as they brush over flickering ears, watching me as I reach out for my swaddled girl.
Her eyes flutter open and shut, half drowsy but she perks up when she sees me, see the tiniest baby fangs peek when she smiles, lips parting as she babbles, hands wriggling as she reaches out for me in the same way she paws, a soft stream of giggles and babbles as she wriggles closer. My hands cradle her close, drawing her to me, lips trembling as they press kiss after kiss to her face, peppering her cheeks and nose and forehead with a smatter of pecks as she giggles delightedly, leaning close, cheek bonking against mine before she rubs her cheek to my jaw.
The word is loud and giggled, mumbled happily as she rubs her cheek against mine, hands gripping at me, small fists tugging at my t-shirt, wriggling as she curls closer to me.
Eyes stinging fiercely at the brightness in her tone, at how she squeals when my lips press eager kisses to her skin, tears trickling down my cheeks, her soft giggles turning into a low distressed yowl, hand patting at my cheeks, fingers trying to catch stray tears, the large sleeve brushing against my face.
"My sweet, sweet little girl. Mama's little girl." I mumble, nose rubbing against hers, her hands trying to cup my cheeks, her eyes bright and with her soft powdery scent there's the strong scent of earthy dew; crisp leaves and fresh rain, the scent of sweet citrus, ripe and tart and bursting all entangling with sea salt.
The panther's gaze is warm and endeared, arm and tail curling around (Y/N), drawing her alongside him with a tenderness that's immediately recognisable. Immediately associated with the same smitten warmth and possessiveness the two officers always have around (Y/N).
A mate. One of her courting mates.
"This is Yoongi—I have to say I'm the tiniest bit jealous she shifted almost immediately after I handed her to him." (Y/N) introduces, hand drifting to her waist to squeeze at the slender fingers curled around her, drawing her closer to him as he peers over her shoulder, face lined with tentative warmth and shyness, his eyes drifting to the kit curled against me, nose nudging at my jaw with a baby purr, soft puffs of breath that make her giggle, body wriggling in curious experiment. Settling into her own body.
It's clear how much the two of them trust him, turn to him; the two of them gravitating closer to him, his tail unfurling to wind around a wolf's calf, my eyes drifting to the way Namjoon's posture seems to soften further, unconsciously tilting towards the panther that grounds the both of them.
Even if he hadn't been their mate the fact that KitKat trusted him... chose him to feel her safest and protected when she shifted speaks in the masses. Speaks in volumes for the sharper, more astute instinct she was already developing.
And it's only now that I can truly guess that KitKat was truly small and young, a baby still. Barely a toddler if that, a mix of babbles and half-words slipping past her lips, cheek settling against my shoulder as she squirms delighted when my nose nudges against her cheek to scent.
A different newness and foreign feeling at skin brushing against skin and babbles and giggly squirms where she'd been fur and yowls this entire time I'd known her.
It's different but the rightness of it rings out, settles and calms my instincts immediately and my hands cradle her close, both careful and tentative but somehow aware of how to tuck her to me, head tilting to where she nuzzles her cheek against my shoulder and absently pats at my gland.
My little girl.
My eyes drift over the warm pride I can see reflected back in three gazes, the strong affection shining in (Y/N) and Namjoon's eyes; the way it comes across in two scents, strong and protective and instinctively responding with unhindered joy and fondness for the small sweetheart who after months and months I finally get to see, get to hold unshifted.
The sight of them blur, tears stinging at my eyes, sniffling as I turn my cheek to hers, pressing kisses across the soft thinness of her cheek, nuzzling against her skin, where lighter patches mark where her fur was white, heart aching as my hands on her remain gentle.
"Mama! Mama's kitty!"
I nod, feeling my instincts soar and keen with pride and affection and overwhelming love.
"Mama's kitty." She's as much mine as I'm hers.
She's my daughter just as I'm her mama.
She sees me the same way I see her.
And hearing her say it, hearing it being said with shining eyes and with the same unwavering affection and love that I feel for her.
This is who I protected, this is my daughter, this is my kitten I'd lay my life down for and go through the hell of the past half a year all over again... just to find her. To save her.
And I regret not a single instant of it.
I'm startled awake and out of my swan form by the sudden dip in the bed, movement enough that it jostles me, wings rustling and flapping, eyes snapping open, and the sudden largeness of my body sprawled next to Yoongi, arm banding protectively over his waist. My wings flare, eyes blearily searching for what's made the bed shift, posture softening and slumping down when paws pad into my line of vision. Pink paws padding forward quietly, his noiseless approach now foiled as he approaches, a quiet chirp rumbling his greeting, dark eyes peering at me with something I can only describe as guilty abashment, carefully wriggling his way forward to paw at me apologetically, ears folded with feigned contrite.
"Pink menace. Made me shift back." I grumble, voice hoarse with disuse, still feeling as I'm settling back into my own skin, hand brushing over folded ears to rub, fingers skimming down as they rub down the bridge of his nose, his head dipping to snuffle at my palm.
He chirps low and quiet, tail swishing softly and slowly, dark eyes peering hopefully, alert enough that he must've been awake for a while and realised he'd been so wrongfully swindled out of more fawn time.
My lips curve up, fingers rubbing at the fur, scratching gently under his chin, indulgently letting my hand sink into thick pink fur.
"Found nesting preys and wanted to join?" I ask quietly, voice low and heavy with sleep, feel his cheek rub against my palm as he chirps quietly, nosing at my skin before he turns his head to mine, nose skimming my cheek, bonking my jaw affectionately.
"You're lucky my favourite colour is pink." I mutter, lips curving up when his ears perk, peering at me hopefully, with the harried impatience of waiting for invitation, scampering paws fumbling on the sheets as he carefully nuzzles at Yoongi's cheek, the scent of citrus sweet and soft and hazy, before he pads over carefully towards the half curled fawn on his torso.
I reach for the blankets, drawing them around my bare body, feel the warmth of Yoongi's body clinging to the blanketing layers as I curl closer to him, hand brushing over (Y/N)'s still ears, briefly rubbing over soft down, her scent the softest and clinging to all of us, settled there with the hazy comfort of sleep, one leg half-reached towards where I'd been tucked against Yoongi's neck.
My fingers gently brush over her leg, smiling when unconsciously stretches out the tiniest bit to reach out to the touch. Watching as a nose brushes carefully over her ear, paw brushing over her back as Jiminie pads closer, nuzzling her sweetly and softly, featherlight scents so careful to not stir her from sleep.
"You weren't so careful with me." I murmur quietly, a huff of breath as I curl closer to Yoongi, eyes blinking at the sight, taking in the tender carefulness he scents her with, nose brushing over soft down, skimming over her ears, the back of her head, chirps low and quiet and rumbling in his throat, tail swishing when her scent softens under his, ears perked and pawing gently, snuffling about with a protective tenderness.
He chirps, low and amused, dark eyes flickering over to me even as a paw hovers protectively over (Y/N), half-curled over her, his body unconsciously flanking the two sleeping preys; instincts attuned and wired to protect them, especially with how vulnerable and open and hazy their scents are.
His ears perk when I reach out my hand, brushing over his ears and scratching at the base, fingers drifting to sink into the thick fur and rubbing, indulgently petting the bubblegum pink of his fur, only slightly lightened from its rich pink hue it'd been when Tae had dyed him pink.
Head tilting forward to eagerly encourage the petting, chirps rumbling low, a whine slipping out as he keens, body caging in (Y/N)'s shifted form, her ears flickering slightly.
The panther in my arms stirs lightly, hand drifting to curl protectively around (Y/N), sensing her out in sleep, even as his head tilts towards the bunball curled against his throat, circled close.
And as I let my head settle close to Yoongi, wings tucking against my back, I watch with fluttering eyes as Jiminie continues to scent, thoroughly layering the mint onto the soft down of (Y/N)'s sleeping form, tending to her ears with little grooming nibbles and licks, nose rubbing at the back of her ears, pawing gently, his pheromones softening more and more as he hovers close to her.
"Possessive little pup." I mumble, smiling when I feel Yoongi's tail unconsciously curl and brush against my side before it bands around my hand, drawing my wrist closer to his with a soft, instinctive tug as he recognises me being near.
His tail swishes, soft pink tip brushing against the blankets and sheets, proud and preening as he continues to scent, head drifting to nuzzle at Yoongi's jaw, fangs scraping and nipping lightly, nudging the pink fur of his cheek against soft skin.
Thorough, slow scents as he rubs his cheek against skin, chirps low and quiet, paws padding as he turns, circling on the blankets beside Yoongi so he can curve close to Kookie.
Claiming all the preys for yourself?" blankets rustling, voice hazy and tired, heavy and hoarse as Yoongi's head turns, blinking sluggishly at Jiminie, the ghost of a smile, fatigued and tired to peer at the pink circle.
He chirps happily in response. Nose brushing against glossy brown fur, languidly rubbing fur against fur, scenting Kookie who sleeps deeply and undisturbed, the only response to sounds in the way his ears twitch slightly.
The tilt of Yoongi's head brings his gland directly close to Koo, twitchy nose pressed to his throat and breathing in the sweet, heaviness of sleepy citrus, fingers absently reaching out to brush against the tip of Minnie's tail.
"Need to share Min-ah... now a huffy tiger's going to wake the house up." He grumbles, tail tightening around my wrist, soft fur pressed directly to the discrete glands, scenting me with his sleepy claim.
There's something distinctly pleased about the curve of Minnie's mouth, fangy grin as he settles as physically close as he can to Kookie, nose nudging against Yoongi's shoulder to encourage him to roll over.
There's grumbles before I draw my arm around his waist and tug him closer, hand hovering over (Y/N), wary of jostling her, dark, beady eyes tracking the movement carefully, with a sharp alertness that contradicts the hazy sleep that clings to the rest of the room.
Attentively keeping an eye out for his fawn even as he curves entirely around Kookie, tucking him under pink thick floof.
He chirps quietly, snuffling at flopped ears, giving small nuzzles and grooming licks to already tended to fur, smoothening over the rumples affectionately, nose rubbing against ears and scenting.
"What's the time?" Yoongi asks, head turning to peer at me, blinking with a hazy, slow smile that makes my heart flip and turn, giving a sudden lurch so different to the slow haze of sleep that clings to me as I curl closer, lips brushing against his jaw, head tilting to his.
"Too early. But Minnie's awake... alarms must be going off in a bit." I mumble, eyes fluttering at the rumbling purr Yoongi makes, coaxing my body to sink heavily against his, fingers tracing his shoulder, skimming across fabric.
"You shifted back." He observes sleepily.
"Someone gave me a surprise."
The pink fox in question curls around Kookie without a care, tail swishing with satisfaction.
"Sleep hyungie."
I press my lips to the loose curve of his smile, feel him rub his cheek against mine in hazy, sleepy scenting. Transferring some of the sweet citrus to my skin.
And under the protective band of his arm (Y/N) stirs, ears flickering against his jaw, head bending as she curls into herself.
My fingers skim to brush across the bridge of her nose, rubbing gently, her body stilling as she settles.
Sweet fawn.
I couldn't fault Jiminie for not being able to stay away.
Not when the two preys, all hazy scents and deeply asleep tugs out the herding instincts from me, even half-asleep, to covet them like this, to protect and cherish the vulnerability of the two prey-mates and keep them safe and herded away from everything else save for pack.
"Sleep Yoongi-ah... hyung will wake you later." I mumble back, feathers rustling as I settle, eyes fluttering at his rumbled agreement, his scent sweetly soft and tangible even to my own senses, entangled with cotton and anise, vanilla and mint.
The room smells like pack, the others smell like mine, nesting together in a space that I've designed, arranged... my pack in my nest.
And the comfort of the thought lulls me back to sleep, arm draped over my panther, settled with the security of having my preys, my mates close to me.
It's the sound of a startled yelp that has my eyes snapping open a second time, heart in my throat at the distress and sharp alertness in the sound, head surging off the pillow with a suddenness that dissipates sleep immediately from mind.
Yoongi's posture is equally stiff, hands scrabbling on sheets and straightening before he seems to realise the reason for the yelp, ears pinning back when he realises (Y/N)'s not curled up on his torso, head twisting as he scans the room.
"(Y/N)... she must've woken up." He mumbles, voice rough, the stiffness easing up in his posture even as his eyes continue to scan the bedroom, gaze also sharp with alertness, his scent sharp with the same tinge of alarm that's bleeding through his pheromones. That has my wings flaring wide with the unconscious need to defend.
My eyes fall to how protectively Minnie cages in Kookie, bun startled awake, ears perked but as he tries to shuffle forward, a paw tugs him back to protect him, caging him underneath, standing tall and alert, head swivelling as he tries take in where his fawn has disappeared to.
And it's been hours since when I last woke, the sun long since risen and filtering past the curtains, sleep no longer weighing down on my mind, slowly coming to process that Minnie's also just woken, fur rumpled and ears pinned back, rumbling growls and whines as he paws at the blankets, eyes alert for all that he's barely been awake.
"Min-ah one of the others might've taken her or she's woken up." Yoongi reassures, hand reaching out to brush against pinned ears, rubbing gently and getting dark eyes peering at him, pawing for his wrist, tail swishing quickly and scent sharp enough that it stings to breathe.
He chirps loudly, pawing at the blankets with a look of harried fretting, head dipping to nose along perking ears, nipping gently when Kookie wriggles.
"She probably got swiped." I tease, a bubble of laughter rising at the sight of disgruntled affront that flash across Jiminie's face, hovering protectively over Kookie as if he too will be stolen away any moment, body hunkering lower as he tries hiding him from sight.
"You're just a soft baby aren't you pup? Let's go find them." Yoongi mumbles, smile sleepy and eyes crinkled with fondness, holding his arms out for Minnie to pad forward to, his head dipping to nose along flopped ears, dithering as he tries to decide.
"I'll grab Kookie." I reassure, already half leaning over for my bunball to shuffle forward, watch his nose twitch as he peers at me, dark eyes shining and hopping forward. Scampering past paws and the low whine to clamber over Yoongi and close to me, citrus blooming sweet with fondness at the bun scurrying over him.
His fur is warm and soft against my palms, squirming with a familiar ease as he curls up when I scoop him, twitching nose pressing to mine as I lift him up, snuffling in greeting, ears flopped on either side and paws wriggling as he tries reaching out to pat at my cheeks, to lean towards me with a fond affection that makes my wings flap, peppering kisses across his nose and ears, across his face, heart giddy at his playful half-hearted squirms, tilting closer regardless.
Seeing Kookie securely cradled pushes Minnie forward in a quick dash of scurrying paws as he scrambles onto Yoongi's lap, tail swishing eagerly, chirping as his nose nudges against a jaw, eagerly scenting and greeting.
He's so wriggly and impatient, pawing at cheeks and snuffling, head ducking to nuzzle against his jaw, chirping loudly, trying to encourage Yoongi to move as well as reciprocate the scenting, cheek tilting close, rumbling, soft purrs as he smiles gummy and sweet.
"Guess I have to get up now." Smile wry and amused, tugging away the blankets entangled around our legs, drawing himself up.
"Let me grab some shorts." I grin when Yoongi's body tilts back towards me, a pink fox scooped against his torso, confusion furrowing his brows.
I pluck the sheets, messily draped around my waist, pooling on my lap even as my wings rustle with preening pride, tugging at the edge of it teasingly.
"Unless you'd rather me like this my panther~" I drawl, fingers curling into the fabric and watching his cheeks pinken, flush with heat, eyes darkening as they narrow, sharp, feline slits, tongue unconsciously darting out as his tail swishes, slow and hypnotic.
The fox in his arms wriggles, squirming as he chirps, head swivelling to peer at me, something coy and inviting even in the swish of his poofy tail. Go on.
"You can change. But... I rather liked waking up to the sight." Words a lilting murmur before he's turning, the sway and curl of his tail enticing and the sharp eyes that drift back even as Yoongi slips past the door and out, curious and glinting.
"That panther... a charmer Koo. The amount of times he looks as if he's waiting to pounce." I sigh, setting down my curled up bun, slipping out of bed to rummage for boxers, dragging them over my legs, the silent amusement visible in his eyes, nose twitching.
"A predator through and through." I add, laughing at the small nod of his head, dipping low in agreement.
I reach back for him, watch him hop forward in quick, scurrying movements, hindlegs bending before he springs for me, my laughter loud as he leaps for me, my hands brushing against fur and then skin, the sudden force of limbs against me, knocking me back a few steps, arms unconsciously tightening to steady him, the sudden fumble of Kookie's arms around my neck, laughter buoyant and giddy. Fumbling to steady him, hand gripping onto the drawers, another wound around his waist, ears and hair tickling my cheek and jaw.
"Morning hyungie."
Cheek messily rubbing against mine, head ducking to rub his chin against my bare shoulder, fingers brushing over the tip of my wing, laughter loud when it makes me squirm, body sandwiched against his by the drawer, his legs unwinding to stand up, leaning his weight against me regardless.
My hand brushes over his back, fingers pinching lightly at his waist once his balance is settled, head turning to his.
"I could've dropped you!"
He hums, nose nudging at my throat with a pleased hum, fingers reflexively curling and tightening at my waist as my own skim lower to brush against the dimples in his spine.
"But you didn't. Hyung always catches me!" he teases, voice rough and worn with sleep, heavy with the indulgence of time slowly passing, content to curl against me.
"Jungkook-ah..." I murmur, fingers brushing through his hair, combing through mussed wavy strands.
He hums, head resting on my shoulder, cheek pressed to skin.
"As much as I adore hugging you... if you continue to stay like this I suggest we take this to bed." Legs parting to let him settle more heavily against me, feel the grin curved against my shoulder before he nibbles playfully.
My hands drag across skin leisurely, fingers pressing more firmly against the toned breadth of his back, nails scraping and feel his hips buck forward.
His fingers tighten at my waist, tugging me forward.
Taking one staggered step back and then another, all rumpled hair and toned limbs, all rippling muscles and disarming grin.
Drawing me back against him towards the bed, one slow step after the other, bunny grin scrunched with warmth, eyes dark and mischievous.
His calves hit the side of the bed first and when he tugs it's with a force that knocks him back and yanks me onto him, legs hastily parting to settle on either side of his, encasing his thighs tightly between them.
My hand drags across his shoulder and sternum, splaying wide across warm, warm skin to settle on a toned pec, lips quirking as he squirms almost immediately.
"Eager today bun?"
He settles back comfortably in the sheets, half-propped up by his arms as he pushes into the touch.
"Depends on how eager you are."
My hand drags across his thigh, squeezing tight, watch as his legs fall open wider, ears flopped and grin inviting.
Hand reaching out to wind around my wrist to tug me closer, eyes gleaming when my wings flare wide, unconsciously bracketing him in further, a surge of possessiveness burning through me as I duck my head to press kisses to his shoulder and throat.
"I've nowhere more important to be."
His teeth sink in sharply into my shoulder, fingers dragging stinging trails of heat as I still inside him, body radiant with pleasure, every muscle and limb coiled tight as his back arches up, gripping at me, shuddering my name against my skin.
In response to the heavy pulse of arousal, to the thickening weight of his scent on my tongue, dizzying and rich, my wings flare wide, taut and panning out to hide the sight of my mate in pleasure, his legs tightening around my waist as he writhes, tugging me impossibly closer, spilled release between us.
"Jin..." mouth at my shoulder, fingers raking lower as the tips of them brush across the hard edge of my wings, nails pressing with force enough that my body shudders under the touch, hips bucking forward with a harsh, rough thrust, groaning at the touch pooling fire across skin, searing it through my veins; molten desire hot and uncontrollable. So easily, so readily responsive to his touch.
"Baby stop...." I hiss, hips rocking forward at the arousal that lances at skin almost painfully in its heavy intensity, at the drag of his body against mine, at his shaky smile pressed to my shoulder, nose nudging against my throat.
"Want me to do the work? Want to lie there and look pretty? Be my pillow prince?" he offers, voice breathless, lips pressing messy kisses to skin, tugging me closer, fingers entangling in hair.
"Want to take care of your hyung?" I ask, head ducking closer, nosing at his jaw, teeth dragging across the curve of his throat, sinking in sharper at his gland, his back bowing off the bed with a hoarse cry.
"Yes... I'll take care of you... mate my swan so well." He promises.
Breaths quiet and trembling, fingers falling away to let the bubbling heat of desire quieten, wings flapping restlessly before he draws himself upright, hands fisting into the sheets, legs locking tight around my hips before he twists.
Thighs squeezing tight from where they clamp around my legs on either side of me, drawing himself up to hold him over me, caging me under muscled arms taut with tension as he grins; ears flopping and hair falling forward as he leans to me, brushing a peck across my lips.
His fingers drag purposely over the rim of my wing, watches my hips buck restlessly as they flare, back arching up at the touch.
"Be good for me bun. Mate your swan." I groan, hand dragging down his sternum, feeling his muscles shift and tense under my touch, breath a soft exhale before he ducks his head to scent-mark, fingers working their way across skin, squeezing appreciatively, beginning to press a trail of kisses down my throat.
My head sinks back, throat arching at the touch, feel his touch, his attention narrow to my throat, groaning against the crook of my neck, teeth working the sensitive skin between them.
The roll of his hips against mine fan the heat to burn low in my gut, the drag of skin against skin and his pheromones pooling on my tongue as he scents, body aching for his scented claim.
"I will." He vows against my collarbone, feverishly skimming his hands across my skin and tugging me closer even as he leans lower, my hand curling around his arm, fingers pressing tightly to his bicep, lips chasing his for a kiss that's soft and unrushed and slow.
His hand curls around my thigh, skimming upwards in a sweeping touch.
Fingers reaching to curl around me, tugging out soft, broken moans against him as he curls closer.
Every touch promising to leave their imprint behind.
By the time the two of us emerge into the living room, breakfast is halfway done, a resounding growl shuddering through the air that has Kookie's steps stumbling, ears perking immediately in response to the predatory rumble that shudders through the chatter and cleaves it. Brings it to a screeching halt.
Joon's eyes flash, dilated with a hunger that's unmistakeable.
Hobi's hand that'd been busily brushing over flickering ears, brown spotted with white, (Y/N)'s ears turning as doe eyes peer at us from Tae's lap.
"Hungry pup? There's plenty of breakfast still." I tease, nudging Kookie forward, lips twitching at the noticeably wider eyes he beholds his alpha hyungie with, nose scrunching as he ducks his head towards Yoongi's greeting petting, baring his neck easily before he slips into a seat beside him.
The hand that settles over his thigh is both possessive and grounding, a nose nudging against his cheek in a quiet, affectionate nuzzle as Yoongi reaches for a plate.
"You almost missed breakfast." Hobi grins, eyes raking appreciatively, a glint in his eyes as he runs his gaze over my torso, eyes the bite at my shoulder with a humming sound, lips quirking up as his ears twirl, continuing to rub at (Y/N)'s ears, leaning to brush a kiss to them.
Tae's hands are wound protectively and possessively around her curled form, and the huffing fox pressed to his shoulder, cheek squished against skin peers with a pout at first (Y/N) and then at us, jutting his lips out.
"I don't want to go to work. Want to stay at home like (Y/N) and Tae." Looking at me with heavy implore, eyeing my wings with the need and want to hide away in them.
Away from the narrow eyed wolf who tears his gaze away long enough from Kookie and me to shoot him a stare.
"You need to meet up with the lawyer's team and the undercover team we've placed in Gangnam."
He presses firmer against Tae, fangs nipping at the curve of his shoulder, sinking in sharp enough Tae yelps before he laughs, smoothening a finger over the bridge of (Y/N)'s nose, her eyes blinking up at the two of them, body pressing closer, hoof pressing to his chest in silent comfort, warm eyes drifting about.
"That means (Y/N)'s mine. Too bad Minnie." Tae goads with a bubbling laugh, squirming at Hobi's playful prods and the nips he gets from Jiminie for his taunt.
The scent of berries is sweet and strong and douses (Y/N) in it too, whatever mint Minnie had scented and claimed her with gone or hidden away under Tae's thorough scenting. And it's clear from the preening smugness rolling off the tiger that it was him who'd scooped her away and had settled contentedly with his fawn for the day.
"What if the little kit shifts hyung? You don't want to miss that." Kook encourages, nose scrunching at him, grin bright and warm.
"True~ but why does Tae get to have (Y/N) all alone on her day off... she doesn't even smell like me now." He grumbles, ears drooping as he lifts his head from Tae's shoulder, ducking lower to nuzzle at her cheek, mint softening and pulsing sweet when she turns her head to nudge her nose against his, head ducking to brush small grooming licks to his jaw.
"Lucky cub is all I can say." I laugh, sliding into the seat beside Joon, his tail thumping quick, scooting closer with an affectionate, dimpled smile.
My hand falls to his thigh, squeezing before I turn to brush a kiss across his lips, eyes crinkling at the soft whine before he leans closer to press a smatter of pecks, soft kisses; eager and warm as he tilts to me.
"Lucky swan." I whisper, watching the dark of his eyes glow with satisfaction.
"Can I drive you to work pretty pup?" I murmur, watching his dimples deepen, unable to help myself and lean closer to press kisses to the deep indents, smiling against skin when his hand reflexively falls to grip at me.
"And me!" Jiminie gripes but there's a fondness when I turn, a sweet, endearing warmth in the crinkle of his eyes as he smiles, cheeks curving up, head still tilted towards (Y/N), encouraging her scenting with soft chirps that rumble in his throat. Batting away the stripey tail prodding and brushing against his side.
"And you... and Hobi and Yoongi too." I trill, reaching for the toast to find Tae intercepts it first, grinning boxy and warm as he lathers strawberry jam onto one slice and butters the other. Leaning over carefully to set it onto my plate.
Pure feline in the way his tongue darts out to taste the berry jam off the pad of his thumb, something purely cub in how he chuffs at the taste before carefully spooning out a small dollop onto his fingers to offer to (Y/N), chuffs deep and proud and rumbling with happiness when her head dips to eat, tongue darting out to taste the sticky sweetness with a quiet bleat of thanks. Nibbling his fingers gently once she's eaten the jam, head tilting closer, scent soft and pulsing sweet under his saccharine berry.
"Hyung—where are you going?" Hobi asks curiously, half-distracted as he continues to pet (Y/N), fingers rubbing across her back, watching as she squirms and shuffles on Tae's lap, spearing fruit and eating it, holding every other piece out to her to nibble at, caramel scent sticky sweet with warmth and affection.
"Just out. Felt like taking a walk around, visiting the library..." he shrugs, eyes lazy in their drag across his mate, smile gummy when Joon's ears automatically perk up, eyes shining at the thought.
"Going solo? No mate to woo and court and act all possessive over?" Tae grins, eyes sparking with tease.
"Might be to get more paper for all those love letters~" Hobi hums, lips twitching and ears twirling at the automatic hiss Yoongi lets out, tail curling and snapping, eyes narrowing.
"They're not love letters they're—" he exclaims, (Y/N)'s head rising and turning to peer at him, doe eyes shining and focused on him.
The sharpness immediately dissipates, gummy smile fond and tender as he presses a finger to his lips.
"They're secrets."
And ones he doesn't plan on divulging any time soon.
And ones no-one truly intends on drawing out in the first place.
Relishing in the teasing and how it makes his scent pool and entangle with everyone's amusement.
Pheromones pulsing strong with amusement.
The teasing glances linger and yet he doesn't truly mind, crouching down beside (Y/N) before he's ready to leave, cupping her cheeks to gently scent, smile gummy and smitten when she nudges her nose and cheek against his neck and sends him off with the pulsing sweetness of anise clinging to his skin and the entire pack's.
Scenting her claims from her curled up spot on Tae's lap.
Looking for all the world content and pleased.
Just as eagerly curling back to Tae and relishing having her berry mate alone to herself.
Letting her sweet anise entangle with saccharine berry. Syrupy and sticky with contentment.
"Kook-ah... bun don't go to (Y/N)'s room. They'll be out for dinner when they feel like it." I call as I watch his eyes constantly drift around the living room, petulantly trying to figure where the curled fawn we'd left behind with Tae was. Nose scrunching as he chases the lingering sweet softness of her scent entangled with saccharine berry.
I feel his gaze drift to me, see the curiosity of the two felines in the kitchen, stilling in their tasks to peer at me.
"Why not?"
I feel my lips tug up, the shrug of my shoulders loose as I continue to set out the plates.
"Tae's feeling possessive today." I remark.
As if the words alone summate the sight I'd come home to. The sight burned across my mind and vision, seared across my memory with a fierce branding heat.
There was no way Tae was going to let anyone close to (Y/N).
Especially with the way his body had pinned hers to the wall, the way it had bracketed her with a rumbling growl, covering her away but not before the sight of the unravelled towel and soft curves lathed in blooming reddening marks had caught my eye. Some darker than others, her scent sticky sweet and seeping through the air. A hand curled possessively on the inside of her parted thighs.
Not before I saw the way he pushed his hips against her, arms caging her and tail curling and snapping with a sharp predatory intent that seeped out into his scent. That had the fawn under his touch and him going lax at the pulse of predatory dominance seeping through his pheromones.
Eyes flashing as his head had turned, glazed with a need that went beyond possessiveness.
There was a primal ache in his eyes and a stiffness that he tried to force away, tried to dispel even as the tension bled out of his posture, recognising my scent and presence.
And though I hadn't approached, hadn't breached whatever primal biological instincts were pushing full force, were rearing their head, he hadn't wanted to share, the vulnerability of that moment where (Y/N) was solely just his. Just his mate in that moment, in that wild headspace where he was not sharing.
Possessiveness laced into his body, hands still gripping her tightly.
The rumbling growl still present in his voice as I spoke, voice softer, soothing the frazzled instinct balking at the presence of someone else when he was coveting his mate.
"Tae—I'll be on the other side if you need me, either of you."
Steps retreating to re-exit and move to the other door, the growling rumbles still heard past the front door as I tugged it shut, muffled but there.
It gives an immediate inkling that when any of the predators go into rut, it was going to be a messier ordeal than I expected, it was going to be a clash of biologies warring with each other. Conflicting and raring and possessive over the two preys.
That when their ruts hit... it was going to be wild and untamed.
There's traces of concern and comprehension on Yoongi's face but he doesn't draw away to check either, he continues chopping, the sound of the knife against the board measured and even. After a pause Hobi turns back to the stove with a small smile.
Koo's face is petulant, but he sinks onto the arm of the nearest couch, ears flopping.
"Is that why Minnie looks so pouty?" Joon asks as he enters, cradling the wilted fox in his arms, against his chest. He's circled up and at his words, tucks closer against his bare chest, whining low in his throat as his tail droops.
"Oh what a sweetheart." I coo, watching as Kookie's attention goes to the petulant fox, flopped ears perking slightly as he straightens.
"You know~ Minnie hyungie..." he lilts, the words slow and dragged out and despite himself, folded ears flicker, perking slightly with curiosity. He doesn't unfurl from his huffy state.
"Minnie hyungie am I not your prey mate?" voice drawing every word out, dark eyes shining as his lips twitch when his ears pop and a loud indignant chirp disputes his words, head rising from where it'd been burrowed against Joon's arm to peer back at bun, dark eyes flashing.
Kookie's ears perk as he smiles, toothy and scrunchy, face creased with warmth despite the accusatory stare the pink fox in Joon's arm shoots him.
He gestures to his lap, brushing his hands over his thighs, over shorts and skin and I know that every single gaze in the room focuses on his hands, at the inked fingers settling over his skin, sprawled there.
"I don't seem to have an orange—" the chirps are in loud quick succession, tail swishing and ears folded as Jiminie stares balefully at his pink fur, dark eyes shiny with reproach because at the moment he isn't orange.
"I don't have an orange trying to clamour for my time. Is it because you can't manhandle me as easily?"
Knowing full well he isn't digging a grave but rather dragging everyone down into the trap he so readily, so easily lays.
And even knowing full well what he's trying to do, knowing the mischief glittering in his eyes, knowing the amusement that curls his lips into a teasing grin... even though I know exactly what he stirs up by saying those words, the clothes doing nothing to hide the muscles underneath.
The scents in the room spike with interest, with heavy intent.
The drag of Jiminie's gaze is dark and he wriggles in Joon's lax arms, drawing up before he hops down and pads forward in a quick scurrying motion, paws scrabbling across the carpet before he hops onto the couch, clambering onto his lap and settling on sprawled thighs.
The pink thick floof of his tail swishes and sways as he peers up at Kookie, paws stretching out to try clutch at his shirt, nose nudging at his jaw before his head dips to nip at his throat. Cotton tail twitching at the sudden bite that Minnie chirps n nuzzles at, soothing away with an indulgent curl to a fangy grin, ears flickering against his throat.
An inked arm curls around to steady him, fingers sinking into thick fur to pet him.
"But then again... I suppose that's why I get along so well with my fawn. She likes being manhandled by me."
There's a sharp hiss and the sound of the pan being moved back and then a startled groan that's distinctly Yoongi as the fox on Kookie's lap shifts.
And now Jimin sits, straddling him, hand dragging upwards where his paw was and lithe, toned limbs and supple skin where he arches his back and leans forward. The two of them teeter off balance, hand darting out to try steady him and the fox now straddling him, bare limbs entangling with his.
My mouth dries, goes slack at the guttural growl that shudders through the air past Joon's lips, eyes dragging appreciatively, lingering on the curves and lines of his bare mate.
My eyes drag down the curve of his spine, to how his tail swishes, brushes low, a soft curse as Kookie winds his arms around, toppled back onto the couch with a naked fox straddling him, preening and dark eyes glittering as he gives him a coy smile, full lips tugging up and giving a pearly mischievous smile, eyes crinkled with amusement.
The pink strands of his hair fall forward as he leans to crook up Kook's jaw, thumb dragging against his bottom lip before he nips it.
"Bun I thought you'd never ask... I like when my prey puts up a struggle. You know before I hunt them."
Ears perked up fully, none of the huffiness lingering as he grins, their bodies pressed close.
Yoongi groans.
"Grab something Jimin-ah. You're not coming to dinner naked."
His tail swishes, foxy hunter's gaze as he peers down at Koo.
"Oh I think I won't need clothes to sink my teeth into a bun."
"Jimin-ah dinner before you decide to pin Kook over the table instead." I call out, watching his eyes flash as he turns to look at me, gaze lidded.
"Oh but hyung... he practically invited the pack to manhandle him. I won't be a good mate if I ever let any of my pack feel like I don't want to constantly just devour them." He lilts, letting out a yelp of surprise when hands grip his thighs and hoist him up, their bodies twisting on the couch as Kook hovers over him, drags him upright and hoists Jimin with an effortless ease.
Hands sprawled across his thighs and eyes dragging across his front.
"Shame hyung I'm really hungry... so I'll have to decline your gracious offer." Eyes bright with laughter, watching as Jiminie squirms, tries to disentangle with a warning growl when Kook makes way for the doorway, laughing at the small nips he gets for keeping his grip firm, even as the fox in his arm tries to tug himself free.
"Kookieee let me goooo, what about dinner?" he whines.
I feel laughter bubbling past my lips even as my gaze tracks them, wings flapping, amused at the flailing limbs just as much as my eyes linger on his bare torso, on the curve of his back and the muscles of his biceps.
"Clothes first... I have other predator hyungs just as able I'm sure~" he laughs, nudging open the nearest bedroom door before there's the sound of a large squawked protest and pealing giggles, scuffles and then quiet thumps.
"Jungkook come back! Don't leave meeee!" breathless laughter laces into the words and a whine that drags the pitch of his voice up, high and petulant.
"I'm hungry hyung. And not for sex."
The whine drags out muffled laughter from behind me and the amusement to Joon's dimpled grin, deepening as he peers past the doorway curiously.
"....after dinner?" he bargains.
"Put some clothes on hyung and then after dinner let's see if you still have stamina."
And we've barely sat down to begin eating, Hobi's hand settled possessively over Kookie's thigh, fingers curled against skin, Joon quickly slipping into the seat beside him when Jiminie hurries back into the kitchen, eyes immediately pinning onto bun.
"Namjoon-ah move." He growls, eyes flashing impatiently.
"Joonie... it's not fair."
My hand darts out to snag at his t-shirt, lips quirking when I see it's put on back to front, tugging him towards me, the pink of his tail brushing against the back of my hand as wide imploring puppy eyes are turned onto me instead.
"Jin hyung..."
"Come eat pup... bun's got you wrapped around his finger it seems."
And the glinting, toying mischief that looks at me from across the table, the curved grin before he spears salad, nibbling slowly as his eyes drift across the table.
The similar state of quiet heated frustration and lingering glances.
Kookie did that.
And he relishes in it.
It's a quiet, restless instinct two nights later that tugs me out of bed, unable to sleep though it's been hours since I've lain down, since I've tried to fall asleep to the rumbles I can feel pressed against my chest, ears flickering softly and sleepily, occasionally brushing against my collarbone.
My fingers brush across Joon's ears, skimming to scratch gently at his scalp, trailing lower to rub circles onto his nape, smiling when the rumbles deepen, his body curled close, the heat of his torso pressed close, his hand curled around my waist, settled there.
Even as he sleeps his tail swishes, thumping every now and then against the bed, quiet, muffled thuds.
It takes considerable effort to carefully disentangle from the wolf curled close, fingers constantly drifting back to rub his ears and brush against his gland, coaxing the dewy forest scent to settle, deepening with sleep, pheromones a blanketing weight of something intrinsically pack and wilderness entangled in the scent seeping off him.
And even more so effort in quietly slipping from bed, wings rustling and tucking against my back, movements painstakingly careful as I slip past the open doorway, hand rubbing at my eyes, padding down towards the kitchen.
It's the sight of dishes in the sink, and the already low dim lighting of the kitchen that has me stilling, eyes quickly adjusting as I pad forward. Even though sleep clings to me, drowsiness doesn't... exhaustion trying to drag me down but some part of me refusing to shut off.
The quiet sounds of voices seem to come from a distance, muffled and low enough that I wouldn't have heard them from my room, that I wouldn't have picked up on them had I not been close enough. Swan instincts aren't programmed to be sharp at hearing as it is for seeing.
And the sight that greets me in the living room, in the sprawled semi-nest on the floor, a mix of blankets and cushions and limbs; eyes dragging to the two curled figures leaning against the couch, one tucked under the other. Lips quirking up.
"Now why does this sight look familiar?" I tease, stepping past the doorway and watching as ears twirl quickly, head twisting to peer back at me, a grin tugging at heart-shaped lips, endearing and warm and so, so familiar to me.
The book he clutches in his hand is tugged away by a smaller hand and bright, wide-eyed doe eyes peer at me, ears flickering as she beams at me.
"Jinnie! Sorry did we wake you?" an apology tugging at her lips, wincing guiltily as I approach, shaking my head, wings seeming to rustle in agreement, flapping behind me.
"I couldn't sleep... what are you two doing up?"
There's textbooks and notes strewn across the blankets and half-drunk mugs of hot chocolate set carefully aside. My lips tug up at the familiarity of the scene, of how much I recognise it from our own dorm rooms at uni, from how much of a mess Hobi seemed to make of the living rooms during assignments. So at odds with his habitual tend to clean and sort things out quickly.
"I don't think I've ever slept and lain down this much on my days off... I think Tae finally let me up because we were both hungry." Eyes bright with warmth, cheeks flushed and despite the oversized drape of pyjamas very distinctively Tae's, there's no mistaking the physical and scented claims he's left behind days prior but still vivid on her skin, the blooming marks trailing down the curve of her throat and the quiet trembles to her legs, occasionally seeming to jolt as she draws them to herself, curled on Hobi's lap. His hand skimming over them, the small quirk to his lips suggesting the shakiness is his doing.
It's been a repeated pattern, an increasingly possessive tiger swiping (Y/N) at every given chance, whisking her away to her room because there he didn't need to share with the other two felines. A need that the other two were easily understandable of, a similar possessive glint in Yoongi's eyes when he'd explained.
Felines didn't share. And with (Y/N) as the prey in their dynamic, to three courting mates... felines were territorial. "We don't share hyung. And Tae... he's learnt that he can be selfish. Cos right now she's just his." Eyes dark and glinting, voice a soft hushed murmur even as his fingers brush over Jiminie's flickering ears, smile gummy and teasing at the forlorn whine muffled against his lap.
"We don't share in ruts. And it's new for Tae... cheer up pup. You've got an entire pack you've been hoarding." Fingers playfully pinching his nape, eyes still dark as they held mine, something unspoken and charged and heavy in them.
So for the past three nights, Tae swipes (Y/N).
And even now there's no mistaking that even if we hadn't known where she was that the tell-tale glaring indication of berry drenching her skin and filling the room, the thick intensity of it burrowed layers deep into her, that she's been with her tiger.
"I didn't see him—"
"He might've gone to find one of the others." But his scent remains. To remind the pack. Possessive tiger.
My lips curve up, head tilting towards their semi-huddled state, nest and clothes rumpled and their eyes glittering with alertness, buzzing through their scents.
"And (Y/N)... sweet dear might've found me." Hobi adds with a laugh before he pats the space beside him with a welcoming tilt to his head, eyes bright with the same familiarity and memories flickering through his gaze.
"Would a swan mate stay? Keep his troubled kit company?" he sighs, the unconscious, or maybe intentional, as he arches his throat, head resting on (Y/N)'s shoulder and presenting the slender curve of his throat to me, to the glands that just silently stir the aching to sink my teeth in.
"You don't need to use studying as an excuse to get into my pants anymore Hob-ah." I tease, eyes narrowing as I step forward, his hand quickly circling my wrist to tug me down beside them, wings flaring out when my balance is thrown off by the sudden motion, stumbling against him, arm curling around me as he draws me into their huddle; limbs entangling and knocking against each other.
My breath's punctured out of my lungs when Hobi elbows me in my stomach accidentally, fumbling apologies and pealing laughter that entangles together as he rubs my torso apologetically, eyes dancing with amusement and the barest hint of contriteness, lips twitching as he tries to press back his laugh.
"You—" I hiss, unable to even drag a scowl to my face with how his scent pools rich and sweet on my tongue, bursting thick and strong, molten caramel laughter and sugary sweet amusement that from this close, looming over him all I can smell, and taste is the honeyed warmth of his pheromones.
"Sorry...sorry hyung. I just wanted you to cuddle too!" slightly breathless, ears twirling and eyes going a fraction wide when I tilt his jaw to me, when he in turn goes compliant, something searing through me, a hot flash of bubbling want at how easily our bodies respond to each other, the feel of his body engrained into memory countless times.
"Want some?" (Y/N) offers, holding out her mug with a warm fondness once I've managed to manoeuvre myself beside the two of them, her fingers curled carefully around the ceramic.
It's almost a peace offering for the elbow to my stomach, the fond tease in her eyes as she watches me take the mug and rubs my side sympathetically, tugging the textbook away from Hobi's lax grip.
It's decadent and rich, filling in a way that trickles warmth to my stomach with every sip, the mug seeping heat into skin, something the pride glow in her eyes attest to.
"You'll have to teach me too pretty love. I have a feeling you've got hidden talents." Watching the sleeve dangle, gaping at her wrist, reaching to tug her hand gently, drawing her wrist to my nose to nuzzle gently, pressing a kiss there.
Her cheeks pinken, flushing slightly before she leans over Hobi, body curving over his front, wrist still lightly clutched in my grip before she pecks my lips.
"I take kisses as payment." She whispers, hushed and conspiring.
My eyes drag over her lips, plush and slightly swollen already. Let myself lean in for another peck, tongue flicking briefly against the seam of her mouth, tasting the same rich sweetness on her.
"I'll pay with interest."
There's a sharp hiss, startling and sudden and the petulant scowl on Hobi's face when I draw back slightly tugs a grin onto my lips.
"Now who's trying to charm their way into her pants?" eyes glittering and sharp.
"It's not charm I'll need." I coo, letting my thumb brush over his scowling lips, tugging at his bottom lip, their scents pulsing responsively, the wrist in my hold curling slightly before sweet anise trickles out.
"It might have to be me seducing him into my bed. Or his. Or wherever." (Y/N) laughs but there's a promising lilt to the curve of her mouth and a dangerous gleam that momentarily makes me forget that she's prey. Because prey means nothing if she wants to hunt.
Because there's nothing but the thrill of the absence of the need to hunt and mate and lay a claim but that in no means lessens the same fire I see reflected in her eyes, burning with promise and enthral, heady and dark.
"I won't remember a thing for my assessments if you're going to start this right over me." Hobi's voice is hoarse and strangled, laced with a guttural growl as his eyes flutter, head tilting back to sink against the couch.
My eyes watch his ears twirl and the curving grin he can't suppress despite his groaning as he sprawls back.
"Didn't you need an incentive or two to help you study? I remember some scores you worked for. Especially when it came to rutting it out of your system."
(Y/N)'s eyes brighten with curiosity, drifting to Hobi, watching him open his eyes slightly, narrow slits that peer at her with a small grin.
"Something on your mind my dear?"
She hums, leaning forward to affectionately nuzzle at his jaw, the gesture tender and soft, teeth nipping lightly at the sharp angular curve.
"I never knew you could work yourself into a rut..." almost thoughtful and intrigued.
He grins at her.
"You don't know a lot about how mean Jin hyung can be. I think once he triggered my rut purposely by letting someone get all handsy and touchy during finals." His eyes glower with the reminder, displeasure curling at his lips.
And not for the first time I wonder how on earth we'd never realised... how we'd never realised how far the possessiveness ran for both of us?
"Got my poor worked up kit all hot and bothered?" she coos sympathetically, smiling when he grumbles in agreement, tilting to her, cheek offered for the comfort he wants her to give by pressing pecks to skin. Soothed by her indulgent agreement, nuzzling her cheek against his, arm curled loosely around his waist as she nudges her nose against his jaw.
"I think we never made it back to the flats. Not straight away. I don't even think I got my apron off after my practical exam." I laugh, even as a molten flash of heat pulses through me at the reminder.
Teeth at my nape, growling and hands gripping my waist tightly... hand fumbling to lock the door, wings flaring under his touch, the trail of feverish lips skimming across skin as his hands worked the zipper of my jeans. Hand dragging across skin and body bracketing mine.
She looks delighted at the admission even as her eyes darken, desire searing across her features, fingers crooking under Hobi's jaw to turn his face to hers, lips soft as she kisses him, a teasing smile that slots to his mouth and draws his attention to her, a soft rumbled approval as his hand reaches out to tug her closer, fangs sinking into her bottom lip, tugging out a soft whimper. My wings rustle and shift at the sight, spine tingling with the ache to wrap my wings around them, to tug kiss swollen lips to my own, to tease out the same sounds from both of them. There's sparking heat that blooms as I watch Hobi tug her closer, as her hand curls around his nape to draw their lips impossibly closer, the soft slick sounds of their tongues, the shaky breaths and the low deep groan he gives as his head tilts to her, fingers brushing against my hand. (Y/N)'s hand drifting past his waist to reach for me, entangling our hand together, squeezing before her fingers skim to circle my wrist, brushing against my glands. There's something heady and intoxicating about seeing how two mates lose themselves in each other, in the mischief that presses to his jaw in a peck, head ducking lower to nose at his gland even as her hand coaxes me closer.
"Never knew how impatient you could be Hobi... for a predator I always thought you were tame." She teases, and the shuddering growl that ripples through the air crackles with pheromones, with biological dominance that has eyes fluttering, lips momentarily parting at his gland, shaky exhale against his throat, ears flickering at the sound.
"Oh baby... he's the furthest thing from tame." His fingers curl possessively at her hip, toying with the hem of her pyjama top. Absently brushing his fingers across the waistband, across the slither of skin as she squirms, legs unconsciously jolting at his touch, her eyes holding mine.
Pupils dilating slightly.
"Maybe one day... you'll let both of us seduce you. Into your bed." I lilt.
She shakes her head, ears twisting at the small nip to them.
"Consider me seduced."
"But as much as I'd like to take you to bed now.... It seems dear Hobi is busy with assignments."
The scowled displeasure comes with a burning gaze.
My fingers reach to brush against his jaw, skimming across his bottom lip.
"Guess there's that incentive for you kit." I croon.
"And maybe... maybe this year, you'll let me coax a rut out of you again."
And his eyes pool with liquid heat, the same that sears through my veins even as I reach for (Y/N), hand skimming across her thigh before I draw his fingers away to replace them with my own, feel her shudder at the growl that's quietened by my eyes meeting his with the same intense heat.
"Now how about... we see how much you remember? And you'll get a kiss for every right answer." I lean forward to draw (Y/N) properly onto my lap, arms winding around her waist, lips brushing against her nape.
"And for every wrong answer?" doe eyes peer at me as she tilts her head back.
I lean down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose.
"Then I get to give you a kiss. And you need to give me one. So two kisses." Pecking her cheeks.
Her smile is warm and delighted despite the loud protest Hobi gives.
(Y/N)'s eyes flutter as I lean close, hand cupping her cheek, lips kiss-bitten and reddened by pressure, slick against my own as her tongue brushes against the seam of my lips in askance, a soft groan tumbling past my lips as I hover over her, body half-curled and wings flared.
Lips drag slowly down her jaw, skimming to mouth at her throat, nose brushing against her pulse point as her fingers curl against my chest, knuckles brushing skin as she parts her mouth, tongue sweeping against mine.
The textbooks and notes lie abandoned, hours gone since I'd first found them, body sinking lower with the gravitational tug towards my two mates, fingers brushing her hair away from her cheek, grazing against her ear before my fingers cradle her nape, draw her closer to me, groaning against the lingering sweetness at her lips, the sticky sweet caramel warmth that clings to her mouth, her teeth dragging across my bottom lip. Her groan is low and shuddered, accompanied with a burst of pheromones, fangs scraping against her gland as her legs jolt, unconsciously stiffening before she sinks down, hand imploringly trying to draw me closer, trailing from my sternum to my shoulder, fingers curling into skin.
There's a hazy slowness to the press of her lips moving against mine, languid in the way they chase the soft intimacy of kisses that linger more and more, until work had been all but left behind and the giddy warmth of overlapping voices had quietened to quiet murmurs and breaths shuddered against each other.
There's no biting urge for control, for dominance, the sweeping curl of her tongue heady as she chases mine, brushes past my bottom lip, nothing that makes our biology fight for control because there's nothing but a burning heat where her mouth scorches mine and needy impatience as she tugs me closer, fingers skimming my nape to tug at hair, impatience in the shuddered ache I can feel in the kiss. Lips bruised and swollen with her claim, fingers curling reflexively tighter around her nape, feel the way that her body sinks down, a fluttering pulse of anise thickened with sweet, sweet desire, as Hobi's teeth sink into her gland at the same time, the dual pressure coaxing her biology, her body to go loose. Her hand at my nape remains, fingers entangled in hair as she tugs me closer, eyes hazy but in their reflection I can see the same mirrored, unravelling in myself.
Can feel the same looseness in my limbs, body sinking closer to hers, wings fluttering sluggishly at the slow tracing shapes her fingers brush across my arm, gripping me closer even as her throat arches under Hobi's mouth, inviting the feline's slow burning intensity, the headiness of his claim as he growls against her skin, a rumbled softness to it regardless.
"Doing okay baby girl?"
Her eyes are glassy, but they burn with the same ache I feel tugging me closer until my body brackets hers, hovering and caging her in between thighs that settle on either side of her and arms that bend to let my lips brush over hers, softer pecks as her breaths and mine shudder for reprieve.
And her lips curve at the corners, breath hitching when at my words Hobi groans against her throat, tongue flicking against her gland that he continues to work and coax into sensitivity, reeling out her pheromones that trickle out to entangle with vanilla and caramel.
My nose nudges against hers, lips coaxing hers, slow and unrushed as she kisses me, the brush of my tongue lazy and slow against hers, desperate to swallow down every trembling exhale, the soft groan as her head tilts back and her leg winds around my calf, tugging me down alongside her, the trembling jolt she gives when my hand curves around her hip and squeezes.
Still so responsive, so receptive to the barest touches after an entire day being burrowed in Tae's scent and touch.
And with her under me, I remember the hazy dilated eyes, blown wide with arousal, the rucked towel and body caged under Tae's.
I remember that but I see the way she reels the two of us in, our scents softening around each other, entangled with the weighted lure of drowsy contentment, body half-curling to settle beside her.
Her head tilts to brush kisses against my jaw, lips swollen from hours of slowly burning kisses, of late night dwindling to the slowly lightening inky blue. Dawn edging closer and closer, casting faint light and softer shadows that entangle with the dimmed light of the room.
"Hobi really, really needs to study." She half-slurs, lips curling up at the rumbled protest, the chiding sting of a nip at her gland before he curls closer, hand settled against the skin of her waist, eyes glinting with amusement and fondness and the familiar possessiveness as he settles beside her.
My lips pecks hers, once, twice, thrice... a dozen quick kisses pressed to smiling lips as my wings flap, tucking against my back, hand sprawling over her hips and settling there. Pecking her cheek softly.
Because my lips tingle and burn with the heat of hours drawing (Y/N)'s lips to mine.
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